Yanei of Rebirth

Premeditated action

The discussion room has entered autumn.The political situation in Qianzhou City has become increasingly turbulent. The investigation by the Children's Committee Working Group in Jiangcheng City is still in progress.In addition to contacting Liao's Chemical Co., Ltd., the working group also contacted some cadres and businessmen in Jiangcheng City. It seemed that it was very complicated and there were no certain rules.But people who really understand the inside story.It is very clear that these cadres and businessmen are rumored to have a certain relationship with the mayor Feng Zhiyong.It seems that the original analysis of the rumors that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Working Group came for Feng Zhiyong was not wrong.The goal of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is actually very clear.Favorable evidence is being sought.

Liu Jun didn't care much about the investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.The reason is simple, Feng Zhiyong did not look for him during the investigation.Exactly.Feng Zhiyong did not report the investigation to him alone.This shows that Feng Zhiyong is relatively calm in his heart, and there is nothing wrong with it.Otherwise, Feng Zhiyong would definitely not be able to sit still.

Ever since the armed police were used to forcibly seal up the licensed mining company, cadres of all sizes in Qianzhou City, with one exception, put Feng Zhiyong on Liu Jun's line.According to a general analysis, if Feng Zhiyong wasn't Liu Jun's confidant, Liu Jun definitely wouldn't be so supportive of him.It would take a great risk to use the armed police to seal down the mining enterprises, and Liu Jun was tantamount to tying himself to the chariot.

Even at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, a resolution was passed to remove Mo Xiaobing, the Director of Mining Bureau of Jiangcheng City, who was against Feng Zhiyong. discuss.

This kind of support is far beyond the comparison of ordinary subordinate-subordinate relationships. [

The cadres in Qianzhou also talked about Liu Jun's behavior.Some mature and prudent people could not help shaking their heads and sighing.It seems that young people are young people, and they don't care about the consequences when they are impulsive. Even if they become the mayor of a city, they still can't fundamentally change the problem of being young and vigorous.How can a prefecture-level mayor be so impetuous?Sooner or later something will go wrong.

The subsequent group visits seemed to verify the analysis of the mature and prudent.Look, look, isn't something wrong?I heard that for this matter, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee specially summoned Han Xu and Liu Jun, and criticized the two top leaders.Speaking of which, Han Xu still suffered a lot.And about the event of besieging the provincial government.So far the aftermath is gone.Formal media.It may have been under some pressure, except for the "Yulan Evening News" which reported once, the rest of the newspapers and TVs.None followed suit.But the Internet is getting hotter and hotter, with new authors and articles popping up all the time.After digging deeper into this incident, the accusation became more and more explicit, so he almost called Liu Jun's name directly.

Of course, there was a lot of hype on the Internet, and the officials were still calm, and no one discussed this matter publicly.

Didn't Gao Weiqing summon Han Xu and Liu Jun? Why are the others joining in the fun?

Some other Qianzhou cadres praised Liu Jun's "righteousness".Everyone praised.Talking to the leader is going to be like Mayor Liu, cheer up.Following such a leader, even if he suffers a loss, he is willing to do so.

It was the mayor Liu who suffered the loss first.

Liu Jun may or may not have heard these discussions, but he doesn't care.In his current position, every move he makes will become a topic of discussion among subordinate cadres.Even if you want to care about it, you can't care about it.

What Liu Jun really cared about was the perseverance of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As far as Liu Jun knew, although there were many reports against Feng Zhiyong, there were very few real-name reports.The content of the report is also varied, and there are no fixed rules.Big enough to embezzle and accept millions of dollars in bribes.It's as small as accepting a few cigarettes and bottles of wine from subordinate cadres, nothing included.As for the so-called style of life, there are also a lot of content, some have mistresses, three wives or even more wives, and some linger in sex places.

If everything is confirmed, Feng Zhiyong will die eight times out of ten.

Generally speaking, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will not investigate such reports with great fanfare.There seems to be a lot of information, but it is messy, and not much is really useful.If it was only the group interviews that triggered this investigation, then after more than ten days, a conclusion can be drawn.The working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection did not intend to withdraw troops immediately.It seems that if you want to "stick to the green hills and not relax", you must come up with a trick.

This is where Liu Jun is scared.

Looking at the entire province, and even the national officialdom, reports on the top leaders of the party and government in charge of a place.There is almost never a break.However, in a short period of time, a lot of letters of complaint against a certain cadre suddenly appeared, and the situation is worth pondering.And it's just a good way to get together with the masses to petition.The timing is too coincidental.

In the middle, isn't there a little greasy?

The leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection have rich experience.You should be able to see it!

Things went wrong, so Liu Jun couldn't help but care.

