Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1203 Unexpected Situations

The two "Little Taibao Little Taimei" were discussing the major issue of regulating housing prices. After eating the barbecued pork rice, Liu Yanei was still unsatisfied. He continued to hold Qiaoer Bainen's little hand and strolled along Jiefang Avenue.It seems that Mayor Liu is determined, and today he will walk the Jiefang Avenue, which is more than ten miles away, from beginning to end.When he was studying in Nanfang City, he and Qiaoer had done this kind of thing many times.

Qiaoer smiled and said, "Since it's a walk, can you slow down?"

Liu Jun turned his head in surprise, only to see beads of sweat oozing from the tip of Qiao'er's beautiful nose.It is expected that Chairman Biliang has not been so tired for many years.

"Qiaoer, are you tired? Or, I'll carry you..."

Liu Jun said with a grin. [

Qiaoer also smiled.It's just that, no matter how young and frivolous, the mayor and the richest boss.You can't do this kind of thing in the street.The two slowed down and paced forward slowly.

"Qiaoer, it's undergoing renovations here.

After another mile or two, many old buildings along the road have been demolished, and some new buildings are being erected.

Qiaoer smiled and said, "This is normal. If Jiefang Avenue is not rebuilt and upgraded, it will really be reduced to a third-class block."

Liu Jun nodded yes.

Suddenly, Su Jianzhong and Li Shuying, who had been walking behind them, stepped forward quickly.surpassed both of them.Liu Jun was taken aback.Looking forward, I noticed that there seemed to be something out of the front.Many people gathered together.Looking at something.

"what happen?.

Liu Jun and Qiao'er looked at each other and quickened their pace.

Li Shuying slowed down a little, and waited for Liu Jun and Qiaoer to step forward, then said in a low voice: "Wait a minute

The implication is to wait for Su Jianzhong and the others to figure out the situation.After confirming that there is no danger, let them pass.

Liu Jun waved his hands with a smile and said, "It's okay, there won't be any danger."

Although the security situation in Nanfang City is not very ideal, there are often "good shows" of speeding gangsters robbing in the street. However, Mayor Liu and Director Liang are both dressed as "innocent college students", and Qiaoer has no gold or silver on her body. , the speeding party is dismissive of such goals.As for others etc.Everyone is hostile, and presumably they will not provoke them for any reason.

After all, Liu Yanei doesn't look like the kind of person who is easy to bully.

Even so, Li Shuying insisted on walking in front and fell into the crowd to find out.

Mayor Liu became curious, and he also pulled Qiao'er into the crowd, looking inside.

There were about [-] people in the ***, who looked like migrant workers, and they were arguing loudly around a few people.After listening to a few words, Liu Jun understood the general idea.These migrant workers are begging each other for wages.

The end of the new year is approaching, and many private factories in Nanfang City have not yet closed their holidays, but the construction sites have generally stopped working. The construction workers have taken their wages and rushed home to reunite with their relatives.

Liu Jun didn't expect to encounter a scene of asking for salary arrears here.

There are many such things in Liu Jun's past life memory.There used to be a few years.Every year at the end of the year, there will be large-scale salary demands.Even one year, a rural woman in a certain southwestern province became one of the Internet personalities of the year because she personally reported to the Prime Minister the difficulty of collecting unpaid wages. [

This situation of asking for wage arrears also concentrated on migrant workers in the construction industry.

I don't know what's going on with those contractors or contractors. It seems that everyone has discussed it.Competing to default on the hard-earned money owed to migrant workers.The issue of migrant workers' wage arrears once became the focus of social attention, and even caused social turmoil in some places.

Now that they met, Mayor Liu was in no hurry to leave.take a look.Let's talk about it after all.

At the beginning of the migrant workers begging for wage arrears.The tone was relatively mild, but he kept reasoning with the other party and asked to pay their wages.There are about three or four parties who are asked for wages.people.Probably the representative of the construction party, well dressed, speaking Mandarin with a Nanfang accent, arrogant in tone, indifferent to the demands of migrant workers, repeating the word "no money" over and over again.Ask them to come back after a year, and settle the matter once and for all.

Liu Jun and Qiao'er looked at each other, their brows were slightly frowned.

The wages of construction sites have always been settled before the year, and there is no such thing as settlement in the next year.The party in arrears of wages.It is obvious that these migrant workers are being fooled.

But this kind of thing is in the land of Nanfang City, and Mayor Liu can't just intervene casually.At least without informing the local government.It is very taboo to intervene in such a matter casually.Besides, he happened to meet this matter today, and there should be more people who didn't meet by chance. No matter how much Mayor Liu has the mind of a savior, he can't handle it.

Obviously, Qiaoer understood Liu Jun's psychology, gently held his hand, and shook her head.

Liu Jun nodded.

At this time, a child's voice sounded, saying: "Mom, I'm hungry. I want to eat

Hearing this voice, Liu Jun's expression suddenly changed.

"what's wrong?"

Qiao'er noticed Liu Jun's expression was different, and asked softly.

"These migrant workers are from Qianzhou!"

