Official road bends

Chapter 8, The 797th Book

"Xiao Yi." Li Zhengyu said: "I know you are a very smart kid, and your abilities are also very strong. What puzzles me is, what do you want to do when you control such a powerful army?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Isn't there a saying that says: Does a gun come out of the barrel of a gun?"

Li Zhengyu pondered for a long time and asked, "What are you going to use it for?"

Li Yi said: "Do some things that are inconvenient for us to do." After a pause, he added: "Of course this army serves us."

"Us? How big is the scope?"

"It can refer to our Li family, or it can refer to the entire country."

Li Zhengyu asked: "What did you do with it?"

Li Yi said: "This is still a developing army, and their operations are still very few. So far, there have been only a few operations, and the most sensational one was the one in Central Asia."

Li Zhengyu said: "Then what are you going to do with it?"

Li Yi said: "Maintain world peace and protect justice in the world."

Li Zhengyu laughed: "That's what a superman should do."

Li Yi said: "What I want to build is a super-powered army. They can sneak into any country and perform special tasks."

Li Zhengyu said: "The requirements for the equipment and weapons of the army are extremely high. The requirements for the quality of the soldiers are even higher. Can your army do it?"

Li Yi said: "If it weren't for the fact that the aircraft carrier's target is too big, I would have equipped it for them. What this army needs is quick response and precise mission execution."

Li Zhengyu said: "Tell me, what kind of weapons do you equip them now?"

Li Yi smiled, and casually mentioned the names of several fighter jets and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and the names of some weapons.

These weapons are considered the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world. There are two types of aircraft, the latest Mi-type and Soviet-type fighter jets. Even our country has not yet mastered this production technology. As for weapons, it is even more Advanced to burst!

"Xiao Yi!" Li Zhengyu was slightly moved: "Such a powerful army is comparable to ordinary military powers!"

Li Yi said: "My goal is to make this army stronger, and eventually it will be equipped with all the advanced weapons in the world. Because, once they really perform important tasks, they will become thorns in the eyes of spies and agents. Certain powerful countries We will also find ways to destroy this army. At that time, we must have the strongest self-defense capabilities."

Li Zhengyu said: "The question is, can African countries allow their existence?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Of course they won't allow it, but they have nothing to do with us. I chose a small country as the base camp of this army. South Africa and other big countries also have branches of this army , They exist and survive in the form of mercenaries. In that small country, the strength of this army has long surpassed their own military strength. It can even be said that the ** of a certain country in Africa has actually been controlled by us.”

"Is it really that powerful?" Li Zhengyu said.

"Their president is supported by us." Li Yi said: "The senior military officers and high-level politicians in their country all follow our orders. The most important commercial organizations, livelihood enterprises, and mining factories in their country are basically all We control. Let’s put it this way, a certain country is completely ours, except for the coup d’état who puts us in power.”

Li Zhengyu said: "Xiao Yi, then you are already a king in another land?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Yes. If I don't do well here, or if I have a whim one day, I will resign and return to my hometown, and go to the African continent to be my own little king!"

Li Zhengyu stroked his chin, groaning silently. He was shocked by the amount of information Li Yi revealed!

"Can you tell me more about the situation of this army?" Li Zhengyu asked: "How many soldiers? How many weapons? Where are they distributed?"

Li Yi said: "Uncle, you are the person I trust the most. Of course I can tell you everything, but you still have to keep it secret for me. Even if you are the person you trust the most, you must keep it secret. Because, this is me My secret weapon. For this army, I have spent countless money."

Li Zhengyu smiled and said: "Of course! Your secret is my secret. I just want to find out."

Li Yi said: "I'm also planning to invite a military staff officer to advise me. After all, I'm really an amateur in military affairs. And you can be regarded as the top military chief of staff in the world!"

Li Zhengyu laughed: "You said this a bit reluctantly. If you really wanted to, why didn't you report it to me earlier? You didn't say this without pain when I asked about it!"

Li Yi smiled and reported the specific situation of the mysterious army to his uncle in detail.

Li Zhengyu's face became more and more serious.

After Li Yi finished speaking, Li Zhengyu said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yi, what you have is not only an army, but also a powerful force! He can be invincible! Even some small military powers, I'm afraid There is no army as powerful as yours! You must make good use of it, and you must not be arrogant and do things that are detrimental to the interests of the country and world peace."

