Chapter 75 Scholars have no other way to serve the country

Li Yi said: "It's not surprising that there are so many people. It is necessary to have the scene. Next, I will talk about a report I brought this time. "Scientific Development and Construction of Modern Water Conservancy and Sustainable Development of Water Conservancy in Southern Province Research Report."

The title of this report was finalized by Li Yi after repeated deliberation.

According to his original idea, the title was "Investigation Report on Potential Water Conservancy Safety Hazards in Southern Province", the purpose of which was to scare people, describe the current situation of water conservancy truthfully, and arouse the attention of high-level national officials.However, in this way, many people are bound to be offended. The ultimate goal of political struggle is to achieve the goal of development and construction, not to offend and punish people blindly.Of course, the necessary means are an indispensable link, but there is no need to kill a group of people with a single stick.

Li Yi believes that as long as the cities and counties in the southern province see the benefits of building water conservancy projects, they will not be tempted, and they will not devote themselves to construction!

When Gu Heng heard Li Yi mentioning this topic, he was slightly surprised, and at the same time nodded in relief.He sighed in his heart, unknowingly, this young man has gradually matured!

Sometimes, the necessary compromises and concessions can actually allow you to achieve greater success.

Li Yi's magnetic male voice echoed in the first conference room of the State Council: "In the new historical period, how can water conservancy adhere to the scientific development concept and play a supporting and guarantee role in economic and social development? Recently For a period of time, our Southern Provincial Water Supervision Office took this issue into consideration, investigated the grassroots, and went to more than 10 counties (cities, districts) to hold discussions with grassroots cadres, grassroots water conservancy workers and farmers, and listened to their suggestions on water conservancy development. The people are satisfied with the development of water conservancy in recent years, and have benefited from it. At the same time, they have put forward higher requirements for water conservancy work. Through research, they are very educated and inspired. A deeper understanding and reflection."

"However, according to research, the current situation of water conservancy development is still far from these expectations and requirements. First, the problem of flood control and disaster reduction is prominent, which cannot meet the needs of the people's survival and development; second, the problem of water resources is prominent, which cannot meet economic and social needs. The need for sustainable development; the third is that the problems of people's livelihood and water conservancy are prominent, which cannot meet the needs of the people's water safety and food security; the fourth is that the water conservancy investment system is not smooth, and cannot meet the needs of accelerated development of water conservancy."

"According to the current situation in our province, the basic idea to solve the current outstanding problems is: we must adhere to the scientific development concept as the guide, serve the construction of the "two-oriented society", realize the enrichment of the people and strengthen the province, and establish a modern water conservancy system that coordinates human and water. The goal is to innovate the system and mechanism, change the growth mode, innovate the development model, and realize the transformation of engineering water conservancy to resource water conservancy, traditional water conservancy to modern water conservancy, and sustainable water conservancy.”

"To effectively solve the water conservancy issues that the people are most concerned about, to achieve sustainable water conservancy development, to protect the economy, people's livelihood, and growth, I feel that we must grasp six key points."

Next, Li Yi closely focused on the six key points, analyzed and explained them one by one, and put forward solutions accordingly.

The key points of water conservancy work are, first, the comprehensive management of the lake area, second, the construction of the flood control system in the river basin, third, the construction of water conservancy for people's livelihood, fourth, the management of water resources in the urban and rural areas, fifth, the emergency management of public water conservancy incidents, and sixth. It is to do a good job in the protection of water ecology.

Li Yi proposed six key issues, and then proposed corresponding solutions to these six issues.

"The purpose of our research is not to find faults, let alone make troubles for grassroots cadres. We have found problems, and the purpose is to improve these problems. Solving problems is the focus and purpose of our work!"

In his report, Li Yi pointed out that water conservancy work should be based on the present, focus on the long-term, and focus on building "six major systems": First, the flood control and security system for lake areas and river basins.The second is the safe drinking water guarantee system in rural areas.The third is the food security farmland irrigation system, and the fourth is the water resources and environment guarantee system for the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.Fifth, an honest and healthy water conservancy construction market management system.Sixth, a clean and efficient social management and public service system for water-related affairs.Build a water conservancy construction and management team with law-based administration, strong work style, excellent technology, and overcoming difficulties.

Li Yi's report is well-founded, well-organized, well-organized, and well-structured. After listening to it, people feel that this is a good article that has undergone actual research, and it is not an official document made out of thin air. The morbid groans and empty flattery of popular organ literature.

