Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1031 Unforgivable Sins

Hui met Li Minzhong, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, alone in his office.Report on the case of Baihu County.

The Municipal Party Committee sent a joint task force. Although it was specified that the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection would lead the case and the Political and Legal Committee would cooperate, but they had to listen to the case report. Under normal circumstances, Li Minzhong and the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Dong Chang, should be present.Liu Hui only summoned Li Minzhong and explained some problems.At the very least, this is not a very formal interview, it is more or less private.

Li Minzhong was called by Liu Hui from the Provincial Party Committee. Although this matter was kept secret, many people knew about it over time.Naturally, he understood the close relationship between Liu Hui and Li Minzhong.

Therefore, Li Minzhong was completely free in front of Liu Hui.The two chief and deputy secretaries leaned on the wooden sofa, one on the left and the other on the right. Liu Hui smoked silently, and Li Minzhong reported the case to Liu Hui while drinking water.

"Very serious, Fang Rucheng's problem is very serious!"

Li Minzhong said, his brows were furrowed.He has a close relationship with Liu Hui, and he also understands the importance of Fang Rucheng in Liu Hui's heart.Although it is not clear whether there is a deeper relationship between Liu Hui and Fang Rucheng, at least Liu Hui thinks highly of Fang Rucheng, whom Li Minzhong knew well.Seeing that there is a big problem with the able-bodied generals he relies on.Liu Hui's mood can be imagined.

But Liu Hui looked fine.It didn't become very ugly, just took a few puffs of cigarettes, waiting for Li Minzhong to give Xu Zheng's explanation.

"Let's talk about the economic issue first. Fang Rucheng personally instructed Fang Rucheng to allocate 1706 million yuan to Hongda Trading Company in Baihu County to compensate for the rescue materials purchased from Hongda Company during the flood fighting and rescue period. According to our investigation. Among them There are suspicions of fraud, Hongda Trading Company did not provide so many supplies. Some receipts were issued out of thin air by the staff of the Baihu County Party Committee Office. Moreover, the settlement price with Hongda Trading Company was also high, almost exceeding 50.00% of the market price. Fang Rucheng himself said that at that time, supplies were tight and it was a good price.”

Reported by Li Min Zhonghui.

Liu Hui snorted, and anger rose on his face.

Many companies and individuals donated a lot of materials to fight against floods.Even if it is purchased, it is also based on the cost price.Settlement according to the market price is already very generous, but when it comes to Fang Rucheng and Hongda Trading Company, it becomes a bargaining price, and the country is in trouble!

"That Hongda Trading Company. Where did it come from?"

Liu Hui forced himself to suppress his anger and asked.

Li Minzhong shook his head and said: "The boss of Hongda Trading Company is a young woman named Ma Haiyan, who is from Chengguan Town, Baihu County. She is 25 years old and has an improper relationship with Fang Rucheng. She is Fang Rucheng's lover. After a preliminary understanding, Of the 1706 million yuan paid to Hongda Trading Company by Baihu County, 87 yuan was false claims and extra claims!"

Liu Hui was angry again.Xiang let out a sigh: "Go on and say, what good things did this bastard do!"

"During the investigation, we have received reports from the masses one after another. Fang Rucheng has also accepted bribes from many companies and private bosses. Especially the bribes from construction contractors. According to preliminary statistics, the reported amount has reached more than 500 million yuan.

Liu Hui gasped suddenly.

Among the eleven districts and counties under the jurisdiction of Qianzhou City, the economy of Baihu County is not very developed, and it can only be regarded as a medium level at best.The county's total fiscal revenue is only about 500 million yuan.Fang Rucheng actually accepted more than [-] million yuan in bribes, which can be called huge corruption.

Under Liu Hui's eyes.It's a shame to have such a huge borer out.While Liu Hui was deeply shocked.Also a little guilty.After all, Fang Rucheng was single-handedly picked up by him, so there was such a big problem.He, Liu Hui, cannot escape the blame.

"In addition to extorting bribes from business and private bosses, Fang Rucheng also took the opportunity to adjust cadres. He wantonly collected bribes from cadres, reaching the point of recklessness. He even clearly marked the price. A township party secretary, 5 yuan, and a township chief, 3 yuan Yuan, the director of the county bureau, also ranges from 3 to 5 yuan

Li Minzhong continued to report, without much concealment, and told the truth in a very calm tone, as if he was reading a report that had been prepared long ago.He knew that at such a time, he could not hide anything from Liu Hui and must report the truth.As for how to make the final decision, it's up to Liu Hui to decide.Li Minzhong's attitude can be said to be the rule of being a subordinate and a friend.

Liu Hui closed his eyes slightly.The muscles on his face twitched slightly.

Fang Rucheng was in charge of Baihu County for five years.It's not that no one has responded to his problems, such as domineering style, economic and style problems, but most of the reports are anonymous, so Liu Hui doesn't take it very seriously.He always believed that a capable cadre must have a complaint letter behind him.It's him, Liu Hui, with such prestige in Qianzhou City.Every year, the province receives many letters of complaint.

Unexpectedly, these reports turned out to be facts, and Fang Rucheng's actions were only worse than what was stated in the report letter. [

"anymore question?"

