Official road bends

Chapter 8, The 744th Book

Winkoni whimpered and cried. .

Li Yi held her hand tightly, comforted her, and said that this matter has nothing to do with you, so don't blame yourself.

Winkoni is a kind girl, she never thought of hurting anyone.

However, she never thought of deceiving someone.

It was impossible for her to accept Hu Xiaowen's courtship, because she didn't have the slightest feeling of love for this man in her heart.

She doesn't want to cheat, so she refuses.Because of her refusal, Hu Xiaowen was hurt.

The little girl still doesn't understand why it's so difficult to have both in the world.

At this time, Hu Xiaowen saw Li Yi, and saw this man who was always by Wen Keni's side and could make his beloved girl laugh and be dazed.

He also saw that Li Yi's hand and his beloved girl's hand were tightly held together!

A look of despair flashed across his face.

At this moment, Peng Changfu was sweating profusely from anxiety, sighed, and stomped his hands and feet, but he had no choice.

Li Yi wanted to help him very much, but didn't know what to do.

Hu Xiaowen's heart knot is Wen Keni, and it is related to Wen Keni's life's happiness. It is impossible for him to agree to his courtship just because he wants to seek death.

This is a knot, an unresolved complex.

Just when Hu Xiaowen became more determined to beg for death, a voice came from the crowd.

"Hey! Why are you here alone? Don't you call me?"

It is a very crisp female voice.

All eyes were on the young girl.

Li Yi was slightly surprised when he saw her.

The young girl walked towards Hu Xiaowen calmly and calmly.

Everyone thought that she and Hu Xiaowen were familiar.Even Li Yi thinks so.

Even the police were overly surprised for a moment and didn't make a sound to stop her.

Hu Xiaowen was obviously also stunned, he asked: "Who are you?"

The young girl said, "Don't you remember me?"

Hu Xiaowen thought hard, then shook his head and said, "I don't know you. What are you doing here?"

The young girl is already very close to Hu Xiaowen!

Hu Xiaowen said: "Don't come here! If you come here, I'll jump off!"

The young girl said: "This is not your home, why can't I come? There is no rule that only you are allowed to jump into the river, and others are not allowed to jump into the river here, right?"

As she spoke, she supported the railing with both hands, then shrugged her body vigorously, and her petite body climbed onto the railing of the bridge.

The onlookers all let out an exclamation.

Hu Xiaowen said, "What are you going to do?"

The young girl said: "You are a man and I am a woman. I am smaller and weaker than you. Are you still afraid of me?"

Hu Xiaowen frowned and said, "Are you here to jump into the river too? You are so young and beautiful, why did you jump into the river?"

"You are younger than me, you are very handsome, why did you jump into the river?" the young girl asked.

"I asked you first, and you told me first."

"Don't you know that women come first?" The young girl smiled.

Hu Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, his eyes glanced at Li Yi and Wen Keni again, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm broken in love."

"Broken love?" The young girl laughed loudly: "I thought it was a great thing. Everyone will lose love. How can a person grow up without experiencing love loss? Especially men, like a book, the more you experience The books written by the author are more flavorful. Don't you know that girls nowadays like men who are older and have more experience?"

"Really?" Hu Xiaowen looked at Li Yi and said, "No wonder... Then Wei, you committed suicide because you wanted to jump into the river?"

The young girl said: "I didn't say I was going to commit suicide. I just climbed up to see the scenery here."

Hu Xiaowen felt that he had been greatly mocked, and he said angrily: "Are you here to persuade me like them? Let me tell you, no one can persuade me!"

He waved his arms, trying to drive away this world that was unfair to him.

The young girl said: "Is it because of a broken relationship?"

"Isn't that enough?" Hu Xiaowen said, "You must have never been in love!"

The young girl said: "Since she rejects you, it proves that she doesn't love you at all, so your death will not touch her heart. Even if you can touch her, it will be because of pity and pity at most, and it will definitely not be Because of love. Even if she marries you because of this, it is only for the purpose of saving you. Then, even if you get her, you still cannot get her love. Even if you can live together, the one she loves, Or someone else. What's the point of such a marriage?"

Hu Xiaowen was stunned, apparently he had never thought about this problem so deeply before.

"You lose her, but you will gain the love of other girls." The young girl said, "How can you be sure that the girl you will meet in the future will not be better and more beautiful than her?"

Hu Xiaowen was stunned again, but he quickly shook his head and said: "No one likes me, let alone someone loves me. I am a poor boy, and I am just a poor boy who has nothing."

