Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1332 Wang Guozhao has to pay the price

Not long after Cheng Haojin left the capital, Weiqing, the governor of 0 provinces, came to the Shousui Remuneration Office "to plead for mercy. Yulan Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has been determined to be caught by the State Council as a model, and any form of fighting is futile.

Now up and down, everyone is considering the aftermath.

Gao Weiqing appeared in the capital at this time.It was a bit of a surprise indeed.

But on the surface, Governor Di is quite leisurely. He leisurely appeared on the golf course of Guang'an Club, wearing a white sportswear and a white sun hat.Holding a golf club in his hand, he is quite chic.Beside him, there is a middle-aged man who is about the same age as him. Like Di Weiqing, he wears the same white sportswear. He looks taller than Gao Weiqing, with a straight waist and swinging his arms when he walks. It also looks more powerful and energetic.

And beside the man in white, there is a young man also wearing a white sportswear.However, his white tracksuit was dotted with blue dotted patterns, and the same blue dotted pattern was on the sun hat, which gave him a youthful vigor in his tranquility. [

The three of them walked on the green golf course, and as far as the eye could see, there was a piece of greenery, which made people feel uncontrollably open-minded.And the golf course staff.Then he cautiously followed behind the three of them and carefully kept a certain distance. It was obvious that the three in front were all well-known figures.

It is normal to say that it is possible to walk side by side with the governor.Even Gao Weiqing seemed to be accompanying him.Is it the idle generation?

At the resting place in the distance, Mr. He Hong, the sophomore young master.Sitting there smoking and drinking, paying attention to the three people in the distance, looking around from time to time.A few meters to the left, a beautiful girl stood there tall and tall, and she looked like she was a golf course attendant.The second grader in high school had a thought, and wanted to ask her to come over and have a good chat.Of course, if the sophomore is in high spirits, he doesn't rule out doing other moves.However, this thought only swirled in Gao Tiaohong's mind for a while, and then he suppressed it forcibly.

He got a phone call from the stadium manager and rushed over, not to pick up girls.The manager told him: Minister Gao, Director Gao and the Governor of the Ministry have come to the court to play.

As soon as I heard this, I reported it, and the sophomore junior didn't say anything else.Immediately jumped up from the warm and soft embrace of the little girl, hurriedly dressed.Came over as fast as possible.

This is also the excellence of the second year of high school.

Like all dandies, Gao Hehong is also very concerned about weaving his own network of relationships.This is the basis for the dudes to ensure their "enduring prosperity".All dudes are parasites.Parasitic on the network of relationships, large and small.The difference between Gao Hehong and ordinary dandies is that he pays more attention to cultivating his family's network.

Because Lao Gao's family is so powerful, as long as they win over a few big shots in the family, it will be enough for Gao Er Shao to rest easy.

Although old man Gao and Gao Jingzhang are Gao Hehong's real grandfather and real father, the second young man dare not show up in front of them easily.Every time I see it.It's not frowning or teaching, the second year of high school is not a masochist, why bother to make yourself uncomfortable?

Only his second uncle Gao Jinghan and elder brother Gao Changhong treated him well.Although the second uncle is an elder, he doesn't always scold him, and occasionally gives him a smile.As for the eldest brother Gao Changhong, it is the gospel of the second young man.Although Gao Changhong is the same as his grandfather and father.He couldn't understand Gao Hehong's dandyism very much, but he cared about the brotherhood, and was very friendly to this younger brother who was only one year younger than him.The sophomore in high school has a lot of shitty things to tear down, and when things are not right, he just needs to act pitiful in front of his elder brother, and Gao Changhong has nothing to do, and has to come forward to fix it for him.

As Gao Changhong rose in the system day by day.Gao Changhong's position has become more and more prominent, and many things, even without asking some uncles, Gao Changhong can settle it with a phone call.

Second Young Master Gao knew that the eldest brother had been fully approved by the old man and his father and uncle, and was designated as the third generation successor of the Gao family.As for whether it can be unanimously recognized by the major factions, there is still a long way to go.

But Gao Hehong has full confidence in his eldest brother, and it is only a matter of time before he ascends to the peak of power.

As long as the eldest brother didn't lose his brotherhood towards him, the second junior high school student basically didn't have to worry about anything in his life.So many times, Gao Hehong really thinks in his heart that he is smarter than Gao Changhong.Gao Changhong was careful, honed in the system, exhausted physically and mentally, how could he compare to the romantic, cheerful and suave of his second junior high school student?

"What's wrong with being a dou? You can live a nourishing life."

These are the original words that the second grader in high school proudly said to his gang of cronies when he was drunk.

The second grader in high school firmly believes that the most important thing in a person's life is to vote for the right mother!

Of course, it is even more fortunate to have a big brother like Gao Changhong!

Therefore, as soon as Gao Changhong appeared in his venue, Gao Hehong would rush over immediately.Sitting in the township personally, I was afraid that the people under him would not greet well and wronged my elder brother.He also knew that he couldn't get Gao Changhong's.Seriously, just watch from a distance, let the elder brother understand that he has intentions, that's enough. [

Gao Changhong wouldn't think about his brother's worthless thoughts, he didn't have that much time to spare.

