Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1249

The news of the factory has always been the fastest.than men and women!The ambiguous feelings between people are flat, and the spread is even faster.Secretary Fu encountered the "mayor's gate" at Jiang's family, and soon someone reported the details to Yu Huaixin.

Naturally, the cadre who made the call was Mayor Liu's confidant.

It's just that the cadres of the Liu family are well aware of Mayor Liu's character. If you tell him such a thing in front of him, not only will you not get credit, but you will be severely criticized by the mayor.

Don't pay attention to unity at all.

The common people don't understand Guan Jia, the secretary and mayor, don't you cadres also understand?What's the benefit of promoting Mayor Liu's prestige among the people over Secretary Han?The spread has reached the ears of the leaders, but I don't know what the leaders think. [

The face of the secretary of the municipal party committee still needs to be maintained.

So, I called Yu Huaixin.

Of course, Yu Huaixin will report this situation to Liu Jun.This is the basic duty of a secretary.Only when Yu Huaixin reported this matter to Liu Jun would he not be reprimanded.However, when Yu Huaixin reported, he still paid great attention to techniques, basically describing the situation objectively, without adding any attributive words or personal evaluation.


After Liu Jun heard about it, he frowned slightly, feeling very displeased.But he didn't get angry with Huaixin, just said: "In this case, tell them not to spread it casually in the future."

Yu Huaixin nodded and agreed.

In fact, Liu Jun and Yu Huaixin are very clear that such things cannot be stopped.There is a steelyard in the minds of the masses.But living in Liu Jun's position, I have to say that's all.

After my concubine Haiying heard about it, she was not as well-mannered as Liu Jun, so she smiled and muttered a few words in the office.

I told you to put on a show, now I am ashamed and ashamed!

It is estimated that Han Xu has regretted it too much. Qianzhou City is so big that it is not easy to go there. What Jiangjia Daxiao is going to is really asking for trouble.

After Liu Jun smiled slightly, his expression became serious immediately, and he said, "Secretary Haiying, we still need to pay attention to unity."

Lou Haiying nodded.If Han Xu said this to Wei Haiying, Secretary Haiying would definitely refuse to accept it, and decided that Han Xu was hypocritical.For Liu Jun, concubine Haiying was convinced.This person has reached Liu Jun's level, and his demeanor is different.The pattern of big leaders came out.

Han Xu made a joke, and let it go to relieve his anger. Secretary Haiying was more concerned about how to divide the peaches.

For such a big peach, Han Xu ate it all by himself. No matter what the concubine Haiying said, it was hard to swallow this breath in her heart.

Liu Jun knew the purpose of Wei Haiying's overnight visit.Although the economic construction of Qianzhou City has been promoted, and all team members have achieved results, after all, as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of the party and the masses, Wei Haiying still cares about the achievements of the party construction work. This job gives her extra points, which is more direct .

As we all know, Liu Jun tends to protect his shortcomings. He can give up some honors and achievements, and give them to his subordinates on his own initiative.This also lays a solid foundation for the promotion and reuse of subordinate cadres.Mayor Liu has always paid attention to both ability and political integrity in employing people, not just skillful means of power operation.

Wei Haiying looked at Liu Jun with a longing look.

Secretary Haiying was not easy to speak.

She also knew that since Han Xu put on the appearance of "eating alone" and had already made an ugly eating appearance, she would not care about the opinions of other comrades, especially what she thought in Wei Haiying's heart.As for this matter, if Liu Jun raised it to Han Xu, it seemed a bit too much.This is tantamount to accusing Han Xu of being unkind. [

Who doesn't like to save face?

No matter how weak Han Xu was, he couldn't bully him so openly.

It is even more inadvisable when Haiying of the Oil Committee or someone else raises it to Han Xu.Apart from Liu Jun, there is no one else in Qianzhou who can openly challenge Han Xu's authority.

Han Xu may not be afraid, but Que Haojin is definitely not easy to mess with.

However, Wei Haiying still hopes that Liu Jun can find a good way to get the best of both worlds.The image that Mayor Liu can't do is not only established in Yan Fei's mind.

Liu Jun picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, not in a hurry to express his opinion.

Yan Fei also saw that Haiying seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and wanted to ask Liu Jun for help, so she put the fruit plate in front of her concubine Haiying and said, "Secretary Haiying, let's eat some fruit."

Thanks! "

The concubine Haiying hurriedly answered with a smile, picked up a golden hanging bag, and did not record it.Just put it in front of yourself.

Liu Jun drank two sips of tea, and then said in a deep thought: "Secretary Haiying, this job is the joint achievement of all members of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee. I believe that the reporters of "People's Daily" will also consider it comprehensively."

It should be said that Concubine Haiying was not completely convinced of Liu Jun's "official language". Hearing this, she glanced at Liu Jun, but saw Liu Jun's face was very determined, as if she had a plan in mind.Strange to say, Wei Haiying immediately settled down.

Usually on such matters, if Liu Jun is not very sure, he will not speak like this.

