Official road bends

Chapter 84 Personnel Issues

Chapter 84 Personnel Issues

Li Yi was a little hesitant, not knowing where the relationship between their husband and wife had reached. This fight was not a "random" persuasion. If Jia Qicheng was really misunderstood and affected their relationship as a husband and wife, it would be a heinous crime.

Seeing Jia Qicheng fighting, Gong Xuemei also became sexual, touched his hot face, and became angry, so she joined the battle group and helped to fight Xue Xue.

After all, Jia Qicheng is a man, he grabbed Xue Xue's long hair in just a few strokes, pulled her hard, and pulled her to the ground. Gong Xuemei just stepped forward and kicked Xue Xue vigorously.

If it was just a husband and wife quarreling, Li Yi would not be able to persuade him, but now that Gong Xuemei joined the battle, the nature of this has changed. Li Yi shouted: "Stop!" Afraid that Xue Xue would be injured, he hit Gong Xuemei hard He kicked away, and kicked Jia Qicheng's calf bone again.The calf bone is the most vital part of the human body. If it is slightly damaged, it will cause a person to stand unsteadily, and Jia Qicheng will fall down in response.

Li Yi helped Xue Xue up and asked, "Sister Xue, how are you doing?"

Xue Xue's hair was disheveled, her face was beaten a few times, and she was a little bruised. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, Li Yi, you go back first." Obviously she didn't want to be laughed at by Li Yi, I also don't want Li Yi to be implicated.

But Li Yi didn't want to leave her here alone to be bullied. Jia Qicheng and that Lu Xuemei worked hand in hand as a 'traitor'. God knows what crimes they could do?It is not uncommon to kill a wife and hide a corpse.

Jia Qicheng got up and yelled hysterically: "You son of a bitch! Don't leave if you are a bitch! See how I deal with you!" Picking up the mobile phone, he dialed a number, and after connecting, he said loudly: "Little three, I'm Jia Qicheng, Yes, yes, yes, there is such a thing, I want to trouble you, I was beaten, yes, right at the gate of our community, yes, yes, okay, then I will wait for you, bring a few more men, that guy has some skills .”

When Xue Xue heard the call from Jia Qicheng, she hurriedly said to Li Yi: "Section Chief Li, hurry up, the person surnamed Jia knows a lot of people in **, he must have called them over, don't worry, they won't What about me."

Li Yi sneered: "I want to see what tricks he can play!"

Jia Qicheng's calf was suffering from pain, and he kept jumping on tiptoe, massaging his painful leg with his hands, and looked at Li Yi resentfully: "Little white face, don't run if you have the guts!"

Xue Xue insisted on pushing Li Yi into the car to leave, but Jia Qicheng taunted Li Yi by the side.

Xue Xue resolutely pushed Li Yi into the car and asked Li Yi to leave. Li Yi knew that if he stayed here, he might intensify the conflict between them, so he had to drive away.Jia Qicheng chased after the car, jumping and yelling.

Li Yi looked at Xue Xue's thin face through the mirror, which looked so pale under the faint halo of the street lamp.

Back at the hotel, the atmosphere inside was really lively, and everyone was drinking happily.Li Yi sighed and shook his head, how happy and sad it is!

Wang Yang pulled Li Yi and said, "Come on, you haven't had much to drink tonight!"

Li Yi lost interest and said, "I won't drink anymore, let's stop here today."

Wen Kejia also said: "Let's break up then, we will meet again some other day." To Li Yi, "Let's leave a phone number for each other so that we can contact each other conveniently." Li Yi changed numbers with him.

Wang Yang insisted on sending Li Yi back, but Li Yi refused, and called Tan Jingyi back to the dormitory.

Tan Jingyi asked: "Chief Li, what is the origin of that Mr. Wang? Why do so many directors want to toast his wine?"

Li Yi glanced at her: "He is the son of Vice Governor Wang."

Tan Jingyi let out a sigh, and said with a smile: "Then he must have many girlfriends?"

