Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1168 Development Planning Division

Mayor Bi went to Beijing ahead of schedule to celebrate the [-]th anniversary of Wu Huanghe's National Day celebration, a little time.During these days, there is no need to rush back to Qianzhou, and of course it is not possible to simply visit relatives and friends.Anyway, do something serious.For example, visit and chat with friends from the National Development Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Land and other relevant national ministries and commissions.It is also necessary to get together and connect with each other.

In official circles, the most popular is a ***.Small girls, big girls, exchange rings. On weekdays, I just drink and chat, and I don’t know when I will be able to use the friends and relationships in these girls.

Even if it is a top yamen, it involves specific matters.In many cases, it is still necessary to rely on communicative means to solve the problem.Always use a big name to overdraw favors.One day, these favors will not be repaid.

In particular, the National Development and Planning Commission, which his father personally controls, is the focus of Liu Jun's attention.The National Development Commission evolved from the State Planning Commission and has always been a highly authoritative state ministry.Known as the Small State Council. "After the name change, the power has not been weakened at all. After Liu Jincai took office, he carried out a series of internal adjustments and reforms. The importance of the state ministries and commissions has become more prominent. Liu Jun did not serve as the director of the National Development Commission because of Liu Jincai. , he can be regarded as the most authentic yamen in the development committee, so he took the development committee lightly. Instead, he made full use of his status as a big-name yamen to attack frequently. He had a very close relationship with many bureau-level cadres in the development committee

Contact. [

The people Liu Jun associates with are all young department-level cadres with great development potential in the Development Committee. Even if Liu Jin is not in charge of the Development Committee one day, these relationships can also play a good role.

This is for Liu Fuchang, the elder brother in charge.It is a rare human resource.

Among the dozens of bureau-level cadres with real power in the National Development Commission, almost half have had contacts with Liu Yanei.Liu Jun intends to make friends with them.How can everyone handle it in front of Prime Minister Liu's son?Naturally, it is polite.It seems that the relationship between everyone and Liu Yanei is really good.As for who is Liu Yanei's closest friend, that's unknown.

It's up to Liu Yanei himself to know what's going on.

In the officialdom, it is not difficult to become friends, as long as you are not a very good guy.Even "marginal cadres" who do not hold real power will be given three points of face by others.Many friends have many paths.But to be a bosom friend.It's not that simple.In particular, becoming close friends with Liu Jun, a Ya Nei with limited potential, is an opportunity that can't be met.

But even if he can't become close friends with Liu Yanei.It's nice to be friends as well.

The person Liu Jun came to visit this time was Liu Guangxing, director of the Development and Planning Department of the National Safety and Development Commission.Among the dozens of bureau-level units of the National Development Commission.The Development and Planning Department ranks third, second only to the General Office and the Policy Research Office, and is the "big boss" in the Business Department. There are many large projects in the local area.After the approval of other departments and bureaus, it must be summarized in the Development and Planning Department, signed by the department, and then submitted to the relevant leaders in charge of the committee for review, and finally summarized to the desk of Vice Premier Liu.

Liu Guangxing can serve as the director of the Development Planning Department.This shows its status within the Development Committee.In the position of Liu Guangxing, two cadres at the deputy ministerial level have been produced.And Liu Guangxing is currently one of the bureau-level cadres with the highest calls for promotion in the Development Committee.

For this reason, it is reasonable for Liu Jun to take the initiative to establish a good relationship with Liu Guangxing.

Liu Jun went to the National Development Commission to visit old friends.Sometimes there are appointments, sometimes not.Just passed by.This is also related to Liu Yanei's identity. There has never been a mayor from other provinces.Like Liu Yanei, there are so many acquaintances and friends in the National Development Commission.Liu Yanei does not make appointments.It is emboldened.Even if Liu Guangxing is not in the office, or it is not convenient to meet guests for a while, that's okay.Mayor Liu can naturally go to the offices of other directors.

In the National Development Commission, it is really not difficult for Mayor Liu to find someone to chat with.

Who will lose his face?

This time, Liu Jun didn't make an appointment, and drove to the Development Committee in person, and Shi Shiran walked to Liu Baoxing's office.Liu Guangxing's secretary, Xiao Yuan, was sorting out the documents when his eyes suddenly darkened, and he raised his head quickly, but Mayor Liu's tall figure blocked the light from the door.

"Ah, it's Mayor Liu! Please come in, Mayor Liu!"

Yuan Yi was startled, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Liu Jun tightly.

"Shan Yuan, is Director Liu there?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

Liu Guangxing is in his 32s, and his secretary Xiao Yuan is also [-] or [-] years old.Very old fashioned.Mayor Liu opened his mouth and called Xiao Yuan, at first.It really caused Xiao Yuan a bit of embarrassment.But it didn't take long to get used to it.

It's good to call Xiaoyuan! [

It proves that Mayor Liu didn't meet him.If he was called Yuan Chu in a proper manner, Xiao Yuan would probably be very depressed.

"There you are, Liu, mayor, please follow me!"

Yuan didn't even call first to ask for instructions.In fact, he knew the friendship between Liu Jun and Liu Guangxing very well. If he went through the procedure of "asking for instructions and reporting", he would not only offend Mayor Liu, but also definitely not please Director Liu.