"Weiqing, Yulan City, that pile of steel won't affect you, will it? Yi Xun's book is written in the sun and said Xunshan) Different bodies

Gao Jinghan asked casually.

He and Di Weiqing are classmates, they have a good friendship, and there are no idlers on the left and right, so they need to be cautious when speaking.Gao Jinghan is the Deputy Minister of State Security.He is not very good at economic construction.All he knew was that Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in Yulan City was arrested.There are a large group of officials who will suffer because of this.As the governor of the province, Bu Weiqing is in charge of economic construction, so he wonders if he will be implicated.

Gao Weiqing smiled wryly and shook his head slightly.Said: "There will be no direct impact.

After all, this project was built in Yulan City, and the leaders of the party and government in Yulan City, Ding Yuzhou and Wang Guoli.None of them were on his line, so from the very beginning, Gao Weiqing was not very anxious to get angry.Even Zhai Haojin came forward in person.Made a final fight to Prime Minister Hong, as governor.He didn't show anything special.

Of course, some superficial work that should be done is still done. During the control period, Governor Gao went to the capital more than once to find relevant people from the national ministries and commissions to clear up, and finally returned with success, but he can't be blamed .

No one has gained anything!

After Cheng Haojin returned from the capital, his attitude towards this matter changed fundamentally.Previously, Que Haojin had no clear attitude towards the country's macro-control, and did not object to Ding Yuzhou, Cui Fucheng, Wang Shaodong, Wang Guoli and others rushing to the capital for "mediation".Often the secretary of the provincial party committee's suggestion is regarded as acquiescing by everyone.

From Zhai Haojin's standpoint, it is understandable to do so.When things are not desperate, you should always fight for it, and it can also boost morale.

Because of this steel project, the two teams of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government are all in disarray, and many normal tasks are even difficult to carry out.One is that the normal office order was affected because of crowd-funding riots, and the other is that everyone's energy was restrained.Not enough attention is paid to other work.

If Cheng Haojin had a clear attitude, it would be a devastating blow to the already nervous mood of the officials of Yulan City.

But now, Huo needs to make a statement.Now that the matter has been settled and can be reversed, Zhai Haojin, as the secretary of the provincial party committee, must remain consistent with the central government.The mistake of "local protectionism" cannot be made.

It is understandable for the city and county party secretaries below to make such a mistake. After all, the level is not high enough, and the vision is not wide.What kind of person Xi Haojin is.How can you equate your political wisdom with department-level cadres?

As soon as Huo Haojin's attitude became clear, the cadres of Yulan City knew that the situation was over.

Next, how to "kill the chicken and proud monkey".

There are many such things in the political arena.No wonder.Every time macro-control is carried out, a few unlucky "chickens" will be pulled out and beheaded for public display. However, this time it is the "chickens" in Yulan City that were killed. What has to be done is the "monkeys" of other provinces and cities. "

"Governor Gao, how does the province plan to deal with the cadres?"

Gao Changhong asked with a smile on the side.

No matter when, Gao Changhong is always so gentle and polite, neither slow nor ill.Several heavyweights in the high department all praised and drew "every major event has a calm air. Only the second uncle Gao Jinghan occasionally reminds him that when he should be aggressive, he should also show some majesty.

Gao Weiqing immediately replied: "The first responsible person. It must be Wang Guozhao. There is nothing to say about this."

Gao Weiqing also attaches great importance to Gao Changhong, not because Gao Changhong is young and a junior.Just hold the shelf.He knew it well, this young man.One day, he will reach a height that even he needs to look up to.In fact, he invited Gao Jinghan to play together today, and he specially asked Gao Jinghan to also invite Gao Changhong, which was very meaningful. [

Gao Changhong nodded.

Wang Guoli insisted on introducing Weifeng Steel.Now that there is such a big arsenic leak, he has no room to dodge, and the first cut of the province's adjustment cadres will definitely be cut on his head.

"Actually, Mayor Wang's original intention of introducing this project was good. It's just that he doesn't have a deep understanding of the general trend of the steel industry.

Gao Changhong said with a slight sigh, as if he felt a little sorry for Wang Guozhao.

Gao Weiqing doesn't think so, he treats Wang Guoli.Not half a favor.When I first arrived in the province.He also wanted to win the support of Chi Anfeng and Wang Guozhao Weng's son-in-law, but Wang Guozhao refused without hesitation. As soon as Zhai Haojin took office, he immediately leaned over, which made Bu Weiqing very dissatisfied.Now that Wang Guozhao is unlucky, Bu Weiqing has no regrets at all.

"Although the intention is good, the result is too bad, and you have to pay the price."

ps: All old friends!The fourth one is here!After the pie has dinner, you have to code tomorrow's update, and we will still have the fourth update tomorrow!Boys, the monthly ticket list is very tangled!Farther and farther away.No matter what, tomorrow is the last day to double monthly tickets, if you still have tickets.Please support pie.Even if you can't break into the top ten, you must at least maintain your current position. If you get blown up on the last day, it will be too bad!Pie bows here and asks for your monthly ticket support!Oh, support one.Honest pie.You will not suffer, pies are never lazy!The more power you have, the more powerful your codewords will be, and the better you will look! ! !

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