Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1139

hehe.Comrade Bu Minhuai is a quick temper.Don't worry, as long as you scratch a piece of soil, it makes sense, and there is always a way for funds! "

Liu Jun laughed.

Chu Xianmin was startled for a moment, then overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Mayor, with your words, I can rest assured. Hehe, as long as I have money, even if my old Chu breaks out in a cold sweat, it's worth it! "

No one in the room expected that Chu Xianmin would be so outspoken, they couldn't help smiling after being startled.Liu Jun laughed even more.Chu Xianmin has a more cheerful personality, which he is familiar with.Liu Jun didn't like his subordinates being submissive in front of him, and he didn't dare to say anything.That is not prestige, but coercion.

True prestige is based on the respect from the heart of subordinates. [

Although Liu Jun never expected to establish prestige in the hearts of every subordinate, he always hoped that the ratio between prestige and coercion could be more balanced.

This point is especially important for princes like Zhang Wanrong and Chu Xianmin.Once this kind of prestige is established, these subordinates will become the most loyal followers, which is by no means comparable to standing in line in the ordinary sense.No matter when, even in an extremely unfavorable situation, these devoted followers will be loyal to him.

For a leader, this is also crucial.

Of course, it will take time to verify whether Liu Jun's charm is enough to make people admire him wholeheartedly.

"Okay, let's put away the map first, the two directors have also worked very hard.

Liu Jun said.

Pulling such a huge map for a long time is indeed very strenuous. The director and another cadre smiled gratefully when they heard this, and immediately put the map away.

"Comrade Wanrong, Comrade Xianmin, on the whole, your plan is feasible, and I am quite sure. Now let's talk about the specific implementation plan. How do you plan to implement this, how about it?"

Liu Jun sat back at the table and took a sip from his teacup.The remaining tea in the cup had already been poured away, and the owner of the teahouse carefully replaced the mayor with new tea.Just now Liu Jun discussed with Zhang Wanrong, Chu Xianmin and others the overall planning of the Red Mountain Scenic Area, and they did not avoid him. The owner of the teahouse has been listening there, feeling secretly excited.

He is a villager in Dahu Village. If this plan can be implemented, he and other villagers will be the most direct beneficiaries.Even if it can't be done exactly as planned, as long as a small part of it is implemented, it will benefit poorly.

This made the owner of the teahouse feel reverence for leaders such as Liu Jun and Zhang Wanrong.It seems that these high officials are really planning to do something practical for them.

Zhang Wanrong glanced at Chu Xianmin, implying that Chu Xianmin will be the speaker.He had already performed in front of Mayor Liu just now, and the limelight cannot be stolen by one person, so he had to give his partner a chance to show his face.For sophisticated officials like Zhang Wanrong, there is a fine line between them.After all, none of them has such strong capital as Liu Yanei, so they can exceed the standard.

Chu Xianmin is the county magistrate, and economic construction is the job he is in charge of. He straightened up and said, "Mayor, we need to calculate the economic account first. Secretary Wanrong has already said that just now the scenic spot 110 The renovation and upgrading of the country roads in the village will require no less than 500 million yuan. The original plan was to invest 2000 million to 5000 million yuan to build this pedestrian street. According to the mayor's instruction just now, the scale of this pedestrian street will be expanded, and the specific amount of funds has not yet been announced. Assess, let’s make an estimate first, including playgrounds, hotels and other facilities, the total will not be less than [-] million. The sum of the two funds is [-] million.” Mayor, to tell you the truth, the county’s finances are basically No money can be squeezed out, and there is a fiscal deficit every year. "This additional investment needs to find another way."

While talking, Chu Xianmin watched Liu Jun's face to see how the mayor reacted.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Let's talk about your methods first.

Chu Xianmin felt the embarrassment of being seen through, and said with a sneer: "Mayor, what tricks can we have? They are all old tricks. Once you reach out to your superiors, see if the province and city can allocate some money. come over

Liu Jun asked: "How much money do you want to ask the provinces and cities?"

Chu Xianmin froze.

It's not up to them to ask for money from above.How can you answer for sure? [

"This" mayor, I don't dare to talk nonsense about this, and we can't do the governors of the provinces and cities." If we can really follow our wishes, of course the more the better."

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "How much did you originally plan to want? I want to understand your thinking as a whole!"

Chu Kemin couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart, this Liu Yanei really likes to be more serious, it seems that he should be more careful in the future, Mayor Liu is not easy to fool.

"Mayor, we think that if the province can allocate 1000 million, it will be very interesting. As for the city, hehe, you are a big money now, let's make a big opening, no matter what, 6000 to [-] million You have to think about it, right?

