Official road bends

Chapter 8, The 822th Book

Comrade Zhao Shuiquan, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, mentioned the Wang Xiaofeng case to Li Yi twice. .

It's not that Li Yi doesn't want to be Zhang Zhenghua, the struggle with his opponent is endless.

However, in Zhao Shuiquan's hands, there was no useful evidence. Even if it was done, Zhang Zhenghua could only be disgusted, and it was impossible to hurt him.

Moreover, Li Yi thought to himself that he was going to leave Yizhou anyway, so let Zhang Zhenghua go!The so-called self-destruction, if Zhang Zhenghua really goes wrong, then there will be a day of failure, and someone will come out to deal with him.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on.

Li Yi wants to calm down, spend the last period of time in Yizhou well, sort out the overall work, and make a handover.

But Zhang Zhenghua felt that his life was too leisurely, so he wanted to do something.

After Wang Yipang was shuanggui and double-opened, Zhang Zhenghua mentioned Wang Yipang's case more than once in public, and emphasized that in the selection and appointment of cadres, there must be no sloppy, careless, or selfish .

He didn't mention a word of Li Yi, but he stabbed Li Yi every word.

Because everyone knows that Wang Yipang is Li Yi's man, the one who Li Yi single-handedly offered to pull him up!

Zhang Zhenghua is the top leader of the municipal party committee, scolding Wang Yipang in public, and also talking about the principles of appointing cadres, this is his duty, and no one can blame him.

When Li Yi heard what others said, he just laughed it off and didn't care.

When he thinks about it, you Zhang Zhenghua is so cowardly that you can only fight with words. Do I need to accompany you?If you want to have a mouth addiction, then you can live it!Even if you report it to the central government, it is impossible for the higher-level organization to charge me with a crime of negligence, right?

However, this is just Zhang Zhenghua testing Li Yi!

He knew that Li Yi was leaving, so he was ready to try his skills!

After this test, Li Yi did not respond.

Therefore, Zhang Zhenghua was complacent. He thought that Li Yi didn't want to make big troubles at the critical moment of his transfer, and he didn't dare to make troubles.

But Zhang Zhenghua wanted Li Yi to have a hard time.

Most of Yizhou City is mountainous. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the road to Shu is difficult and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. After Li Yi arrived, he overhauled the roads and bridges, realizing the grand scene of every village being connected to the road. off the road.The reason is that Yizhou's financial expenditure is very large, which has attracted criticism from many officials.

Zhang Zhenghua made a big fuss about this issue, saying that Li Yi abused his financial power and didn't know where the money was spent.

At first he only talked about this financial issue in the circle of cadres, and later he also talked about it in public places.

As soon as a sensible person hears it, his legs can hear the meaning behind his words, and he is questioning: Li Yi spent Yizhou's money indiscriminately, and he doesn't know whether it is used for business or private affairs.

Li Yi also heard these rumors, but he just laughed it off, he was not afraid of the shadow slanting.

However, the so-called three people become a tiger, accumulate and burn bones, and have too much saliva, it can drown people.

Zhang Zhenghua talked too much, and some cadres were affected, and began to doubt the payment of financial expenditures. Slowly, many citizens even talked about it.

Once, Li Yi went to a farmer's market in the city in plain clothes, and overheard two housewives chatting while buying vegetables, and they were talking about the bad debts in the city's finances!

This time, Li Yi was shocked.

The mouth of the people is better than Fangchuan!

For a long time, Li Yi has always loved the people like his son, and his word of mouth and official reputation have been handed down with integrity.

Now, even the common people are suspecting that he has tampered with finances!

How does this come about?

Li Yi found the instigator of this incident-Zhang Zhenghua.

When Zhang Zhenghua saw Li Yi coming, he smiled slightly, as if a friend came from afar, it was very pleasant, kind and joyful.

Li Yi's dissatisfaction did not show on his face. He has learned to hide his emotions. The more angry he is, the more calm he is, so that his opponent can't see your depth clearly.

Zhang Zhenghua really couldn't figure out Li Yi's mood, neither of them spoke, and each smoked.

Li Yi crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette leisurely. Through the lingering smoke, he occasionally cast a glance at Zhang Zhenghua.

The two are competing for strength and patience.

Zhang Zhenghua finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Comrade Li Yi, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Only then did Li Yi smile slightly at Yi and said, "Is Secretary Zhang not busy? Let's talk now?"

Zhang Zhenghua thought to himself, I've been smoking with you for half a day, can't you tell if I'm busy or not?

"Hehe, let's talk." Zhang Zhenghua changed to a more comfortable sitting position. He wanted to regain the initiative in the conversation, so his expression became serious, as if he was talking about business.

Li Yi was not in a hurry, he blew out a smoke ring leisurely, and said slowly: "Secretary Zhang, I have a job that I've been planning for a long time, but I just haven't found the right time to say it."