Yu Huaixin still sorted out important documents and materials every day.Put it on Liu Jun's desk.During this period of time, Yu Huaixin always placed the latest online articles at the top.


Yu Huaixin reminded Liu Jun in a low voice, his tone was very calm.When these articles first appeared.Yu Huaixin was more anxious to get angry, and he was very angry in his heart.These Internet authors don't understand the situation.What are you writing?But every time Liu Jun's attitude.They were all lukewarm, and after reading it, he didn't make any comments, just threw it aside, and Yu Huai gradually settled down in his confidence.He has followed Liu Jun for many years, and he has a deeper understanding of Liu Jun's temperament.Often when Mayor Liu is so calm, it's not that he really doesn't care.That is, he has already prepared his chest, and only waits for the most suitable opportunity to come, and then gives the opponent a fatal blow. [

Yu Huaixin has experienced too many situations like this.

But Yu Huaixin can't judge, this time.Whether Mayor Liu didn't care, or he was confident and waiting for the best time.Since the mayor didn't ask him to stop collecting articles on the Internet, Yu Huaixin couldn't stop.

Hearing this, Liu Jun put down the documents in his hand, picked up the stack of printed articles, and read them.Yu Huaixin picked up Liu Jun's teacup, walked to the water dispenser to refill him, and then walked back slowly.

"Huaixin, are these articles updated every day?

Liu Jun read the article very fast, almost ten lines at a glance.Basically, the content is fixed, but every article.The emphasis is different, and there is also some meaning of "step by step".Unless there is something new, Liu Jun will pay more attention.Typically, simply browsing


Yu Huaixin didn't expect that Mayor Liu would ask questions after reading the article this time, and after thinking about it, he replied: "It's updated almost every two days."

Liu Jun picked up the article in front of him and read it again.Said: "It's all the same author?"

Yu Huaixin shook his head and said, "No. Different author names. However, from the point of view of writing style, there should be one author, maybe there are two authors." The writing styles of the two people are obviously different. "

Liu Jun smiled, took a drink from his teacup.Said: "Tell me."

Yu Huai's heart skipped a beat.This is the first time Liu Jun asked his opinion on these articles.It doesn't seem like the mayor really doesn't care.Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Following Liu Jun for many years, Yu Huaixin developed a habit.That is for abnormal situations.Do more research.After the group interview incident, these articles suddenly appeared on the Internet.At the beginning, Yu Huaixin didn't care much.Now the Internet is gradually becoming popular, and it is no longer a new thing like the previous two years.Since Liu Junyan used a computer for office work, the offices of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government were basically equipped with computers, and Yu Huaixin also had one on his desk.Seeing that Liu Jun attached great importance to this matter, Yu Huaixin quickly learned to operate the computer. In terms of operation alone, Yu Huaixin is already a master.

Seeing these articles for the first time, Yu Huaixin thought it was normal.There was a group interview event that surrounded the gate of the provincial government, and there was no news on the Internet.On the contrary, it would be strange.next.Similar articles keep popping up.Yu Huaixin fell in love.Generally speaking, in this era of news explosion, such things as group petitions will not attract long-term attention.It is unusual for someone to persevere in staring at this moment, and to point the finger at the main leading comrades of the Qianzhou Municipal Government.So Yu Huaixin began to study these articles carefully, trying to find some clues from them.

"Mayor, I think this was a premeditated move."

Yu Huaixin replied without hesitation, with a very positive tone.

Liu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, signaling Yu Huaixin to continue.

"From the analysis of the writing techniques of these articles, it is obvious that they are written by professionals. The structure of the articles is rigorous and logical, and it does not seem to be written casually by business enthusiasts. Moreover, a lot of professionalism is used in the articles. Terminology, only people in the system are used to it

Liu Jun smiled slightly, and Yu Huaixin was quite creative when he described the bureaucratic articles as "technical terms".

"These articles, when viewed individually, seem to be nothing. When viewed coherently, it can be seen that they are progressing step by step. It is like a serialized theory novel, revealing a little bit of the truth every day. Until the end. The truth is revealed."

Liu Jun nodded with a smile, and said, "Interesting. It actually showed you the taste of a novel, hehe." Huaixin, you have a more and more sense of humor! "

Yu Huaixin didn't expect to get such "appreciation" from Liu Jun. Suddenly he felt a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "It's just a metaphor

Liu Junwei took the lead: "This metaphor is very appropriate. It should be said that this is indeed a premeditated action, and the timing is just right. The truth is about to be revealed. It's time for their backhands to do it!" [

"Backhands? They still have backhands? .

Yu Huaixin was taken aback.

"Surely there are!"

Liu Jun nodded firmly.

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