Could it be that Mayor Liu, a reporter from the "People's Daily", can instigate

Concubine Haiying has a straightforward personality, but is sophisticated, she nodded her head repeatedly, not daring to question Liu Jun.

But facts proved that Secretary Haiying’s doubts were superfluous. The next day, a reporter from People’s Daily made a special trip to interview Concubine Haiying and asked her about the plan for the selection and training of rural branch secretaries.

Secretary Haiying was pleasantly surprised, and he was full of energy and talked eloquently for a full two hours.The reporter of Durenmu Daily, Duandi Rufei, recorded all the insights of Secretary Haiwu, and expressed his thanks to Wei Haiying.

After the reporter left, Lou Haiying was so excited that she immediately picked up the phone and called Liu Jun, and reported the situation with a smile. When she finished, she said in a reverent tone, "Mayor, you are amazing!"

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

Maybe everyone, including Han Xu himself, didn't know that the two groups of reporters were actually dispatched by Liu Jun, the vice-minister of the Central Propaganda Department, "Rong Bai" through behind-the-scenes operations.

As for why Mayor Liu invited reporters to come down to cheer for Secretary Han and sing praises, only Liu Jun knew it in his own mind.

Now, it's not time to reveal the mystery.

In the eyes of Qianzhou's leaders, Mayor Liu is very disciplined, and all the credit for the party building work belongs to Secretary Fu.The reporter's interview only turned a corner at Lou Haiying's place, and then moved closer to Secretary Han.The mayor of Qianzhou City has not been touched in the slightest. [

The reporter of "People's Daily" visited Qianzhou City for several days, returned to the capital with a full load, and immediately wrote a long newsletter, the theme of which was to publicize the work of "selection and training of rural party branch secretaries" in Qianzhou City.The article was written in a colorful manner, and praised Qianzhou's rural grassroots party building work. The center naturally highlighted Comrade Han Xu, secretary of the municipal party committee, and the article written by the reporter of "Party Construction Research".The only difference is that a considerable part of the long-form newsletter of the "People's Daily" mentioned Comrade Haiying, the deputy secretary of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee, and described her achievements and contributions in this work.

Seeing this newsletter, Secretary Haiying felt very happy, and called Liu Jun again to express his gratitude.In fact, although my concubine Haiying has a straightforward personality, she is not so kind.But this is Wei Haiying's brilliance.Over the years, she has given people the impression that she can't hide her words. If she doesn't rush to call Mayor Liu to thank her at this time, it will be inconsistent with her usual style of conduct.If others do this, it may cause Liu Jun's disgust, but her concubine Haiying will not.Liu Jun will only trust her more and more.

The way a leader drives his subordinates varies from person to person.Isn't that how subordinates treat leaders?

In the officialdom, it is a world where one person thinks about others!

News media attention to Qianzhou.The attention to Han Xu is far from over. After "Party Construction Work" and "People's Daily" published articles one after another, China Central Television has also developed a strong interest in Qianzhou's rural grassroots party construction work.

After the National Day, Comrade Han Xu received a call from the producer of a CCTV column in his office.The CCTV comrades told Han Xu that they planned to introduce in detail the "new model of rural party building work in the new era" in Qianzhou City in a news program with high ratings on CCTV.The program is tentatively scheduled for 10 minutes. CCTV invited Secretary Han Xu and Deputy Secretary Wei Haiying.Headed to the capital to make this episode.In order to do a good job of this program, CCTV will first send reporters to Qianzhou to conduct on-site interviews and produce video materials required for the news background, so that when the program is produced, it will be broadcast interspersed to increase the activity and credibility of the program.

For the unexpected invitation from CCTV, Fu Xu was overjoyed.Fu Xu was not only excited by CCTV's emphasis on Qianzhou's party building work, but the most important point was that the Fifth Plenary Session of the [-]th CPC Central Committee was scheduled to be held in the first ten days to the middle of this month.It is now less than a week before the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is held.If the time is right, this program can be broadcast on CCTV during the Central Plenary Session.Maybe all members of the Central Committee and alternate members of the Central Committee can watch it.

As the secretary of the municipal party committee, Han Xu is very clear about the significance of this matter.It is not an exaggeration to call it a once-in-a-century opportunity.Think about it, showing your face in front of all the Central Committee members and alternate members of the Central Committee is equivalent to the core of the party's leadership, all of whom have the most intuitive understanding of him, Han Xu, and Qianzhou.

Great pie!

Definitely a big pie that fell from the sky!

And it's all meat stuffing, without any fakes!

Han Xu was pleasantly surprised, but also a little bit regretful.except him.CCTV also invited Comrade Wei Haiying.In other words, part of the big pie that fell from the sky today will be given to my concubine Haiying.If it is distributed to Hu Zhiyun, then it is not bad.Now it has to be distributed to Secretary Fu's concubine Haiying who has the least cold. I have to say that I am a little bit depressed.


But this is the arrangement of CCTV, and Secretary Han can't say much.

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