Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1 Rebirth 1976

Everything is popular these days, if you are not careful, time travel becomes popular.

To say that this time travel is really good.Those who did not live well enough in the past life or even lived a relatively suffocating life, if they are lucky enough to travel through time, relying on the foresight of future affairs, what advantages should they not take advantage of?Naturally, if you want the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, you are not rich or expensive.They are rich and honorable, and there are groups of younger girls, making people's eyes bloodshot with envy.

For a lowly grassroots like me who was born at an untimely age and managed to accomplish everything at the age of 40, earning a living by helping others, I really yearn for time travel.How come such a good thing just doesn't happen to me?

In the evening of that day, I was repaired by the boss, and I was very upset, so I ran out to drink alone.It is said that wine is more worrying and worrying.Originally, I was not good at drinking, and then I drank heavily alone, but after two or three bottles of beer, I was completely knocked down.I don't know how to get back to the dormitory, I was in a daze, and I just fell asleep when I entered the door, I don't know the personnel.

"Xiaojun, get up. Get up quickly, Xiaojun..."[

tnn, are you calling me?

My name is Liu Jun. Anyway, I am also the engineering director of a Taiwanese-funded factory in a coastal city. I am a 40-year-old man. My wife and family are not around. Who called me that?Besides, this nickname is what someone called him before he was twelve or thirteen years old.After entering junior high school, except for the elders in the family, no one called me anymore.

Must have heard wrong.

I just feel dizzy and drowsy.

"Xiaojun, get up, I'm going to be late..."

This time not only barked, but also a big hand kept on me.

What's going to be late?

Oops, time to go to work.This kind of capitalist factory has no concept of rest days.In order to catch up with the goods, our entire factory has not had a full day off for almost a month.Even so, the boss gave me a slap in the face yesterday because the machine was not well maintained and the shipment was affected.If I'm late again today, God knows how that good boss will deal with me.

During these days, the United States has had endless financial crises, causing the whole world to catch a cold, and the Taiwanese have followed suit, clamoring for layoffs all day long.If he really cut it off, he couldn't find the grave even if he cried.

I was so frightened that my whole body trembled, and I straightened up and sat up.Strange, it wasn't so neat in the past.After all, time is not forgiving. When a person reaches middle age, he can't even do sit-ups easily, and he has to rely on his elbows to help.

But... no, who is calling me?

I work alone in a factory.The wife is not there again.We are not like the wealthy bigwigs, who have no ability to find a lover, Xiaomi, who stays with us all day long.

When I opened my eyes, a face that seemed familiar yet strange appeared in front of me.In an instant, the hairs on my body stood on end, and I almost screamed in fright.


God, the person calling me is actually grandma!

But...but...but grandma has been dead for more than ten years.This, this... Am I dreaming?But it's not quite like it.

In desperation, I stretched out my arm, put it in my mouth and took a bite.

Mom, it hurts to death!

"This child, why did you bite yourself?" [

Grandma was surprised and regretted, and hurriedly grabbed my little hand, rubbing and rubbing.

Small hands... By the way, how did my arms become so thin and small?This is clearly the arm of a child.I am tall and strong, weighing a full 160 catties, I am a standard strong man.

I didn't care too much, and raised my hands to look carefully. Both arms were white and tender, but a little thicker than a rolling pin. Aren't they children?I was shocked, lifted the quilt, lifted the panties and took a look inside, the penis was white and tender, not a single hair was gone, it was a standard chicken.

I finally couldn't help screaming, screaming desperately, hysterical...

This cry frightened my grandma (I don't know who she is, let's just treat her as a grandma).The old man panicked, hugged me in his arms, and shouted: "Old man, old man, come quickly..."

I was still screaming when an old man in his seventies walked in briskly and asked in a buzzing voice, "What happened?"

This voice was so familiar, I stopped screaming immediately, and took a closer look, my god, isn't this my grandfather?Grandpa’s voice is quite special, with a strong nasal tone. I listened to him tell stories when I was young, and I will never forget it.

However, his old man passed away earlier than my grandmother. I remember that he passed away when I was 25 years old.Now that more than ten years have passed, where did the old man get out of this?I don't understand, I don't understand!

"I don't know what happened to Xiaojun..."

Grandma said hurriedly.

There was a burning pain in the arm, it seemed that this was not a dream.I forced myself to calm down, and sorted out my chaotic thoughts a little bit.If it is not a dream, then there is only one possibility - I have traveled through time.

As soon as I thought about it, I completely calmed down.

For tnn, it's finally Lao Tzu's turn to travel.I couldn't help feeling ecstatic.Regardless of whether this time travel is good or bad, in short, it will not be worse than my life yesterday. A 40-year-old man, he accomplishes everything, works for others, and gets 4000 yuan a month.

Seeing that I was not crying or making trouble, my grandfather was very dissatisfied and said, "Old woman, what nonsense are you talking about?"Isn't Xiaojun good?

Grandma was also a little strange, grabbed me to look at it carefully, and muttered.

