Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1284

"Well, Comrade Yunlu, it should be said that the Hope Project has made a unique contribution to the moral reconstruction of our society and the establishment of modern civic awareness. The Hope Project has made everyone understand that in addition to relying on the government and individual struggle, there are also solutions to individual and social problems. The third way to solve the problem is that citizens help each other and solve their own problems by themselves. In the process of implementing the Hope Project, the spirit and behavior of mutual assistance hidden in our society and based on self-government have been fully explored and carried forward The whole set of management methods and organizational systems associated with the Hope Project also provide an organizational and institutional basis for the realization of this spirit of autonomy and mutual assistance.”

Liu Jun said slowly.

The astonishment on Chen Yunlu's face was fleeting, and he said respectfully: "Secretary Liu's conclusion is too correct. That's exactly what happened. I hope that the fact of the project has aroused the conscience and public morality of many people!"

Liu Jun took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile, "Comrade Yunlu, the Youth Foundation has done a very good job."

Chen Yunlu hurriedly said: "Thank you, Secretary Liu, for your praise. We haven't done enough." [

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "Comrade Yunlu, I'm not talking politely to you. The Youth Foundation has many original methods in the operation of the Hope Project, and they are very successful. In fact, the Hope Project is more than just It is a public welfare undertaking, which is of great help in consolidating the status of the National Youth Development Foundation and strengthening the interaction with provincial youth foundations. It is not easy to play a public welfare project to such an extent.”

Chen Yunlu was quite excited, but at the same time he was secretly shocked, everyone said that Liu Yanei was very good, and his reputation was indeed well-deserved.Only a few days after taking office, I have a very deep understanding of the many "tricks" of the CYDF.

Based on the domestic government system and administrative system, the National Youth Development Foundation is a very unique institution.It has a supervisory unit and an administrative level, but at the same time, it is a public fundraising foundation for the society.This makes Qingji have a lot of external relations to coordinate.These external relationships are mainly reflected in four aspects: the relationship with the provincial Youth Development Foundation, the relationship with the government, the relationship with the media, and the relationship with similar public fundraising foundations.The most important of these is the relationship with the provincial Youth Development Foundation.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between the National Youth Foundation and provincial youth foundations is a "partnership" rather than a "leader-led relationship."Because the National Youth Development Foundation is not allowed to establish regional branches in terms of policies and regulations, the provincial Youth Development Foundation is established by the Youth League Committee and is managed by it. There are still great differences in many aspects, such as resource mobilization methods, management concepts, etc., and the provincial youth foundations are more dependent on the administrative system.

The reality is that among the units managed by the Youth League Provincial Committee, the Youth Development Foundation is the most institutionalized, with the least autonomy and the lowest degree of commercialization, and the concept of associations is not discussed.The contrast between the administrative tendency of the local Youth Development Foundation and the autonomy tendency of the National Youth Development Foundation will inevitably affect the long-term development of the China Youth Development Foundation.

The National Youth Foundation has made full use of the huge influence of Project Hope to effectively strengthen its control over local youth foundations.

For example, a certain provincial Youth League Committee once established a "Project Hope" foundation that was unwilling to be included in the National Youth Development Foundation system. The mediation by the Central Committee of the Youth League still had no effect. A list of legal fundraising organizations for the "Hope Project" nationwide was published on the Internet, but the province's Youth League Committee was not included in the list.After the list was announced, the Youth League Committee of the province immediately fell into unfavorable public opinion, and finally voluntarily returned to the management of the National Youth Foundation.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "Registering the Hope Project as a service trademark is indeed a stroke of genius!"

Hearing Liu Jun mention this, Chen Yunlu also laughed, with a slightly reserved look on his face.As Liu Jun said, this action is indeed a stroke of genius, the most revolutionary breakthrough.

In [-], Chen Yunlu formally filed an application for the registration of the service trademark of the National Youth Foundation's "Hope Project" with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.After many consultations, at the end of [-], the State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of the Use of the Name "Project Hope" in the Field of Business Activities", which enabled the Youth Foundation to obtain administrative protection for the ownership of "Project Hope".In [-], the State Administration for Industry and Commerce officially issued the "Hope Project" service trademark registration certificate to the National Youth Foundation, marking that the ownership of the "Hope Project" by the National Youth Foundation has been legally protected.It is the first in my country to register the name of a public welfare social activity as a service trademark and incorporate it into the legal system of intellectual property protection.The significance of this move is that the National Youth Foundation has gained control over provincial foundations through legal means.Prior to this, since foundations at all levels and the China Youth Development Foundation were independent of each other, although they consciously accepted the leadership of the National Youth Development Foundation out of trust in the National Youth Development Foundation, the relationship between the leader and the led was soft. sexual.After that, the agreements signed between the National Youth Development Foundation and various provincial fund management organizations became legally binding provided by the state machinery.

