Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1090 Who Is The Secretary?

"You... Comrade Liu Jun, are you too alarmist?"

No matter how well-mannered Han Xu was, he couldn't bear it any longer, and said with a cold "hum".If it weren't for worrying about the bad influence, Han Xu would have left in a hurry!

You can't talk like that.

Han Xu was furious, and Luo Weifeng was even more furious.

"Hehehe, according to Mayor Liu's intention, I, Luo, am here to harm you today?" [

Liu Jun was not angry, his face was still calm, and he asked calmly: "Mr. Luo, I didn't say that. But, I want to ask Mr. Luo, how much money can your company invest?"

"Hey, Mayor Liu can't believe my strength, Luo?"

Xi Weifeng asked back.

Liu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Mr. Luo, you don't need to change the subject! May I ask how much money your company can invest? According to Mr. Qi's plan just now, the entire plan must invest at least 200 billion!"

A flash of panic flashed in Yan Weifeng's eyes, and then he regained his composure, and said proudly: "Mayor Liu, I repeat again, funds are not a problem!"

Liu Jun laughed.With a hint of sarcasm.Han Xu is his partner, and he wants to show Han Xu some dignity.

How could a businessman like Weifeng, or an entrepreneur, take Liu Jun seriously?Fat Fuhai, Da Gang, Fan Qingling and others, if they take out any one at random, it will make Luo Weifeng's teeth tremble!

"General Manager, don't tell lies in front of real people. How much self-owned capital does your company have? One billion or two billion? I think it will not exceed three billion! Even if it is three billion, compared to your In terms of calculation, it is still too little!"

Liu Jun said coldly.


Han Xu suppressed the anger in his heart, and Shen Huan said: "Mayor Liu, Mr. Luo is our guest.

However, after Liu Jun said those words, Mr. Luo, the guest, seemed to have become a little more aggressive.

Liu Jun said lightly: "Secretary Han, Mr. Luo may be more aware of the method of capital operation than we are. I think Mr. Luo's plan is actually not complicated. Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company invests a small amount of money, and then activates the principle of authority, through Start the project with social financing, construction with capital, etc., and then borrow from the bank. The entire large steel company can be supported. Then strive for listing financing to obtain follow-up development funds. President, is that right?"

What Liu Jun said was quite reserved, and he clearly meant that Han Xu didn't understand the tricks of capital operation.

The look of surprise on Weifeng's face was fleeting, and he said with a sullen face: "Mayor Liu is really proficient in capital operation methods. This method can't be said from time to time, right? All over the country, the success of using this model Examples abound!"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Chan, success in the past does not mean success now. Success in other places does not mean success in Qianzhou. This mode of capital operation is a typical small Horse-drawn carts, the risk factor is too high. In addition to the big flaws in the capital operation model of President Xi’s plan, the most fatal point is that the country’s macro-control has not been taken into consideration. For a period of time, China’s steel industry has been booming The development of small iron and steel enterprises is blooming everywhere, repeated construction is very common, and the production capacity has begun to oversupply. Moreover, the iron and steel industry is a high-energy-consuming industry, and the state will not allow this kind of blind order to exist for a long time. Once the central government implements macro-control, the introduction of Relevant policies, Mr. Tan, have you considered the risks in the middle? Your capital chain will be broken immediately!"

Cheng Weifeng's dark face became even darker, and he remained silent.

Never expected again.This young mayor is so familiar with the way capital is operated that he uttered the plan in his mind almost verbatim.

It should be said that Luo Weifeng can be regarded as a very successful business person.After working hard, his Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company has already owned assets worth over one billion yuan.This was an amazingly large number at the time.In fact, Weifeng Wei is also a well-known private entrepreneur in the Northeast, with many dazzling halos on his head, such as a representative of the National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and so on. [

Seeing the boom in steel, Yan Weifeng, who has become a billionaire, is unwilling to stay where he is, and wants to make further progress.In addition, Han Xu was eager to achieve results and strongly invited him to invest in Qianzhou, so he made up his mind.I came here excitedly.

His "little beggar pulls a big cart" plan, although it is a wonderful capital operation method, it cannot be realized without the full support of the local government. Without the government's commitment, those units involved in the construction will never bring capital Come here. It is difficult to implement financing from the society. In a word, his personal credibility is not enough. He needs to rely on the government's credibility.

After all, for now, the steel industry is vibrant and promising.As long as Qianzhou City and Weifeng Iron and Steel United Co., Ltd. work together, those construction units that feel profitable will not be able to resist the temptation of huge benefits, and will join in one after another, hoping to get a share in the future.

besides.Those fierce procedures, approval documents from the state and ministry, did not come forward from the government.Rely on him to slightly Weifeng to introduce Baiding.It's also impossible to get rid of Bayang.This middle.It also involves concubine Xu's illegal operations, so it is even more necessary to rely on Han Xu or Liu Jun, two well-known figures, to operate in private to get the relevant departments of the province and the country.

