Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 774: A Contest in Mid-air!

In close combat, the pistol has become a decoration instead. The enemy's moves are ruthless and accurate, and they will never give you a chance to aim and shoot.

The three men in black entangled Li Yi and others.

The devil instructor Robert is ready to take the opportunity to escape!

At Robert's request, there were only two people on the helicopter, one was our driver and the other was Catherine.

Catherine's hands were tied behind her back and her legs were handcuffed to the helicopter seat.

"Robert!" Catherine shouted excitedly when she saw her long-lost teammate: "I never thought that you would risk your life to save me! I thought I would never see you again! I thought I would die deal!"

"Oh, of course, my dear Catherine, we have been trying to rescue you." Robert said: "For this operation, we have sacrificed more than a dozen excellent agents. Now, please tell me the truth, have you Betrayal of our country and people?"

"No, I've always been strong. No matter what means they used, I kept my mouth shut and didn't say a single useful word." Catherine said, "Even if I die, I won't say it."

"Very good!" A cold smile flashed in Robert's eyes, and he said to the pilot of the helicopter, "Throw the ladder over!"

The driver had no choice but to obey and threw down a ladder on the plane.

Robert pointed to a hostage: "Go up!"

The hostage glanced at the ladder, then looked down at the height of the building, and said tremblingly, "I dare not climb up."

"Trash!" Robert said, "If you don't climb up, I'll let you fall down! Which one do you choose?"

The hostage said: "Then I'll climb up!" Grabbing the ladder, he closed his eyes and climbed up.

Robert stretched out a hand to hold the man's buttocks, and pushed the man up with force.

Immediately afterwards, Robert ordered two other hostages to climb onto the plane.Then he climbed the ladder himself.

Li Yi was always paying attention to the movement here. He saw Robert getting on the ladder and was very anxious, thinking that as long as this person got on the ladder, he would kill the driver.Then drive away by yourself!

Once he joined up with the party that supported him, it would be very difficult to catch him again.

Li Yi was dealing with a man in black with Nina, and he had already gained the upper hand, and he was able to defeat the enemy within a meal.

But now that the situation was urgent, Li Yi didn't care about the man in black anymore. He ran towards the helicopter with all his might, and when he was close to the edge of the wall.Without hesitation, he jumped up and rushed towards the soft ladder hanging outside!

This move of his shocked a group of people!

More money, less money is naturally frightening out of the body!If Young Master Yi made a mistake, how would they explain it to Mr. Li?How to explain to Lin Xin?

The two men in black took advantage of the moment when the Qian brothers were in a daze, and launched a fierce attack on them, forcing them to fight instead of going to save Li Yi.

Qian Duo shouted: "Shao Yi! It's too dangerous! Come back!"

Chu Lianxin covered her mouth in panic, heartbroken.Mentioned throat!

The square below the building was originally full of spectators.They have been dispersed by the military at this moment, but the Chinese people's temperament of watching the excitement is hard to change. After they left the square, they gathered around the aisles and flower beds around the building and continued to watch.

Some people were going to leave, but because of the arrival of a large number of police.And it deepened their mood of watching the excitement, so they stayed to see what happened.

Most of Li Yi's party school classmates were still below. They stretched their necks to watch this thrilling scene comparable to the plot of a movie.

"Look! Isn't that Li Yi?" A classmate had sharp eyes.Recognize Li Yi.

"It's really Comrade Li Yi!" Feng Jian also saw it, and shouted, "How did he climb onto the ladder?"

Wu Yun exclaimed: "My God! He's still on it! It's too dangerous!"

Feng Jian said: "What is he trying to do? Look, he grabbed that person's foot! Could he be trying to prevent that person from boarding the plane? This, this is too unbelievable. Does he really think he is a superman?"

Everyone looked up and looked at Li Yi and Robert on the ladder.

Robert was only a few steps away from climbing up to the hatch of the plane, when he suddenly felt the weight of his feet, and the center of gravity of his body fell straight down.He hurriedly grasped his hands, looked down, and saw an oriental man, climbing the ladder below him, pulling his feet with one hand!

"You are looking for death!" Robert roared angrily, and the weapon in his hand was aimed at Li Yi below.

Li Yi shook the ladder vigorously, and at the same time pulled Robert's feet vigorously.

Robert's center of gravity was unstable, and it was difficult for him to maintain his body balance with his left hand. The gun in his right hand fired two shots in a row, but they failed to hit Li Yi.

Li Yi increased his strength, desperately trying to pull Robert down.

Robert was so angry that he almost dropped his hand several times. He had to put away the pistol, then retracted his legs hard, and stomped down heavily, trying to get rid of Li Yi's entanglement.