Before I was born, my grandparents had already passed away.Both parents are state workers, and I remember being raised by my grandparents when I was a child.It seems that I have not only timed through, but also timed back to myself.

Could this be the legendary rebirth through time travel?So, our previous life was settled by less than three bottles of beer?It's super funny.I have never been drunk in my whole life, but just got drunk once, is this the result? tm, really unlucky.

"Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun..."

I was thinking wildly, and my grandma became anxious again when she saw that my eyes were straight and I looked stupid.

I woke up suddenly, gave my grandma a sweet smile, and called, "Grandma."

"Hey... Xiaojun, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine, fine." [

"Oh, you scared grandma to death..."

Grandma was still nagging, but grandpa was already dissatisfied, and said, "Old woman, what are you talking about? Hurry up and dress Xiaojun, he is going to study."

By the way, read a book.I remember that I only went to elementary school for one year in my hometown, and then I transferred to the county to study.According to this calculation, I am seven years old now, and this year should be [-].

After putting on my clothes and pants, my grandma washed my face, and then handed me a soft baked sweet potato.

Looking at the little gray cotton "wool-style dress" on my body, looking at the sweet potatoes in my hands, looking at the familiar and kind faces of my grandparents, and carefully looking at the old-fashioned gray rooms around me, I am sure that I Back to [-].

"Xiaojun, eat quickly, you can go to school after eating."

Grandma took out a khaki cotton schoolbag while talking.

I nodded in agreement, peeled off the burnt shell of the roasted sweet potato, and ate it.

Mmmm, I haven't had a baked sweet potato in years.Really delicious.In my memory, [-] was an era of extreme lack of material, let alone children, or adults, and breakfast consisted of one or two baked sweet potatoes.It seems that this roasted sweet potato is my ration for the whole morning, so why not growl with hunger?

I couldn't help worrying secretly.

,worry about what?Your boy is now a seven-year-old child, and you still think of yourself as a 160-jin big man?Such a big baked sweet potato should be supported, and you are still worried about starvation?

Alas, now my body is back to seven years old, but my mind is still at 40 years old, can my head not be in a mess?

No, I have to hurry up and be quiet alone, and straighten out my thoughts.

Seeing that I was eating well, grandma was so happy that she narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"My Xiaojun is such a good boy..."

Grandma, my dearest and dearest grandma, I never dreamed that there would be a day to meet you again.That's great.Regardless of whether the journey through rebirth is difficult or not, being able to reunite with grandparents for another 20 years is an excellent opportunity bestowed by God.I must take good care of it and cherish this hard-won happy time.

I finished eating the roasted sweet potatoes, picked up my schoolbag, said goodbye to my grandparents, and stepped out of the house.

My hometown is Liujiashan Brigade, Hongqi Commune, Xiangyang County, Baozhou District, N Province in the south, a remote and mountainous inland hilly area.Liujiashan Brigade, just hearing the name, you know it's not a fertile place with rich products.

Stepping out of the high bluestone threshold, I took a deep breath to stabilize my turbulent mood and at the same time distinguish the direction.In my previous life, I lived in this ordinary farmyard with half green brick and half earth brick structure for seven years.The memory of childhood is deeply rooted in the bone marrow and will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

As soon as I walked out of the house, a cool mountain breeze came to my face.Grandma only wore a single shirt and thin cotton trousers for me. It seems that the solar terms should be at the beginning of August in the lunar calendar and the beginning of September in the Gregorian calendar, that is, not long after the beginning of primary school.

Liujiashan Primary School, as the only primary school in the entire brigade, went east, and it was about two miles away.Even though I am only seven years old now, with a short body and short legs, such a short journey is not difficult for me.

Walking on the uneven country road, I was both excited and frightened.Traveling through this kind of thing, I only saw it in online novels in my previous life.It sounds wonderful. Every traveler has achieved great success by using his foresight ahead of the times.Those who traveled to ancient times either became a generation of famous generals or a generation of famous ministers, and some even became the founding monarchs.Those who traveled to modern times or modern times were either super-rich with a lot of money, or high-ranking officials, who were astonished and unhappy.But I couldn't help feeling anxious.How should I put it, because my previous life was a typical grassroots class, the so-called heart is higher than the sky, and life is thinner than paper.The extremely unsatisfactory life course made me a fatalist.I think a person's life is predestined by God.Suppose God destined me to be a mediocre grassroots, travel to 30 years ago and live again, the result is still the same.This is just too scary.This kind of painful day has been suffered too much once, how can it be worth doing again?

Alas, things have come to this point, I'm afraid it's useless, life has to go on day by day, I can't just commit suicide by jumping into the water right after crossing?

At the thought of committing suicide by drowning, I couldn't help but stop and walk to a pond to look at my own shadow.

The clear water showed a childish and delicate face, which looked somewhat similar to my son in the previous life when he was seven or eight years old.Everyone said that my son looked very similar to me when I was a child, so it seems that I am definitely back.

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