Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1075 This is just the beginning

Qianzhou City of the month.It's not because of the change of the secretary of the municipal party committee.It becomes calm and strong, and the stormy sea is surging, and the undercurrent is surging.At this time, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission entered Qianzhou to investigate the sale of state-owned assets in Qianzhou with great fanfare, which caused an uproar in the whole city.All of a sudden, gossips in Qianzhou's official circles were flying all over the sky, saying everything.

Naturally, the gossip that circulated the most was about Comrade Liu Jun, the acting mayor.

Many people say.The province has a view on Liu Jun, and they don't plan to let him toss in Qianzhou any more, and plan to transfer him back to the province.Go to work in the Youth League Committee.Liu Jun is really too young. A young cadre should do the work of the Youth League Committee, that is his duty.

Even the gossip about who the new mayor is is miraculous.

However, there are five or six different candidates for the new mayor in the gossip.Even Yao Xuan was on the list, and some people even said that the province intends to let Yao Xuan, the director of state-owned assets Lou, be the mayor of Qianzhou City, just to check carefully what happened in the city during the sale of state-owned properties. How much benefit did you get from helping the high officials? [

at the same time.A lot of written materials from unknown sources have also quietly appeared in Qianzhou's official circles and folks. All of them are various reports about Qianzhou's sale of state-owned assets in recent days. Most of the articles published in traditional paper media such as "Current Affairs" questioned the Qianzhou government's approach.It is believed that this will lead to a large loss of state-owned assets and provide a breeding ground for officials to commit corruption.Some articles also linked this matter with the recent Baihuwo case, making obvious "guesses".

He co-authored Mayor Liu to vigorously punish corrupt officials in Qianzhou City, and he himself was one of them.Bigger corrupt officials.People are greedy for hundreds of thousands and tens of millions, but Mayor Liu made hundreds of millions or billions!

It seems that Ya Nei is Ya Nei, it really is a big deal!

In the eyes of Liu Yanei, hundreds of thousands and millions are nothing more than mosquito meat.

It seems that if Comrade Liu Jun wants to remove the word "agent" in front of the mayor at the upcoming National People's Congress, he is really in doubt.

Bu Weiqing chose to make a move at this time, because he was looking at this opportunity.

But Gao Weiqing did not expect that Liu Jun's counterattack would come so fast and so violently.

The first wave of counterattack started from Changfeng Automobile Manufacturing Company.When Liu Jun came out of Gao Weiqing's office, he didn't go back to Qianfen directly. Instead, he summoned Zhao Yan, the general manager of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Company and Changfeng Automobile Manufacturing Company, at the Qiushui Hotel. Jin Youwei, representative of the individual shareholders of the manufacturing company.

The three of them talked for an hour or two in the box of the Qiushui Hotel. The specific content of the conversation is unknown to the outside world.

Soon after.The second largest shareholder of Changfeng Automobile Manufacturing Company, General Motors Corporation of the United States, and the third largest shareholder, Yamada Corporation of Japan, requested a general meeting of shareholders. In addition to the representatives of the three largest shareholders attending the meeting, individual shareholders also cited Jin Youwei and others. people at the meeting.At the general meeting of shareholders, Jiro Yamada, president of Yamada Co., Ltd., proposed a motion of no confidence in the current board of directors of Changfeng Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., demanding re-election of board members.

The reason for Yamada Jiro is that the current board of directors does not have a thorough understanding of the company's Hyundai business management, reacts very slowly to the latest changes in the market, and has serious bureaucratic phenomena, which has led to the slow development of Changfeng Automobile Manufacturing Company. Neither could be completed on schedule.Yamada Jiro bluntly pointed out that Luo Yuanying, the current chairman, basically does not understand the management of modern enterprises.He also likes to intervene casually and interfere with the work within the purview of the general manager and other directors.Cause chaos in the company's internal management.

The proposal of Jiro Yamada was fully agreed by Mr. Lehman, the representative of General Motors, the second largest shareholder.After Yamada Jiro said, Lehman immediately expressed basically the same opinion.

Regarding the "surprise attack" by Yamada Jiro and Lehman, Luo Yuanying was caught off guard, completely unprepared, panicked, and couldn't think of any countermeasures at all.

Under the joint request of Yamada Jiro and Lehman, the shareholders meeting re-elected the board of directors. The current chairman Luo Yuanying was not elected and was not elected as the director of Changfeng Motor Manufacturing Company. Naturally, it is impossible to serve as the director of Changfeng Motor Manufacturing Company chairman.

The board of directors elected the former executive director and general manager Zhao Yan as the new director of Changfeng Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


However, the matter is not over yet. After Luo Yuanying was elected to the board of directors of Changfeng Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the joint venture partner of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation, the president of Japan Yamada Co., Ltd., Yamada Jiro once again requested to hold a general meeting of shareholders of Changfeng Corporation, and proposed to Luo Yuanying no-confidence proposal.

Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation has undergone shareholding reform, and its shareholding structure has become more complicated.The state-owned shares of Changfeng Corporation have not exceeded 50.00%, and many employees and other people hold shares.As a result, there was no suspense. With the approval of more than 50.00% of the shareholders, Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation re-elected Dong Luoshiying again.Zhao Yan served as chairman.As for the two shareholder meetings, as the supervisory organization of the state-owned capital, the Provincial Department of Industry and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the superior organs of Changfeng Corporation, appointed special personnel to attend the meeting.However, in the face of the demands of most shareholders, the leaders of the Provincial Department of Industry and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission cannot prevent the general meeting of shareholders from making a resolution to replace the board of directors.

Comrade Luo Yuanying, the chairman of Changfeng Company appointed by the provincial government, was taken away in the blink of an eye. [

Director Liu of the Provincial Department of Industry participated in the two conferences. During the meeting, Director Liu realized that the situation was not good, and immediately called Governor Gao Weiqing and Deputy Governor Wang Shaodong to report.Knowing such a major event, Wang Shaodong couldn't decide for himself, so he didn't say a word, and handed over all the contradictions.When Gao Weiqing heard about this situation, his face changed immediately.Director Liu must be required to stop the development of the situation.

Director Liu complained endlessly.

The Japanese devils and the American devils are menacing.But how to stop the shock?This joint venture company has formulated very strict management regulations.They acted in accordance with the company's articles of association and formally raised a motion of no confidence in the board of directors, which was completely in line with the rules and could not be stopped even if they wanted to.

Of course, Director Liu did his best.Urgently invite Yamada Jiro and Lehman to discuss.Tell them that even if you are dissatisfied with the board of directors.If you are dissatisfied with Luo Yuanying, you can also use other methods to supervise and persuade Luo Yuanying, instead of such extreme methods.

Unexpectedly, the Orientals and Westerners were all stern, unmoved in the slightest.

Director Liu, the director of the Provincial Department of Industry.He has a high position in the system and is an incredible role.In the eyes of Yamada Jiro and Lehman, just like Luo Yuanying, they are outright bureaucrats.Luo Yuanying did not offend Yamada Jiro and Lehman, but dragged down the entire Changfeng Company.Yamada Jiro replied to Director Liu with a straight face, if Luo Yuanying does not step down, the good situation of Changfeng Company will be ruined.He couldn't explain to the company's shareholders.If Luo Yuanying cannot be replaced, Yamada Corporation will consider withdrawing its capital!

Director Liu had met that nasty Yankee Lehman several times before. He spoke Chinese fluently and smiled very kindly.At this time, he completely turned his face, and he and Yamada Jiro went forward and retreated together, saying exactly the same thing, and there was no room for negotiation.

If Luo Yuanying doesn't withdraw, they will withdraw!

Director Liu exhausted his eloquence and spoke so bluntly that smoke came out of his throat. The two foreigners acted as if they had never heard of it, and said, "Sorry." Shi Shiran got up and went back to the meeting place. It's embarrassing to throw it in a small house.

Director Liu was furious, so he had to call Gao Weiqing again to report. His frightened appearance was not enough for outsiders.

After hearing the report, Gao Weiqing was so angry that he dropped the phone.

Luo Yuanying was appointed by him personally, and transferred from the position of deputy director of the Industrial Department to Changfeng Headquarters. Gao Weiqing placed high hopes on him, hoping that he could find out some traces of his sister from Changfeng Company and send them to Liu Yanei. Throw a few rocks.It doesn't matter how big it is, as long as it is a stone.What did you expect to get.That's all, less than a year after taking office, he was kicked out by others, and there was no way to fight back.

The provincial government can no longer control the head office of Changfeng!

Thinking of this, the furious Gao Weiqing was terrified.

This is not Luo Yuanying's problem alone.Instead, it reflects a signal.There was a problem with Governor Gao's ability to control.You want your cronies to pick peaches, but they won't buy it, so they will push you back!

What's more serious is that the foreign investor proposed to remove the chairman, which is a precedent in domestic joint ventures.In particular, the predecessor of Changfeng Corporation was a key state-owned enterprise at the deputy division level, and the problem was even more serious.Look at the cadres selected by Comrade Weiqing in your department. They don't understand modern enterprise management at all, but they insist on sending them to take charge of such a large enterprise. Is this a responsible attitude towards state-owned assets?

Are you meritocracy or cronyism?

If such things spread out.It is easy to teach others.

However, before Di Weiqing came up with a countermeasure.People's follow-up actions have already been taken.

It is also the Internet, and it is also "Tiannan Current Affairs", which reported this new incident that happened in the Changfeng head office at an incredible speed.The words are as fierce.Although no names were named, but after a little careful inspection, you can guess who the main responsible comrades in a certain province are referring to!

In the box of Qiushui Hotel, Jin Youwei was holding a large stack of various magazines and newspapers, looking at Liu Jun with joy.

"Hey, Liu Jun, your movements are fast enough, and now you can take it easy." [

Liu Jun didn't even look at those publications, he concentrated on dealing with a big bone, and said calmly: "This is just the beginning.

Wang: Four changes today, Pie begs for monthly ticket support!Thank you all! !

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