Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 791

When the chief said the words "political tasks", he used an emphatic tone. .

Li Yi glanced at Paya inadvertently, and saw a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth, just like the smile of Mona Lisa, which is elusive

"Please rest assured, chief, I promise to complete the task." Li Yi accepted the chief's order without hesitation.

"Are you still used to the life of the party school?" the chief asked.

Li Yi said: "Very good, thank you for your concern, chief." Then he thought, how does the chief know that I am studying at the party school?Could it be that the chief really summoned me to study?So what is the profound meaning of his move?

"You are going to study at the Red Base Education Institute tomorrow, right? You don't have to go, your quality is very good in all aspects! You stay in the capital and complete the task I entrusted to you!" The chief said again explain.

Now, in Li Yi's mind, the chief immediately became unpredictable, as if everything in the world was under the control of the chief.Not only did he know that Li Yi had participated in the advanced training of the party school, but he also knew the specific arrangement of the party school's courses!He's the leader who talks about everything!This is too mysterious.

The respect on Li Yi's face deepened, and he said: "Sir, Li Yi is afraid, I still need to strengthen my studies and improve the quality of leading cadres."

"Not bad, not bad." The chief said twice and left.

Shama and his party stayed at the State Guesthouse, which is a special place to receive foreign envoys.

When the chief gave the order, Li Yi naturally didn't dare to neglect. It is estimated that Shama and the others will go to the State Guesthouse to meet them after finishing cleaning up.

As soon as I arrived at the State Guesthouse, I saw Secretary Xiaoyan coming. She smiled and said, "The chief asked me to accompany you and entertain Prime Minister Sharma and his party together."

Li Yi laughed: "Very good, very good, I am worrying, I don't know how to deal with such a big scene alone! He is a big man at the level of the prime minister! I am afraid that I will be so nervous that I can't even speak." .”

Xiaoyan said: "Mayor Li, in the living room just now, I think you are calm and unhurried. You have the demeanor of a chief executive!"

Li Yi waved his hand and went upstairs with her.

Shama, Ashira, Princess Paya and others all sat together and chatted about matters related to this visit. They had to report Li Yi's arrival, and Shama even said please hurry up.

When Li Yi and Xiaoyan walked in, they stopped talking.Get up and salute.

In the living room just now, everyone just greeted politely, and the conversation was limited to the official language. Now meeting in private, it is naturally much more accommodating and casual.

Li Yi shook hands with Shama and others one by one.

When shaking hands with Paya, Paya extended her right hand noblely.look steadily forward.

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Your Highness, long time no see, you are still so beautiful and elegant, so noble that people look up to you."

Paya said: "I heard that you have become a father, and I haven't congratulated you yet!"

Li Yi held her hand, shook it meaningfully, and said, "His Royal Highness has found Mr. Ruyi, too?"

Paya said: "Women always look for a man. Being a princess is no exception."

What she said was ambiguous. You can understand that she has found her husband, or that she has not found her husband.

Li Yi smiled, let go of her hand, and said: "His Royal Highness has a distinguished background, and his knowledge and talents are even more outstanding. The husband and son-in-law chosen by the kingdom for you must be a dragon of man. Please forgive my ignorance. I don't know how to make men in the world Who is the lucky son-in-law Chenglong Kuai who is jealous and hateful?"

Paya heard these words, which implied jealousy, but she was a little happy, her chin slightly raised, and she didn't answer Li Yi's question.

Shama smiled and said, "Mr. Li, it's not the first time that you and His Royal Highness Paya have met each other. Don't you care about her news at all?"

Li Yi said: "Sorry. I really don't pay much attention to gossip news."

Paya listened, gritted her silver teeth secretly, and glanced at Li Yi.

Shama chuckled: "His Royal Highness is already engaged to her husband. He is a noble and prominent general."

Li Yi looked at the people in the room.

Shama laughed and said, "The general didn't come."

Li Yi smiled lightly.

"Mr. Li, please sit down." Shama said: "I'm very glad to see you again. I often think about the words I talked with you in the past, and I still remember them fresh. Mr. Li is a wise man and a man with unique political insights." People, I very much hope that I can keep in touch with Mr. Li often."

Li Yi said: "Prime Minister Shama, you are too polite. There are many people like me in China. Most Chinese people care about politics and the world situation. When it comes to world politics, just anyone selling meat on the street My uncle can also talk eloquently, with endless truths."

Ashira smiled and said, "However, you can predict that your brother Shama will become the prime minister. This is not something that any butcher can say, right?"

Li Yi chuckled.

