Chapter 97 Setting Up

"Section Chief Li, I'm outside now! Tonight, Deputy Director Liu forced me to come outside for a drink, saying that there were many colleagues with me. I didn't know until I arrived that there were only me and him in the office. It's all unknown to me."

"Well, then drink it! After drinking it, you just go, and he can still eat you?"

"After drinking, he dragged me to sing and dance again."

"Then come back after dancing! I'm tired today and I'm going to sleep."

"Don't! Section Chief Li, I have been dragged into the hotel by him now. He is taking a bath now, so I will take this opportunity to call you. Section Chief Li, come and save me! I am in Xiangjiang University Room 1108 of the hotel. He came out, I won’t say anything, Section Chief Li, come quickly, I beg you!”

After Tan Jingyi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Li Yi put down his big brother and frowned. This Tan Jingyi, why is it so troublesome!You can just find an excuse not to go to the reception!Since Deputy Director Liu is taking a shower, you won't take the opportunity to leave?

Could it be that there is some conspiracy here?

Li Yi sat down, lit a cigarette, and carefully recalled the process of getting acquainted with Tan Jingyi.

This woman has been approaching Li Yi intentionally or unintentionally. If it's just for an establishment, Li Yi, a small section chief, can't help her. She should hug Deputy Director Liu's thigh, but she treats Deputy Director Liu Do not catch a cold for a long time.

Wang Yang!

Everything became ambiguous after receiving the call from Wang Yang.

Li Yi is an ordinary man, even a little bit better than ordinary men. He likes women, especially beautiful women.

But he is a mature man, if his biological age is the same as his actual age, when he receives Tan Jingyi's call, he will probably rush to rescue him impulsively.

However, Li Yi has passed the age of being impulsive for beauty, whether to save Tan Jingyi or not, how to save, has to be thought out in advance.

Taking a step back, even if Tan Jingyi is fine, the man with her is Liu Hongguang, the deputy director of the provincial government office!

He is a dignified deputy department-level cadre!Even if he committed some problems with his life style, as long as someone above was willing to protect him, he would at most be punished by the party, which would not affect his position.

In this way, Li Yi is a bit suspenseful as the section chief under the general office!

Although Li Yi has a background, the county magistrate is not as good as he is now in charge. Liu Hongguang wants to wear Li Yi's shoes, which is a matter of minutes.

Taking the risk of offending Liu Hongguang to save the virginity of a female subordinate, is this a good deal?

What's more, this female subordinate has always been very utilitarian and purposeful since she joined the Water Supervision Office.

Li Yi thought for a while, and dialed Wang Yang's phone.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up, and Wang Yang's breathless voice came from inside: "I'm in trouble! You call me at a critical moment! I almost couldn't lift! If it wasn't for you, I would have been able to Cut off his penis!"

"Master Wang, let me ask you something." Li Yi ignored his complaints.

"It's so late, you still come to me, there must be something, just tell me, I'll listen all the time."

"Tan Jingyi really went to look for you?"

"It's light or thick, I can't even understand what you're talking about!" Wang Yang pushed the woman's head away from his crotch, and waved her to go away.

"It was the day you asked me to drink with Wen Kejia..."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Wen Kejia mentioned you to me today, saying that he wanted to ask you to come out to play together, but he didn't answer your calls. Hey, what have you been up to?"

"Don't interrupt, it's easy to talk about drinking. I'm telling you something serious! I took that woman to you that day, and she really went to you? Didn't you call to remind me that day? Do you remember? "

"Oh, your bastard, how dare I touch it! Ha ha, I'm just kidding. She didn't come to see me, so she called me and asked me to cooperate with her in performing a play for you."

"What? Act for me?"

"Yes, she said that you ignored her, and asked me to call you to stimulate your nerves! Hehe, did you really stimulate your nerves that day?"

"You mean, she taught you the content of your phone call?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"She taught you that she went to you and told you to get her arrangement done, so she would sleep with you, didn't she?"

"Yeah. It seems like that's what I said. It's been too long, I can't remember. What's wrong? Hehe, Young Master Yi, this girl is full of tricks, don't let her get you in!"

"Well, I've been surrounded by her!"

"How do you say it?" Wang Yang was obviously very interested in Li Yi's embarrassment.

"Your phone call really irritated me. I scolded her first, then felt that I was too much, so I wanted to make up for her, took her on a business trip, and made her some political achievements. She was so moved Cried."

"Troublesome woman!" Wang Yang shook his head and sighed: "I never get into troublesome women. The women I want are all those who come and go when they are called. Girl, do you know? What a little cabbage, if I can’t get it, I won’t get it! It’s not worth it to be embarrassed for a woman! There are so many beauties in the world, I can’t do it every day? Hanged from a tree with a crooked neck, don’t you think so?”

