Official road bends

Chapter 8, The Unspoken Rules of Failure

"Ah?" Xiaoqing, the sales lady, still couldn't believe her ears, and looked at Li Yi in disbelief. .

Lin Ling said: "Can't you understand human language? He bought all the villas in Guanyuan!"

"Really, really, really?" Xiaoqing swallowed, unable to believe it, and stuttered.

She is a college student who has just graduated, and the state does not cover her assignments, so she can only choose her own career.

She heard that the sales commission was high, so she became a sales lady.

She also heard that the more expensive the real estate, the higher the performance, so she came to Guanyuan.

Since she started working, she has been sincerely distributing leaflets every day and receiving customers enthusiastically, but there are many people looking at the houses, but none of them are buying houses.

So far, she has not even sold an apartment.

Living in the capital is not easy, and if the market is closed, she even has to borrow money from family and friends for food.

Yesterday, I just had a face-to-face meeting with Li Yi, and I gave him a leaflet as usual, and I didn't expect to really sell the house.

Seeing Li Yi's real arrival today, she was naturally very pleasantly surprised, thinking that if she could sell an apartment, her financial crisis would be relieved.

Now, Li Yi actually said that he would buy all the unsold villas!

That's a dozen buildings!

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary businessmen, if they want to buy a villa here, they have to weigh their own weight!

Who is this?Buy so much at once! !

"I didn't buy it." Li Yi said, "I bought it for my friend."

With so many properties, of course they cannot be placed in their own name.

Many of his properties were placed in the name of his uncle Li Yuanxiao, so this time he naturally bought the house in his name.

"Hey!" Seeing that Xiaoqing didn't respond, Lin Ling said, "Are you selling the house? How stupid!"

Xiaoqing reacted: "Sell, sell! Let me take you to see the house first? Please wait a moment, I will go to the manager to get the key."

Li Yi said: "Okay, first look at the quality of the house."

Xiaoqing ran to get the key.

Her colleague stopped her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is a client who wants to buy all the villas!" Xiaoqing has no city in her heart, and she has absolute trust in her colleagues, so she can say whatever she has, and quickly share the good news with her.

That colleague happened to be the one who went out with Xiaoqing yesterday to distribute leaflets. She looked at Li Yi and said, "Isn't that the man from yesterday? With him alone, can you buy all the villas? Don't you daydream Bar?"

"He said it himself, can it be false? I won't tell you, I'm going to get the key."

"Xiaoqing, listen to me, you have to be careful, there are some men these days, just in the name of buying a house, to date a beautiful sales lady! Don't lose your wife and lose your army!"

"There are so many beauties around him, any one of them is prettier than me, how could he have a crush on me?"

"This is his trick to get caught! Hmph, I can't hide it from my eyes!"

"No way? I think that gentleman is quite a gentleman." After all, Xiaoqing was not deeply involved in the world, so she was a little scared.

"Gentleman? Those are wolves in sheep's clothing! Xiaoqing, you don't have to be afraid, I will help you."

"Okay, thank you, Xiaohong."

Xiaohong patted Xiaoqing on the shoulder and told her to get the key, then twisted her waist and walked towards Li Yi.

"Sir." Xiaohong smiled and said, "It's my pleasure to serve you."

Lin Ling and Shangguan Jin had already gone to the front of the sand table to admire the model of the villa area. Lin Ling had visited the house once, but hadn't seen the villa area. At this moment, she and Shangguan Jin were pointing to the exquisite villa area and discussing one after another.

Li Yi said oh, and glanced at Xiaohong: "Hey, why did you change?"

"It's like this. I'm Xiaoqing's friend and her colleague. She went to get the key and asked me to come and receive you first. Listen to her, you want to buy all the villas?"

"Well." Li Yi said lightly.

"Sir, are you really going to buy all the villas?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Ah, no, very good, very appropriate. Sir, I am a gold medal salesman here, and I am willing to provide services for you. You can call me Xiaohong, sir. Xiaoqing has just arrived, and she is not familiar with the structure of the house. I don’t know the characteristics. I have been in the industry for more than three years, and I understand the market very well. If you ask me to serve you, I will be much better than Xiaoqing.”

"No need. Thank you."

"Sir, an excellent salesperson can provide you with better services."

"It's really not necessary. I'll check the quality of the house, and I can buy it with full payment immediately, without any service."

Full payment!

The commission for this payment method is the highest!

Gosh!So many villas, pay in full!

How much commission is that?

It's enough to buy a nice house in Beijing!

"Sir, let me show you the apartment!" Xiaohong decided to grab this list!

"No need, I have a salesperson. Thank you." Li Yi owns a domestic No. [-] Sihai Group, and is very familiar with real estate. Whether it is the quality of the house or the quality of the location, he is always Expert.

