Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1122 A Network of Big People

Liu Jun's trip to Beijing this time was entirely a temporary decision, Yan Fei and Liu Yang did not come back together.Therefore, as soon as he appeared at the villa in Longshan Park, Ruan Bixiu looked behind him while being happy, but she couldn't see his daughter-in-law and grandson, so she immediately asked questions.

"Xiaojun, where are Feifei and Yangyang? Didn't come back with you?"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Mom, you are so unreasonable. You only have your daughter-in-law and grandson in your eyes, and your son is left alone!"

Ruan Bixiu waved her hand: "Go, go, stop talking to me, and tell the truth quickly, why didn't Yang Yang come back?"

In the end, Wen Wei only had her grandson in her heart. When Feifei took Yangyang to Qianzhou, Ruan Bixiu and Xie Ying were reluctant to give up, but they had to make such a great sacrifice for the sake of Liu Jun's future. "The grandson is not around. In these days, Ruan Bixiu and Xie Ying missed each other so much. A phone call is the least embarrassing thing. Now Yang Yang is unwilling to answer the phone. Even so, she still can’t stop grandma and grandma’s phone offensive." For Ruan Bixiu and Xie Ying It is good to say that even just listening to the little grandson "hmm" on the phone. [

Now that his son appears in the living room and his grandson is nowhere to be seen, Ruan Bixiu is not annoyed.

Liu Jun knew his mother's temper well, so he had to raise his hands in surrender and said with a smile that he had to go back to the capital for a temporary matter, and he walked directly from Wushi without bringing Feifei and Yangyang back with him.Why don't you call Feifei and ask her to bring Yangyang back tomorrow? Stay a few days longer before leaving. "

After hearing the previous passage, Ruan Bixiu's eyes widened with anger, "I'm going to reprimand, but Mayor Liu quickly came up with a way to make up for it." Then Ruan Bixiu responded with anger and kept urging that it's good, that's good, then you call quickly."

Liu Jun couldn't help feeling a big headache and protesting that Mom must let me drink saliva. "

Ruan Bixiu laughed as if she just remembered that she hadn't seen her son for a while.He poured water for his son himself.

Mayor Liu never broke his promise after drinking tea, immediately took out his mobile phone to call Feifei, said with a smile, my wife, I’m home, that mother misses you and Yangyang very much, why don’t you bring Yangyang back to live for a while these two days . "

Okay, okay, I still have a piece of clothing that I haven’t finished designing in a few days, I’ll take Yangyang back when the design of this clothing is finished.”

Feifei was still a child at heart and immediately cheered and agreed.

Liu Ya Nei let out a long sigh of relief, now that he can deal with the business, he immediately told Ruan Bixiu that Mom Feifei agreed to finish the matter in hand.Bring your grandson back in a few days"

Ruan Bixiu's son, who was smiling with joy, suddenly became very pleasing to her eyes.

Mom and Dad. "

Mayor Liu knew very well that Vice Premier Liu was definitely still in the office handling official business at this time, but it was only natural for a son to ask his father's whereabouts.

Hey, you're knowingly asking that your dad can't come home after ** o'clock. "

Ruan Bixiu's eyes turned cloudy again when he mentioned this." He said very displeased.

Liu Jun sighed.It seems that the workaholic problem of his father will not heal until he fully retires." Speaking of which, Liu Jincai does not have such a good body as his son's. I am worried that his body will not be able to support him if he is so exhausted for a long time.

Seeing that Liu Jun was worried about Lao Tzu's health, Ruan Bixiu in turn comforted Xiao Jun, don't worry too much.The health doctor is still very serious and responsible. Your father is fine.

If he is really too tired, he himself knows that taking a break and walking around is also a kind of exercise."

Jun Jun nodded.

Fortunately, at the level of Liu Jincai, the central government attaches great importance to their health, and each of them is equipped with a full-time health doctor to sit regularly for inspection and monitoring” [

Liu Jun looked at his watch and said, Mom, it's still early, I'll go out for a while and go home for dinner at night.Well, how about eating the two together.You discuss it with Grandma Yangyang. "

Ruan Bixiu nodded again and again, okay, you should take a rest when you come back."

Don't want this son to be the same as her husband.Contaminated with workaholics.

It’s okay, my body is stronger than my dad’s.”

Liu Jun replied with a smile.

This is a fact, Ruan Bixiu stopped blocking and hurriedly called Jieying.

Liu Jun turned around and went out, drove directly to the Central Political and Legal Committee, and soon appeared in Yan Wangcheng's office.Yan Wucheng's secretary is Shang Xiaozhong.He is very familiar with the son-in-law who is riding a dragon and fast in the strict political situation.It is Liu Jun's consistent style to have a good relationship with his father and his father-in-law's secretary.Before coming, Liu Jun made a phone call with Shang Xiaozhong to arrange the meeting.

Shang Xiaozhong is very aware of Liu Jun's weight in Yan Wangcheng's heart, and he dare not neglect Liu Jun's call.It just so happened that Yan Wucheng had a little free time.Immediately reported to Yan Zheng Bureau.

