Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 738

Among the many party school students, some have heard of the Yizhou phenomenon, because the head of the party has been to Yizhou and delivered an important speech in Yizhou. .

You may not remember others, but there is one sentence that you will never forget if you have heard or read it.

That is: learn from Yizhou!

This is the call from the chief!

The chief wants everyone to study the phenomenon of Yizhou, summarize the phenomenon of Yizhou, and promote the successful experience of Yizhou to the whole country!

"He is the mayor of Yizhou? So young? He has become the mayor of a prefecture-level city, and he has been the mayor for several years! He has also governed Yizhou into a vanguard!"

But there are still many comrades who don't know the situation in Yizhou.

Everyone was whispering and discussing.

"Comrade Li Yi has worked in Yizhou for two years and served as mayor for two years. He has developed Yizhou from a poor city in Xishu Province to a big city with a high economic output!"

The old professor Wang Qing did not hesitate to praise Li Yi.

He said incessantly: "So many of you here, may I ask, who among you has such great political achievements as Comrade Li Yi? You talk to me about your qualifications! Very good, then let me ask you, what are your qualifications? Some people, Sitting in the office all day, drinking tea and reading newspapers, after decades, their qualifications are not very old? However, their achievements and contributions are not as good as those comrades who have done practical things for two years!"

"Comrade Li Yi, sit down." Wang Qing waved his hand slightly and said, "With Comrade Li Yi's leadership ability, I believe that he is qualified enough to be the squad leader!"

Feng Jian and others all looked sideways at Li Yi. As for Feng Jian himself, he was completely unqualified to cock his tail.

Li Yi said: "Thanks to Professor Wang's love, I will take the position of monitor first, and after everyone gets to know each other well, everyone will elect the most suitable monitor."

The so-called monitor of this kind of refresher class is actually a class worker.

With so many people studying and living together, there will always be a lot of things to do. Only with personal leadership and organization can the development of various tasks be facilitated.

Wang Qingdao: "Our training class is of great significance. It is an additional winter class under the personal instruction of the head. Those who can come to study here are undoubtedly elites. At the same time, there are also classes for department-level cadres and large state-owned enterprises. Training class for middle-level leaders. Everyone can communicate more, and the scope of activities and exchanges should not be limited to this class."

Party and government leaders and corporate cadres hold classes at the same time, which can make excellent contacts.

Wang Qingdao: "In the first ten days of this year's advanced training class, theoretical classes will be held, and the education of party history, Marxism education, and socialism education will be carried out respectively. An old professor who enjoys special allowances from the State Council, a doctoral supervisor, has a very high level. I hope everyone will listen carefully and truly and solidly improve their theoretical level."

"Professor Wang, we only have ten days of classes?" Yang Xingli asked, "What about the rest of the time? What do we do?"

Wang Qingdao: "Ten days later, we will form a group and go to several red education bases to study. Finally, we will choose a city to conduct on-the-spot investigation and teaching. Knowledge is dead, and it can only be counted if it is used in practice. Real mastery. Therefore, in the actual teaching, we combine theoretical learning and practical education, plus historical education, to complete the teaching comprehensively and systematically.”

After hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking that this kind of teaching method is the real way of learning knowledge.

The current education system is just making cars only after the door, and the methods are old-fashioned and out of touch with reality.Basically, few of the knowledge learned in school are useful out of school.

There is a popular view in society that reading is useless.

Because there are too many students who performed well in school and had top grades, but once they leave school, their achievements are not as good as those with poor grades or those who dropped out of school.

Many people drop out of school after graduating from elementary school or junior high school, and go out to do business. After a few years, they have become modest bosses, and some have even started companies, employing graduates from prestigious universities.and

Those who graduated from college had to study seven or eight years more, but had to work hard to find a job to make a living, and even went to the company of a junior high school classmate to find a job to make a living.

Many people's minds are frozen by reading, they cannot apply what they have learned, and knowledge cannot be transformed into power.This is the tragedy of education.

This kind of reform of the party school is very good, integrating theory with practice, learning knowledge, and applying it to the world economy.

Although the theoretical study time is reduced, it seems that the knowledge learned is reduced.In fact, it is not the case, as long as you master all the knowledge you have learned in these ten days, then your refresher class will not be in vain!

After class, the comrades surrounded Li Yi and asked questions.

What everyone is most concerned about is the details of the chief's trip to Yizhou.

Leading cadres are also very gossip, but what they pay attention to is not film stars, but political stars!

"Comrade Li Yi, I really can't see it, you are hiding something!" The eldest sister Wu Yun laughed.