Li Yi hangs firmly on the soft ladder, like a monkey, hanging steadily, no matter how much Robert tosses, he can never get rid of him.

The pilot of the plane saw what was going on here and wanted to come over to help, but he was struggling to fly the plane and couldn't spare his hands and feet.The helicopter depends on the pilot trying to control it to keep it balanced in the air.

But Li Yi and Robert were deadlocked on the ladder, and no one could stand each other.

Chu Lianxin ran to the wall, stopped, looked down, broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that if it fell, wouldn't it be smashed to pieces?

But she didn't back down, but was anxious to find a way to help Li Yi.

Qian Duo and Qian Shao were also eager to get rid of the struggle of the men in black and came to rescue Li Yi, but why couldn't the three men in black understand the current situation?Where can the Qian brothers get away?Haunting them to death, not letting them go to save people.

At this time, two small cars stopped on the side of the street below, and a few people got out of the cars.One of them was Guo Xiaoling.Her newspaper office came here after receiving reports from the masses that there were important news clues here.And she herself, because she happened to have something to do here, she also drove over here.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Huang, you guys go to interview and see what happened. I still have something to do, go over there to deal with it first, and I'll come back later." Guo Xiaoling ordered her subordinates.

"Mr. Guo, look up there!" Xiao Liu, his subordinate, pointed to the sky and shouted, "There is a helicopter over there, and there are two people hanging in mid-air!"

Xiao Huang said: "Isn't this a martial arts film? Looking at this driving style, could it be that Brother Cheng is filming a movie here?"

Guo Xiaoling also raised her head and looked into the air.

"Li Yi!" Guo Xiaoling recognized Li Yi at a glance.

Suddenly, she turned pale with fright.

"Mr. Guo, what's the matter? Do you know the big star above?" Xiao Huang asked innocently.

Guo Xiaoling swayed and was almost unable to stand. She tried her best to stabilize her mind and said in a trembling voice, "That's not making a movie! It's all true! Quick, take a picture of it all, and take a picture of the whole process for me!"

"Yes, Mr. Guo, we are ready to start filming. If this is not filming, it will definitely be called big news."

Guo Xiaoling was so anxious that she kept looking up at Li Yi, praying silently in her heart: Li Yi, Li Yi, you must not have any accidents!How did you come here?How did you end up on the helicopter?Namo Amitabha, I beg Bodhisattva to protect Li Yi...

At this time, she heard someone next to her discussing Li Yi, so she couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, what happened here?"

"Hey! Don't you know? You are right to ask us. We are the party school classmates of the person above! Originally, he treated us and brought us to the Chuyi Theater for entertainment. Who knows what happened suddenly , he and the theater owner thought about it, drove all the guests out, and then saw him hanging on the top!" The person who spoke was Feng Jian, and he saw that Guo Xiaoling was beautiful, so he wanted to spend more time with her. After a few words, he talked about what he knew.

Guo Xiaoling said: "You are Li Yi's party school classmates? That's great!"

"What? You know Li Yi too?" Feng Jian asked.

"Yes, I am—his college classmate!" Guo Xiaoling said.

"Hey, that's strange. You are his college classmate and I'm his party school classmate. If we talk about it this way, then we can be considered a romantic relationship!" Feng Jian said with a smile.

Guo Xiaoling was not in the mood to joke with him, her heart was all hung on Li Yi who was in mid-air.

Let alone Chu Lianxin, she ran into the room, took out a chair, and hit Robert hard.

But at this moment, the helicopter was far away from the wall, and Chu Lianxin couldn't hit anyone at all.

Chu Lianxin raised the chair with both hands and threw it at Robert.

Although her strength was small, she still hit Robert's back.

Robert became angry from embarrassment. He couldn't subdue Li Yi, so he was afraid that Chu Lian would fail?He took out his pistol and fired three times in the direction of Chu Lianxin!

Li Yi was anxious and helpless, glanced over, and saw Chu Lianxin let out a scream, and then fell to the ground!

"Damn it!" Li Yi burst into foul language: "Your mother is a murderer! You dare to kill Lianxin! I will make you die!"

The pilot of the helicopter has received instructions from the ground, requiring him to immediately drive the plane to the designated landing point, where our personnel will carry out the rescue mission.

Catherine's hands and feet were bound, and she wanted to help Robert, but she couldn't do anything, shouting and screaming from above.

The three hostages sat on the plane blankly, not knowing where they were going.

Robert had realized the danger he was in.Once the plane lands successfully, he will become the shackles of the Orientals!And Catherine will fall into the hands of the Orientals again!

In this way, his entire plan of action will be completely ruined! . )

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