Hearing that Liu Jun suddenly begged to see Yan Wucheng, he frowned slightly, but nodded his approval.Today's Liu Jun is no longer the little boy with a pendulous bun who suddenly returned to the capital to ask to see him, there must be a comparison

Mayor Liu"

Seeing Liu Jun, Shang Xiaozhong immediately stepped forward to shake hands with a smile on his face.Shang Xiaozhong was in his thirties.Deputy department-level cadres under the age of 40.It is said that Vice Chairman Li Zhiguo gave it to Yan Wucheng himself.Liu Jun also learned about Shang Xiaozhong's background.His father once worked with Vice Chairman Li Zhiguo in the Northwest.I heard that he stayed in an office. 20 years ago, Vice Chairman Li was only a deputy department-level cadre and became the secretary of a province within five years, and his promotion was astonishingly fast.Shang Xiaozhong's father finally retired with deputy director-level treatment.His son, however, fell into the eyes of Vice Chairman Li, and at a young age, he has reached the heights of his father's life. Father Shang is also a consolation for his old age.

Vice-chairman Li said in person that the secretary showed Shi Yan Wucheng's serious intentions.

Shang Xiaozhong also knew that this was Vice Chairman Li's cultivation of him. After serving as Yan Wucheng's secretary, he was extremely dedicated to his work and was very vigilant and steady.It is very important for Yan Wucheng to treat him as a confidant.

Filial piety"

Liu Jun to Laozi and father-in-law Laozi's secretary.Generally, the title is rarely called.

Come with me, Secretary Yan has exactly 10 minutes."

Shang Xiaozhong You don't exchange many greetings, Yan Wucheng's time is precious, and now he leads Liu Jun into the inner office.

Yan Shu is good"

Entering the office, Liu Jun respectfully bowed and greeted his father-in-law sitting behind a huge mahogany desk.Although Shang Xiaozhong is a trustworthy person, he must abide by the superficial rules in the office.

Yan Yucheng nodded slightly and said calmly, "Sit down."


Liu Jun sat down at the desk as promised.Shang Xiaozhong offered tea and retreated. [

What's up. "

Yan Wucheng took the initiative to hand Liu Jun a cigarette.He leaned back in the swivel chair and assumed a more relaxed attitude.In fact, don't look at Yan Wucheng's never having a good look towards Liu Jun.A junior who can truly make him fully trust.But it is none other than Liu Jun.Even higher than his own son Yan Ming.Yan Wucheng would be more relaxed every time he talked with Liu Jun.

Of course, in addition to trust, there is another big reason that Liu Jun never just handed over the problems to him, and he was always able to help find solutions to the problems.Yan Wucheng basically didn't need to worry too much.

For the Minmei City case. "

Liu Jun is also outspoken.This has always been the case between their husband and son-in-law.

Yan Wucheng suddenly raised his eyebrows, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice that you also want to intervene in this matter. "

Liu Jun just laughed.This Lord Taishan is not polite at all when he speaks, so he wants to intervene." I really think Mayor Liu is a bad guy.

Just now I went to the home of Vice Chairman Wang of the Military Commission and chatted with him for a while.Qiu Jing was there to accompany her. "

Liu Jun briefly reported the situation.

Yan Wangcheng's expression became more serious.Of course he knew who the so-called Vice Chairman Wang of the Military Commission was.He is also very familiar with Ye Jing.The group of up-and-comers Qiu Jing that several major factions are focusing on cultivating today are at the forefront, no different from Comrade Liu Jun in front of him.

It's about Wang Mengmeng. "

Yan Yacheng asked.

Liu Jun nodded and looked serious.Yan Yacheng opened his mouth and talked about Wang Mengmeng. It can be seen that Wang Mengmeng's importance in this case is extraordinary. Even Yan Wucheng, the secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, was deeply impressed.Of course, this is also related to Wang Mengmeng's identity. After all, although Wang Wantian has retired to the second line, his prestige is still there, and he is the most important member of the He Wu family. It is normal for Yan Wucheng to pay more attention.

According to the memories of Liu Jun's previous life, there were as many as [-] senior officials who were finally implicated in this major smuggling case in Mingmei City, including a certain senior official who is currently the Deputy Minister of Public Security.This is only the official data, and there should be more officials who have been punished by the organization in private.

As for the people who fell into it, it is estimated that there are not a few people with identities like Wang Mengmeng.

This case is basically a super hot potato.The No. [-] Southeast Case

The leading actor, Qi Jinshan, after learning that he had been reported, came to the capital to visit friends with a big face. The working group sent by the central powerful agency stationed in Mingmei City. It can be seen that he is not generally confident.

Qi Jinshan's confidence undoubtedly comes from his huge relationship network.

Anyone on this network is a big shot who can't walk for ordinary people.The combination of these "many big men" made even Yan Yucheng, a real big man like Yan Yucheng, have to take it seriously.

Yan Wangcheng smoked silently.

Liu Jun didn't say a word even when he was smoking with him.

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