Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1102 Actions Before the Standing Committee Meeting

Erjun didn't come back!A few days ago, Sister Han was in a hurry to discuss with the Standing Committee.Mayor Liu is in Lizhou, but Secretary Han is not in a hurry, and seems to have forgotten this matter.

Since Secretary Han couldn't remember for a while.Liu Zuchang naturally had no reason to urge him, so he just pretended that there was no such thing and continued to be busy with other tasks at hand.This time the spring trade fair.The delegation of Qianzhou City has gained a lot and signed orders of hundreds of millions of yuan.Of course, it is still intentional for the time being, and most buyers need to inspect the manufacturer on the spot before placing an order.Mayor Liu has to arrange for these enterprises to make preparations for receiving businessmen to visit.

the most important is.This trade fair has given Qianzhou a big boost, making Qianzhou, a not-so-famous inland city, immediately remembered by many foreign businessmen.It is rare for this trade fair to be led by the mayor himself.A mayor and municipal government that attach so much importance to economic construction can easily arouse the interest of foreign businessmen.

Liu Jun firmly remembered what Qian Jianjun said at the exhibition.As soon as he returned to Qianzhou, he immediately ordered Zhuang Yiqian, the director of the municipal government office, to be in charge of connecting with the Nanfang Municipal Government, and implement the spirit of the Qianzheng Bureau's instructions on forming a sister city between Nanfang City and Qianzhou City as soon as possible.

Mayor Liu is very busy.Secretary Han was not idle either, and hurriedly summoned the members of the municipal party committee for a private talk.Routine communication with team members is also the normal work of the municipal party secretary.This time, the focus of Han Xu's talk was on economic construction.Take the initiative to communicate with every team member on how to accelerate the development of Qianzhou's economy. [

"Mayor, Secretary Han seems to be very concerned about economic construction in recent days

Yu Huaixin said to Liu Jun while tidying up the files on the desktop.

Liu Jun glanced at him.

Nian Huaixin went on to say: "When Secretary Han communicated with the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he always emphasized that the foundation of Qianzhou City is too weak. To strengthen its own hematopoietic function, it is necessary to introduce a group of powerful large and even super-large enterprises. Only by settling in Qianzhou can the city’s economic take-off be achieved in a short period of time,”

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Secretary Han's thinking is correct. Our Qianzhou lacks supportive industries. If all the top [-] companies in the world are willing to invest in Qianzhou, it will be developed!"

Yu Huaixin also laughed, looked at his watch, and said, "Comrade Nan Rui from Baihu County should be here soon, do you think you will meet him immediately?"

Liu Jun nodded: "It was arranged in advance."

Han Xu hurriedly talked to the members of the municipal party committee, and Liu Jun hurriedly talked to the leaders of the governments of the subordinate districts and counties, asking about the economic development plans of the districts and counties.

It has been seven months since he took office last year. There have been "earthquakes" in Qianzhou's officialdom, and Liu Jun is busy with the post-disaster resettlement work. The real economic construction work in the city did not start to be fully rolled out until after the National People's Congress was held. .Liu Jun felt that he had been delayed for a long time, so he had to hurry up and get it back.

As soon as Yu Huaixin went outside, Nan Rui walked in.Greeting Yu Huaixin with a smile: "Yu Chu, hello!"

Beiqian Nanrui is Liu Hui's secretary, the first secretary of the municipal party committee and the first secretary of the city government have a good relationship, at least they smile when they meet, and they are old acquaintances.

"Nan county magistrate, hello!" Yu Huaixin shook hands with Nan Rui tightly: "The mayor is waiting for you, please come with me!"

Go into the inner office.Nan Rui respectfully bowed to Liu Jun and said hello.

"Comrade Nan Rui is here. Please sit down!"

Liu Jun greeted with a smile, but did not get up to shake hands with Nan Rui.In normal work dealings, Liu Jun doesn't care much about these red tape superficial efforts.

At the People's Congress of Baihu County held not long ago, Nan Rui was elected the county magistrate by overwhelming votes, and the word "agent" in front of the black hat was also removed.Immediately, he walked slowly to the chair opposite Liu Jun's desk and sat down.The back is straight.

"Have you been to Baihu County for almost two months?"

Liu Jun looked at Nan Rui and asked gently.For Liu Hui's former secretary.Liu Jun is still more optimistic.When communicating with Liu Hui in private, Liu Hui spoke highly of Nan Rui and believed that Nan Rui was capable of working.Liu Hui's statement in this way is tantamount to going to Liu Jun to "teach Gu".Baihu County is not only the hardest-hit area ravaged by major floods.It is also the hardest-hit area of ​​officialdom corruption, and Liu Jun pays more attention to Baihu County.

"Yes, Mayor. Two months." [

Nan Rui replied respectfully.The look in Liu Jun's eyes was also very respectful, even mixed with a trace of fear.When Liu Junwang arrived in Qianzhou, Nan Rui didn't have this attitude. Although he was very respectful on face, he was very suspicious of the young mayor's ability in his heart.certainly.As the full-time secretary of the municipal party committee secretary, Nan Rui's doubts about Liu Jun were not limited to his ability to govern, but more because he was not very optimistic about Liu Jun's ability to grasp the overall situation at the municipal level.