Where is Liu Guangxing willing to be in Liu

Just asking for trouble!

Yuan knocked on the door without waiting for an answer from inside.Then he opened the door and walked in, and said with a smile on his face: "Director, Liu, the mayor is here."

"Hey, Mayor Liu, please come in please come in

Liu Guangxing, who was originally sitting behind the desk, had a majestic expression. When he saw Liu Jun, his expression changed instantly, and his face was full of joy. He almost jumped out of the huge leather swivel chair, and hurried forward to shake hands with Liu Jun. .

This enthusiasm was partly due to Liu Jun's status as a yamen, and partly due to friendship. After all, he and Liu Jun hadn't seen each other for a while, so it was really a pleasant surprise.

The two have not known each other for a long time, but they have a lot in common, and they agree in many points of view. Even leaving aside the relationship with Vice Premier Liu, Liu Guangxing really wants to make friends with Liu Jun.

"Come, come, Mr. Liu Fu, please drink tea."

Liu Guangxing hurriedly let Liu Jun into the reception sofa.He personally made a cup of fragrant tea for Liu Jun.Yuan was very self-conscious and didn't do it for him, so he gave up the opportunity of "performance" to the leader.

"Guangxing, since when have you been so polite to me?

Seeing Xiao Yuan backing out, Liu Jun said with a smile.

"Hey, the leader came from afar, it should be polite. Aren't you a national second-level hero model? You are specially invited to participate in the ceremony of the [-]th anniversary of the National Day. I should admire you a lot."

Liu Guangxing joked.However, he explained the reason why Liu Jun went to Beijing this time, which shows that he still pays close attention to Liu Jun on weekdays.or.The invitation list for this National Day ceremony is also one of the contents that these Beijing officials are committed to researching.Often from such a list, we can see the clues of many changes in the political situation.

For example, the deputy secretary of a certain coastal province who was originally invited to watch the ceremony is said to be someone who is expected to be the governor of the province.Since he didn't appear on the list invited to watch the ceremony this time, everyone was sensitively aware that something might be wrong with this person.It is estimated that it is somewhat involved in the Southeast case.

As for Liu Jun, being able to get a special invitation is naturally due to the honor of the second-level hero model.

Liu Jun laughed, and said, "Director Liu has also learned to be talkative. It's rare! I thought. You are always so serious!"

Liu Guangxing shook his head with a smile and said, "When did you arrive?"

Liu Jun replied with a smile: "The day before yesterday. Yesterday, an elder celebrated his birthday, so I went to celebrate his birthday."

It can be seen that Liu Guangxing likes it very much.Liu Jun arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday.He celebrated his birthday yesterday, but he came to his office today, which can be seen in Liu Jun's mind.His status, Liu Guangxing, was not low, and he was a very important friend. [

Liu Guangxing is 44 years old this year, and has been at the director-general level for two years. If his steps are solid and the leaders' good impression of him can be maintained, after two years, chances and coincidences, further progress is possible.At the level of Liu Guangxing, I clearly know that to make further progress, ability alone is not enough, the key is to have leaders who value it.The Liu Yanei in front of him is such a person who can reach the sky.

"Hey, are you okay at noon?"

Liu Guangxing raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and asked.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "That depends on whether you are okay or not.

Liu Guangxing also laughed: "Okay, call Lao Chai, and go to the Capital Hotel for lunch together. In the afternoon, tell me, where are you going to do activities?"

The so-called Lao Chai is Comrade Chai Shaoji, director of the High-tech Industry Department of the National Development Commission.

Everyone in the development committee knew that Chai Shaoji was once Liu Jun's partner, and Liu Jun's trusted confidant.In a sense, Chai Shaoji is also Liu Jincai's confidant.Therefore, Chai Shaoji is among the bureau-level cadres of the Development Committee.Quite prestigious, everyone respects him three points.

Liu Guangxing wanted to have a good relationship with Liu Jun.Naturally, he wouldn't be against Chai Shaoji.Whenever Liu Jun goes to Beijing to gather with friends from the Development Committee, Chai Shaoji must be there.

"Hehe, I am a guest and do whatever you want. I will obey the orders of Director Liu."

Liu Guangxing laughed out loud.

The two of them talked all over the world, talking about everything.I forgot the time.In fact, Liu Guangxing had an appointment to meet with the comrades coming down, because Liu Ya's "turned out" Director Liu, how could he care about this appointment?It was his secretary, Xiao Yuan.Facing the two anxious guests sitting outside, they turned a blind eye.

Cadres from flat provinces and cities come to the national ministries and commissions to work, except Liu Jun, who will suffer a lot of cold looks and meet many cold faces?Being able to make an appointment successfully and wait in the office is already considered a very good treatment.

It was a full hour later than the scheduled appointment time, and one of the two visitors couldn't bear it anymore.From time to time, he raised his wrist to look at his watch, opened his mouth several times, and stopped talking.another.It seems that he can still hold on, keeping his composure.

After much difficulty, the door of the inner office finally opened, and Liu Guangxing personally sent Liu Jun out.I happened to have a face-to-face meeting with the two waiting guests, and for a moment, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

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