Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1020 You have to take all responsibility for this

Party secretary Fang Rucheng of Baihu County and county magistrate Yu Zhida were caught off guard.

It should be said that Fang Rucheng was notified in advance. Nan Rui told him on the phone that Mayor Liu had led a large group of people from the Municipal Audit Bureau and Civil Affairs Bureau to Baihu County.

But this notice came a bit late.As soon as Fang Rucheng put down the phone, before he could make any arrangements, his secretary rushed in to report that Mayor Liu's No. [-] car had arrived at the county party committee compound.

Fang Rucheng's face was very ugly, and the secretary was even surprised to hear that Secretary Fang muttered a foul word in a low voice.

The secretary didn't know why Secretary Fang was in such a bad mood. It should be because Mayor Liu came to inspect suddenly without prior notice.In the past, when the city leaders came down, they would notify in advance.It is indeed rare for such a situation to "kill the door" without saying a word. [

Fang Rucheng was depressed and returned to Ximen. He followed the rules on the surface, and without much hesitation, he immediately got up and went downstairs to greet him.On the first floor of the county party committee office building.I met Liu Jun and a bunch of city workers inside.

"Hello, Mayor Liu! Welcome to Baihu County to inspect the work!"

The moment he saw Liu Jun, Fang Rucheng immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Liu Jun with a smile on his gloomy face.

Liu Jun stretched out his hand and said lightly, "Hello, Secretary Fang."

"Mayor, look, you came to Baihu County without notifying us in advance. This is too short."

Fang Rucheng said with a smile, holding Liu Jun's hand and shaking it vigorously.It seems that through this method, Secretary Fang expresses his deep admiration for Mayor Liu.

Liu Jun withdrew his hand and said, "There is no need to be too particular about the form, the key is to do the work well."

"Yes yes, the mayor was so right,"

Fang Rucheng nodded again and again, his heart was already indescribably tired.This Liu Yanei also likes to put on a show, in front of so many people, the leader put on airs.You are the mayor, and you are the yamen, but you are still a young man today, right?Anyway, I, Fang Rucheng, are ten years older than you, and I am also the leader of Qianzhou City.Is it true that you don't give half of face?

"Secretary Fang, please inform Comrade Yu Zhida and all the members of the county party committee, as well as the comrades in charge of the County Civil Affairs Bureau and the Audit Bureau, to have a meeting together."

Liu Jun said.


Fang Rucheng also put away his smile, and replied solemnly.

Soon, the county magistrate Yu Zhida, all the members of the county party committee team, and the responsible cadres of the county civil affairs bureau and the audit bureau were all sitting in the county party committee conference room.

"Comrades, Mayor Liu's visit to our county to inspect the work is a great encouragement to us. Please give instructions to Mayor Liu!"

Fang Rucheng briefly explained a few words on the occasion, and there was a round of applause in the conference room. Everyone looked at the young mayor who was at the top, waiting for his instructions.

"Comrades, I came to Baihu County today for only one job, and that is the distribution of disaster relief funds."

Liu Jun's calm gaze slowly swept left and right.He said calmly.As soon as this remark came out, the face of the director of the County Civil Affairs Bureau changed significantly.With a guilty conscience, he glanced at Fang Rucheng who was sitting next to Liu Jun, and Fang Rucheng was sitting upright.His face was calm and calm.But if you look carefully, you can find that the corners of Secretary Fang's eyes are constantly beating.

"Secretary Fang, who is mainly responsible for this work in the county?" [

Liu Jun looked at Fang Rucheng and asked.

Fang Rucheng replied: "Guo Yuanzhong, the executive county magistrate, will be in charge."

Guo Yuanzhong nodded to Liu Jun as a salute.Liu Jun glanced at him.He is a young cadre in his thirties, and he looks very shrewd and capable.But as soon as he met Liu Jun's gaze, he felt a little uncomfortable, and the smile on his face was also a bit forced.

"Okay, please explain to Comrade Guo Yuanzhong how the 980 million disaster relief funds allocated by the city are distributed

Guo Yuanzhong looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Mayor Liu, this, the specific data, I have no preparation here, please allow me to go to the office to get it!"

Liu Jun said lightly: "Yes

Liu Jun came suddenly.Everyone didn't know what was going on. The executive deputy county magistrate was in charge of more than one job, and no specific data was prepared.It makes sense.It's just that the mayor asked in person, but he had to go back to the office to get the materials. He couldn't help being embarrassed, and Guo Yuanzhong went away blushing.

When Guo Yuanzhong hurriedly got the information, he found that the director of the County Civil Affairs Bureau was already reporting to Liu Jun.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is in charge of this matter, and the director cannot tell Liu Jun that there is no specific data.

While the director of the County Civil Affairs Bureau was reporting, Liu Jun casually recorded the data on the notebook in front of him.After the Director of Civil Affairs finished reporting, Liu Jun frowned slightly and said, "The total is only 750 million, and there are 230 million left? Why don't you send it out?"

"We, we'll send it out right away

On the forehead of the Chief of Civil Affairs.Started to sweat.

