Official road bends

Chapter 8, The Good Mayor of the People

Things finally came to light!

The working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection withdrew from the province, and then the province punished Comrade Zhang Zhenghua very severely. .

However, Zhang Zhenghua's background is not generally tough. Even if he violated discipline, he was still the top leader in Yizhou, and he was not shuanggui or dismissed because of this.

However, soon there were rumors that Zhang Zhenghua had embezzled so much money and had already handed it over in full, so it was avoided.Some people also said that Zhang Zhenghua was protected by high-ranking officials, and some people tried to overthrow him but failed. Some people also said that Zhang Zhenghua had seven or eight mistresses, and each mistress lived like a queen. Now Zhang Zhenghua has fallen. Unfortunately, those mistresses immediately fell and scattered, and went to find the big boss.

The rumors in the market are always far from the truth, but infinitely close to the truth.

What is worthy of Li Yi's smile is that all the rumors about him have disappeared.

Tian Hua then felt that Mayor Li is really wise!Also too composed!No matter what big things he encounters, he can always deal with them indifferently!That is a kind of great wisdom that sees through the world!

On the surface, Zhang Zhenghua looked the same as usual, what he was supposed to do, what he was still doing.But his heart is turning upside down!

On this day, Li Yi took the initiative to find Zhang Zhenghua, and the two talked in the office.

"Secretary Zhang, comrades from the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission have approached me and asked about your situation." Li Yi responded frankly.

Zhang Zhenghua twitched the corners of his mouth and sneered.

Li Yi said: "You must think that I will make trouble, right?"

Zhang Zhenghua sneered again, which seemed to mean: "Isn't it right? Could it be that you didn't take this opportunity to talk about my shortcomings and mistakes to the comrades in the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

Li Yi took out a pen in his pocket.

Zhang Zhenghua said, "What? Do you still want to write a report here?"

Li Yi said: "This is an advanced recording pen."

Zhang Zhenghua's face changed: "You and I are talking, and you also record it?"

Li Yi said: "I'm not that boring. I just want you to listen to a recording."

This recording was recorded when Li Yi talked with the working group of the Provincial Disciplinary Inspection Commission.

From the time he entered the residence of the working group until he said goodbye and left.All his conversations with comrades in the working group were recorded.

"Comrade Li Yi, I'm sorry to delay your time."

"It's nothing, I should cooperate with your work, and I am happy to cooperate."

"I invite you here today, mainly to ask your opinion on this case."

"Hehe, I still don't know what case you are working on."

"For others, we naturally have to keep secrets, but for you, we trust. We must also gain your trust and support for the work we will carry out in Yizhou. Therefore, I can tell you now that we will come down this time, He was ordered to investigate Comrade Zhang Zhenghua."

"Secretary Zhang? Why are you investigating him?"

"I have a report letter from the masses here. Because this letter is signed, so please forgive me that I can't show it to you. But you can believe every word I say."

"Of course I do. Ask what you want to ask."

"Comrade Li Yi, you have been with Comrade Zhang Zhenghua for many years, what do you think of him as a person? What about an official?"

"Well, Secretary Zhang is an upright person, an upright and honest official."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course. I remember a detail. Once, Secretary Zhang went to the village below to inspect the implementation of road access in every village. At noon, he arranged to have a meal with a farmer. The farmer wanted to kill a chicken for him to eat, but he just snatched it from the farmer's wife. He picked up a knife and said it was a hen, which was kept for laying eggs in your family. Don’t kill it, just cook me a big bowl of pumpkin soup. Later, the story of Secretary Zhang eating pumpkin soup at every household spread widely. household name."

"But, don't you think, he is acting?"

"I don't think so. Even if it's acting, he has to be willing to do it! If each of our cadres and comrades can maintain this mentality of acting every day, then our team will be pure."

"Well, do you think he is a good leader at work?"

"Secretary Zhang's macro management is very good. Our current achievements in Yizhou are all made under his leadership. I can tell you this: Without Secretary Zhang, there would be no Yizhou today."

"Then have you heard any rumors of him taking bribes?"

"No. I thought it was pure nonsense. It must be some people who were hit by Secretary Zhang and who held a grudge in their hearts and deliberately framed him."

"So, have you ever heard that Comrade Zhang Zhenghua keeps mistresses outside?"

"There is such a thing? I haven't heard of it at all. Secretary Zhang gave me the impression that although he looks fair and handsome, he has never been too close to any lesbian. Even if it is a dance held by the agency, he rarely participates in it." , participates occasionally, and doesn’t dance with lesbians very much. Therefore, I don’t believe it if you say that he keeps mistresses outside.”

"Comrade Li Yi, thank you, thank you for your support to our work."

"You are too polite. If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first."

"Okay, trouble Comrade Li Yi."

Then, I heard the sound of someone getting up, shaking hands, and then the sound of Li Yi walking.Someone else shouted: "Mayor Li, come down, are you going back to the city now?"

