Official road bends

Chapter 8, Volume 747

Qian Duo, who was standing upright beside Li Yi, didn't need to look at Yi Shao's face, he also knew that Yi Shao had made a murderous move. .

Li Yi's wealth is an untouchable secret. Except for his close relatives and extremely trustworthy people, if other people know this secret, it will become a time bomb that is not good for Li Yi!

Qian Duo's body is already ready to fight. As long as Yi Shao gives an order, he will rush forward without hesitation, end the battle in a few seconds, and cut off the neck of the American named Brown. !

Brown sensed the murderous intent emanating from the other party. He glanced at Qian Duo, shook his head, and said, "Mr. Li, you can't kill me. I don't mean any harm."

The murderous intent in Li Yi's eyes gradually faded, and he said, "I can't understand what you said just now."

Brown said: "All property, including all property in your uncle's name, is actually yours! Of course, it doesn't make any difference to me, whether it is in your name or in your uncle's name. Next. These wealth have nothing to do with me."

"If a person is too curious, he will always pay a high price for it." Li Yi said lightly.

Brown said: "Oh, of course, I believe this, what you say is undoubtedly the truth. But, Mr. Li, you can't lay hands on me, because I didn't come to you to kill me, but It is to bring you opportunities and another kind of wealth."

"What you say is always so unpredictable." Li Yi said.

Brown said: "Mr. Li, you are not only a rich man, you are also a very patriotic rich man. Of course, you love your country."

Li Yi said: "Of course, I love my country deeply. If anyone dares to have the slightest ambition or misconduct towards her, I will let that person die without a place to bury him."

Brown smiled slightly: "Maybe it's because I haven't mastered my Chinese yet. What I say always makes you misunderstand and always makes you think that I want to be your enemy? Then, let me be straightforward!"

Li Yi said: "I hate that kind of beating around the bush and false stereotypes."

Brown said, "To put it bluntly, I'm here to talk to you about business."

"But I'm not a businessman." Li Yi said.

"We first paid attention to you from the Vagran. Because the decommissioned aircraft carrier sailed into your country's port under your auspices. Of course, you are very secretive, but we still found you body."

"You guys are really doing your job."

"Mr. Li, are you very concerned about your country's aircraft carrier construction? Or military construction?"

"Every citizen wants their country to become stronger."

"Maybe, I can help you a little, oh, it should be said, maybe we can make some small deals."

"Deal?" Li Yi smiled and said, "I'm not a businessman, and neither are you."

Brown said: "I can get some information that you are interested in. It can also be said to be technical, military equipment."

Li Yi said: "You are from the United States."

Brown said: "Yes. I love my country as much as you do, but I love banknotes more. And you need the technology in my hands, and you have money."

Li Yi laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Brown, you are just an ordinary intelligence officer. The level you can relate to is limited, right?"

Brown said: "Mr. Lee doesn't trust me very much? Think I can't get anything of value?"

Li Yi said: "Yes. I doubt your intentions."

Brown said: "Your doubts are normal, just as I doubt your purchasing power. That's why I have investigated you for so long."

Li Yi said: "If Mr. Brown really has something good to sell, I believe you can sell it at a good price. You can contact me or other people in our country."

Brown said: "Haha, I will not look for anyone else. I will identify Mr. Li. I will not deal directly with the government departments of your country. I will only deal with private individuals. That way I have no worries. Mr. Li You can make such a big global business and earn wealth that many people can’t earn in a few lifetimes. I believe that you are a smart person, and you are also a seasoned person. Dealing with people like you, whether it is Whether it’s business reputation or money in and out, I can rest assured.”

Li Yi said: "It sounds like you really have some good things in your hands?"

Brown said: "Of course. Mr. Li, I also found out that you are conducting an arms transaction with an arms dealer in New York. You are doing a large arms transaction, right?"

Li Yi said: "That's what my friend is doing."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care if it's you or my friend," Brown said.

Li Yi asked: "What do you want to sell?"

Brown said: "I was ordered to go to Central Asia to do a very secret investigation. Several of our colleagues died in the process of tracing an important document. They got that important document. Now, those The information is in my hands."

Li Yi asked: "What kind of information is it?"

Brown said: "Aircraft carriers, and aerospace. They are all cutting-edge technology, anyway, I can't understand them. However, judging from the level of tension above, these things must be extremely valuable."

