Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1281 Macro-control Begins

When I first arrived in Tuanfengyang and took up the post of Secretary Liu, my work was busy and fulfilling.Clothes……

The four departments he was in charge of, the school department, the juvenile department, the agency service bureau, and the Youth Foundation, had a lot of bureau-level cadres. As usual, Secretary Liu would summon them one by one to communicate with them.

Tao Hanrong sent five personnel documents to Liu Jun.Liu Jun finally chose a young man named Ke Qifan, an ordinary cadre in the secretariat of the general office, 28 years old, and his rank is only a regular department. 28 years old, if it is in a county-level administrative unit, this age can reach the official level.If it is considered very good, the amount of future.Because in the eyes of everyone, it is only one step away from the county leader.Even with the office system in a prefecture-level city, 28 Zhengke is not bad.But this is in the Central Committee of the League, a "cradle" known for cultivating young reserve cadres. There are a lot of cadres at the division level who are around 30 years old.It's normal for someone in his early thirties to be the assistant office.Secretary Liu is a special case. The 32-year-old deputy minister is the only one in the country, so I don't want to compare.Ke Qifan graduated with a bachelor's degree and was only 28 years old, which shows that his official career is not smooth.

In the central ministries and commissions, the subtext of the unsmooth career is "limited background".

When Liu Jun selected his secretary, he didn't want the relationship network to be too complicated, so it was better to be simple. [

Of course, Liu Jun didn't choose Ke Qifan as secretary just because of this.He read the personal resume written by Ke Qizhi himself, the handwriting is beautiful, in regular script.Occasionally, there will be a hint of "sinister". This is not bad, understands the rules, and has a little personality.

Ke Qizhi obviously didn't expect Secretary Liu to use him as a secretary, so one can imagine his surprise.In officialdom, if there is no strong background.Then the fastest way to get promoted is to be appreciated by the leaders.And to be appreciated by the leaders, the most reliable one is to become the receiving secretary.In addition to staying with the leader every day, there is another point that is also crucial.on which leader.You have to train your own team, there is no one who is easier to use than the secretary.

There are countless examples in domestic official circles of senior cadres promoted from leading secretaries.

Secretary Liu became a deputy ministerial cadre at the age of 32, with a bright future ahead of him.It is the luck of a lifetime to follow such a leadership.It can be said that if Ke Qifan has Liu Jun's trust, as long as Liu Jun does not fall, he will not fall.

Ke Qifan felt that he had nothing to repay Secretary Liu. He could only work hard and firmly grasp the opportunity that fell from the sky.

After a few days of running in, Liu Jun is quite satisfied with Ke Qifan.

Ke Qifan, like Pan Zhiren and Yu Huaixin who had just joined him to work, was cautious and diligent.Of course, there is still a little distance in terms of seeing all directions and hearing all directions.There is no rush, it will take some time to practice.The difference between Ke Qifan and Pan Zhiren and Yu Huaixin is that sometimes he would take the initiative to ask Liu Jun, with a nervous and adoring expression.A little timidly raised his own questions to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun likes this very much.

If you don't understand, just ask, don't make random guesses, that's great!

Working next to senior leaders, it is a big taboo to speculate on the thoughts of the leaders. If you guess wrong, you will be very passive.The organization is so big, how complicated is the internal relationship?In Liu Jun's current position, although he doesn't spend all his time pondering the small thoughts of government officials, he still pays some necessary attention.Ke Qifan is working hard to quickly approach a qualified secretary.

There are certain rules for the work of the school department and the youth department.Under normal circumstances, if the superior leader does not take the initiative to intervene, it will be more orderly.Liu Jun summoned these two as usual, the main cadres in charge of the department, mainly to learn about some situations, and did not make any suggestions for specific work.It was the cadre in charge of the school department who took the initiative to talk to Secretary Liu about the teaching support activities.

Everyone knows that the originator of this teaching support activity is Liu Jun.

As early as ten years ago, when Liu Jun.com had just worked in the Youth League Committee and served as the deputy director of the school department.So I proposed to carry out teaching support activities, which was fully affirmed by the Central Committee of the Youth League, and later this work.Gradually spread across the country.

The leaders of the school department hope that Secretary Liu can give some specific instructions on the teaching support activities.

This is also a commonly used technique in the officialdom, to create opportunities for leaders to "foresight" and shorten the distance with the leaders.As soon as Secretary Liu took office, he paid full attention to the work of the school department, which is also the glory of the school department.

Liu Jun didn't pick up on this, just smiled and said that he was still getting familiar with the situation, so he won't say anything for now.

Since the leader expressed caution, naturally no one dared to say anything more.

After the summoning of the main leaders is basically over.Liu Jun decided to visit the Youth Foundation.The offices of the School Department, the Youth Department, and the Office Service Bureau are all in the office compound, and the Youth Foundation has another office location because it is a social organization.

