Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1334 Uncle Liu or even Uncle Liu

When Secretary Liu was reviewing official documents in the office.Received a call from Shen Rao.

Shen Rao still has the temperament of a carefree little girl.No wonder.Originally, Wang was a little girl in her early twenties, exactly the same as when Liu Junwang met Xia Xiaoqing.

"That depends on what you are good at."

Liu Jun said with a smile.Every time I receive a call from Shen Rao.Secretary Liu will be very happy, as if half of a long-lost young man's heart has returned to him.Two generations of human beings, in a high position.Liu Jun feels that his mentality is very old.If Shen Rao was just an ordinary college girl, no matter how young and beautiful she was, it would be difficult to arouse his youthful heart.

But Xia Xiaoqing, of course, was an exception! [

God has arranged his past and present lives in this way.Liu Jun also felt very helpless.He was originally a theist, but after experiencing rebirth, he found that the known science could not explain everything that happened.Therefore, Secretary Liu, who seems to be too majestic and majestic, has actually become a "theologian" deep in his heart.

The mighty power of the heavens and the giant hands in the dark are really awe-inspiring!

"Cut, the uncle who works in your agency. Is it always like this? Ask why in everything! Why, we are all friends, so I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Shen Rao immediately yelled dissatisfied.


Secretary Liu was dizzy for a while!

It's not that no one calls him uncle, and even some people who are slightly older than him are well behaved and call him uncle sweetly.Although Liu Yanei is young, he has a distinguished status.But I don't know how many people are vying to call him uncle!

But Shen Ba...

Think about it, anyone who was called an uncle by his former wife would not be able to bear it.

"I warn you, don't call me uncle again! Am I that old?"

Secretary Liu couldn't bear it, so he also yelled at the phone, his face was flushed, and he seemed to care about this "seniority" very much. Fortunately, there was no one in the office.Otherwise, people will be frightened.

Shen Rao giggled, and said softly, "Okay, let's call you big brother for now. But what?" Whether you will call me that way in the future depends on your performance.If you underperform.Then don't say uncle, I will call you uncle! "

Secretary Liu was dizzy again.

Shen Rao has always been presumptuous in front of him.On the contrary, it has the same effect as Xia Xiaoqing.Xia Xiaoqing has lived with him for more than ten years, and they are basically like this. They don't "worship" Mr. Liu Jun's authority very much.Besides, in another parallel world, besides repairing a machine, Mr. Liu Jun has read a few more miscellaneous books and can boast nonsense.It is true that there is no authority for people to worship.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Tell me. What do you want me to do?"

"Look at your virtue! It seems that I asked you to do something. It seems that I have wronged you. Let me tell you, tonight is definitely a good thing. I, please be my boyfriend! How about it, this job is beautiful enough Bar?"

Shen Rao said triumphantly.

What's so beautiful about it?You are my wife!Downgraded to a girlfriend, I'm still at a loss!

Secretary Liu slandered endlessly in his stomach.But this can't be said for the time being, otherwise Shen Rao will treat him as crazy.

"Hehe. There is such a good thing? I am very honored. However, student Shen Rao, can you explain a little bit? I am not used to being someone's boyfriend in a vague way." [

Liu Jun said with a smile, a relaxed smile on his face.

"Cut, it's getting more and more ostentatious. Alright. It seems that if I don't say why, you will definitely not agree. You big "brothers, it's boring!" "

Shen Rao muttered again.

The smile on Secretary Liu's face turned into a wry smile.

"That's right. It's a great honor for me to be rated as an advanced individual for righteousness and bravery by our school. How is it, isn't it amazing?"

Shen Rao said triumphantly, Liu Jun put the phone line down, and he could also imagine her proud look with her little nose raised and her face raised.So did Xia Xiaoqing.In the chest city mansion, when encountering a little happy thing, he couldn't help shouting and shouting, and was extremely excited.However, with Shen Rao's feat of spreading his hands in front of the BMW, he was rated as an advanced individual for being brave in righteousness.It should be, well deserved!Originally, after the School Department of the League Central Committee learned about this incident, it intended to set up Shen Rao as a national model of bravery.Big publicity.Was rejected by Liu Jun.One was at that time.The case is still under investigation, so it's not easy to scare the snake away.Secondly, Liu Jun really didn't want Shen Rao to become a public figure.Living in the spotlight for a lifetime is not necessarily a happy thing.Why bother to affect Shen Rao's life for decades to come for the sake of a false name?

Of course, this also contains a little selfishness of Secretary Liu.

Shen Rao has become a public figure, and Secretary Liu must be more careful when interacting with her.

If Liu Jun treats his "wife in the previous life" as an ordinary friend, or even as a passerby, and never communicates with her again, no matter how broad-minded Secretary Liu is and how open-minded he is, it will be difficult to obey.

