Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1034

After basically setting the tone of the provincial and municipal joint investigation team, Duan Dingyuan declined Liu Hui's proposal to invite members of the task force to have lunch, and then held a plenary meeting of the provincial and municipal task force.The combination of the two task forces has as many as six to seventy people.The number of investigators in the city exceeds the number in the province.But the direction of handling the case is naturally based on the provincial task force.

Liu Hui, Liu Jun and Lou Haiying also attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Duan Dingyuan divided the case team into six groups. Li Minzhong, Dong Chang, Director Chen of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Deputy Prosecutor Lu of the Provincial Procuratorate, and Captain Kang of the Provincial Public Security Department each led a group to handle the case separately. It is composed of several secretaries who are responsible for summarizing the materials of each case handling team and are directly responsible to Duan Dingyuan.After the assignment of personnel, Duan Dingyuan looked serious and announced the discipline of handling the case.

The case-handling discipline is very strict, and the members of the special team sit back and forth.

After emphasizing some matters that should be paid attention to, Duan Dingyuan said to Liu Hui, "Does Secretary Liu have anything to add?" [

Liu Hui smiled and nodded towards Duan Dingyuan, then turned his head to face the members of the task force.The smile on his face has been put away, and he raised his eyebrows seriously, "Baihuju has a corruption case. The Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee is responsible. Just now, Secretary Duan has passed on the province's determination and established discipline in handling the case. Resolutely support the decisions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

However, case handling is only one aspect.The purpose of our investigation of this case is not only to find out a few moths, punish a few corrupt officials and a certain lowly person to complete the case, combat corruption, promote righteousness, and give the people of Baihu County a bright and bright future. .Therefore, in the process of handling the case, comrades must pay close attention to maintaining the normal operation of the political power at all levels in Baihu, so as not to affect the daily work of hundreds of thousands of people in Baihu County and solve the problem. It can be done, but it can't make everyone feel insecure. For those cadres who have no problem or have little problem.Education should be based on criticism! "

Duan Dingyuan nodded slowly and said: "Secretary Liu's intention is very correct. Everyone should pay attention to the methods and methods in the process of handling the case. Don't dampen the enthusiasm of most fraudulent cadres."

In fact, this strategy was also developed at the Provincial Secretary Lou's office meeting.But when Liu Hui said it and Duan Dingyuan said it, the meaning was completely different. According to Duan Dingfang, Liu Hui's superior in the officialdom, Liu Hui said so.There is suspicion of doubling.Only an old rewarding municipal party secretary like Liu Hui would say such a thing in public.

Anyway, Liu Hui is already in his fifties, and he will be full in one session at most.Is it possible to earn a vice-ministerial pension?Liu Hui is also not easy and very intentional.Shitu has absolutely no desire to make progress, and in many cases, he doesn't have so many scruples.

After the plenary meeting of the provincial and municipal joint task force was held, Liu Hui invited Duan Dingyuan and all members of the task force to have lunch at Qianzhou Hotel.

Duan Dingyuan nodded in agreement, but he would never let Bu Jiuhuo have a drink and a meal.After all, this is not a celebration banquet.No drinks were served.On the table with the wine, the atmosphere is very heavy.After a hasty meal, Duan Dingyuan boarded the Audi car and led the professional team to Baihu County.When parting, Duan Dingyuan said to Liu Hui: "Secretary Liu, the comrades in Qizhou City are all working with peace of mind. During the handling of the case, there will be no banquets."

This sentence must also be explained.I don't know.The dignified deputy secretary of Shengji sits in Qianzhou City, and according to the rules of the officialdom, one small word a day and three big words a day is a must-see.If it weren't for the sake of Liu Hui's seniority.Even Duan Yuwo may not be willing to attend this afternoon.

When he used to work in other provinces, he rarely accepted local requests for a certain process.

Liu Hui smiled and nodded in agreement.Waiting for the long motorcade of the provincial and municipal joint scene team to disappear from sight.Liu Hui turned around and said to Liu Jun and Wei Haiying, "Comrade Mayor Haiying, go to my office to discuss it!"

Liu Jun and his concubine Haiying nodded silently.

Five chief and deputy secretaries of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee.Li Minjin and Dong Chang went to Baihu County to handle the case with the joint security team, and the remaining three gathered together.It can also be regarded as a criminal secretary's office meeting.

Go to Liu Hui's office.Nanwu followed the leader and offered cocoons and prepared to leave.Liu Hui stopped him: Xiao Nan.You stay for a record"

"Yes, secretary!"

Nan Rui moved a chair.In the reception area, he doubled his seat and assumed the posture of Ya record.

Liu Jun and his concubine Haiying looked at each other.Liu Hui's childlike thoughts are very clear about this certain formal meeting.

Liu Hui's eyes swept across the faces of Liu Jun and his concubine Haiying, and Jie paused for a moment.Only then slowly said: "The situation in Baihu County. I am very unhappy. There are nine of Deng's eleven permanent masters. There is a problem. Most of the 22 townships and county departments are not calm. Please come over, both of you, I want to discuss how to clean up this mess."