The young girl said: "How is it possible? In my eyes, you are the richest person in the world! Because you are so young! Moreover, it can be seen that you still have a difficult past! All these are the most precious wealth! A A young man who has suffered a lot is not afraid of death, so what else in the world can stop him? As long as you work hard, your future achievements will be limitless! Look at the billionaires and founders of the world Emperor, how many were born with golden keys in their mouths?"

This woman's persuasion threw a pebble into Hu Xiaowen's pessimistic heart, causing ripples.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" said the young girl. "Of course, I may not be as good as your former lover. But I ask myself, am I a beautiful woman?"

"Yes, you are beautiful." Hu Xiaowen said.

The young girl asked, "Have you ever held your girlfriend's hand?"

Hu Xiaowen said: "No. It takes a lot of courage for me to even look at her."

The young girl stretched out her hand: "You can hold my hand."

Hu Xiaowen didn't reach out.

The young girl said, "Are you afraid?"

Hu Xiaowen didn't speak.

The young girl approached Hu Xiaowen slowly, so close to him.

"Have you ever kissed your girlfriend?" asked the young girl.

"No." Hu Xiaowen blushed: "She is not my girlfriend, I am just unrequited love."

The young girl said, "You are so poor! I will give you my blessing, let you touch my hand before you jump into the river, and even—if you like, you can kiss me."

"Ah?" Hu Xiaowen's head was a little short-circuited.

Li Yi and others watched this scene silently.

Everyone was stunned, they forgot that this was a real scene, and thought it was a movie instead!

The young girl's hand had already held Hu Xiaowen's.

"Your hands are cold," said the young girl. "Are you frightened? Oh, you're still shaking! Have you never held a girl's hand? Will you kiss me, then?"

Hu Xiaowen's mind is completely messed up, he can't explain clearly at all, what happened?The warmth from the young girl's hand made him forget everything in an instant, and even more so, his purpose of standing on the railing.

The young girl saw the hesitation and helplessness in his heart from his eyes.

She suddenly leaned over and hugged Hu Xiaowen tightly!

Only then did everyone wake up with a start and exclaim in surprise!

The young girl hugged Hu Xiaowen and jumped from the railing onto the sidewalk of the bridge!

The policemen rushed over as if waking up from a dream, stretched out their powerful hands, and held Hu Xiaowen tightly.

Hu Xiaowen neighed one after another, like a roar of pain, but also like a howl of relief at last.

The audience burst into warm applause for the young girl who had the courage to stand up and use her wisdom and love to save the student who committed suicide!

Peng Changfu was so moved that he burst into tears. He bowed to the young girl again and again to thank him: "Girl, thank you so much! Thank you so much, I must thank you very much, thank you for saving Xiaowen."

The young girl smiled slightly: "It's nothing, I also tried it boldly. I have also lost love before, and I have stood on the railing here like him, and there was a moment when I wanted to jump off here. But then But he no longer has the courage to commit suicide. I believe that after this incident, he will not commit suicide again."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Peng Changfu thanked repeatedly, then turned around and hugged Hu Xiaowen, slapped him on the back vigorously, and cursed: "You silly boy! You are so stupid! You pig! How could you do such a thing?" kind of thing!"

Hu Xiaowen hugged Peng Changfu and cried loudly.

In the final analysis, he is just a big kid who has not yet entered the society!

Wen Keni kept holding Li Yi's hand nervously, until then, her nervous mood relaxed, and she was also moved, leaning on Li Yi's shoulder, sobbing softly.

Li Yi said: "Let's go, if you meet him, it will be embarrassing for both of us."

Wen Keni hummed and said, "What will we do in the future? We are still classmates!"

Li Yi said: "He must learn to face suffering, otherwise, he will never grow up. In the future, you only need to treat him as usual, and treat him as your classmate and friend."

Win Keni said: "That sister is so brave, I would not dare to do such a thing."

Li Yi said: "Indeed, that is an excellent girl! She has a heart like gold. Such a person will definitely be rewarded."

Wen Keni said: "Brother Li Yi, when I think about it now, I'm really scared! Fortunately, thanks to this girl. Otherwise, if Hu Xiaowen really committed suicide, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life. I'm going to thank her !"

Li Yi turned his head and looked at the young girl, only to see that the young girl had turned around, got on her bicycle parked aside, and had already drifted away alone against the cold winter wind!

That petite figure was deeply burned into Li Yi's mind. (To be continued.)

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