Li Yi said: "What kind of logic is this! Do you have to have many girlfriends?"

Tan Jingyi suddenly said: "Section Chief Li, Deputy Director Liu asked me to accompany him on a business trip, what do you think is going on?"

Li Yi was a little surprised: "Deputy Director Liu is on a business trip, isn't it your turn to accompany him?" Then he woke up and said, "Are you afraid he will have other ideas?"

Tan Jingyi said: "It's not because I'm afraid that he has other ideas, but because he already has other ideas. I think I can't escape this time."

Li Yi found it funny: "What do you mean you can't escape? Just don't go if you don't?"

Tan Jingyi sighed quietly: "I'm not going? Is that okay? Don't say that you can't keep your current job, I'm afraid you won't even be able to go back to the street office!"

Li Yi has also heard about the unspoken rules of the workplace, and he has long known that if female cadres want to be promoted, sacrificing their "humor" is a shortcut.I wondered in my heart, why did she tell herself such a secret thing?The two don't seem to be familiar with each other!Haven't reached the point where we can talk about this kind of **?

Li Yi asked calmly: "Then what do you think?"

Tan Jingyi turned her head and looked at Li Yi: "Section Chief Li, you know so many big people, there must be many ways, can you help me?"

Li Yi said helplessly: "I promised you that I would say good things to you in front of the leader. But, you can't be so hasty, can you?"

Tan Jingyi said: "I'm afraid that Deputy Director Liu..."

Li Yi thought for a while and said: "How about this, you can push Deputy Director Liu first, and say that Corey has a task."

Tan Jingyi snorted, obviously thinking that Li Yi was perfunctory her, with a heavy heart on her face.

Another two days passed in a blink of an eye. After work that day, Li Yi was rushing to make a report when he heard a knock on the door.Li Yi put down his pen, got up and opened the door, but saw Xue Xue standing outside with a tired face, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Xue Xue didn't speak, but walked in, poured himself a glass of water, gulped it down, sat down on the stool, and said, "Section Chief Li, we're going back to Lianshui."

Li Yi hummed: "Later, he didn't embarrass you, did he?"

Xue Xuexiu frowned: "Don't talk about him!"

Li Yi smiled: "I thought you were divorced?"

Xue Xue looked at Li Yi's smirking face, and said helplessly: "Not yet. Don't talk about these troublesome things. Section Chief Li, have you ever thought about going to work below?"

Li Yi said: "How do you say it?"

Xue Xue said: "I've taken a fancy to you, and I want to dig you to Lianshui."

Li Yi 'touched' his nose and said with a smile, "Your first half sentence is too ambiguous!"

Xue Xue really had no choice but to pretend not to hear him, and said seriously: "I'm serious."

Li Yidao: "Personnel arrangements are not up to me! It's not up to me to go wherever I want."

Xue Xue cheered up and said: "You can agree, I will go to the activities, don't worry, you come to our Lianshui, I can't treat you badly, I will give you a secretary of the town committee!"

Li Yi was really moved, thinking that Shangguan Zhengqing's prophecy would fall on Xue Xue?

After Xue Xue finished speaking, she didn't stay long: "I'm leaving, you just wait for my good news!"

Li Yi sent her out. Just as she sat down, there was another knock on the door. Li Yi opened the door and saw Ma Haitao standing outside a little awkwardly.

"Section Chief Li, I would like to treat you to a glass of wine." Ma Haitao smiled.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ma, I'm busy now. If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Ma Haitao squeezed in and said: "Section Chief Li, I was confused before, I listened to other people's slander, and did stupid things, but that was really not my intention, and I was ordered to do it by others. That person is... "

Li Yi reached out to stop him and said, "Needless to say, I understand."

Then Ma Haitao rubbed his hands together, and said, "Section Chief Li, I heard that our department will make a big move in personnel affairs? Section Chief Shao is about to be promoted to deputy director, and Section Chief Li is about to become a full-time supervisor. I came here to congratulate you."

Li Yi said lightly: "Personnel issues are not something we should discuss, they are all organizational arrangements."

