Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1182 Dedicated to all efforts, no shame in admiration!

In the garden of Longshan Villa, Liu Jun, accompanied by Lao Tzu, Vice Premier Liu Jincai, was talking in a small gazebo.Outside the gazebo, the light rain is still falling.

It was already the evening of September [-]th, and tomorrow was the grand celebration day for the [-]th anniversary of the National Day.

Unfortunately, since this afternoon, there has been heavy rain in the capital area. Although meteorologists have predicted that the sudden heavy rain will stop tomorrow morning, but the rain is still falling, and everyone's hearts are still in suspense.

Since the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country has held a total of twelve National Day military parades. Among them, the most influential and representative ones are the founding ceremony, the fifth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 35th anniversary, and the [-]th anniversary of the four military parades.

From the founding ceremony in 1960 to the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic in 24, my country held a large-scale National Day military parade in Tiananmen Square every year, and held a total of eleven times before and after.September 35, [-] coincided with three years of natural disasters. The Party Central Committee and the State Council, in line with the policy of practicing strict economy and building the country with diligence, implemented the strategy of "a small celebration every five years, a big celebration every ten years, and a military parade every big celebration." After that Due to historical reasons, our country did not hold the National Day military parade for [-] consecutive years. Until [-], according to the proposal of the head of the Southern Tour, the Party Central Committee and the Military Commission decided to resume the military parade, and held a resumed military parade in [-] on the [-]th anniversary of the National Day After the first large-scale National Day military parade.[

This year's National Day military parade was held after ten years of turmoil, under the situation of great achievements in comprehensive reform and modernization. The head of the southern tour inspected the troops in person. Morale, national prestige, military prestige, to show the world our great strength.

Now, 15 years have passed, and after 20 years of reform and opening up, our country's economic strength and military strength have made great progress, and the country's voice in the world is also growing.The decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to make a military parade for the fiftieth anniversary was supported by the whole country.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, it started to rain.Although in previous National Day military parades.There was also a parade in the rain, but it was not as exciting as a clear sky.

"Dad, will the rain stop tomorrow?

Liu Jun looked at the wisps of rain passing through the sky outside the gazebo, and asked with a smile.

"Workaholic" Liu Jincai also made an exception to go home early from get off work because he was going to watch the Tiananmen Tower tomorrow.Displayed in front of the country and the world.

As the leader of the party and the country, climb up to the Tiananmen Rostrum to watch the grand celebration of the 20th anniversary of the National Day.This was unexpected by Liu and his son.Don't say that it was unexpected 20 years ago, even ten years ago, or even five years ago, it was unthinkable.Come out of the ravine. In [-] years, it has reached today's high position.

Even if Liu Jun is a reborn person, when he calms down and thinks carefully about this rise.It also feels weird.Officialdom is no better than shopping malls.The foresight of the reborn person cannot play a decisive role.

Liu Jun attributed this to luck.

Perhaps, in another parallel world, he was too grassroots in his previous life, and after rebirth, his luck has also changed a lot.

God's arrangement is truly awe-inspiring.

"The comrades at the Meteorological Observatory said that it will not be a big problem.

Liu Jincai said.

The father and son finished dinner and watched the news broadcast.Liu Jin was about to go into the study to review official documents, but was stopped by his son.Liu Jun suggested that the two of them sit together in the garden for a while.In mid-autumn weather, it was still raining.The heat is moderate, and going to the garden for activities is good for Liu Jincai's body.Ever since Liu Jincai was promoted to Vice Premier of the State Council, the father and son hadn't chatted casually for a long time.

Liu Jun knew that this kind of casual chat was also a kind of rare rest for his father.

"Dad, I'm going to climb the Tiananmen Rostrum tomorrow, how do you feel?"

Liu Jun handed Lao Tzu a cigarette and asked with a smile.With a little irony.

Liu Jin gave his son a respectful look, and took the cigarette.Smiling, with a bit of emotion, he said: "Eight words, the heart is surging, and there is a long way to go!"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "I'll give you eight words [

Bow down and be ashamed! "

Liu Jin just smiled, a little reserved.

In front of his son, he did not intentionally be humble.It has been 22 years since he officially entered the political circle as the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee of Hongqi Commune in Xiangyang County.Concentrate on work and work hard.It really deserves Liu Jun's eight-character evaluation.

"How is Qianzhou's economic development going?