Liu Jun replied in a low voice.It is spoken in Yangxian dialect.

Just now, only the two migrant workers at the head were negotiating with each other, and they were also speaking Japanese dialect.Liu Jun didn't recognize it, but Liu Jun immediately recognized the accent of the child from the migrant workers, who was from Baihu County.

Qiao'er was surprised and said, "Such a coincidence?

Liu Jun said: "Well, it's a bit of a coincidence. Baihu County suffered heavy losses from the flood last year, and many farmers went out to work to survive. However, it is indeed a bit unexpected that Wangqiao met here."

Qiaoer asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

She knew Liu Jun's character of loving the people like a child. Since these migrant workers who were asking for wages were the people under his rule, it is estimated that Mayor Liu would not just go away so quietly.However, it is really not easy to intervene.The bosses of Nanfang City may not necessarily buy into the mayor of Qianzhou City.

"There is always a way!"

Liu Jun said. [

As they spoke, something changed again.The leader of the migrant workers who was in charge of the negotiation said to the construction team: "Manager Kang, you see, the children have no money to eat. No matter what you do today, you have to settle the wages for us, or we won't leave!"

"Hey, Jiang Huaqi, are you threatening me? If you don't leave, don't leave. Let's go."

Manager Kang, who was the head of the construction team, was about 40 years old, black and thin, and looked unattractive, but his tone was really hard, and he had no mercy at all.

Seeing that Manager Kang was really going to leave, Jiang Huaqi became anxious. He grabbed Manager Kang and said, "Manager Kang, you can't leave. You haven't solved the problem. You can't leave."

Manager Kang was furious immediately, shook off Jiang Huaqi's hand, cursed in Nanfang dialect, and shouted angrily, "Why, you still dare to hit someone?"

Jiang Huaqi also got angry, and said loudly: "We don't beat people, we want money!"

"Let go! If you don't let go, I want you to look good!"

Manager Kang roared angrily, and a person beside him took out his phone with a very bad look on his face.

Seeing that things had changed unexpectedly, Qiaoer made a decisive decision and said to Li Shuying beside her: "Shuying, you go and deal with it. Just persuade the two parties to get rid of it, and just remember the construction company's unit."

Qiaoer knew that Liu Jun would not just ignore it.So I asked Li Shuying to mediate, as long as I figured out who the construction party was.With Liang Qiao's influence in Nanfang City, it shouldn't be a big problem to ask for wages on behalf of the migrant workers.

Li Shuying nodded, and more people came out.Walking towards those migrant workers, Shi Jiang Huaqi said, "Let go first."

For Li Shuying's accidental appearance, both parties in the dispute were somewhat unexpected, Jiang Huaqi let go of Manager Kang's hand as he said, and asked Li Shuying: "Who are you? .

Li Shuying was taciturn and said simply: "I'm here to help you. You can't solve the problem if you make trouble here. Let's do this. I'll take you to the city TV station and the Southern Evening News to report the situation and ask them to help you get paid !"

Jiang Huaqi was stunned, and said suspiciously: "The TV station and the newspaper office still care about this?"

At that time, migrant workers had very limited understanding of the media.It is very "straight-line thinking" to believe that asking for wages is a matter between them and the construction party, and if they can't ask for wages, they will come up with some tricks.As for seeking help from the government and the media, I never even thought about it.

They are not the people of Nanfu, how can the Nanfang City Government help them?

"It's in charge! TV stations and newspapers are in charge of this kind of thing.

If you report the situation to them, you will definitely get paid. "

Li Shuying said in an unquestionable tone.Her official status.He is the secretary and vice president of the chairman of Huaxing Real Estate Group, which is tantamount to Liang Qiao's personal representative. He is also a person who talks about everything in Huaxing Group on weekdays.Even Fan Qingling, the president of the group.Nor will she refute her words.After a long time, an awe-inspiring prestige naturally emerged.

Although Jiang Huaqi didn't understand who she was.Seeing her determined expression, I believed it in my heart.Some people are born with the ability to make people trust her, and Li Shuying suspects that this is the kind of person.

"I, I'll discuss it with you guys.

Jiang Huaqi said hesitantly.

Li Shuying nodded.

The manager Xiangkang over there started to yell, and yelled at Li Shuying: "Hey, who are you? How dare you meddle in our Hongfa Real Estate business? Are you trying to find fault?"

Liu Jun glanced at Qiao'er, Qiao'er smiled slightly, and replied: "The local real estate company, I heard it has something to do with some leaders in the seaside area and the city."

If you talk about real estate companies.Nanfang City is really numerous.Huaxing Real Estate Co., Ltd.The leader of the provincial real estate industry, Qiaoer, as the chairman of Huaxing, actually knows something about Hongfa real estate, which shows that Hongfa also has certain strength.

Li Shuying gave Manager Kang a cold look, but ignored her.Qiaoer explained clearly, as long as it is clear who the construction party is.Now Manager Kang called out the "brand name" as soon as he opened his mouth.There's no need to talk too much.

What kind of bullshit manager of Hongfa Real Estate, how can he be placed in the eyes of Vice President Li?

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