Yang Xingli made a haha, and said: "That's right! Comrade Li Yi is the youngest comrade in our prefecture-level advanced training class, but he is also the one with the greatest achievements. In comparison, I am ashamed! "

Li Yi chuckled: "The reason why I was able to achieve some results in Yizhou is inseparable from the cooperation of the entire team in Yizhou. If the current results in Yizhou are still comparable, then the credit also belongs to Yizhou." The people. It is they who use their hard-working hands to build a better homeland."

"Tsk tsk, everyone listen." Wu Yun said, "This is the kind of mind of a great leader. He has merit but does not pretend to be self-confident. He is modest and prudent. Rare! Rare!"

"Comrade Li Yi, congratulations on your promotion to the position of squad leader. You have to treat me, right?" Feng Jian said sourly.Although he was not convinced, he had to admit that Li Yi was indeed slightly better than himself. He was young and had been the real mayor for two years!This alone makes him far behind!

Li Yi said: "Comrade Feng Jian, didn't you promise everyone just now that you would be the host and invite everyone to have dinner together? You don't want to go back on your word, do you?"

"That's right, Feng Jian, you can't go back on your word." Wu Yun said, "You promised everyone."

Everyone said in unison: "Feng Jian, don't be foolish!"

Feng Jian was so embarrassed that she could only say, "It's not that I don't want to invite you, but the squad leader has a high position and authority, so I have to let him invite him first, I can invite later!"

Li Yi said: "Hehe, first come first served in everything. Even if I'm the monitor, I can't go beyond the rules. Comrade Feng Jian, tonight, it's up to you to treat me, everyone agree?"

Feng Jian originally wanted to join Li Yi's army and at the same time transfer the burden of entertaining guests to Li Yi, who knew that Li Yi cleverly threw this burden back on his shoulders.

What's more, when Feng Jian said to treat guests just now, he just said it to the few people he could chat with.Now Li Yi has pulled everyone in the first class!

This will have to set up a lot of tables and banquets!

The level of consumption in the capital is well known to everyone in the country. If this group of people are invited to come down, why not let him vomit blood at the cost?

But all the big words have been uttered, and it would be too embarrassing if they were retracted.

A dignified leader at the bureau level is a figure who calls the wind and rain in the local area. This face is absolutely unbearable to lose.

Stretching out the head was a knife, and shrinking the head was also a knife. Feng Jian gritted his teeth, bit the bullet, and pretended to be bold and said: "Okay, then I will invite you today. Squad leader Li, you can invite me tomorrow."

Li Yi smiled and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say. Well, everyone said, where should I go for dinner?"

"We are not from the capital, and we are not familiar with the capital. Who knows where the food and drink are the best?" someone said.

Li Yi smiled, and said calmly: "If you want to talk about delicious food, Guanyuan is the first choice. I just heard that the dishes there are unique in the capital. They can cook the eight major cuisines and the full banquet of Man and Han. "

"Okay, let's go to the garden!" Everyone agreed.

Feng Jian didn't seem to know what the garden looked like, so he said, "Okay, then go to the garden."

Li Yi said with a smile: "Do you want to invite comrades from other classes? It is best to invite the professors from the school as well."

Wu Yundao: "No need? Then Feng Jian will be poor?"

Li Yi laughed: "Then don't invite me." I thought that you would suffer, just because this group of people went, even if you sat in the lobby, it would be enough for your boy to bleed.

Some of the leaders who came to participate in the training class came alone, some brought the driver's secretary, and some even brought the office director.

After all, everyone is a leader, and suddenly they are like students, sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures, and they still sit for a whole day, and they are not used to it. After a day of class, they are exhausted, and some are yawning. , some staggered to and fro, and some comrades could sleep while sitting and snore, in exchange for the most severe criticism and education from the professors.

Only Li Yi was in good spirits. He took notes seriously in every class. He really regarded this party school training as an opportunity for further study.

The professors in the party school are all the country's talents. Listening to their lectures and talking to them is like talking to wise men, which will benefit people a lot.

It is the same in any industry. When you reach a certain height, you will feel that you will be unable to continue. At this time, you will seek theoretical learning and support. Only by acquiring advanced theoretical knowledge can you break through your own limitations and achieve a new level. the height of.

At the end of the day, everyone shouted tired, only Li Yi had endless aftertaste.

As soon as school was over, everyone pulled Feng Jian and asked him to go to the garden.

Feng Jian said boldly: "Once a man speaks a word, it's hard to chase after him. Let's get up!"

Li Yi snickered, thinking that after entering the garden, I will see if you can still maintain this heroic spirit! (To be continued.)

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