Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1081 The Three Trials

Zhu Jun, have you already started implementing this plan?

Prime Minister Hong just asked a simple question, which made Liu Jun feel more and more anxious.According to the usual analysis, since Prime Minister Hong invited his father Liu Jincai to be present, it should be good news.But Liu Jun is naturally not so superficial. At Premier Hong's level, how can he speculate with the mentality of "the old man next door"?

On the past and present.Premier Hong's impression left in the world is all stern and selfish.

Besides.As Bu Weiqing once said, this is a matter of ownership, and it is not impossible to really go online.

"Yes. Chief, Qianzhou has already started to implement this plan." [

Liu Jun replied respectfully.Facts are all there, no "denial"

"Then tell me, why, do you have this idea?"

Prime Minister Hong remained calm and asked indifferently.It's just that wise eyes swept across Liu Jun's face.Mayor Liu, who was always calm, was also a little uneasy.

Today's "five court trials" should be the final judgment on this matter.The reason why Liu Jun dared to eat crabs in Qianzhou is that the method of financing the ancestral lease has been verified by later generations.Before Liu Jun's rebirth, it had spread in all provinces and cities across the country, and even in a municipality directly under the central government, there were more than 500 leasing and financing companies gathered in the territory.Because of this, the municipality raised a large amount of funds in a short period of time, as much as hundreds of billions, which were invested in the construction of the city and achieved great success.

But now, Liu Jun has started to implement it almost ten years ahead of schedule!

Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a madman.

Liu Jun understands this truth very well.However, he is not easy to handle.Ten years in advance, is it half a step ahead or one step ahead!Naturally, Mayor Liu can't be sure, and the top management will give him the final judgment.Are you a genius or a lunatic?

Liu Jun straightened out his thoughts.He straightened up and replied: "The general idea has already been explained in the report of the Qianzhou Municipal Government. Let me give a brief introduction to the heads of state." Well, the most basic idea is to buy time. "

"Excellent time?"

Premier Hong asked back, and seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Yes, Prime Minister. Qianzhou was hit by a catastrophic flood last year. Although the urban embankment did not break, the city's economic losses were still very heavy. Follow the normal procedures. Rebuild after the disaster and resume production. At least It will take one to two years to return to the level before the flood.” To be honest, even if the productivity level before the flood is restored, I feel that it is too slow and there is no competitiveness.No way, Qianzhou can only follow behind.Step by step, the further you slide, the farther you go! "

Once he started to explain his administration strategy, Liu Jun's mind became more clear, and he had already thrown away the trace of anxiety when he first entered the door.The whole person appears confident.

It's nothing more than a few big bureaucrats, who hasn't been a top figure who has seen big storms?

The young staff member in charge of recording.But he couldn't help looking at Liu Jun in surprise.

This person was about the same age as him, and he didn't feel awkward in the face of Prime Minister Hong and other important cabinet ministers.

"The way you think of it is to be a seller?"

Prime Minister Hong asked, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, it's not a seller. It's financing. Turn dead money into living money. The total fiscal revenue of Qianzhou City in 3000 was only 7000 million. The fiscal deficit was 40 million, reaching [-]%. , the available financial resources are basically exhausted. Qianzhou has no pillar industries, no very active industry and commerce, and the tax sources are not wide. , It will cost more than [-] billion. Such a huge sum of money, it is not realistic to rely on superior support, bank loans or fundraising. But Qianzhou must improve the transportation network as soon as possible, which is the most basic condition for economic development. Otherwise, the outside Things can’t come in, and things inside can’t get out. I just want to invite others to invest, and they won’t come.”

Liu Jun talked eloquently. [

When Liu Jun uttered the first sentence, he could clearly see the pen in the staff's hand shaking slightly.Directly dismissing the prime minister's words, this Mr. Liu is not ordinary fat!

Prime Minister Hong was noncommittal to Liu Jun's "justification".Continue to ask: "This issue of ownership. Have you considered it?"


Liu Jun replied without hesitation.

"This cannot be defined simply by ownership. If you look at the overall situation, from a long-term perspective. Look at it. Sell state-owned assets for lease financing. The total value of state-owned assets in Qianzhou City will not decrease. It will only gradually increase. Because the funds we raised will still be used in the construction of Qianzhou. For example, after the road network is upgraded, the value of this state-owned asset will increase. Although this value-added is tangible, it will benefit the economic construction of Qianzhou, The benefits brought to the people of Jiangzhou are also obvious. Another comparison." They sold part of the state-owned assets.The industrial parks used to build high-tech are new state-owned assets, and.With the entry of foreign investment, the assets of these high-tech parks will appreciate rapidly, that is to say, the value-added of state-owned assets has been realized! "

Several cabinet ministers communicated with each other with their eyes.

