Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1084 Escort

…late June.Former Secretary of Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee.Lianzhou, the current deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, returned to Qianzhou City.He came with him, as well as Vice Minister Hou of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Liu Hui and Vice Minister Hou were entrusted by the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.Come to Qianzhou to guide the election work of the People's Congress.

Usually only during general elections.Only then will the relevant leaders of the province be sent to various cities to guide the election work.However, this year's People's Congress in Qianzhou City will also be regarded as a general election.And it's more important than general general elections. Those who participate in the election are the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor!

It is a matter of course to ask Liu Huihui to Qianzhou to guide the election work of the National People's Congress. After all, he also serves as the director of the Qianzhou Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, and he will also hand over his responsibility at this National People's Congress.Deputy Minister Hou of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, in theory, accompanied Liu Hui here.Now Liu Hui is nominally the provincial leader.

Of course, these are things on the scene. [

In order to invite Liu Hui to return to Qianzhou to guide the election of the National People's Congress, Xi Haojin not only made a special trip to communicate with Jin Xiushi, but also made a special trip to communicate with Liu Hui.However, when communicating with Liu Hui, both Jin Xiushi and Bu Weiqing were present.

Jin Xiu was there.Liu Hui can understand.Zhai Haojin did this "just in case." In case Liu Hui was not very "enthusiastic", Liu Hui was a little puzzled that Jin Xiushi was a "middleman" but Gao Weiqing also came together.

Gao Weiqing appeared in this operation, what role does it play?

Liu Hui knows more or less about the work team sent by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to station in Donghai City

this time.Gao Weiqing seemed to be haggard a lot all of a sudden, he was no longer so energetic when he talked and walked, and he smiled more and more when dealing with people.It is very in line with him, the style of "provincial governor who is close to the people".

Seeing Gao Weiqing like this, Liu Hui felt a surge of joy in his heart.

Save, it's not as easy to fiddle with as you imagine!

Zhai Haojin smiled and once again affirmed Liu Hui's achievements in governing Qianzhou. It seems that the "Baihu Nest case" has long gone and no longer has the slightest impact. Liu Hui just retired from the position of secretary of the municipal party committee normally Come down to retire.

After Zhai Haojin's "praise", Di Weiqing followed up with another "praise." The smiles on everyone's faces were very similar, and the atmosphere of the conversation was very harmonious, even very personal, with the slightest sense of business.

After the first and second leaders competed to "praise" Liu Hui, they talked about asking Liu Hui to return to Qianzhou to guide the election work.Liu Hui agreed with a smile, saying, "I will definitely help Comrade Han Xu.

Anyway, he was going back to Qianzhou, so of course he had to explain this scene.

Que Haojin frowned secretly, how could he not hear the insincere in Liu Hui's words?But Liu Hui has resentment.It cannot be suppressed by force.After all, he wanted Liu Hui to stabilize the situation in Qianzhou and tide over this difficulty.

In the unlikely event that Han Xu or Liu Jun were to lose the election in Qianzhou, it would be "unbearable" for whoever was elected.

Gao Weiqing was also anxious.All he cares about is Liu Jun.Whether Han Xu can be successfully elected as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress is not on his mind.For Gao Weiqing, Liu Jun couldn't make any mistakes in this private meeting.

This is not Gao Weiqing's theoretical analysis, but a real warning he received: If Liu Jun stumbles in Qianzhou, other people will naturally stumble even bigger in other places!

warn his people.He is a senior figure in the Gao Department, almost comparable to Mr. Gao.The highly prestigious elder made no secret of his dissatisfaction and warned Gao Weiqing.Politics is wisdom.It's balance, not vindictiveness, not child's play!

Since being promoted to a senior cadre, it was the first time that Di Weiqing was "teached" so mercilessly. At that time, he really felt uncomfortable, and he had to respectfully nod his head.

This Liu Jun is really an extra-large hornet's nest!

In the end, it was Jin Xiushi who rescued them.Jin Xiushi didn't make a long speech about ideological work, but simply greeted Liu Hui and asked him to stand on the last post. [

Ever since, Liu Hui came back to Qianzhou to "stand guard".

He has moved from Building No. [-] of Qianzhou Municipal Committee Standing Committee to the provincial capital to live and work in peace and contentment. When he returned to Qianzhou this time, he stayed at Qianzhou Hotel.As soon as Liu Hui stayed in the hotel, former subordinates flocked to visit the old leader.After a period of reflection, Liu Hui's mentality had already adjusted, and he chatted cheerfully with old friends and former staff, and the Qianzhou Hotel was full of laughter.

So much so that Deputy Minister Hou of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee who accompanied him joked that Liu Hui was a "star." It was short of a bunch of people surrounding him asking for his autograph.