In terms of business, accept the leadership of the League Central Committee. [

Of course, the organizational relationship of cadres is also in the League Central Committee.Chen Yunlu, the current secretary-general of the Youth Development Foundation.He was the last bureau-level cadre in charge that Liu Jun hadn't summoned yet.Since you intend to go to Qingyi, everyone should save some time. Liu Jun decided to go to the Youth Foundation at [-]:[-] in the morning. In the hour reserved, he had to read the party newspapers, group newspapers and some latest documentation.

Not long after entering the office, Ke Qifan gently placed the organized newspapers and documents on Liu Jun's desk, and hurriedly went to make tea for Liu Jun.As soon as Ke Qifan took office, Liu Jun told him about his habit of drinking strong tea.

Ke Qifan understood this very well.It seems that those who work in the government, especially the leading cadres.Everyone has the habit of drinking strong tea, refreshing.The function is probably similar to how foreign leaders like to drink coffee.

After a few days, Ke Qifan also discovered some other habits of Liu Jun, which can be seen from the order in which the documents and newspapers are placed.Under normal circumstances, if there are no very important documents, Ke Qifan will put the party newspaper and group newspaper above the documents. If there are more important documents, the documents will naturally be ranked first.

Today he sorted out the materials, and there is a red-headed document, neatly placed on top.

Liu Jun casually picked up the document and took a look.Immediately startled, his brows furrowed.

Strictly speaking, this document is related to my mother's work and is a purely economic document.

The National Development and Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries and commissions jointly issued a document to regulate and control the steel companies that are emerging everywhere in the country.

This document pointed out that all iron and steel enterprises that have not been approved by the competent state ministries and commissions are under construction, and the construction must be stopped immediately.Relevant departments of the State Council will send inspection teams to various places to implement relevant regulations.

The state's macro-control of iron and steel enterprises.Really started!

At the same time, the document pointed out that three years ago.The regulations on "promoting production with production" jointly issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the General Administration of Customs will continue to be implemented.Iron and steel enterprises approved by the national ministries and commissions.It is not within the scope of this regulation.

In 17.00, due to the impact of the Asian financial turmoil, our economy faced great difficulties.Insufficient demand in the iron and steel industry, and unequal competition between state-owned and foreign companies in the development of processing trade.Processing trade enterprises have always used imported steel products, mainly by importing and processing imported materials, and implementing tax exemption or taxation first and refund later.However, when domestic steel enters the processing trade market, a value-added tax of [-]% is levied, which cannot compete fairly with imported steel, which restricts the entry of domestic steel into the processing trade market.

In this year, in order to encourage processing trade enterprises to use domestic steel products and solve the problem of unequal taxation policies with imported steel products, the State Council has discussed and studied many times, and specially formulated the policy of steel production boosting.That is, the approved listed iron and steel enterprises sell special steel for processing and exporting to processing and exporting enterprises at prices excluding tax for processing and producing export products.Subsequently, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Customs and other ministries jointly issued a series of detailed rules to gradually improve this policy.

After my country's iron and steel enterprises successfully entered the processing trade market, the volume of domestic steel replacing imports has been increasing year by year.This policy has played a positive role in accelerating the restructuring of steel enterprises in our country, improving product quality, enhancing international competitiveness and promoting the development of my country's processing trade.

The new document released today is very clear.The sharp sword is pointing to the steel companies that have constructed illegally, not the approved steel companies.In fact, the purpose of the state to restrict and rectify illegal steel enterprises is to protect regular steel enterprises, form a benign competitive environment, prevent repeated investment, and avoid waste of resources.

In fact, before this, the national ministries and commissions have made strict regulations on the project establishment and approval of emerging steel enterprises, especially private steel enterprises.Mess with steel is not allowed.But many local governments.In order to grow rapidly, regardless of the central government's prohibition, through various means, "face up to the difficulties." The "child" was born abruptly.This has led to today's passive situation.

The scene of the construction site of Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in Yulan City immediately appeared before Liu Jun's eyes.On thousands of acres of vast land, all kinds of machinery and equipment were roaring and cheering, and the crowd was full of enthusiasm.

Wanbi North

Of course, Secretary Liu couldn't make a special trip to inspect the construction site, but when he was going to the provincial meeting, he asked the driver to take a detour and take a look around in the car.

As soon as this document is released, it is conceivable that the situation will immediately become cruel!

Seeing that Secretary Liu's brows were furrowed, Ke Qifan became more and more careful, gently put the teacup where Liu Jun usually put it, and quietly backed out.But Ke Qifan knew.It was right for me to do this. Any documents or news related to the province should be seen by Secretary Liu as soon as possible.Secretary Liu has just been transferred from the province to the capital, so he must still be very concerned about the situation in the province. ,

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