Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1053

The third day back from Yangguan Town.Liu Jun held a meeting in the large conference room of the municipal government.The theme is how to solve the problem of winter slack fields, how to make good use of them, and turn waste into treasure.The executive deputy mayor Zhao Shifan, the deputy mayor in charge of agricultural port, the county heads of the whole city and the deputy county heads in charge of agriculture and commerce all attended the meeting.

District and county magistrates walked into the conference room.The first feeling is the layout of this meeting room, which is different from the past, with a banner hanging in the middle of the meeting room.After specifying the theme of this meeting, the reporters from the municipal TV station arrived at the scene early and set up a posture of reporting on the spot.Yu Qian, a TV reporter and daughter-in-law of former mayor Chen Xiangyang, was also among them.

It seems that Mayor Liu is going to publicize this meeting in a high-profile manner.

this.It's different from before.After Liu Jun took office, he acted very low-key, and was not in the office most of the time.Either go to the capital to go to the provincial capital contact project, or soak in the districts and counties below, go deep into the grassroots for investigation and research, and learn about first-hand information.The meetings held by the municipal government generally do not make high-profile publicity.

But I don't know why Mayor Liu changed his old style. [

District and county magistrates harbored a tinge of misgivings.They sat down, offered cigarettes to each other, exchanged greetings and chatted, and waited for the leader to arrive.Two minutes before the meeting, Liu Jun, Zhao Shifan and other mayors came hand in hand, walking steadily, with smiles on their faces.Visibly in a good mood.

Everyone's heart is relieved.

During this period of time, all the officials in Qianzhou, big and small, were very cautious when they met and spoke because of the panic caused by the Baihuwo case.Especially the city-level leaders, all of them had a straight face and rarely saw a smile.

Who knew that guys like Guan Yongqing, Fang Rucheng, and Guo Yuanzhong would suddenly bite them out again?

The leader who was still aloof yesterday, was giving a report on the stage, and suddenly became a prisoner who lost his freedom. This contrast is too great.It is easy to be mentally disturbed, and random climbing and biting may occur.

For this reason, the district and county party committee secretaries and district and county magistrates in Qianzhou were terrified when they saw Liu Jun, for fear that Liu Ya Nei's sharp eyes would stare at them again.Now suddenly seeing a smile on Liu Jun's face, they all let out a long sigh of relief.

Anyway, this is a very good signal.

"Comrades, I invite you to come here today, mainly to discuss two issues. The first is how to solve the problem of 80 mu of idle winter fields in the city. The 80 mu of idle paddy fields is a serious problem, and it is a waste!"

As soon as Liu Jun and other city leaders arrived, the meeting began.Liu Jun presided over the meeting in person, as usual, without official phrases, and went straight to the point when he came up.

Everyone has gotten used to it, so the discipline of the meeting chaired by Mayor Liu is quite good, and there is no need to maintain it. Everyone consciously listens carefully and takes notes carefully.

No one is talking nonsense, if you are not serious, if you lose your mind for a while, you may miss some important content. Then the mayor will call and ask.If you are dumbfounded and don't know what to say, then it is not a question of whether to lose face, but a question of whether or not to lose face.According to rumors, Liu Yanei would not hesitate to withdraw cadres who were not serious about their work.

Although Liu Jun is the mayor now, and the adjustment of cadres is not his direct control, but such a powerful yamen, it is estimated that Secretary Liu Hui will have to allow three points.Moreover, you can't stand the young people.Maybe at some point in the blink of an eye, Mayor Liu will become Secretary Liu.It seems that Liu Yanei's promotion trajectory is a very steep upward arrow.

"About the use of winter idle fields. The comrades in Baihu County have come up with a solution, so I invite Comrade Yu Zhida to talk to everyone and discuss it together. Let me first declare that today's meeting is mainly about discussion. You can speak freely, and the speaker is guilty."

Liu Jun said with a smile.

Yu Zhida was very surprised, this was obviously a solution that Liu Jun came up with himself, and he went to Baihu County to inspect and give advice, how did it become the solution that Baihu County came up with?

Meet Liu Jun's encouraging eyes.Yu Zhida suddenly understood what Mayor Liu meant. Mayor Liu was supporting him and letting him show his face in front of other district and county magistrates.Cleaning up the "stigma" of Baihu cadres. Boosting the morale of Baihu cadres is also making capital for him, Yu Zhida.

In an instant, Yu Zhida was very moved.It's no wonder that he became the mayor at such a young age, this kind of mind is remarkable.People in officialdom.Who is not scrambling to get credit for their own name?Not to mention that it was originally his own "credit".

Liu Jun went to Yangguan Town the day before yesterday, and proposed the idea of ​​using clear water to raise lobsters in winter idle fields. Yu Zhida and Jiang Hongmu were greatly inspired.Immediately went back to work out a specific planning plan, and reported it to Mayor Liu for review.Liu Jun recognized it.Therefore, at this meeting, Yu Zhida came prepared, and immediately opened his notebook without hesitation.Started to introduce the plan of Baihu County to the participating district and county magistrates.