"Sir." Xiaohong said: "I can provide special services that Xiaoqing cannot provide!"

"Don't you just buy a house? Are there any special services?" Li Yi looked at Lin Ling and Shangguan Jin, absent-mindedly perfunctory.

"Sir!" Xiaohong yelled out loudly.

But Li Yi's gaze never turned to her.

In his eyes, a woman like Xiaohong is really not worth looking at twice.

"Sir." Xiao Hong lowered her voice and said, "I can make you very happy. Tonight, you can invite me out for a drink and a movie..."

Words, enough blunt.

But Li Yi was still indifferent, as if he had just heard it, he asked, "What?"

Xiaohong bit her lip, a little unwilling, she stretched out her hand, took Li Yi's arm, and said in a charming voice: "Sir, tonight, I invite you out for a drink, and then watch a movie together, okay?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested. I don't have time." Li Yi said lightly.

At this time, Xiaoqing came over with a bunch of keys, her face was flushed. In the manager's office just now, the manager heard her say that there was a client who wanted to buy all the villas. She still didn't believe it. He just settled the account with a smile. Tell her, tell her how much you can earn with so many villas. If you really complete this list, then you will be prosperous and you will be famous in the industry.

"Sir, let's go." Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"Give it to me." Xiaohong took the key from Xiaoqing's hand and said, "Xiaoqing, go to Manager Liu, he was calling for you just now!"

"But, I want to take clients to see the house."

"Is the manager more important than the client? If the manager has an opinion on you, you're screwed! Why don't you go soon? I'll just take the client to see the house." Xiaohong said.

Xiaoqing groaned, and said gratefully, "Then thank you, Sister Hong."

After hearing this, Li Yi shook his head secretly, thinking that this girl is too scheming, right?It's so easy to be fooled by colleagues!

It didn't matter to him, he called Shang Lin Ling and Shang Guan Jin, and followed the salesman named Xiao Hong to look at the house.

With two beauties by Li Yi's side, it's hard for Xiaohong to show her charms. She just keeps sending glances secretly and hinting to Li Yi with her eyes that she is very interested in him and can let him do whatever he wants.

But Li Yi's eyes never stayed on her for a moment.

All her hard work and pretentiousness were in vain.

Lin Ling and Shangguanjin were very happy, and they looked at it carefully, because they were choosing a future house for themselves!

The villa is a rough house, which has not yet been decorated. At a glance, you can see the layout, structure and materials of the room clearly.

After looking at three or four houses in a row, Lin Ling happily took Li Yi's hand and said, "Brother-in-law, I think everything is very good. I especially like the one over there. Buy it quickly and decorate it quickly."

"Hehe." Li Yi smiled slightly: "Don't worry. I think there is something wrong with this house."

"Ah? What's the problem?" Xiaohong asked anxiously.

"Well, some problems are internal and can't be seen from the outside." Li Yi said this in a meaningful way, and then said to Lin Ling: "Let's go. Think again. Anyway, there are many real estate openings, so shop around. Don't suffer!"

Lin Ling raised her mouth and said, "Hmph, you changed your mind again! You agreed to buy us a house! Now that you don't buy it again, I'll go back and tell my sister!"

"I didn't say I won't buy it for you! I just think about it again." Li Yi smiled and winked at her at the same time.

Although Lin Ling has a small surname, she is extremely smart. She immediately realized it and said, "Okay, then let's go to another house to see. I still know a few places, let's take a look."

Xiaohong said anxiously: "Sir, miss, don't rush to leave. If you feel unsatisfied, we can ask workers to rework. The buildings here are all designed by domestic first-class designers, and the national formal construction engineering team Built. In terms of quality, you can definitely rest assured."

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Look again!"

Xiaohong said: "I can give you a [-]% discount."

Li Yi laughed: "Let's talk!"

"Sir, if you make an order today, I'll give you a [-]% discount, which is the lowest discount. I've traveled all over the capital, and I can't find a second one."

Li Yi chuckled and walked out.

"Sir, [-]% off, this is really the lowest discount ever!" Xiao Hong gritted her teeth.

Li Yi still didn't drop the hammer immediately, but waited until that Xiaoqing rushed over.

Xiaoqing was out of breath, and said to Xiaohong: "Sister Hong, Manager Liu didn't look for me!"

Xiao Hong said: "Oh? Is that so? That's my memory."

Li Yi asked Xiaoqing: "How much discount can you give me at most?"

"[-]% off." Xiaoqing said, "This is our company's policy. If you pay in full, you can get [-]% off."

"It's only [-]% off?" Li Yi smiled and said, "Can't you get [-]% off?"

"No, sir." Xiaoqing said, "This is our company's regulation."

Li Yi chuckled and walked out. (To be continued.)

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