Ma Haitao blushed and said, "Section Chief Li, I have been working for four or five years, and I have been working hard, but I haven't even been rated as a deputy chief staff member..."

Li Yi interrupted him and said: "Brother Ma, let me say it again, personnel issues are not for you and me to decide. No matter how much you talk to me, it will be a waste of time. At the very least, you should go to Director Wang and cry."

Ma Haitao was so ashamed that he got up and left.Li Yi stared at his back coldly, and snorted coldly from his nose.

He remembered a famous saying.

To treat friends, we must be as warm as spring, and to treat enemies, we must be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps fallen leaves!

Li Yi put away the pen and paper and came upstairs to Shao Guoping's house. Shao Guoping's house was preparing for dinner. His youngest son Shao Wenxuan was setting the dishes. When he saw Li Yi, he raised his head and called out sweetly: "Hello, Uncle Li !"

Shao Guoping and his wife Gao Suli were both busy in the kitchen, and Shao Guoping called out: "Li Yi, sit down first, and I'll come as soon as I finish cooking this dish. Let's talk about it first, and eat at my place later!"

Li Yi responded.

Shao Guoping took care of his family, and he was a department-level cadre, and he lived in a suite.Two bedrooms and one living room, living in a family of three, it is quite spacious, but his mother-in-law is paralyzed in bed, his father-in-law passed away early, and his brother-in-law is not capable enough to support himself, so the burden of taking care of his mother-in-law falls on Shao Guoping and his wife were picked up two years ago and have been living here. Shao Guoping treats them like his own mother.Fortunately, the child is still young, and the family can get by if they squeeze together.

It was precisely after seeing Shao Guoping's great filial piety that Li Yi felt that this person could be handed over to him. He really felt that a person who is filial to his parents must have the same character.

Shao Wenxuan was very sensible, and immediately moved a stool to Li Yi: "Sit, Uncle Li."

Li Yi smiled and 'touched' his head: "So cute!"

Li Yi saw a small cake on the table with seven small candles crookedly inserted, and said with a smile, "Xuanxuan, today is your seventh birthday?"

Shao Wenxuan nodded: "Yes, this cake is a gift from my father!"

Li Yi took out 200 yuan and stuffed it into Shao Wenxuan's pocket: "Uncle didn't buy any presents, so you can use the money to buy some stationery." Shao Wenxuan laughed happily, and the child was eager to tell his parents , immediately took out the money, and ran to the kitchen yelling.

Shao Guoping and his wife were a little surprised because Li Yi gave Shao Wenxuan 200 yuan!This is equivalent to half a month's salary for Li Yi.

Shao Guoping snatched it from his son and stuffed it back into Li Yi: "This is not allowed!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "It's a small thing, it's for Xuanxuan, not for you, why are you so anxious? Otherwise, I really won't eat this meal."

Gao Suli slapped Shao Guoping's hand: "This is Li Yi's wish, just accept it."

Shao Guoping saw his wife opened his mouth, so he had to give up and let Li Yi stuff the money back into Shao Wenxuan's pocket.

Having dinner at Shao's house, Shao Guoping knew that Li Yi had something to talk to him, so he asked him to go downstairs for a walk together, and the two came to the yard, smoking a cigarette and walking slowly.

"Brother Shao, there has been a change in personnel recently, isn't it?" Li Yi cut to the chase.

"I just heard the wind." Shao Guoping said with a smile: "Thanks to you, Li Yi, if you hadn't insisted on it in Lianshui County, I'm afraid I would have fallen!"

Li Yi shook his hand and said: "This is what Brother Shao deserves. The nature of our water supervision work is quite special, and we have the power to supervise the water conservancy projects in the whole province, especially after my report is passed. Yes, it must be the province's water conservancy construction that is in full swing, the work of our department must be more important, and in terms of employment, I think it is even more critical."

"What's your opinion? I'll discuss it with Director Wang."

Li Yi exchanged some of his ideas with him.

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