Vice Minister Hou was also single-handedly selected by Jin Xiushi. Before becoming the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he was the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of another city. After Que Haojin entered the province, he was quietly transferred to the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department.Vice Minister Hou basically resigned to his fate.One emperor and one courtier, this has been the case since ancient times.However, with the changes in the situation in the province, Vice Minister Hou had already calmed down.

How keen is a person who can achieve his position?

If.Liu Hui's transfer from Qianzhou is the last line of defense for the local forces. Then, it seems that the "counterattack" has already begun.Due to his rank, Deputy Minister Hou was not aware of the various confrontations that took place at the top level. He just noticed that the fierce offensive of Que Haojin and Gao Weiqing had been frustrated.The situation is slowly changing.

Vice Minister Hou is different from Liu Hui. He is still younger than Zhuan Zhuan. If chance coincides, it is not impossible for him to take up a real job again.And the key person who caused this "offensive and defensive transition" is Comrade Liu Jun, the acting mayor of Qianzhou City, who they want to ensure the smooth election this time.

Therefore, at the reception dinner held by the four teams of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, Municipal People's Congress, and CPPCC.Vice Minister Hou was very polite to Liu Jun.

this banquet.For Han Xu, it was an unpleasant process.

at the dinner party.He, the secretary of the municipal party committee, turned out to be a foil. Almost everyone automatically and consciously took Liu Hui as the center, as if Liu Hui was the real king of Qianzhou.If it was just like this, Han Xu would not be overly depressed.After all, Liu Hui's remaining prestige is still there.When he left Yizhou, he hadn't held a serious farewell banquet, so it's reasonable to take this opportunity of welcome dinner to make up for it.But Han Xu soon discovered that the cadres' attitude towards Liu Jun was obviously more affectionate than him.It seems that the rumors circulating some time ago that Qianzhou district and county cadres might join forces to "oppose" Liu Jun are simply nonsense.Look at this posture, these local cadres in Qianzhou have naturally established a new "core."

This core is not the secretary of the municipal party committee, not him Fu Xu!

Han Xu's unhappiness was slightly brought out on his face.Dong Chang, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, who was sitting not far from him, cast an annoyed look, which meant a lot.Han Xu was startled, and a peaceful smile appeared on his face immediately.

After the dinner was over, Han Xu and Liu Jun accompanied Liu Hui and Vice Minister Hou back to the suite where they stayed, and the two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation.Municipal TV station interviewed the meeting and reported it.

on the TV screen.The old and new leaders of Qianzhou City are all smiling, and the atmosphere of the meeting is very warm and harmonious.

At the end of March ninety-nine.The second plenary session of the No.13th People's Congress of Qianzhou City was grandly held in the Great Hall of Qianzhou City.

The congress should have 470 delegates, and 440 six delegates attended the meeting.Persons in charge of various departments of the municipal government, persons in charge of the municipal party and mass organizations departments and relevant units, deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress and deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress in Qianzhou attended the meeting.

before that.The preparatory meeting of this conference approved the list of the Bureau and the Secretary-General.The presidium consists of 48 people including Fu Xu, Liu Hui, Liu Jun, and Li Minzhong.The first meeting of the presidium approved 12 people including Han Xu, Liu Hui, and Liu Jun as the executive chairmen of the presidium.

The guiding ideology of this meeting is: hold high the great banner, thoroughly implement the spirit of the [-]th National Congress of the Party, the Third Session of the [-]th Central Committee, the Second Session of the Ninth National and Provincial People's Congresses, and the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventh Municipal Party Committee. Under strong leadership, continue to carry out reform and opening up, maintain the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy; further handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability, and ensure social and political stability; actively advance the process of ruling the country by law and building a socialist country ruled by law; confidence.Seize opportunities, advance despite difficulties, unite as one, and work hard to promote the all-round development of various undertakings and the overall progress of society; The fiftieth anniversary and the smooth return of Macau.

There are seven items on the agenda of this meeting: [-]. Listen to and review the work report of the Municipal People's Government; [-]. Listen to and review the report on the implementation of Qianzhou's [-] national economic and social development plan and the [-] draft plan ; Examine and approve the report on the implementation of Qianzhou's [-] national economic and social development plan and the [-] national economic and social development plan; [-]. Hear and review Qianzhou's [-] financial plan Report on the implementation of the budget and the [-] financial budget draft; review and approve the report on the implementation of the [-] financial budget of Qianzhou City and the [-] financial budget of the city at the same level; Work report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; [-]. Hearing and deliberating the work report of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; [-]. Hearing and deliberating the work report of the Municipal People's Procuratorate; [-]. By-election of the director and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the [-]th Municipal People's Congress; mayor.

Before the official meeting, Liu Hui, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, discussed the guiding ideology of the meeting, several specific issues about the meeting, the election matters of the meeting and the opening Some requirements of the meeting and other aspects were further elaborated and specific arrangements were made.

Make sure this conference is a complete success!

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