Nan Rui froze for a moment.Secretary Liu rarely used such rhetoric in the past.In Nan Ang's eyes, Secretary Liu's demeanor.Always so calm.This afternoon, Secretary Liu is full of spirits.Thinking of this, Nan Rui couldn't help but secretly suffocated Liu Shang's cheek, "The pus has turned into greed, and these passives are all because of this young new mayor. He went to Baihu County without much fanfare. Account, it will not lead to today's difficult situation.

As for Fang Rucheng's actions, whether they committed crimes or not, Nansuo is not at ease. In his opinion, political struggle is the most important thing.There are many ways to focus on Fang Rucheng's words [


Of course, what does he think of Nan Rui.It doesn't matter.In the eyes of ordinary people, the city fog is a superior existence. In the eyes of these three people, they just look for a submissive person.

Concubine Haiying frowned and said, "Yesterday, the Municipal Party Committee has made it clear that Yu Zhida is temporarily in charge of the daily work of the Baihu County Party Committee. Now it seems that it is not enough. There are only two people left in Gu Ji's class, sir.

The remaining nine "in fact, even though they have not adopted shuanggui measures, it is actually impossible for them to fulfill their duties.

Liu Jun nodded in agreement: "The team in Baihu County really needs to be reassigned. Even if it's just a temporary configuration."

The last sentence was for Liu Hui.Liu Jun doesn't want to intervene too much in the personnel affairs arrangement.And when he first came here, he didn't have anyone who he knew well enough to arrange.

Liu Huidi nodded slowly.

Although the municipal party committee has been emphasizing.In order to stabilize the political power at all levels in Baihu County and maintain normal operation, Baihu County has actually been messed up.The situation is so complicated. The two teams of the government and dozens of township and county government agencies are almost shut down. Even with three or six arms, Yu Jie and his gang can't manage it.

"Mayor, Comrade Haiying, do you have any suitable people who can be dispatched? In special times, everything is subject to authority."

Liu Jun and Wei Haiying looked at each other again.With the personnel power held in the hands of a reward and a cart during the year, Liu Jun, the mayor, and even the concubine Haiying, the deputy secretary of the party and the masses must be cautious.But it is understandable for Liu Hui to say so now.Que Haimo took office in June this year, and Liu Jun took office in September. The previous team in Baihu County was basically out of touch with them, so Liu Hui managed it all by himself.Now that there is such a big problem, it's no wonder that Hua Hui is cautious

Liu Jun pondered for a while, and said: "Secretary. I just came here and I don't know the situation of the cadres in Baihu. I am the only one, Jiang Hongmu, the secretary of Danji in Yangguan Town, Baihu County. This person has good work ability and is well-known in Yangguan Town. Ye Gao, there are only a few villages and towns where relief funds are distributed this time, and there are no problems at all. Wu sees that this person is available."

Liu Hui said: "Well, Jiang Hongmu? I have also heard that this person has a more capable personality and a more straightforward personality.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

Jiang Hongmu has a straightforward personality, and even the secretary of the municipal party committee listened to Zen and asked him to beg him, but this guy is notoriously famous for his temper.It is estimated that Jiang Hongmu is also chanting, and if he and De Yun don't have a good chance, they may not have a bright future.If a person who is too stubborn in the officialdom does not have a solid backing.It's hard to go up.According to what Liu Jun knew about Fang Rucheng, Fang Rucheng didn't like to see Jiang Hongmu very much. If it wasn't for Jiang Hongmu's excellent work, Cunyangguan Town's prestige was extremely high, and he might have been transferred to some idle department long ago. .

Concubine Haiying went on to say: "Then. Why don't Jiang Hong Mujing go to the county to assist Yu Zhida in presiding over the work?"

Liu Hui actually didn't like "Yuan Tou" like Jiang Hongmu, but since Liu Jun had already mentioned it at this moment, it was hard to refuse.In any case, in the "corrupt environment" of Cunbaihu, Jiang Hongmu was able to get out of the mud without being polluted.It should still be worthy of Kenyu.When it comes to how the Baihu County corruption nest case will be finally handled, it is inevitable that the county party committee and the county government will have a big shake-up.This case dealt a devastating blow to the official circles of Baihu County.There is an urgent need for a good standard of deceitful cadres.Jiang Hongmu is also a local cadre in Baihu County who is more familiar with the situation than the cadres who were airborne.

"Since both of you think it's appropriate. Then, let him try the job title. I think it is more appropriate to arrange the deputy secretary of the county party committee. He is currently doing party affairs for Yefang, the secretary of Jizhen Yinji."

Liu Hui said slowly.

Arrange for Jiang Hongmu to go directly to the deputy secretary of the county party committee.To be suspenseful.Under normal circumstances, if the secretary of the town party committee wants to make progress, it would be considered good if he can get a deputy county magistrate.Tong Xi's actual power at the deputy director level is far from that.

Next, Liu Hui proposed a few more candidates, some were department-level cadres in county and market agencies, and some were deputy county-level cadres in other districts and counties.Both Liu Jun and Wei Haiying agreed.The most urgent task now is to reorganize the two shifts of the Baihu County Party Committee and County Government to maintain normal operation.As for the township team and county departments, it is up to Yu Jie, Jiang Hongmu and others to worry about it.


The three of them stopped trading, and immediately held a meeting of the Municipal Party Committee to discuss appointments. [

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