Official road bends

Chapter 8, Betrayal of Loyalty, Stalemate

The entire floor is the territory of Chuyi Theater, and there are only three passages to leave. .

One is an elevator, the other is a staircase, and there is also a safe passage for firefighting.

Stairs and elevators lead directly to the lobby on the first floor.Li Yi and Qian Shao had just come up from there, and they didn't see Qian Duo and those Americans leaving, and it was unlikely that they would leave through the fire escape. Therefore, Li Yi concluded that those people were still on this floor.

Suddenly, Li Yi heard a dull but clear sound!

Qian Shao, who followed closely behind, rushed forward, hugged Li Yi's body, and squatted down quickly.

"Yi Shao, it's gunfire!" Qian Shao lowered his voice and said, "The sound of silenced pistols, or the sound of miniature pistols and special pistols."

Li Yi hummed: "Someone is fighting! Could it be your brother?"

Qian Shaodao: "This is the office area. The terrain is complex and there are many rooms. The enemy is in the dark, but we are in the light. What I mean is, don't rush forward."

Li Yi nodded slowly: "You are right to worry. Did you see the shot just now? Was it aimed at us?"

Qian Shaodao: "It's not for us. It seems that the situation inside is very complicated!"

The two of them were talking in low voices when they heard another muffled gunshot.The sound was not loud, just like a marble falling into the lake quickly, making a pop.

"Brown! I see you! You can't escape!" A shrill male voice spoke in English, pure Mi English.

Brown's voice came: "Oh, Harris, is that you? My friend!"

"We are no longer friends! From the moment you betray your motherland and people, you are my enemy! I want to kill you and hurry up!" Harris shouted.

"Harris, don't be stupid! We are not working for the motherland and the people. The United States is not in the hands of the people. Those who control the government are those who are self-righteous, have their eyes above the top, and hypocrisy Members of Congress and political dignitaries! They are all representatives of large consortiums and monopoly business owners. Some of them are shareholders of large consortiums and monopoly business owners! What we are defending is not the interests of the people and the country. Interests. It is the interests of these rich people!"

"Oh! My God! Brown, what's wrong with you? Have you been brainwashed by someone? The reading regime is an extreme elite politics, and our country is the real civilian politics. Our country and most of the West Like other countries, they are all typical democratically elected governments, and they are truly civilian politics." Harris persuaded this colleague, wanting to persuade him to return from the wrong path.

Brown said: "We are the United States. We claim to be the world's superpower and the world's police. We always interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and start wars. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not for the interests of those consortiums! What can we gain? Civilians What can the people get?"

Harris sighed, deeply regretting the fallacies of this excellent colleague: "Brown, you are crazy! What are you thinking! You idiot! Whose rumors did you listen to? Someone is trying to kill you! Now turn around, You still have time!"

"Turn back? I have finally embarked on the right path, why should I turn back? It is you who should turn back, Harris!" Brown said: "If you are willing to do it with me. I can give the money I get, Give you a portion!"

"Brown! You are hopeless! You are so obsessed. You will soon lose your life. No matter how much money you have, it will be useless!" Harris continued to persuade his former comrades-in-arms.

"Harris!" Brown exclaimed, "don't you want to live a life of super enjoyment? Don't you want to sit in a mansion and a fancy car, surrounded by beautiful women? Stop working for your so-called regime! That's Pointless!"

Brown's answer was a muffled gunshot.

"Dear Brown!" Another female voice rang out: "Now is your last chance, if you continue to make mistakes, your little life will be confessed to this foreign land! You will not die well!"

"Is it my dearest Campbell?" Brown said, "I didn't expect that they sent you here too. I still remember the winking eyes you gave me when we had the first spy training class. Your I will never forget your beautiful body and your beautiful face. If you want, I can share with you what I will have."

"Brown!" Miss Campbell said, "as long as you hand over the secret materials, we can guarantee that your life will be safe. Really, as long as you want, you can even continue your current career-this is also the case of the Supreme Commander. commitment to us."

Brown let out a burst of laughter: "Impossible, I won't go back. In the last operation, Tom and I were shot and wounded together, but what did we get? No honor, no bonus, no medal!" There is nothing good about it. We are treated with endless suspicion and ruthless interrogation! The way they interrogate me is like, like I am an agent of a foreign country!"

His smile became stern and long, making people chill.

Li Yi thought to himself, the injury Brown mentioned was the time I was in the United States?