Nan Rui has followed Liu Hui for many years, and has formed a mindset—Jiang is still old and spicy!

In Nan Rui's mind, the mayor of a city and the ruler of Qianzhou must be mature and steady like Liu Hui and Chen Xiangyang.A seasoned veteran cadre.

Of course, Nan Rui's perception is now over.After discussing the fierce Danby game.The one who won in the end was the mayor in front of him. Not only did he successfully stabilize his position, but according to the current situation, Liu Jun had already replaced Liu Hui in Qianzhou.Although Han Xu is the secretary of the municipal party committee, the real core of Qianzhou cadres is Liu Jun.

With such a powerful person, it's no wonder that Nan Rui is afraid.

After all, deep down in everyone's heart, they worship the strong.

How well do you understand the situation in the county?Are you basically familiar with it? "

Liu Jun still asked with a smile, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case at hand, put it in his mouth, and then presented himself in front of Nan Rui.Nan Rui quickly lit a fire for the mayor, and also lit one himself.Between the shapes, the distance between the two has narrowed a bit.

As Liu Hui's former secretary, Nan Rui knew that he had no choice but to make up his mind to follow Liu Jun.To be able to gradually establish a relationship with Liu Jun similar to Liu Hui is the ideal ending that Nan Rui hopes to see most.

Basically are familiar with.Every town has been visited.But it’s a bit of a waste of time”

Ran Rui replied with a smile.

He understands Liu Jun's character and doesn't like his subordinates playing bureaucratic accents.Talking a lot of nonsense.and.Liu Jun made no secret of his view that he values ​​practical cadres.Nan Rui also hurriedly ran below to familiarize himself with the situation.

Of course, Liu Jun also attaches great importance to some talented practitioners.But such cadres are rare.And below the city level, there is also the feeling that heroes can be used.

Liu Jun nodded, and said, "Travel every village and town once, um, this is very good. Then, let's talk about your development ideas!"

Hearing that Mayor Liu was summoned, Nan Rui knew that he would definitely ask this question. He had already made sufficient preparations, and he was not vague at the moment, and asked directly: "Mayor, when will the financing and leasing model in the city Can it be in the district or county?"

Liu Jun couldn't help laughing: "What? Are you short of money?"

Nan Rui said with a smile: "Yes, it's not a general lack of money, but a great lack of money. The financial situation of Baihu County is quite bad, and there are all kinds of means, and it's hard for a smart woman to make a living."

Liu Jun smiled, and then said sternly: "This matter, we need to wait a little longer until the city finds out a complete model before it can be widely spread.

When there was no clear opinion from above, Liu Jun boldly rushed forward, a bit disregarded.

Now that the four ministries and commissions have jointly issued a document specifying Qianzhou City as a pilot project for financial leasing, Liu Jun has become more cautious.Nan Rui can also understand this point.If the pilot model is successful, it will be extended to the whole province and even the whole country, so we should be more careful.

After all, it involves a large amount of state-owned assets, and if it is not done well, it will really be as the newspaper said.become a new source of corruption.

Don't worry about money, just talk about how to develop the economy of Baihu County if you have the necessary funds! "[

Nan Rui nodded and said: "Baihu County is a large agricultural county. According to the mayor's instructions, if we want to lead the majority of farmers to become rich together, then agriculture must be developed, and we must make great efforts to catch it. Therefore, the county plans to give priority to the development of ecology. agriculture."

Liu Jun's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Ecological agriculture? This is a good idea."

"Yes, Mayor. This was discussed with Secretary Yu and Comrade Hongmu. Last year, 8% of the 70.00 mu of winter slack fields in the county were raised with lobsters. It is also the harvest season, and the sales are very good. , and even European merchants came to order. One guy ordered thousands of tons, and the supply was in short supply. So we decided to do the same with lobster farming when we planted in spring. Facts have proved that this is a good way for farmers to increase their income and become rich. , we must vigorously expand.” In addition, there are many lakes and reservoirs in our Baihu County. If these water surfaces can be used effectively, it will be even more serious.

As soon as Nan Rui mentioned this, he couldn't help straightening his body, his eyes sparkled, and he explained to Liu Jun the idea of ​​developing ecological agriculture in Baihu County with a little excitement.

"Mayor, we think that ecological agriculture can be combined with tourism, and more water spots for leisure tourism, swimming, fishing, etc., are weekend leisure activities that urban people prefer, and we can make more fuss about this aspect. "

Lian Jun smiled and nodded, affirming Nan Rui's thinking: "This method is very good, and it deserves to be promoted vigorously. However, Nan Rui, the government must first guide and regulate such a large-scale action, and it cannot be released casually. .If the operation is carried out in an extensive mode, it is easy to cause orderly competition. Farmers flock to it, which lowers the level of eco-tourism agriculture. From a long-term point of view, it is very unfavorable. And orderly competition will eventually lead to It has caused damage to farmers, so correct leadership and industry norms are all necessary. To make high-quality products, don’t just fill in the numbers, just focus on the data!”

"Yes, Mayor, I remember!"

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