Li Yi is very familiar with all the data, and talked about it in a eloquent manner. A long report lasted for nearly an hour without even the slightest pause in the middle.When talking about ecstasy, my lips were dry and cracked, so I stuck out my tongue to 'lick' and 'lick', and even forgot to drink the water on the table.When it comes to emotion, sometimes sad and angry, sometimes passionate, he makes a boring research report fascinating.

Outside the meeting room, the staff of the General Office of the State Council were discussing quietly while looking at their watches.

The prime minister has a lot of work to do every day, and he will chair an important national agricultural work conference later, but the time is almost up, and the prime minister has not yet come out.The Prime Minister has always been punctual, and the time of each meeting is well controlled, with no difference of 5 minutes between left and right.But today, half an hour has passed since the meeting!

This is the first time ever!

In the huge meeting room of the State Council, Li Yi's cadenced male voice echoed. Everyone was attracted by Li Yi's report, listening intently and thinking hard.

The girl in the corner kept glancing at Li Yi while recording quickly.

This man named Li Yi was destined to leave special memories in her colorful life from that moment on.

"Through the above measures, I believe that we can truly provide the people with a beautiful production environment and living environment, and provide sustainable water conservancy project support for the country's economic construction!"

"Scholars have no other way to serve the country, only the pen in their hands is like a knife! My report is over, thank you all."

Li Yi bowed again.

There was a brief silence.

Li Yi felt a little uneasy. He had no idea how well his report was doing. After all, the formulation of national policies was based on a combination of various factors and comprehensive consideration to make accusations from a macro perspective.This is the first time he has raised such a major issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and he is facing one of the top leaders of the country!How did it end?Can you get his approval?Li Yi has nothing in his heart.

The prime minister frowned slightly, tilted his head slightly, and seemed to be deep in thought.

A group of counselors did not speak, each thinking about Li Yi's report.

After a long time, the Prime Minister said: "Comrade Li Yi, do you personally think that the situation in your report is a common situation across the country, or is it an individual situation?"

Li Yidao: "Indiscriminate deforestation in the Yangtze River Basin, reclamation of lakes in the middle and lower reaches, and "disorderly" occupation of river courses have caused serious soil erosion. There are 4 million people living on both sides of the Yangtze River. In the mid-50s, the forest coverage rate in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River was 22%. %, over the years, 80% of the forests on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been cut down due to continuous farmland reclamation, factory building and urbanization. According to reliable data, among the 193 counties in western Sichuan Province, more than 30% of the forest coverage area There are only 12 counties, some with less than 3 percent forest cover."

While everyone was still digesting these data, Li Yi continued: "Of the 180 million square kilometers of land in the Yangtze River Basin, 24% of the land suffers from soil erosion, 5 billion tons of topsoil are lost every year, and more than [-] million tons of soil are brought down from the upper reaches every year. The soil and sand flow into the East China Sea along the Yangtze River. Due to the accumulation of soil and sand year after year, the riverbed of the Yangtze River has been raised above the ground for many years, and it has become another "hanging river" after the Yellow River. The "clear water" of the Yangtze River has long been There is nothing left, and its degree of muddy yellow is comparable to that of the Yellow River. On the other hand, the lakes with flood storage functions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are rapidly shrinking. Mao', you must do it! If you encounter a once-in-a-century flood, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Li Yi said: "I am not alarmist. In the ninth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, there was a catastrophic flood in the Yangtze River Basin, and another catastrophic flood occurred in 1931! There was also a catastrophic flood in 1954! From the time, we can see that the time interval between floods occurred It's getting shorter and shorter! Who can predict when the next Dahong summit will come? Maybe next year, maybe the year after! How much time do we have to prepare for?"

The Prime Minister fell into deep thought again, his eyebrows were tightly knit together, and his eyes shone with wisdom.

Perhaps, this historic moment will be changed because of Li Yi's report and the Prime Minister's wise decision!

"Comrade Li Yi's report is like Huang Zhong Dalu, it is deafening!" The Prime Minister said in a deep voice: "This is a good report. It is in line with the current economic development direction and is to escort the socialist economic construction! We want to develop The economy and infrastructure construction must not be ignored! This is the foundation of building a country and building a people! China is a big agricultural country, and this cannot be denied for a long time to come! We cannot develop our economy without this basic point. Comrade Li Yi’s I will forward the report to all members of the State Council and provincial party committees, so that everyone can study hard, discuss together, and come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible!"

There was warm applause at the venue!

Li Yi's nervous mood relaxed, and his report was approved by the Prime Minister, which meant that his efforts were not in vain, and it also strengthened his determination to go down the road of officialdom.

Maybe the future is unpredictable, maybe the road is tortuous, but Li Yi's pure heart will never change!

Once you live again, you will have the splendor of living again!Have the responsibility to live again!

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