Both Brown and Tom were seriously injured in that operation.

Unexpectedly, instead of rewarding them, the US government became suspicious of them.

Needless to say, they must be suspected of colluding with arms dealers and smuggling confidential weapons out of the country.

It is conceivable that Brown and Tom must have suffered the most tragic inhumane treatment at that time. Although their grievances were finally cleared up, the seeds of hatred were planted in their hearts, and signs of betrayal were also pulled out. Finally led to today's scene.

"Brown, since you insist on betraying the country and the people, we can only implement the orders from the top! Don't blame us!" It was Harris who spoke.

"Haha! Did you get the order to arrest me and return to China for trial? Do you think you can do it with just a few of you?"

"No, our order is to execute you on the spot!" Harris said coldly.

"Hmph!" Brown sneered, "You all know? I have no way of turning back! Even if I am willing to go back with you, waiting for me, I will still go to hell! All I can choose is to go to the hell of another country, or to go to hell. Home country hell!"

"Brown, you've been surrounded by us. We've placed control over the entire floor, and there are our people below. You can't fly today! In order to save you from suffering, you should come out and die! Like a Like an agent, like a gentleman!"

"Agents are not sent to die! Gentlemen are born to fight for dignity and freedom!" Brown said loudly: "Unless your bullets can penetrate my hot chest! Otherwise, I will let your hot blood drench This exotic loess!"

"Puff puff puff!" Several dull gunshots sounded in succession.

"Harris! Campbell! Your gun skills are so inferior! You don't deserve the title of American agent!" Brown let out a long laugh.

What responded to him was still a burst of gunfire.

"Yi Shao, should we help?" Qian Shao asked softly.

"Find your brother first." Li Yi said: "He should be around here too."

The two carefully looked around, but they didn't find any trace of Qian Duo.

"Li Yi! Mr. Li!" Chu Lianxin's voice came over.

Her sudden intrusion made the already tense situation even more weird.

Those Americans, invariably, did not speak, nor did they make any sound.

But Li Yi could imagine that in the dark, there must be several guns aimed at Chu Lianxin!

When Li Yi and Qian Shao came in, they didn't disturb Brown and Harris' group, but the arrival of Chu Lianxin made them realize that uninvited guests had broken into this office area.

Chu Lianxin didn't know the complicated situation inside, she looked around while walking, and called Li Yi's name at the same time.

Li Yi squatted under a desk ten meters away from her.

He quietly stretched out his right hand, beckoning to Chu Lianxin.

But Chu Lianxin didn't look down, missed his beckoning, turned straight, and walked in another direction.

And that direction is exactly where the gunshots sounded just now!

Li Yi's heart instantly rose to his throat!

He slowly straightened up, trying to call Chu Lianxin back.

At this moment, Qian Duo's voice came over: "Miss Chu!"

Chu Lianxin turned around in astonishment, and saw that Qian Duo was not far away from him.

"Ah, you are here!" Chu Lian smiled heartily: "Mr. Li is looking for you everywhere! By the way, have you seen Mr. Li? He also entered the office area."

"No, I haven't seen him." Qian Duo tried his best to be as calm as possible: "Young Master Yi asked me to come get some materials." As he spoke, he cast a wink at Chu Lianxin.

However, Qian Duo made his eyes sore, Chu Lianxin still didn't notice.Because of her wonderful eyes, she was still searching around, she just wanted to find Li Yi.

Qian Duo randomly picked up a folder from the desktop and said, "I've found the materials, let's go! Yi Shao may be waiting for me outside."

Brown and Harris still remained silent.

Qian Duo's heart is as nervous as Li Yi's!

As soon as Brown showed up, Qian Duo recognized him, but at the same time, Harris and the others also spotted Brown and approached Brown at an extremely fast speed!

After realizing the danger, Brown instinctively avoided and hid in the office area of ​​Chuyi Theater.

Harris and the others immediately followed, playing hide-and-seek with Brown, and finally formed the current stalemate.

Qian Duo also took the opportunity to sneak in from behind them, peeking at the changes in the situation.

After Li Yi and Qian Shao came in, Qian Duo also saw them, but he couldn't say hello to them.He is waiting for an opportunity to rescue Brown!

Now, because of Chu Lianxin's intrusion, Qian Duo can only expose himself, hoping to take Chu Lianxin away from this dangerous place. . )

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