Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1274 Qianzhou's Future Road

The lake has Shili Lake.A beautiful view of the lake

Not far from shore.A small fishing boat was gently swaying on the water, and two men in casual clothes were sitting on the bow of the boat fishing.Not far away, there is a small Wangzhou moored there quietly.

The two refined scholars who were fishing were Liu Jun, Secretary of Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Li Hui, Acting Mayor.But now their minds.It was obvious that it was not on top of the fishing, and the two were talking in a low voice while Diaozhuo was left on the bow of the boat.

"Secretary, please rest assured that no matter what the province ultimately decides, I will do my best to do what you ordered."

Li Hui said in a deep voice.His voice was full of determination. [

some days ago.The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee has sent a cadre investigation team down to conduct a formal cadre inspection and democratic evaluation of Liu Jun, accompanied by Vice Minister Hou of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

On the premise that He Yan'an had personally summoned Liu Jun.This is just a formality.Even so, Li Hui, Li Minzhong, Wei Haiying and others still dare not take it lightly.If you are facing a big enemy, be prepared.They didn't want any discordant voices to appear in the democratic evaluation. When Liu Jun was about to leave Qianzhou, no flaws could appear.

Of course, such worries are unnecessary.

Democratic assessment.There was a one-sided situation, and every cadre's evaluation of Secretary Liu was the best.

Liu Jun himself didn't care much about these things. It was enough to treat the comrades in the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee with all his heart and courtesy.He was busy with several things before leaving office.

The most important of these is to communicate with Li Hui about Qianzhou's development model in the next few years.

Li Hui is very politically savvy, and he is also very smart.I have a more thorough understanding of Liu Jun's model.Liu Jun is more at ease.

"Mayor, we have basically reached an agreement on the general direction. There are two more questions. I want to chat with you."

Liu Jun looked at the float on the water surface moving with the wind, and said softly.

"Please tell the secretary."

Li Hui said respectfully.

The first thing Liu Jun did when he returned to Yulan City from the capital was to visit the old secretary Jin Xiushi, and Li Hui knew the reason very well.For Liu Jun, he is now full of gratitude.Not only because Liu Jun takes care of his future.It also lies in Liu Jun's recognition of him.At Liu Jun's current level, it is very rare to be so sure of a cadre.As Liu Jun emerges in the big faction, his right to speak in the future will only become more and more important. The 32-year-old deputy ministerial cadre with real power has his eyes on the whole country.are unique.This incident in itself illustrates many problems.And Liu Jun's affirmation of Li Hui meant to a certain extent that Li Hui had successfully boarded the big ship of the Yan Liu family, and his political prospects were bright from then on.

So for any word of Liu Jun.Li Huijun listened with all his energy.

"The first" is still the topic of rural development.Two and a half years is too short, not enough to change the fundamentals of Qianzhou's rural areas

Liu Jun sighed softly.

The problems in the rural areas where he lived or worked have been well resolved, fundamentally changing the face of the old-fashioned rural areas.Needless to say, Xiangyang County.There are small towns everywhere, and if you look at the whole county, you can't see a few villages in the traditional sense.Even the poor and backward Shanbei District has undergone earth-shaking changes.Ningbei County has also successfully entered the ranks of the top [-] counties and cities in the country. Relying on the rapid economic development of the county and learning from the model of Xiangyang County, the traditional rural areas are undergoing complete changes. "I am from Ningbei." The slogan is becoming more and more confident. In Changhe District, large-scale mechanized farming has been established, and large-scale industrial parks have been built in every township. Compared with villages and towns in developed coastal cities , is not inferior at all. Changhe District has been fully integrated into Yulan City. On the newly released map, after the name of Changhe District, a sentence of Yulan New City is marked in brackets. fully agree.

In these places, agricultural tax and special product tax, and even the so-called coordination of withdrawal and retention have basically become historical terms.

The cadres and masses in Ningbei County and Changhe District have never forgotten Secretary Liu.

As long as the party's leading cadres do practical things for the common people sincerely, the common people will never forget him. [

Hearing Liu Jun bring up the rural issue again, Li Hui also felt very heavy.He is very clear.Common prosperity has always been Liu Jun's goal.A billionaire goes into politics with peace of mind.There are always ideals and pursuits.

"Secretary, the rural population base of Qianzhou is too large. It is really difficult to reach the level of Changhe District in a short period of time." However, some practices of Jindong City may inspire us

Li Hui said thoughtfully.

Some practices of Jindong City as Li Hui said.Liu Jun also understands something.In the past two years, Jindong City is trying to organize farmers and establish cooperatives to increase the combat effectiveness of farmers' groups.


"Well, how can we learn from Jindong's experience?"