As early as six years ago, Chen Yunlu had such a vision, which shows that he is also a rare talent with creative thinking.

"Comrade Yunlu, the Youth Development Foundation and the Hope Project have made outstanding contributions to the public welfare of our country. I would like to know how you and the comrades from the Youth Development Foundation will arrange and plan for the next step."

Liu Jun spoke highly of the work of the Youth Foundation.

Chen Yunlu hurriedly said: "Because the country implements nine-year compulsory education, the right of primary and middle school students all over the country to go to school has been greatly guaranteed and improved. The general relief of out-of-school children has been transferred to the follow-up training of outstanding recipients of the "Hope Project" and the follow-up support for Hope Primary School. The Youth Foundation no longer directly accepts donations for the relief of out-of-school children. Hope Primary School has shifted from hardware construction to Software construction such as teacher training and modern teaching facilities configuration is the main focus. In the 90s, it was the decade when the Chinese government was committed to poverty alleviation and the realization of the goal of universal nine. The government's poverty alleviation efforts have continued to increase, and financial allocations have been used to subsidize out-of-school children The amount of special funds for education in poverty-stricken areas has far exceeded the funds we raised; public welfare projects such as "Spring Bud Project" and "Candlelight Project" and spontaneous social donations for education and teaching assistant activities have widely appeared; Great changes have taken place in people's living standards and people's lives. Under such circumstances, the effectiveness and status of the "Hope Project" in raising funds for assistance has weakened, and it is out of date to continue to take "helping children who drop out of school due to poverty" as an overall work goal. Obviously , "Project Hope" has passed its heyday, if we continue to blindly pursue the scale of financing and funding, we will not be able to add new luster, but will only inevitably face the reality of increasing management costs and diminishing marginal effects. The most severe punishment is the management slack due to the exhaustion of the team, the donation of "extracorporeal circulation", the disgrace of the "Hope Project" due to poor management, and the malicious slander and covetousness of some magazines in Hong Kong. The sword of Damocles above our heads. Until today, the "Hope Project" is still a relatively perfect and holy thing in people's minds. The appearance of the incident may ruin the lofty reputation of the "Hope Project" once and for all! If, as some media exaggerated, "Hope Project" has become a "tofu dregs", then we will no longer be A hero who accomplished a glorious cause, but destroyed a holy sinner..."

As Chen Yunlu spoke, his expression became serious, and he also felt a little emotional.

Liu Jun nodded, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he said: "Comrade Yunlu, you and your comrades have considered Project Hope very comprehensively. I agree with you for the strategic transformation of Project Hope. .However, I also have some suggestions..."

Chen Yunlu straightened up and said solemnly: "Please give instructions to Secretary Liu!"

"Don't dare to take instructions, just discuss with each other."

Liu Jun waved his hand and said.After this conversation, he had a general and comprehensive understanding of Chen Yunlu. He is an upright person with high moral cultivation.Although being in the system, it is inevitable to be contaminated with some "official air", but generally speaking, he is an honest gentleman with thoughts and pursuits.Liu Jun has always respected such people very much. [

"In my opinion, fundraising should continue. Although the country has implemented universal nine-year education, we should also see that in some extremely poor areas, there are still many children who cannot afford to go to school. It's not that they cannot afford tuition fees. It is because they cannot afford the living expenses of living in school. Some children in impoverished areas have to go to dormitory in schools dozens of miles away after attending a junior high school. How to ensure that these children can go to school normally and have enough nutrition to complete their studies is up to us. We must face up to the problem. Therefore, I suggest that we should raise more funds for one-on-one funding for children in these extremely poor areas. The one-on-one, pairing funding activities we have been doing before, Can't stop, keep going."

Liu Jun said slowly.

"In addition, the 'Protecting the Mother River—Green Hope Project' project proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has also been carried out very well and has had a wide impact on society. To continue this project, it also requires a large amount of funds .”

In fact, "Protecting the Mother River—Green Hope Project" was proposed by Zhang Chenwen, the current first secretary of the Communist Youth League Central Secretariat.

Chen Yunlu nodded excitedly, and said, "Secretary Liu, I completely agree with your thinking. I also think so."

"Hehe, that's great, let's work hard together."

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