Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1287

"Mr. Liu, which department of the League Central Committee do you work in?"

Several people finished the ceremony.Wang Jun asked, his eyes flickered behind the lens.Long Yanli said that she wanted to invite her old classmates over for dinner, Wang Jun kept wandering in his mind.It was originally agreed to invite Director Jia from their department, but it was so beautiful and unexpected, so what kind of old classmate should they invite. Can a countryman from province N deserve a banquet in such a high-end and luxurious place as Qiushui Hotel?But Long Yanli insisted, saying that her old classmate hadn't seen her for ten years, and now she works in the same system, so it's totally appropriate for everyone to get in touch with each other more.

Whether Wang Jun wanted to wait or not, he also considered that Long Yanli was a very important companion for today's banquet with Director Jia, and if it made her unhappy, it might be inappropriate.Had to reluctantly agree.Fortunately, one more person is just one more set of bowls and chopsticks.

But after meeting Liu Jun, Wang Jun felt uneasy from the bottom of his heart.This person, not to mention his position, is already much stronger than Wang Jun in terms of appearance alone.Tall and handsome, with a calm demeanor.If he wasn't too young, he would really be mistaken for some important leader.

Even if this is the case, it should not be taken lightly. What if it is also a rising star in the youth league system?In the regiment, the promotion of young cadres is very fast. [

Liu Jun smiled lightly and said, "Working in the office."

"Oh...then Mr. Liu was just transferred from province N to the League Central Committee?"

Wang Jun was relieved when he heard that he was working in the office.The office of the League Central Committee is called the General Office.The office Liu Jun mentioned should be the office of a certain unit under the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.Look at Liu Jun's appearance, he doesn't look like the director of the office, does he?Otherwise, Long Yanli would have to rush to introduce his position.

When small clerks in Wang Jun and other agencies want to come, it is of course the most important thing to communicate with people, showing a big name, otherwise, with which eyes will people look at you?

Liu Jun still replied indifferently: "He was transferred from the province."

"Province? Isn't Mr. Liu originally from the province of N? After leaving school, work in another place?"

Wang Jun asked again.

"Why, check your household registration? Do you want to introduce someone to others?" Seeing Wang Jun asking endlessly, Long Yanli was afraid of causing Liu Jun's displeasure, so she quickly gave Wang Jun a look, and hurriedly made a cup of tea for Liu Jun. He said with a smile: "Old classmate, I know you like to drink green tea from your hometown, but today I only prepared jasmine tea, so you can just let it go!"

Many people in the capital like to drink scented tea on weekdays to enjoy the fragrance.

"Thank you, I drink scented tea once in a while. That's what it is."

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

On the other side, Wang Chan was annoyed, and said in a strange way: "Hey, sister-in-law, your classmates are really picky. Who said that the scented tea in our capital is not as good as the green tea in your hometown?"

Liu Jun glanced at her and said nothing.

Long Yanli said: "It's not that scented tea is inferior to green tea, it's just a matter of habit."

Wang Chan was even more annoyed.It wasn't that Long Yanli's words made her angry, but Liu Jun's attitude was not "correct", he even looked at her with a "glance", and after the glance, he showed disdain to "argue" with her.It is tolerable or unbearable.What kind of person is too good at pretending?But is it just a small cadre who just came to the capital unit from a small place to run errands?He looks like a big man.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, which office do you work in at the League Central Committee? What kind of work do you do?"

Wang Chan asked in an obviously unnecessary high-pitched tone, with a hint of provocation.

Guo Gang was a little anxious, and secretly pulled his wife's skirt under the table, which meant to tell her to pay attention to etiquette.No matter what, Mr. Liu is a guest invited by his sister-in-law, so he can't lose face.

Wang Chan didn't bother to pay attention to Guo Gang's reminder, she flicked her sleeves and gave her husband a hard look.this person.It's just such a wimp, with a first-class key university diploma, after so many years, he has nothing to offer.You were so blind back then, why did you want to marry him? [

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Work at the secretariat."

Wang Chan was startled for a moment, then laughed, and asked jokingly, "Work at the secretariat? Are you the secretary of the secretariat of the League Central Committee?"


Liu Jun still nodded firmly, without any intention of joking.

Long Yanli looked at Liu Jun in surprise, didn't he tell her not to reveal her identity at will?How now... well, how can I guess the thoughts of such a big leader?

The playfulness on Wang Chan's face became stronger, and she asked with a smile: "Then, we are going to call you Secretary Liu? May I ask if Secretary Liu is the main hall or a senior official at the deputy ministerial level?"

"Deputy department!"

Wang Chan laughed so hard that tears were almost streaming down her cheeks. She pointed at Liu Jun while laughing and said, "Hehehe, Mr. Liu, I never thought that the Central Committee of your regiment would have such a humorous cadre... Haha, brother, you Got it, my sister-in-law's classmate is a deputy ministerial cadre, maybe one day I can promote you and make you the section chief!"