Liu Jun said encouragingly.

"The rural economy is stagnant. The two biggest problems are poor information in Liao, and the second is that they are scattered and cannot form cooperation. We are now working with the selection and training of rural branch secretaries. Planning and development can well make up for these two deficiencies. However, the countryside in our Qianzhou is too large, and the agricultural population is too large. This new model of selecting and training rural branch secretaries is more or less official, and inevitably has some bureaucratic style. This problem , it will become more obvious in the future

There were only two people on board, so Li Hui didn't have much scruples about speaking.In public, of course, it must be fully affirmed.

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

Li Huizhi's words are indeed pointing directly to the fundamentals.Whenever a new model becomes a performance project, it will inevitably become the "bureaucracy" and formalism that Li Hui said.Because everyone wants to gain political capital from it.This matter, even if Liu Jun has been sitting in Qianzhou, it will be difficult to eradicate it.

In such a general environment, it is difficult for personal power to fundamentally solve it.

"The reason for this is mainly because these newly selected branch secretaries have not linked their personal interests with the interests of the group. They are limited by our current cadre system. No matter how good the branch secretary is, he cannot It is difficult to become a formal state cadre. It is far from enough to rely purely on spiritual encouragement and the power of example to promote the sound development of a system."

Li Hui continued to elaborate on his point of view.

Liu Jun looked at him with obvious admiration.

Seeing the essence through phenomena is just one of the basic conditions that a top leader should possess.

"The current system, because of the attention of the city and the county, has been carried out fairly well. We must strike while the iron is hot and seize the opportunity.

Develop other non-governmental organizations to complement each other.I think the form of farmer cooperation in Jindong City is very good.The farmers organized themselves into small groups one by one.advance and retreat together.In this way, the strength has been strengthened, because there are many people, and information can be exchanged in time.I think they can be encouraged to do it.Of course, it is just encouragement, and the government does not arrange or intervene directly.For example, in the ecological agriculture and characteristic breeding industry in Baihu County, this model has already appeared.Several or more than a dozen villagers unite to form a small company and negotiate with the purchaser together.The effect is much better than that of farmers fighting alone. "

"Well, this method can be tried. It should be sooner rather than later, and the publicity and agitation can be carried out immediately. For the embryonic cooperative body that has emerged, we must pay attention to guidance and support. The power of role models is poor. In addition, information is not enough. I also have a suggestion. The city can consider setting up newspaper reading columns in all the villages in the city to spread the information in the newspapers to each village in a timely manner. In the future, if computers become popular, we will also strive to build arresting nets in rural areas. go."

Liu Jun gave up and said.

Li Hui was a little excited: "The secretary's instruction is very wise, and I will start to implement it immediately."

Liu Jun smiled, stood up, looked into the distance, took two deep breaths, and felt his chest was free.Li Hui also stood up, took out a cigarette, handed Liu Jun one, and lit him up again. [

"Mayor, there is another problem, which is the brand problem!"

Liu Jun took two puffs of his cigarette and said thoughtfully.


Li Hui was slightly taken aback.The thinking of this young boss is really leaps and bounds. Just now, he was concerned about the rural areas and increasing farmers' income, and he jumped to the brand in a blink of an eye.

"Yes, it's the brand. At present, several development zones in Qianzhou, especially the Nantan Development Zone, have indeed introduced a lot of foreign-funded enterprises, and the products produced are in short supply. Some of our comrades are complacent about this, Thinking that this is enough, as long as we simply scale up and introduce more foreign-funded enterprises, our economy will grow simultaneously. In fact, this is very short-sighted behavior.”

Liu Jun said softly.

Li Hui's heart trembled.Before that, he was thinking like this. Liu Jun had already laid the foundation and the model, so he only needed Xiao Guicao to do whatever he wanted.

"Think about it carefully, how many of these enterprises are our own? Do the products they produce really belong to Qianzhou? Or do they just put a sign made in Qianzhou? To put it bluntly, we are just A charter company that rents out land and factory buildings. These companies have not taken root in Qianzhou. In the future, they will run away when they encounter any troubles, or if other places provide more favorable and convenient conditions. The city needs to develop and If you have follow-up motivation, you must base yourself on cultivating your own company and your own brand. This is the foundation of your foothold. You and your comrades should think of ways and come up with new tactics in this regard.”

As Liu Jun spoke, he couldn't help thinking of the "Made in my country" slogan that was widely publicized by later generations.Complacent about being the number one manufacturing country.In fact, even if it is the number one manufacturing country, to put it bluntly, it is just the number one wage earner, and the initiative is always in the hands of others.

Li Hui nodded repeatedly, her brows were furrowed, thoughtful.

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