Fang Rucheng nodded his head very lightly at him, and a flash of approval flashed in his eyes.

"According to the data you reported just now, Birch Town allocated a total of 120 million, right?"

Liu Jun stared at the Director of Civil Affairs and asked.

"Yes, yes" Mayor"

"Then there is a big hole in the Jiang family,

"How many relief funds have been allocated?" Liu Jun asked again, chagabuxiang! ...The big palm collapsed in the flood, and the loss should be relatively serious. "

"The situation of the Jiang family is allotted 51."

The Director of Civil Affairs replied tremblingly.

"Jiang Family Xiaoxiao, how many disaster victims are there in total?"

Liu Jun stared closely. [

"Well, I don't know much about this,"

The Chief of Civil Affairs stuttered and wiped his sweat with his hand.

"Report to the mayor, there are a total of 310 four households affected by the disaster in the Jiang family compound, with a total population of more than 200 people."

County magistrate Yu Zhida interjected from the side.

Liu Jun nodded and said: "Four households in 310, 51 yuan, then, on average, each household should be able to receive at least [-] yuan in relief funds. However, I have received feedback from the masses. So far, some affected Farmers. They have never received a penny of relief funds, so what is going on?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room was shocked. The cadres of Baihu County lowered their heads one by one, and no one dared to meet Mayor Liu's eyes.

Fang Rucheng forced a smile, and said, "Mayor, shouldn't this happen? Otherwise, it might be that the relief money hasn't been distributed to the masses." Otherwise, there shouldn't be one affected household. Didn't get any money,"

Liu Jun was noncommittal, and said lightly: "Whether this is the case or not, it is not yet clear. Therefore, I invited comrades from the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Municipal Audit Bureau to come over and clarify this matter. If the masses have received it in full as scheduled Relief funds are of course the best. The warmth of the socialist family is reflected in these aspects.

But I'm here to remind everyone.This disaster relief fund is specially allocated by the state, the province and the city to resettle the lives of the victims. It must be used for special purposes and must not be used for other purposes.It must be ensured that every penny will be distributed to the victims.This is the principle!Anyone who violates this principle will have to play double-faced tactics, and use the idea of ​​disaster relief funds.Whether it's for the public or private, it is absolutely not allowed in the surgery! "

Fang Rucheng smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Mayor, please rest assured that such a thing will never happen."

Liu Jun glanced at him, and calmly said: "That's the best!"

After the meeting in the county, Liu Jun went to the county people's hospital to visit Jiang Youcai who was bedridden.

In a large crowded ward of the People's Hospital.Liu Jun saw Jiang Youcai lying on the hospital bed.According to Jiang Huashu's description, his father was only 41 years old this year, but what Liu Jun saw was an old man in his fifties, lying on a dirty hospital bed, skinny, with sunken eyes, and a little bit of expression nothing.He was even motionless, his breathing was already very weak, and he had to look closely to notice that his chest was still rising and falling slightly.

When Jiang Huashu saw his father, tears welled up in his eyes. He knelt by the bed, held Jiang Youcai's skinny hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "Dad, the mayor of the city is here to see you."

Jiang Youcai's eyes rolled, and a "hissing" sound came out of his throat, as if he was trying very hard to express a meaning, but failed.God's eyes closed, and a stream of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing such a situation, Liu Jun felt a little blocked.

"Why don't you take medicine? What about the doctor? .

Finding that the infusion stand next to Jiang Youcai's bed was empty, Liu Jun asked loudly.

Fang Rucheng and Yu Zhida who followed behind him shouted at the entourage: "Quickly, go and get the doctor."

The entourage immediately ran out in a panic.

Liu Jun turned his head to look at Fang Rucheng and Yu Zhida, and asked in a deep voice: "Secretary Fang, county magistrate Yu, this patient is called Jiang Youcai, and he is a villager of the Jiang family. Do you know his situation?"

Both Fang Rucheng and Yu Zhida shook their heads in embarrassment.

"He was not in good health. In order to fight against the flood, he stayed on the embankment for half a month and became seriously ill. It has been more than two months. In order to treat him, the family spent all their savings and borrowed all their money. Relatives and friends, but now, there is no money, and even the medicine has been stopped. So far, he has not received any form of assistance from the government! He has not even received the relief money he deserves! As the secretary of the county party committee of Baihu County and the county Long, you are too slow!"

Liu Jun's tone became severe, his eyebrows frowned into a "".

Both Fang Rucheng and Yu Zhida lowered their heads.The expression was very embarrassing, and after a while, Yu Zhida said: "The mayor is right to criticize, our work has indeed not been done well.

"The review can be done slowly. The top priority is to save people. Your County Civil Affairs Bureau, immediately allocate funds, and the County People's Hospital must go all out to save Jiang Youcai's life! Comrades Fang Rucheng and Yu Zhida, you must act immediately, count Let me know if there are any other cases like Jiang Youcai in the whole county. If there is, aid and treatment should be implemented immediately. If there is one, the masses, you lose their lives because of your negligence. You must bear all the responsibilities for this!"

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