The uncle said something earnest and earnest, which made Li Yi nod frequently.

"Uncle, don't worry, I have such an army for the purpose of better protecting the interests of our motherland! Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The world is a big river and lake, and there will always be robbers, criminals, invaders, and terrorists." or the existence of bad guys. I built such an army for the purpose of maintaining world peace and protecting national interests.”

Li Zhengyu said: "If used properly, this army will undoubtedly become the world's police! Crack down on violent and terrorist crimes, implement intercontinental operations, and maintain world peace!"

Li Yi said: "This is exactly what I am working hard for. Uncle, do you think it is necessary for us to have an aircraft carrier battle group?"

Li Zhengyu made a haha: "Xiaoyi! You really don't have back pain when you talk! Aircraft carrier battle group? Is that something you can configure if you want? Our country still wants to configure it! But where did you come from? With this technology The country will certainly not sell it to you. Where are you going to build it?"

Li Yi said: "People always come up with solutions. If they don't sell to our country, it doesn't mean they won't sell to other countries. No matter what the country is, as long as the bribes are in place, there will always be traitors."

Li Zhengyu said: "What? Do you really have this idea?"

Li Yi said: "It's not just an idea, I plan to realize it."

Li Zhengyu said: "If you can really achieve it, then do it! Yes, it's better than nothing! Xiaoyi, you have to believe in one truth, the stronger you are, the less the enemy dares to despise and offend you."

Li Yi nodded: "I understand."

Li Zhengyu said: "I forgot to ask, does your army have a serial number?"

Li Yi said: "Wake up the lion!"

Li Zhengyu nodded and said: "This name is good! It has meaning! It has momentum! The Chinese nation has already woken up, and it's time to show off its glory!"

When the two of them talked about military topics, they were both eloquent and endless.

Li Zhengyu is proud to have such a heaven-defying nephew.He sighed in his heart, if Zheng Yuan was still alive, how happy would he be to see such a promising son?

"Xiao Yi, there is another important question," Li Zhengyu said: "How do you control such a huge army? This is not a small problem. If one day, it is not under your control, it will be a disaster." Infinity!"

Li Yi said: "Uncle, don't worry, I have my own method to control this army."

Li Zhengyu said: "Managing and leading a team is a profound knowledge. By the way, since your goal is the whole world, have you established your own intelligence network?"

Li Yi said: "Yes, but it is far from perfect. This is why I want to send Catherine and Brown over there. After observing for a while, I plan to reuse them and let them improve my intelligence network."

Li Zhengyu said: "Very good. Then use your information to help us find some news."

Li Yi asked: "What aspect?"

Li Zhengyu said: "It is related to the island country, the thing is like this... well, that's it, you must keep everything confidential."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if they are accidentally exposed, they will never suspect us."

Li Zhengyu said: "This matter is confidential, even if it is Lin girl, don't talk about it for now."

Li Yi said: "I have a measure."

On the same day, Li Yi made arrangements to send Brown and Catherine on the plane to Africa.

He has made it clear to Boy Scout that for these two people, one is to guard against them, and the other is to use them, to use them while defending, and to observe while using them.

When they got home, the family members inevitably worried and asked again, and Li Yi took it lightly.

That night, Paya and Ashira actually stayed at Li's house.

Fortunately, during the meal, everyone was fairly peaceful.Paya didn't look for trouble anymore, and Lin Xin treated her politely.

Before going to sleep, Paya gave Li Yi a wink, which made Li Yi's heart beat.

This foreign woman is a bit too bold!

This is in my house!My wife is at home!My mom and my kids are there!How dare you wink at me, and invite me to meet you in your room privately!

Li Yi smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that it would be his own disaster to offend such a princess!

But since Paya has sent out the signal, if she doesn't go, I'm afraid she will make a fuss, and if she makes a fuss, the house will never be peaceful.

Left balance, right balance, dilemma.

Hesitant to advance, hesitant to retreat, a dilemma.

Without women, men will feel that life is meaningless, and if there are too many women, men will also doubt the meaning of life.

The terrible thing is that this night, Lin Xin came to feel special, hugged Li Yi, and asked for it twice in a row!

When his wife fell asleep satisfied, Li Yi suffered from insomnia. (To be continued.)

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