Li Yi pondered for a while and asked, "How can I trust you?"

Brown said: "I have some photocopies here, and I can give them to you, no matter what method you use to identify them. When you are sure that my information is really useful, we will discuss it in detail."

Li Yi said, "Yes."

Brown took out a few sheets of copy paper from his bag and handed them to Li Yi.

There were some data and drawings on the paper, and Li Yi couldn't understand it, so he handed it to Qian Duo for safekeeping, and said to Brown: "You are a spy, but you are active on our country's land, so I want to control you. "

"Mr. Li!" Brown blushed with anger: "I trust you, so I asked you to cooperate, but you want to arrest me and turn me over to the judicial department of your country? This is not the way of hospitality!"

Li Yi said: "You are just an unexpected visitor!"

Brown's face turned pale again: "I see, are you trying to arrest me and force me to find the whereabouts of those materials? Then you've got the wrong idea! You can't get a single useful word from me."

Li Yi said: "No, I just control you. After I verify these materials, I will release you."

Brown said, "Mr. Lee, you can't do this!"

Li Yi's face sank, and he said, "There's a lot of money, take him down!"

Qian Duo readily agreed, and was about to pounce on Brown.

Brown seemed to be very frightened, shrank back, shook his hands forward, and said, "Mr. Li, don't grab me!"

Suddenly, a thick puff of smoke rose from the box in the teahouse!

This smoke is too strange!

The first thought that flashed through Qian Duo's mind was to protect Li Yi!

He didn't care to catch that damn Brown, covered Li Yi with both hands, and walked out the door quickly.

The smoke is very thick and the smell is very pungent!

Li Yi instinctively held his breath, and under the cover of Qian Duo, quickly escaped from that box.

Qian Duo was afraid that Brown would take the opportunity to shoot coldly, hugged Li Yi, and flashed into another box.

The waiter in the teahouse heard the movement and rushed over.

"It's on fire!" was the waiter's first reaction.

There was a sudden chaos in the teahouse.

Li Yi immediately understood, and shouted: "This is Brown's escape plan! There is a lot of money, hurry up!"

Qian Duo agreed, but didn't chase after him.

In his opinion, an American spy is never less important than Yi.

If this is the enemy's trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, to lure more money away, but to deal less with Yi, then there will be no redemption!

"Young Master Yi, we'd better get out of this place as soon as possible. As long as Brown is still in the country, it will not be difficult to catch him!"

Li Yi stomped his feet and said, "Hurry up!" As he spoke, he ran out first, looking for Brown's whereabouts everywhere.

But after searching the entire teahouse, there was no trace of Brown.

On the street, the Volkswagen car whose window glass was smashed by Qian Duo was still there, and Brown was still missing.

Li Yi said: "He ran away!"

Qian Duodao: "I underestimated this guy! Damn it! I'll find someone right away and search the whole city!"

Li Yi said: "He is an agent of the CIA in the United States. He has no skills, and he dare not come to me alone! Hey! Forget it! Don't chase him. With his ability, we won't let us catch him so easily .”

Qian Duo said bitterly: "It's so irritating! Just now I saw his frightened and useless look, and thought he was really scared! Who knew he was just pretending, and when we were negligent, he released smoke bombs , and then took the opportunity to slip away."

Li Yi looked at the information in his hand and said, "Go and verify the information first. If the information is as useful as he said, okay, he will definitely come to us again."

Qian Duo said, "What if it's useless?"

Li Yi said: "Then he will come to me too. No matter whether he really wants to sell us the materials, or he wants to use it to play some tricks, he will definitely come to me again, otherwise, he will not be able to sing this show."

Qian Duo nodded and said, "Yi Shao, your security should be strengthened!"

Li Yi thought for a while, and said: "You can't go to war, transfer your brother Qian Shao, and stay by my side for a few days. With your two brothers by my side, even if the other party has a strengthened company, I must be able to keep me safe .”

Qian Duo nodded: "That's fine. You don't have to disturb others."

At this moment, Li Yi's phone rang suddenly.

After he answered, he heard Brown's hoarse laughter: "Mr. Li, I'm not such an easy person to be caught."

"Huh!" Li Yi sneered: "You'd better be honest. On our land, don't do anything harmful to the interests of our country and people! Otherwise, you will die a miserable death!"

"Oh, of course, my current pursuit is nothing but money. Mr. Li, I will come back to you!" (To be continued.)

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