Liu Jincai kept his line of business in three sentences, and asked about the situation of his son in charge of Qianzhou.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Very good. The Nantan Development Zone has begun to take shape. At present, a total of 67 enterprises with relatively high technological content have been introduced. The total investment is 28 billion. It is expected that by the end of this year, it will generate 15 million Profit and tax income above. Next year, there will be more than 600 enterprises. The output value will exceed [-] billion, and the profit and tax revenue will not be a problem. If everything goes well, it may be possible to achieve the three-year goal of an output value of [-]" and a monthly small tax of over [-] billion ahead of schedule. Gate Chicago The Liao Group has invested in the Shuanggang Chemical Group in Jiangcheng City, and construction has already begun. It is planned to form the first phase of production by the end of this year and the beginning of next year.Within two years, the investment fund of one billion US dollars will be in place, and the construction of the second phase of the project will be completed.Starting next year, at least one billion to [-] billion in profits and taxes can be provided to the municipal and county finances each year, according to the preliminary inventory of the existing tailings in Qianzhou.With the processing capacity of Liao's Chemical, the quantity of these tailings can support the needs of ten years.So in the next ten years, this is a very stable fiscal revenue.This is crucial for our technological city to build a tourist city and a livable city.With money, we can better beautify the environment and concentrate investment—you know, building a garden city requires a lot of money.Now I am mainly laying the foundation, using three to five years to lay a solid financial foundation for Qianzhou, and create sustainable development and sustainable financial resources for the city as much as possible. Then in eight or ten years, this city will be livable. Cities and tourist cities can be shaped into shapes by that time.Tourism and livability can truly become the driving force of urban development.Only when a city has all-round overall competitiveness, can the common prosperity of the whole people be realized.The [-] million citizens of Qianzhou City, regardless of whether they are urban residents or rural residents, can truly strive for a well-off life. "

Liu Jun talked eloquently, but Liu Jincai listened very seriously, bent his right hand and indexed his middle two fingers, and kept tapping on the table, with an undisguised expression of admiration on his face.

"Good! Good! Good!"

When Liu Jun's statement was enough for a while, Liu Bei admired it.

The old man gave such a high praise, which made Liu Jun a little ashamed.

"You are building roads in Fuju, Qianzhou, and paying close attention to agricultural development, all to lay the foundation?"

Liu Jincai asked with a smile.

Liu Jun nodded: "Yes, three years. Thoroughly improving Qianzhou's road transportation network is only the first step in infrastructure construction. It will start next year. The city's finances are completely abundant, and the power supply system, water conservancy system and communication network will be activated at the same time. The transformation and upgrading of all these infrastructures must be completed within three years. This is also the basis for supporting the rapid development of the city in the future, and it is equally important as ample fiscal revenue. The speed of urban construction lags behind the speed of economic development. It’s a common problem in open cities, and I don’t want Qianzhou to make the same mistake.”

"Xiaojun, you know why I would praise you three times in a row." Okay, word? "

Liu Jincai looked at his son and asked with a smile.

Liu Jun bowed his body and said respectfully, "Father, please enlighten me!"

Liu Jincai waved his hand and said, "You have been very intelligent since you were a child, and you are the best choice in terms of scheming, tricks, and tricks. As a father, I am very happy for you. However, I am also very worried about you. I am worried that you are young and vigorous. You care too much about the gains and losses of a city or a place. When you are in charge of a local area, you want to make political achievements in a hurry. It is unavoidable that you are eager for quick success. You have the conditions to make political achievements in such a short period of time.

Liu Jun was terrified, and his expression was more respectful, as if he was being taught with an open mind.

"But over the years, your performance has made me very satisfied. In the past, in Ningbei County and Changhe District, you were able to base yourself on long-term development and have a long-term vision. Now I heard you talk about the development plan of Qianzhou City. After ten years, you are willing to lay the foundation for the latecomers. This shows that you are indeed focusing on the long-term interests of local construction, and your vision is not limited to your own tenure. This is very good, very good. Just like you, Uncle Yan As I said, the pattern has come up. To become an excellent politician and a capable person in governing the world, this kind of mind, this kind of pattern, is indispensable. Now many local officials, especially the leaders. What is lacking is this kind of vision and mind ah!"

Liu Jincai said with emotion.

Liu Jun understands his father's feelings very well.Since serving as the vice premier of the State Council and assisting Mr. Hong in presiding over the national economic construction work, Liu Jincai has encountered too many "quick successes"

The main responsible cadres in some places.Eager to make political achievements during one's term of office, disregarding the actual situation, depleted the marshes, counterproductive, blind construction, and repeated construction abound.The central government is forced to carry out macro-control continuously.As a result, the entire national economy is always advancing in a spiral, and two steps forward must be taken one step back.Huge waste has been caused, and the energy consumption per unit of concave growth remains high, which is several times or more than ten times that of developed countries. [

The follow-up development of such "crazy overdraft" is very problematic.

"Dad, everyone's ideological realm and life goals are different. Our system is destined to produce a large number of officials who are eager for quick success. This is caused by the general environment. If you want to change, it will not happen overnight. Made it."

Liu Jun comforted his father.

Liu Jincai nodded and said, "So, it is right for you to attend the National Day Ceremony!

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