Liu Jun was reborn into politics, and his personality has indeed undergone considerable changes. He has changed his network and become more alert, more ignorant, and more serious. The most basic characteristics hidden deep in his heart, such as stubbornness, have never changed.

"Amazing! Admire, admiration!"

Liu Jun laughed and said.

The little girl is like this, it is easy to be happy and satisfied.

"In addition, the National Youth Foundation organized a Hoh Xil investigation group, and I am also a member of the inspection group. During the November holiday, I went to the plateau to see the natural scenery of Hoh Xil."

Shen Rao continued to inform him of the happy event on the phone.

Liu Jun is also clear about this matter.The fundraising event initiated by Gan Kehui.Surprisingly good results have been achieved.A total of more than 300 million yuan was raised. It is said that an unknown rich man donated 50 yuan in cash in one go.Such a sum of money is for the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, which lacks funds.The difference is sending charcoal in the snow.The Youth Development Foundation decided to form a volunteer investigation group to visit Hoh Xil, first to learn about the situation of the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, and second, it can be regarded as a tour.

As an outstanding representative among fundraising volunteers, Shen Rao was also on the list.

For the little girl, this is of course a beautiful thing, and it is normal to call "Uncle Liu" eagerly to talk about it.

"Congratulations, you can travel to Hoh Xil for free, I'm envious!"

Under the influence of Shen Rao, Liu Jun was in a good mood.Couldn't help but tease the little girl a few words. "That is, you are envious! Who told you that you are not a student? Otherwise, you are also an advanced individual who is brave enough to do what is right. Maybe we can travel to Hoh Xil together."

Liu Jun dared to save people under the wheel, speaking of it, it was quite a "heroic act".

Secretary Liu's heart moved, and in an instant, the desire to travel to Hoh Xil with her really came into being.In his previous life, he was busy with making ends meet, had little money, and had neither the time nor the money to enjoy luxury travel. Speaking of which, Xia Xiaochai owed a lot.Although Liu Jun also knew that Shen Rao only looked a lot like Xia Xiaoqing, not necessarily Xia Xiaojing.But God wanted to make such an arrangement, and Liu Jun was also very helpless, and it was right to assume that Shen Rao was arranged by God to come back for him.It would be great to be able to give her more compensation. [

Of course, Secretary Liu is just thinking about it, and it is impossible to put it into practice.In the investigation group organized by the Youth Foundation, he, Secretary Liu, appeared in the "magic soldier descending from the sky", and I don't know how many people he frightened.

What else do you want to travel?

"Hehe, next time. There should be a chance. Let's travel to other places next time."

When Secretary Liu said this, he didn't know whether he was comforting Shen Rao or himself, but it was probably more likely that he was comforting himself.The little girl is very happy, what needs Secretary Liu to comfort her?

"Okay, you said it, don't let it go!"

Shen Rao immediately "hit the snake with the stick." nailed a sentence.

Liu Jun smiled and nodded, then remembered that it was through a telephone line, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay. Not bad."

"Hey, I've been talking so much nonsense with you. I almost forgot the serious business. Tonight. My classmates are going to celebrate for me. Let's go sing together. They are all in pairs. It's too embarrassing for me to be alone. You must come here. Build up this facade for me."

Only then did Shen Rao say the reason for "Boyfriend."

You can also ask Li Mo to go with you!

Secretary Liu almost blurted out these words, but fortunately he reined in the precipice.It can't be so neat.Fortunately, Shen Rao didn't like Li Mo very much.Otherwise, it would be enough for Secretary Liu to have a headache.Shen Rao's statement means that she doesn't have a boyfriend yet.This is very good, so that Secretary Liu will not have to play tricks.To destroy people's feelings.

"I don't have time, but if I don't go, I will be called uncle"

"No, it's uncle!"

Shen Rao immediately "corrected" him.Then he giggled and laughed non-stop, which seemed to be very funny.

Liu Jun said angrily: "You try to call Uncle again, and see how I can fix you!"

Shen Rao laughed even more happily, chirping and chatting on the phone about the location and time of the song.Ding told him to arrive on time, and when he arrived, he seemed to remember something, and shouted: "That's right. You should come earlier. Don't you have a car? Come earlier. Pull us together to save money." It’s money for a fight, isn’t it?”

"Yo, I know it's pretty good to be diligent and thrifty in housekeeping.

Secretary Liu said with a smile.

"That is, whoever marries me is a blessing! This girl can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, and manage the family well!"

"You want to marry someone? Hehe, it's difficult!"

Secretary Liu finally couldn't bear to say something "out of line".

"Hey, what do you mean? I won't be able to get married if I co-operate? I'm still not convinced. I'll find a boyfriend tomorrow and show you!"

Shen Rao couldn't help being furious, and said angrily.

Secretary Liu laughed dryly a few times, which sounded a bit harsh and introverted. ,

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