Dare to love Wang Jun is not the section chief yet?

Well, the deputy section chief can also be called the section chief!

Wang Jun's face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "Little sister, what joke are you kidding?" Then he turned to Liu Jun, his expression even more displeased, and said seriously: "Mr. Liu, you can't make such a joke casually. Let me tell you, today we invited Jia Chu from our office, he is the real leader, very dignified, I hope you will stop talking nonsense later."

Wang Jun has been lingering in the position of deputy section chief for a long time. He has been seeking for improvement for many years. He hired Jia several times, but he was dismissed by others. It can be seen everywhere that Director Jia probably won't come to this banquet.Although Wang Jun felt a little uncomfortable just thinking of Jia Chu's "sexy" eyes on his wife, but for the sake of his future, he didn't care about it so much.

This cuckold is worn once, and it is worn twice, so-called!

Now Long Yanli has brought such a nonsense, ignorant country classmate over here, it is really unreasonable.If it made Jia Chu unhappy, wouldn't all of his hard work be wasted?

"Okay, I'll pay attention!"

Liu Jun still smiled and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Long Yanli's heart jumped into her throat.Taking a peek at Liu Jun, she didn't seem to be really angry, Long Yanli felt relieved, glanced at the serious Wang Jun and Wang Chan who was laughing wantonly, and a burst of joy suddenly surged up.

Make you laugh!

You will know later!

Seeing that Wang Chan was eager to try, and seemed to want to find some excuse to tease Liu Jun, Long Yanli became worried again.People's patience has a limit, if Liu Jun is really annoyed, I'm afraid things will get worse.

"Wang Jun, didn't you say that you made an appointment with Jia's office in your unit? Why hasn't anyone arrived yet?"

Long Yanli asked.Off topic. [

Wang Jun looked at his watch quickly, jumped up, and said, "Oh, the time is almost up. Jia Chu promised to be there on time at 12:30. Hurry up, let's go downstairs to meet Jia Chu..."

With that, Wang Jun hurriedly walked out the door.

Long Yanli sat still and said, "You guys go, I'm here to talk to my old classmates."

Wang Jun's face darkened immediately, and he said, "Let's go together, how can you be so rude in front of the leader?"

Long Yanli was not moved at all, she shook her head and said, "I'm not going, you guys go!"

Wang Jun glared at her fiercely, gritted his teeth, walked out the door with a gloomy face, Wang Chan curled his lips, moved two long thin legs, followed behind, and went out with a thump. Go, before going out, he turned his head and gave Long Yanli a cold look.

It is said that the relationship between aunts and sisters-in-law is difficult to get along with.But like Wang Chan, it is really rare to look down on sister-in-law so much.

But before Guo Gang went out, he nodded apologetically to Liu Jun.

After the three of Wang Jun left the box, Liu Jun frowned slightly and said, "Yanli, your family relationship is not very harmonious. Why, Wang Chan, you look like you are looking at an enemy?"

Long Yanli's eyes turned red, she sighed, and said softly: "She looks down on me! She thinks that I have a bad style and ruined the reputation of the old Wang family."

Liu Jun nodded and said nothing more.

It is said that beauty is a disaster.Long Yanli, a beauty, seems to be the one who caused the scourge!

After a while, footsteps sounded outside the door, and Wang Jun said repeatedly: "Jia Chu, please, please..."

There was an indescribable flattery in the voice.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a fat head walked into the box surrounded by the brothers and sisters of the Wang family. His fat, slightly bald head was raised high, which showed that he was usually a condescending figure.

It must be Director Jia, the leader of Wang Jun and his unit.

Director Jia's red eyes lit up as soon as he entered the door, and a joyful smile bloomed on his greasy face. He strode forward, stretched out his hand to Long Yanli with a smile, and said, "Oh, Director Long, you ok hello..."

Long Yanli's current position is the chief staff member.

"Jia Chu, hello!"

Long Yanli stood up reservedly, smiled and shook hands with Jia Chu.

"Haha, Director Long... Oh, it's so awkward to call you that, I'll call you Comrade Yanli... Haha, Comrade Yanli, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are even more beautiful than before. Hehe, Section Chief Wang is really lucky..."

Director Jia held Long Yanli's hand tightly and refused to let go no matter what.

"Jia Chu, let me introduce you, this is my classmate and colleague, surnamed Liu..."

Long Yanli hurriedly introduced Liu Jun to Director Jia.

Unexpectedly, Jia Chu didn't care at all, just nodded casually at Liu Jun, holding Long Yanli's hand all the time, reluctantly let go of it after a while, and sat down next to Long Yanli.

"Jia Chu, can the food be served?"

Wang Jun asked with a smile.

"All right, all right, arrange it."

Jia Chu's mind was not on eating and drinking at all, his eyes were only on Long Yanli's towering chest.

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