It is not that Luo Weifeng has not considered the related risks, but he has never put them in the first place.

Luo Weifeng is a typical "rich generation" like many trendy people who have become rich quickly with the help of reform and opening up.Luo Weifeng has an extremely strong desire to get rich, with keen eyesight and courage, he always moves forward when things happen.It is not in his character to look forward and backward, to be hesitant.If one was afraid of wolves and the other was afraid of tigers, how could one have the luxury of living in a villa, driving a Mercedes-Benz, and drinking Xiaomi?I'm afraid they are still selling pancakes on the streets of a small county in the northeast!

Although Liu Jun reminded him bluntly, that trace of vigilance was just a flash in Luo Weifeng's heart.His mind has long been fully occupied by the huge "Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company".It can be said that this is his biggest pursuit in the second half of his life, and it will never change because of Liu Jun's words.

However, Luo Weifeng is very shrewd, he knows at this time.You can't debate the so-called "risk of macro-control" with Liu Jun. What he has to do is to handle it well!

"I'm sorry, Secretary Han, since Chief Liu doesn't welcome Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company, then I can't hang on to it, can I? Farewell!"

Xi Weifeng said.Standing up, without waiting for anything from Han Xu and Liu Jun, he left the reception room.

Han Xu hesitated for a moment.After all, he sat down and didn't follow him out, but the look on his face was very ugly.

Liu Jun didn't care.He took a sip from his teacup and lit another cigarette, it seemed that Luo Weifeng didn't care about him at all.Who cares if you love to go or not?

"Mayor Liu, Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company is very powerful and has a great reputation in the north.

After a long silence, Wei Xu said coldly.

Liu Jun smiled lightly.Said: "Secretary Han, I don't doubt the strength of Weifeng Iron and Steel United Company. If he comes to Qianzhou to invest five or one billion billion, I wholeheartedly welcome him. However, investing 200 billion is definitely not easy. He really wants to use With the power of the Qianzhou Municipal Government, to complete his small and big career, I will not accompany him for this!"

"Mayor Liu, Lao Luo's plan is not as risky as you said, right?"

Han Xu still doesn't take Liu Jun's "alarmist talk" seriously.Moreover, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he brought in a merchant, but was "driven" back by Liu Jun.It is tolerable or unbearable!

Liu Jun said seriously: "Secretary Han, let's break this down. According to Luo Weifeng's plan, at least 200 mu of land will be acquired, and the investment will not be less than [-] billion. Luo Weifeng himself definitely doesn't have that much money.

Well, we have brought in him, the land has been expropriated, the masses have been demolished, and various construction sites have started.If at this time, the state starts to regulate the iron and steel industry and blocks all approval procedures, then the construction units with capital will immediately withdraw their capital, and social financing channels will be completely blocked.What can Luo Weifeng support?Until then.Thousands of acres of land are barren and there is no way to reclaim them.Then, all iron removal projects were unfinished, and the Qianzhou Municipal Government.What will be used to return social funds?The problem of economic construction will immediately be transformed into a problem of social stability.This, the risk, can we afford it? "

Han Xu was terrified immediately, and pondered: "Now the world's demand for steel is very strong, the macro-control you mentioned should not specifically target the steel industry!"

Liu Jun smiled: "What if?"

In fact, in Liu Jun's past life memory, the country will carry out macro-control on basic industries such as steel and energy in the past two years.Leaving aside previous life memories, according to the development of the current situation, the central government's intention to attack the blind steel and energy industry is becoming more and more obvious.After all, Liu Jun's family has a deputy prime minister in charge of economic construction! [

If this project is introduced, once it encounters macro-control, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

Han Xu pondered again.Although the risk Liu Jun said was indeed great, Han Xu always believed that this was just an unfounded guess.Just because of this kind of credential speculation.It is difficult for Han Xu to accept blocking the introduction of a large project worth tens of billions.In his opinion, Liu Jun's biggest purpose is not to let him reach out to the field of economic construction, so as not to steal the limelight from Mayor Liu as "a strong man in economic construction".

This man is too domineering.

"Mayor, risks come with benefits! This matter should be studied carefully.

Han Xu calmed down and said in a relaxed tone.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.Nodding his head, he said nothing more.

Han Xu couldn't help feeling depressed again.Looking at Liu Jun's demeanor, his heart is very firm, and there is not much room for negotiation at all.

Who is the secretary in Qianzhou City?

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