Xiaoyan blinked and asked, "Mayor Li, you have long predicted that Mr. Sharma would become prime minister? This is not ordinary political wisdom!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Don't listen to their praise. I just properly analyzed the current affairs and political situation of the Kingdom of Thailand at that time, and came to the conclusion that Mr. Sharma is likely to become the prime minister."

Ashira said: "Then, please ask Mr. Li to analyze the current situation in our country again. We would like to hear your opinions."

Li Yi said: "I don't dare to play tricks, Miss Ashira, I know your keen sense of the current situation and your sharp comments on politics. I have read a few of your published articles."

Ashira's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you said just now that you are not interested in gossip news? You don't even know about such a big event as Princess Paya's engagement. How do you know about the articles I published?" Woolen cloth?"

Li Yi said: "I just don't pay much attention to the lace news. I still pay attention to the current affairs and important news of various countries in the world. I deeply agree with Miss Ashira's views on the business and political circles."

Ashira is now the vice president of the family's telecommunications company, and she is the mainstay of the entire family business. Her talent, her beauty, and her family's wealth are as impressive as the world's.

Li Yi had very little contact with this woman, but he was already deeply attracted by her charming temperament.

Compared with Paya, Ashira is more feminine.

Paya is the kind of ostentatious beauty, while Ashira is richer in connotation and charm of oriental women, deep in her body, exuding a unique temperament.

Ashira is mature and dignified, a few years older than Li Yi, but she is not married yet, so the outside world still respectfully calls her Miss.

Seeing that Li Yi and Ashira had a heated chat, Paya was slightly unhappy, but she couldn't let go of the arrogant princess airs, and took the initiative to find Li Yi to repair the relationship.She just gave a slight cold snort to express her inner dissatisfaction.

Li Yi pretended not to see him, and continued talking and laughing with Ashira.

The two talked about the economy from politics, and then the military, and had an in-depth but to-the-point discussion on the entire world structure.

Naturally, Sharma also joined the discussion.

They are often amazed by some of Li Yi's remarks, nodding frequently, with admiration in their eyes.

It was the first time Xiaoyan heard Li Yi's eloquent talk, and she was fascinated by it.She is a staff member next to the chief. Whether she is at work or not, what she talks about most with her colleagues and family is the changes in the world's political situation. Therefore, she is also very concerned about these things.

But after hearing Li Yi's high-level remarks today, I suddenly felt that what I was talking about with people before was just a child's play, and it only touched the surface of things, not the core of things at all.

But Li Yi's eyes and insights can penetrate the surface of things, go deep into the substantive level, and point directly to the core.

Such remarks are often more shocking and convincing than ordinary talk.

Although Li Yi has the memory of two lifetimes, his analysis of the world's political situation mainly comes from his study and research in this life.

As a village head, you just need to understand the situation in the town.For a mayor, it is necessary to see the direction of the wind in the whole city.A mayor must pay attention to the political trend of the entire country.If you still want to climb to the top, then you must understand and pay attention to the world pattern.

This is a matter of vision.

The vision determines the position of the buttocks, and the position of the buttocks determines the height of the vision.

Li Yi has come into contact with many people at the head level. His vision is naturally higher than that of ordinary mayors. Ordinary mayors only see the changes in the situation in the province, and at most pay attention to the overall situation in the country.

But Li Yi has already put the whole world in his heart.

The conversation is lighthearted and humorous.

Through this conversation, Ashira looked at Li Yi's eyes and became a little abnormal, and Li Yi also felt the special connotation in her eyes.

In the evening, the Chinese government held a state banquet to entertain Prime Minister Sharma and his party, and Li Yi was invited to attend.

In the news broadcast that night, Li Yi appeared on the camera.Although it was just two pictures, they both passed by in a flash, but they were quickly captured by people who knew him.

This is the meeting and banquet where the chief meets foreign heads of state!

Li Yi was lucky enough to participate!Also on the news network!

Soon, Li Yi's mobile phone and telephone, like a fully wound alarm clock, kept ringing.

Most of the calls were made by party school students and old colleagues in the cities and counties below.

In the city where Li Yi worked before, although he left, his achievements and reputation remained there, and the cadres and contacts he promoted remained there. Normally, when everyone had nothing to do, it was not easy to find Li Yi Yi chatted, today, taking this opportunity, they all called to chat for a few words, saying that I saw Mayor Li in the news, what's the matter, nothing more than praise Li Yi or something like that.

Of all the calls, Yizhou has the most calls.

Li Yi had to answer these calls, and he couldn't neglect them.Because the people who can call must be his confidants or have been his confidants.

At the beginning, he chatted with others and asked about the situation, but later he saw that there were too many calls, so he could only chat briefly and then hung up, saying that he would contact again when he had time.

This night was the busiest night since he entered politics. Listening to the phone made his ears burn and his eardrums vibrated!

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