The governor of the central bank, Xiang Chuhou, asked: "Liu Jun is congratulated, state-owned assets participate in financial leasing, how to implement supervision?"

Liu Jun was overjoyed, Xiang Chuhou asked a specific operational question, this should actually represent Xiang Chuhou's attitude, otherwise, in front of Prime Minister Hong, he would not have asked such a question Come technical issues.As far as Liu Jun knew, Xiang Chuhou was also one of Premier Hong's most trusted confidantes. Before Xiang Chuhou, the position of central bank governor was held by Premier Hong himself.

"President Xiang, Qianzhou is still in the trial stage now, because the goal is relatively single, the amount of the target is not very large, and the supervision is not difficult. I am personally supervising. The evaluation of the value of state-owned assets is carried out by provincial and municipal expert groups. Of course, if it spreads to all subordinate districts and counties in the future, the issue of supervision will become more important. In my personal opinion, it will still be jointly supervised by the municipal government and the People’s Bank of China.”

Xiang Chuhou nodded slightly.Smiles appeared on the corners of the mouths of several cabinet ministers.

This guy, before the way of doing things in the city has been recognized, he thought of spreading to all the subordinate districts and counties.He is full of self-confidence, and he believes that he is the winner in today's "five court trials!

Prime Minister Hong frowned and asked, "Is your financing lease a trick of the seller?"

Liu Jun was stunned for a moment.Prime Minister what does this mean?Do you want me to come up with a new trick for co-authoring?

"Report to the Prime Minister. It is still in the exploratory stage. However, I personally think that financial leasing is a good way to solve the shortage of funds for local governments and small and medium-sized enterprises. It is the most practical in addition to bank financing and listing financing. financing channels”

The Prime Minister did not answer Liu Jun's words, but glanced at Song Yanchang, the deputy director of the Development Committee. Song Yanchang nodded and asked, "Comrade Liu Jun, regarding the financing lease of small and medium-sized enterprises, rent arrears have always been a big problem. The bottleneck!"

Hearing this, Liu Jun became more determined, and replied with a smile: "Director Song, according to the development trajectory of China's 20-year financial leasing, rent arrears is indeed a bottleneck restricting the development of this model. But there is a constant problem in everything. Mature and continuous improvement process. Judging from the overall scale of China's market economy, the penetration rate of financing and leasing is less than 20.00%, which is simply acceptable. In developed countries, the leasing penetration rate exceeds 30.00%. It is more than [-]%. Lease financing is already the best financing channel for the rapid development of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. It should be recognized from the perspective that the country's economic management system plays a basic role in market allocation of resources under the guidance of macro-control financial leasing market.”

A gleam flashed in Premier Hong's eyes, and he nodded slightly at Liu Jun, signaling him to continue talking.

Liu Jun said: "The development of financial leasing is an entry point to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country. Just like some companies say that they will "wait for death" if they do not make technological transformation or update equipment; manufacturers say. No Doing installment payment "waiting for death" making installment payment "looking for death; some banks say that they will not lend money "waiting for death" and lending to you is also, looking for death." This shows that there is a problem with our structure, and we lack a third-party equipment investment subject The financial leasing company is the third-party equipment investment subject. For manufacturers, financial leasing is a kind of outsourcing of credit sales; for banks, financial leasing is a new channel for allocating funds; for lessees, financial leasing is based on things The financing method of the carrier; for the capital market and investors, financial leasing is a new investment method; for the high-end customers of financial institutions, financial leasing is also a wealth management channel.” Actually.For banks, supporting leasing companies of professional manufacturers and using them as institutional customers to support small and medium-sized enterprises is far more risky and controllable than doing it directly by themselves.In the financial leasing business, banks, especially state-owned commercial banks, should play more of a role of supervision and support rather than direct participation.This is also very beneficial to the diversified development of the financial market.”

Prime Minister Hong suddenly smiled and said, "Have you discussed this with Qiu Qingchuan again?"

Liu Jun blushed suddenly, and said in a friendly voice: "Yes, we have discussed it, Chief."

The article written by Qiu Qingchuan.Not published in a journal, but a formal written proposal submitted to the central bank and CCB headquarters.The feasibility and necessity of further developing the financial leasing industry in China are expounded in detail.

Liu Jun's words.It coincided with Qiu Qingchuan's report, so it's no wonder Premier Hong asked this question. [

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