Then there was the sound of getting into the car, the sound of closing the door, and the sound of the car starting.

The recording ends here.

Zhang Zhenghua listened to this recording very carefully.

"Secretary Zhang, have you heard everything?" Li Yi said, "I didn't say anything bad to you."

Zhang Zhenghua was stunned. He never expected that Li Yi not only didn't say bad things about himself, but also helped him say a lot of good things!

If he hadn't heard this recording with his own ears, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!

Just now, he was still suspicious that it was Li Yi who was behind the scenes, and Li Yi wanted to punish him! !

Now he is relieved, he feels that he has wronged Li Yi.

"Ah!" Zhang Zhenghua sighed, and said, "Comrade Li Yi, I'm really ashamed to say that! I've always suspected that you are behind my back!"

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Ah? How is that possible? I'm going to be transferred soon! What else do I do with your name? Then don't I have nothing to do?"

Zhang Zhenghua waved his hand and said, "I'm the one who is paranoid! I'm sorry for you!"

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang, you and I are officials in the same city. There will inevitably be some stumbling blocks between us, but we are all for work! I am leaving Yizhou, and you are still succeeding. The future development of Yizhou depends on You have to work hard."

Zhang Zhenghua said with emotion: "Comrade Li Yi, at this moment, let me tell you a few words from my heart. I admire you from the bottom of my heart! Really! Yizhou's current achievements are all made by you with hard work." Yes. I'm just in your light."

"We are all for work!" Li Yi said: "I just did some specific things."

Zhang Zhenghua suddenly confided his heart to Li Yi, and said many things that he had never said before.

"Someone accused me of corruption, saying that I kept a mistress outside. This is all fabricated out of thin air! Am I that kind of person? Now that the Disciplinary Inspection Committee has finished their investigation, they only found out some small things about me. It is also because I was implicated in the Wang Xiaofeng case. So , Recorded a major fault for me, and gave me a serious warning within the party. It can be regarded as a punishment for me not knowing people and employing people! In this regard, I did make mistakes, and I admit the punishment. It’s all there, so I don’t even dare to see people!”

Li Yi chuckled, wondering if it wasn't because of your hard background, you could pass the level so easily?Even if it doesn't let you die, it will make you peel off!

It's good now, you've got a bargain, and you're still a good boy!

Of course, it was impossible for Li Yi to say these words. He just smiled and said: "Rumors, let him spread them, and they will disappear. Anyone who has the ability should have some rumors." Otherwise, how can he show that he is capable? Hehe, don’t you think so? Secretary Zhang.”

Zhang Zhenghua let out a haha, and his mood became much brighter.

This conversation is Li Yi's last plan to bid farewell to Yizhou.

With the help of Zhao Shuiquan, he successfully dealt with Zhang Zhenghua and dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of this old opponent, making him unable to recover for a long time, but he gained Zhang Zhenghua's favor!

Killing a man with a knife can make people feel grateful to you!

The technique is really brilliant and terrifying.

If anyone encounters such an opponent, then you should be careful!

The day for Li Yi to leave Yizhou is still here.

This morning, Li Yi didn't disturb anyone, packed everything and went out.

Qian Duo, Tian Hua, and Liang Fengping are all waiting for Li Yi.

Li Yi said to Tian Hua: "There is no need to send it away, go back! I have arranged for you to work in Beiqiang County, do it well! You must be a good official."

Tian Hua was moved, wiped his wet eyes, and said, "Mayor Li, thank you! I have learned so much from you. Thank you for taking care of and cultivating me. I will never forget it."

Li Yi waved his hand and got into the car.

Liang Fengping sat side by side with him in the back.

Qian Duo started the car and drove away slowly.

Li Yi rolled down the car window and looked at this hot land where he worked and lived.

Yes, he has been here!

Now, he is leaving.He has completed his mission on this land, so he can leave with peace of mind!

The morning light is faint, and the cool spring breeze blows people's faces with chills.

The moment Li Yi was about to roll up the window, he was stunned.

Both sides of the gate of the Standing Committee compound were full of people of all colors!

From Zhang Zhenghua down, all members of the Standing Committee, cadres on both sides of the party and the government, top-ranked heads of bureau committees and offices in the city, and many, many people!

He also saw that there were many folks inside!They must have come a long way!

How did they get the news?

The news in the agency spreads fast!

Li Yi didn't get out of the car, he kept waving at everyone.

The armed police at the gate, with the most standard courtesy, said their final farewell to this respectable and lovely mayor.

"Mayor Li, have a good trip!" The crowd suddenly burst into shouts.

A long red strip unfolded among the crowd, with several large characters written on it: "Good mayor of the people of Yizhou!"

In an instant, Li Yi's eyes were sore!

——All the sacrifices are worth it! (To be continued.)

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