After a long time, Liu Hui asked slowly.The voice is a little dry.

Li Minzhong hesitated for a moment.Fang Rucheng's wanton fear did not stop there.He overshadowed the sky in Baihu County with one hand, wantonly eliminating dissidents.What's especially bad is that he often exaggerates his close relationship with Liu Hui, the secretary of the municipal party committee, saying how much Secretary Liu relies on and loves him.

Because Liu Hui is extremely high in Xiaozhou, Qianzhou City.Fang Rucheng's words, Dan suspected to give this upright cadre.Caused a lot of "sneeze" pressure.Seriously dampened the enthusiasm of upright cadres and ruined the official atmosphere of Baihu County.

Li Minzhong considered these situations over and over again.In the end, he still didn't say it.He was worried that Liu Hui would not be able to bear it.Liu Hui has been operating in Qianzhou for many years, and what he cherishes most is his own face.

After all, Fang Rucheng said these words.Although it's a bastard, it's still not a crime, so it doesn't matter if you don't report it.

"Also, Fang Rucheng's life style is also very corrupt. He has improper relationships with many young women. The one from Hongda Trading Company. Ma Haiyan is just one of Fang Rucheng's many lovers, mainly to collect money for him. Fang Rucheng accepts bribes Most of the money they earned was deposited with Ma Haiyan. They bought houses in Baihu County and the city. In addition, Fang Rucheng also had a very improper relationship with the wife of a cadre of the county party committee, so Fang Rucheng promoted her. Cadres. This matter has been widely spread in Baihu County, and it is a big local scandal.

Leaving aside Fang Rucheng's "rhetoric words." Li Minzhong directly reported the problems in life style.

Liu Hui's face had turned livid.The so-called "madam diplomacy" is still carried out in this way. For an old-fashioned cadre like Liu Hui, it is simply unimaginable.

Seeing Liu Hui's uneasy expression, Li Minzhong stopped in time, took a sip from his teacup, and lit another cigarette.

Liu Hui was leaning on the sofa, his cheeks were bulging, and the muscles on his face were twitching uncontrollably. When Li Min had smoked almost half of a cigarette, Liu Hui took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and asked in a deep voice: " Apart from Fang Rucheng, how are the other cadres in Baihu County doing?"

Li Minzhong shook his head again and said, "It's not optimistic.

Liu Hui's eyes narrowed again.

"According to the current situation, most of the eleven members of the Baihu County Party Committee have problems. In particular, Guo Yuanzhong, the executive deputy county magistrate, has a close relationship with Fang Rucheng, and the problem is the most serious. Fang Rucheng's problems Guo Yuanzhong has almost the same. It is estimated that the amount of bribes he accepted has exceeded 200 million. He has maintained improper sexual relations with at least ten women, and one of them gave birth to him a child, two years old. "In addition, most of the townships in Baihu County and the main persons in charge of the county bureaus and committees have problems.A lot of people approached disaster relief and other appropriations."

Liu Hui swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with difficulty: "So, the entire cadre team in Baihu County is basically rotten?"

Li Minzhong smiled wryly, nodded, and replied: "From what we know, that's the case. If all the investigations are carried out, not to mention the team in Baihu County, even most of the township teams will be paralyzed. Secretary, the situation is very serious. tricky

How to investigate and handle the case is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, but how to maintain the normal operation of Baihu County political institutions is beyond Li Minzhong's authority.He has now placed residential surveillance measures on the main cadres involved in the case, such as Fang Rucheng and Guo Yuanzhong, and has not alarmed some cadres whose problems are not very serious.In any case, the normal work of Baihu County cannot be suspended.But this is the case.Obviously it can't last long.There are too many cadres involved in the problem, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Political and Legal Commission's task force are obviously not enough manpower, so there is no way to control all the suspects.If he continued to hang around like this for no apparent reason, some problem cadres would probably take the opportunity to escape, and this was his responsibility, Li Minzhong and Dong Chang.Therefore, Li Min hoped that Liu Hui would make a decision as soon as possible.

"How is Yu Zhida doing?"

Liu Hui straightened out his thoughts and asked slowly.

Li Minzhong said: "For the time being, no serious problems have been found in Yu Zhida. There are not many letters reporting him. In fact, he is currently in charge of the daily work in Baihu County.

Liu Hui nodded and fell into deep thought again.

Li Minzhong waited quietly, not daring to disturb Liu Hui's thoughts.He also knew that Liu Hui's decision was difficult to make.After all, most of the responsible cadres in the entire county are involved. [

"Minzhong, take measures."

After a while, Liu Hui let out a heavy breath.Made a decision.

"First hard and then easy.

First take down Fang Rucheng and Guo Yuanzhong and other problematic members of the county party committee team. The county government organs and township cadres have particularly serious problems.Take it too.The problem is not very serious, don't move for now, let them continue to work.We will immediately hold a secretarial office meeting, meet and issue a formal document, and let Yu Zhida temporarily preside over the daily work of the Baihu County Party Committee."


Li Minzhong nodded in agreement.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang suddenly, and the sound was particularly harsh.

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