Chu Xianmin

The director and others secretly sweated for the county magistrate Chu.The tone of this person really doesn't mean 6000 to [-] million when he opens his mouth, and he just means it, does he really treat the mayor as a fat sheep?

Liu Jun remained calm and said, "Even if the city gives you 5000 million, plus the province's 1000 million, it's still only 6000 million, and there are still 9000 million. How do you plan to raise money?"

Chu Xianmin laughed and said: "Mayor, it's up to you

"Why, go around, or fall on my head? Then you might as well just type up the report directly, and leave with a generous donation from the city's finance department!"

Liu Jun said with a half-smile, his sharp eyes swept across Chu Xianmin's face.

Chu Xianmin shrank his neck again, and said hastily: "Mayor, you have misunderstood this. The remaining 9000 million, our county really dare not take your idea. I was thinking, what is your pilot project of leasing financing?" Time to come to our county? All the financing hopes are pinned on this."

Liu Jun smiled and said: "It makes sense to say so. I can't give you an affirmative answer now. This needs to be discussed collectively before it can be studied and decided. It doesn't count if I say it alone.

Chu Xianmin suddenly made a bitter face, and said: "Mayor, if this road doesn't work, I really have no other choice. It's not feasible to ask for a loan from the bank. As you know, the government's loan reputation has been declining year after year. The presidents of the bank are all ghosts and ghosts, so they won't be fooled into lending to us

As soon as he said this, Chu Xianmin quickly shut up.

This topic is already very sensitive.

With the implementation of the tax-sharing system, the financial revenue of the grassroots regime has dropped sharply. In addition, the central government has issued repeated orders to effectively reduce the burden on farmers, which has made the already battered grassroots finances even worse. It's over, and many county-level finances are already spending more than they need, relying on bank loans to live.The loan is not repaid, and there is no mortgage. The bank has suffered losses several times, and has learned to behave well, and will never lend money to the government easily.

But this is almost a) overall general problem, and Chu Xianmin did not dare to "discuss" it in depth

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Apart from the bank's idea, do you have any other tricks?"

Chu Xianmin scratched his head.It is said that the county magistrate Chu is also in his early 40s, so he couldn't help but act like a "junior" in front of the 30-year-old Mayor Liu, which is really surprising.

"Hey, mayor, it's not like I haven't thought about other tricks, but after much deliberation, it's not very reliable." You said that this investment promotion, and cooperation with foreign companies for development, can only be the pedestrian street amusement park, The money for road construction is designated not to be paid by others, but this is the big one. "

Chu Xianmin spread his hands and said helplessly.

Liu Jun smiled: "My ancestors, speaking of it this way, your horizons are still not broad enough. Who said that roads cannot be invested by foreign businessmen? Let me give you an idea, and you can refer to it. The entire Hongshan Scenic Area is fine. As a large project to attract foreign investment, the basis of investment is the overall plan you have come up with." Negotiations are carried out on the basis of this overall plan.Foreign investors who intend to cooperate must bear the cost of the overall construction, including road construction.This is actually the same as investing in a business.To build an enterprise, there must be a factory building and equipment to operate.Well, the equipment of this scenic area is good traffic conditions and other supporting facilities. Only with these things can it operate and be profitable.If we do all these well, is it still necessary to attract investment?Just manage it yourself.Of course, it's in the middle.There are still a few issues to be aware of,”[

After hearing Liu Jun's words, Zhang Wanrong, Chu Xianmin and the others really felt enlightened. They could not help but sit up straight, looked at Liu Jun, and listened carefully to what he said.

"The first problem is that the natural resources of Hongshan Scenic Area are not free, but a tangible asset. Therefore, foreign companies cannot use them for free. They must purchase the right to use the scenic area, which can also be used as government assets. Second, the Hongshan Scenic Area Management Office can be renamed Hongshan Scenic Area Management and Development Company, and operate according to the model of an enterprise. Then the third point, of course, is the issue of shares in the cooperation negotiation. The government must Holdings, but the management rights can be handed over to foreign investors. After all, in terms of business operations, professionals are more proficient in the key points than us, understand?"

Liu Jun put on an earnest and seductive posture.

Zhang Wanrong and Chu Xianmin looked at each other, and they all nodded. Chu Xianmin said happily: "If this can work, that would be great, and it will solve the big problem at once.

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it first. However, I have another suggestion about the development and construction of the pedestrian street!"

Zhang Wanrong and the others all stared wide-eyed.

This young mayor is really a wise man!

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