Many districts and counties in Qianzhou City are also engaged in this characteristic breeding industry, but it has never formed a scale.As Yu Zhida said at the beginning, everyone was impressed by the use of winter slack fields to raise lobsters.I think it's a good idea, but that's all, I don't get too excited, and I even come back to my senses.Jiang Haili also had doubts.The city's 80 mu of winter farmland.If there are a few shrimps in Wangjiang, the amount will be large.Relying solely on Qianzhou City will definitely not be able to digest so much, if the sales problem cannot be solved.A policy that benefits farmers will hurt farmers! [

Yu Zhida seemed to have expected that everyone would have such questions, and then introduced that Baihu County plans to establish a special agricultural product sales company to manage the sales of characteristic agricultural products in a unified manner and guide farmers to make correct investments.Do not blindly develop the breeding industry.

This is also Liu Jun who woke them up.

As early as a few years ago.When Liu Jun was in charge of Ningbei County, such a professional company was established in the county, led by the government.Even further back, when Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai were in charge of Baozhou City, Liu Jun had already given this idea to the old men, and it turned out that the operation was very successful.The old rules left by Yanliu played a vital role in Baozhou's ability to surpass Daning City and rank first in the total number of Yuewa.Not long ago, Tian Wenming, the current secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee, was the same as the secretary of the Daewoo Municipal Party Committee.Enjoyed the treatment at the deputy ministerial level.

It is said that official news is the most well-informed, and imitation is also the fastest.But that's only limited to face-saving projects. What everyone has learned is how to generate data.A good way to truly serve the people is rarely learned by anyone.The reason is that he, with his hard work and real kung fu, is often strenuous and thankless.It's far better than how to figure out the data and do face-saving projects neatly.

So in Baozhou City.It has been effective in Ningbei County and has been in operation for many years, but it is still a novelty in other places.The district and county magistrates present at the meeting nodded repeatedly, but Liu Jun secretly

Real reform of the system and change of thought have a long way to go!

"We have reached a preliminary agreement with Qianzhou Hotel and several hotels in the city, and they have agreed to underwrite next year's lobster

Yu Zhida said.

"Hehe, Secretary Yu, you can't do this. You killed the Qianzhou Hotel and other big hotels first. What should we do? Who will sell our lobsters?"

County Magistrate Chu of Hongshan County laughed and said half-truth.Yu Zhida is currently the acting county party secretary of Baihu County.Magistrate Chu called him Secretary Yu instead of Magistrate Yu.Liu Jun has already said it clearly.Today is a discussion meeting, and the county magistrate Chu didn't have much scruples, thinking of what to say

"Yes, yes, Secretary Yu, you are not being kind."

Magistrate Chu opened his mouth.Immediately, a large group of district and county magistrates followed suit.The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became lively.

Yu Zhida said with a smile: "The solution is all thought up by people. If you are not convinced, you can sell it to the province, or you can sell it to a foreign country. I have no objection."

"You put it lightly. It's sold abroad. They are foreigners. Can they eat that stuff?"

Magistrate Chu refused again.The county magistrate Chu has a cheerful personality and a loud voice, which is very good at driving the atmosphere.He opened the door, and everyone was more open-minded. In the conference room, you talked to each other, and there was a lot of noise.Zhao Shifan couldn't help but slightly frowned.He's not very used to this kind of atmosphere, no, the mayor and executive deputy mayor are both there, it's as noisy as a vegetable market, how decent is it?Zhao Shifan glanced at Liu Jun, but found that Mayor Liu was smiling. He seemed to like the atmosphere very much, so he couldn't help feeling depressed.

Young people like to be unconventional and unconventional, completely disregarding official authority and style.

"Foreigners are human beings, so why can't they eat lobsters? The lobsters raised in the rice fields are green food. Foreigners especially like pollution food. Comrade Zhida is right, you just want to go out, and you can't keep your eyes open." Staring at a potential state, you have to look at the world."

Liu Jun said with a smile.

Comrade Mayor opened his mouth, but everyone consciously shut their mouths.

"Everyone is invited to come here today to discuss this development model and let go of your thinking. As for the specific sales measures, everyone has shown their magical powers. Think of ways. Foreign trade companies in counties, foreign trade companies in cities, and even foreign trade companies in provinces The company can be mobilized and find a way out. There is nothing embarrassing in doing practical things for the peasants. But one thing to remember is that production is determined by sales. First solve the problem of sales channels, and then large-scale breeding. Don’t do it On the contrary, if you don’t do any preparation work, you just swarm up to start breeding. If you can’t sell it at that time, you will be in big trouble. This is not a political achievement project, and I don’t need to play with beautiful data.

I only look at the results, if it really increases the production and income of the peasants, it is a meritorious minister! "

Liu Jun still had a smile on his face, and everyone was shocked.It seems that the old method of the past seems to be somewhat unworkable.The new mayor is a man who likes to do new tricks. [

The TV reporter who was filming quickly fixed the camera on the mayor's face and took a close-up.Yu Qian kept recording Mayor Liu's words on the interview board.

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