Li Yi patiently listened to his story on how to get a girl, and then smiled and said: "I received a call from her just now, and she said that she was about to be raped by Deputy Director Liu of our office, and asked me to rescue her, tell me Look, what's going on here?"

Wang Yang held the phone and remained silent for a long time.

Li Yi gave two feeds before he said: "This woman is really not simple. If I were you, I wouldn't care about her."

Li Yi sighed: "Unfortunately, I am not you."

Wang Yang also sighed: "The matter is obvious. As long as you go, she will become yours. It's hard to get rid of it! That Deputy Director Liu is probably a chess piece used by this woman. Same, she was used by her."

Li Yi said: "She depends on me? Why? She doesn't know my life experience. A small section chief, why does she have to spend so much effort to rely on me?"

Wang Yang said: "You mean, there are people behind her?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Let me guess, this may be a game set up by someone with a heart, and it is definitely not simple! That's why I didn't rush to go."

Wang Yang became interested: "Where are you? Let's meet and talk, such a good situation, I am very interested in solving it."

Li Yi said: "I'm in the dormitory."

Wang Yang smiled and said, "Well, I'll come right over!"

Li Yi didn't expect that Wang Yang was more curious and enthusiastic than himself!

Li Yi sneered. He now believes that even if Liu Hongguang intends to bully Tan Jingyi, it may not be so easy to get started. With Tan Jingyi's shrewdness, if he doesn't play Lao Liu into a dead cow, it will be cheaper for Liu Hongguang!

Li Yi dialed another phone number, which was the phone number that Xiao Jianfei left for him when he was at Xiangjiang Hotel last time.

Xiao Jianfei actually answered the phone very quickly.

"Captain Xiao, are you still up so late?"

"Section Chief Li, hello." Xiao Jianfei didn't expect Li Yi to call him at such a late hour. He was a little surprised and said, "Anyway, I sleep in the duty room. I have nothing to do at night. I practice my kung fu and sleep late."

Li Yi said with a smile: "There is something I would like to trouble you to check for me. I want to know the situation in your room 1108. The more detailed the better!"

Xiao Jianfei didn't ask Li Yi why, and simply said: "Okay, you wait."

Before Xiao Jianfei's call came back, that boy Wang Yang had already arrived.To Li Yi's surprise, this guy actually brought Wen Kejia over.

"Master Wang, did you just get married together, or did you pull Master Wen out of the house?"

Wen Kejia said: "How could I get along with someone like him? Hehe, as soon as I heard about you, I thought it was funny. You sneaked out under the cover of my sister."

Li Yi patted him on the shoulder: "This is called a real brother!"

"Yi Shao, let's do the math together to see if we can find the person who set up the trap! It must not be easy to plan so hard to plot against Yi Shao!" Wang Yang looked like Sherlock Holmes with a mysterious expression. .

Wang Yang's words reminded Li Yi that what Zhong Xiu said during the day flashed in his mind, that Kang Ping had met some powerful people, and he was trying to deal with him deliberately.

Li Yi looked at Wang Yang, and suddenly said: "Master Wang, it can't be you?"

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and immediately jumped up and said: "Li Yi, is this what a friend should say? It's a cold day, I will put down the warm chick and climb out of the hot bed to help you Busy, you actually said such a thing! How hurtful! Well, I’m going home! A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn’t know a good heart!”

Li Yi said calmly: "Since it's not you, why are you so excited!"

Wen Kejia laughed beside him.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Xiao Jianfei who called: "Section Chief Li, the suite 1108 is owned by a man named Liu Hongguang. The floor attendant said that there were a man and a woman who went in, and the man was in his fifties. The woman is in her early twenties and is very beautiful. I listened to the movement outside, and there was no obvious abnormal sound inside. I also asked the waiter to pretend to deliver boiling water, and asked to open the door to take a look. The situation inside was normal, and the man followed The women are all sitting in the living room watching the videos, but the videos show tertiary films from Hong Kong and Taiwan. That’s all for now.”

"It's detailed enough! Thank you, let's do this first. If necessary, I think I will trouble you tonight." Li Yi smiled very satisfied.This understanding of people's work is to save people's worries!

"Section Chief Li is too polite. I don't treat him as a friend for ordinary people. If he is a friend, then he is not an ordinary friend!" Xiao Jianfei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Li Yi's heart was warmed by Xiao Jianfei's words.Indifferently said to Wang Yang: "That woman is really not simple, it has been half an hour, and she is still watching the video!"

Wang Yang giggled and said, "From the moment she called me, I knew that this woman was someone."

Li Yi said: "How did she know your phone number? This is an important clue."

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