"Oh? Really? The idea you came up with must be a good idea. Is it time now? Can you talk about it?" Zhang Zhenghua became interested. He wanted to know what Li Yi would throw out before leaving office. What a bombshell to come.

"The finances are open and transparent, and made public." Li Yi said slowly.

Zhang Zhenghua was taken aback for a moment, and his face changed slightly.

Li Yi caught the change in Zhang Zhenghua's face, thinking that you are finally guilty!

"Secretary Zhang, our city's fiscal expenditures must be announced to the public starting from the village level, once every quarter, so that all citizens can know how much the government's fiscal revenue is and how much it is spending. How much and where it was spent.”

Li Yi wanted to talk to Zhang Zhenghua about the issue of rumors spreading outside, but he didn't say a word, only starting from the opening of finances.

Zhang Zhenghua murmured, "This is inconvenient, isn't it? The government spends money, so it's necessary to announce it to the common people?"

Li Yi said: "Our government is to serve the people. Fiscal revenue comes from the people and is used for the people. However, the common people do not know the situation of fiscal revenue and expenditure, so there are many guesses and ideas." Emphatically added: "This has a great impact on the image of our government."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Who dares to talk about the government's finances? If someone really dares to be so presumptuous and criticize politics, then the local government should be notified and educate such people!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Secretary Zhang, are you taking it too seriously? Speech is free, and the mouth is on the common people. What they want to say can only be left to them. Besides, their guesses are not without It makes sense. The only way to silence them is to make a detailed list of the government's income and expenditure and make it public."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Comrade Li Yi, no matter what level of finance there is, there will always be discrepancies to some extent. Even a steelmaking plant will have losses! Who can say clearly?"

Li Yi said: "I dare not say far away, but since I personally served as the mayor of Yizhou, the financial revenue and expenditure within a few years can stand scrutiny and inspection. Therefore, since I was transferred to Yizhou Let’s start by listing the financial expenditure in detail and making it public!”

These words were undoubtedly slapping Zhang Zhenghua in the face.

Didn't you, Mr. Zhang, tell everyone that there is a financial problem in Yizhou?Then I will publish all the financial details and let everyone see if I, Li Yi, have misused a penny!

Zhang Zhenghua moved his chest a little uncomfortably, and said, "Comrade Li Yi, why bother? Some people gossip, let them talk about it! Who doesn't talk behind their backs? Who doesn't talk about people behind their backs? There are always people who gossip, as long as we behave properly and sit properly, we don’t have to be afraid of rumors.”

Li Yi said: "This is not a matter of rumors. Even if there were no rumors about this outside, I would have wanted to do this a long time ago. What do you mean?"

Zhang Zhenghua said: "I don't quite agree with you doing this. However, the finances are in your charge, and if you insist on doing it, I have no objection."

Can he object?Even if he objected, what's the use?

The members of the Standing Committee of Yizhou are all inclined to Li Yi and support Li Yi!

Anyway, if you can't object, you might as well just agree.But Zhang Zhenghua was not a straightforward person, so he wanted to say a nonsense.

Li Yi said: "Thank you, Secretary Zhang, for your support in my work. Then I will ask someone to draw up the detailed rules for financial disclosure, and then prepare statistics and publicize them."

Zhang Zhenghua hummed, very displeased.

Li Yi stood up and said goodbye.

The details of Yizhou's financial expenditures and revenues were soon announced to the public. Through television, newspapers, posters and other publicity methods, the general public can learn about the details of the city's financial revenues and expenditures in recent years.

Some citizens are conscientious. They read the government announcement carefully, added and subtracted item by item, and estimated item by item. They feel that this watch is still trustworthy.

Careful people figured out the problem.

In the past few years when Li Yi has been in power in Yizhou, the income has doubled every year. Needless to say, what surprised them even more is that the income of the government is much less than the expenditure!

In other words, even if the government invests all its annual income in construction, it is still far from enough!

Other careful citizens will immediately remind everyone that after Mayor Li arrived, he went to the province and Beijing to ask for projects and funds. The extra money must be returned to Yizhou by Mayor Li. .

The citizens said: "Mayor Li is really a good official!"

Someone reminded everyone that those charity events raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Yizhou!This money was also obtained by Mayor Li's efforts!

Citizens said: "Mayor Li is really a good official!"

As soon as the publicity list came out, the discussion about Mayor Li's indiscriminate use of financial funds naturally disappeared.

On the contrary, the public's respect and love for Mayor Li is stronger than ever before!

All of this was unexpected by Zhang Zhenghua.He wanted to disgust Li Yi, but in the end it helped him a lot.

Zhang Zhenghua fired at Li Yi again and again, which also angered Li Yi.

Li Yi originally wanted to leave cleanly, but at this moment, he wanted to show Zhang Zhenghua some flair. (To be continued.)

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