Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1345 Visit Yulan City

The issue of cadres dealing with the "Weifeng Iron and Steel Incident" has attracted the attention of all parties. The final sentence Bian Yixuan was introduced.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is difficult.After meeting Boss Hong, Que Haojin knew that "Weifeng Iron and Steel. Being caught is inevitable, so he began to prepare for the aftermath. Even the Sixth Plenary Session held at the end of September did not seem to matter so much to Que Haojin. Heavy.

Because too many cadres are involved.The rank is also very high, and Cheng Haojin, who has always been strong, has become more cautious this time. He not only communicated with every member of the team, but also extensively solicited opinions from other important provincial leaders. After two times.

The opinions of the bigwigs in the province are also very divided.Most people think that the actual situation of the introduction of Weifeng Iron and Steel should be considered and handled as appropriate.A small number of cadres believe that they should actively respond to the call of the central government and deal with those responsible seriously.

Zhai Haojin also spent a lot of time thinking, not easy to make up his mind. [

Seeing that Liu Jun had arrived and the matter could be delayed, Zhai Haojin finally convened an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to discuss the handling of cadres.In addition to the thirteen members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, all the deputy governors of the provincial government participated.In addition to Governor Bu Weiqing, Executive Vice Governor Chen Qimou, and Standing Committee Vice Governor Cui Fucheng, the provincial government also has five non-commissioned Vice Governors including Wang Shaodong and Liu Jun.Generally speaking.Team members will keep an odd number to facilitate voting.The provincial government plus the new deputy governor Liu Jun.There are a total of eight governors and deputy governors, but they are even numbers.Of course, it was because of Liu Jun, a newcomer who turned into the sky.

As soon as the meeting started, Ding Yuzhou, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, made a written review at the meeting.Ding Yuzhou has passed his sixtieth year. Although his hair is still dyed black and shiny, the age spots on his face cannot be covered up no matter what.Looking extremely tired.Wearing presbyopic glasses, according to the manuscript, reading is very difficult, the tone is dry; the voice is slow, it sounds very uncomfortable.Ding Yuzhou read the two-page written review for no more than [-] words for a full ten minutes.

The members of the meeting all had stern faces, sat upright, and kept their eyes on each other.

After Ding Yuzhou's review, Wang Shaodong, the vice-governor in charge of industry, also made a written review.Wang Shaodong's written review was slightly longer than Ding Yuzhou's review, with about a thousand words, and it was difficult to read the same.Wang Shaodong is also in his fifties, not much younger than Ding Yuzhou.

Two deputy provincial and ministerial officials made a written review at the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, including a veteran deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.This is very rare in the history of the province.

After Wang Shaodong's review was over, Zhai Haojin did not seek any more opinions from the members present at the meeting.He nodded to the Organization Minister Wang Deyu.Wang Deyu understood, and picked up a document in front of him.Begin to read out the preliminary opinions of the Provincial Party Committee.

In view of the introduction of the project of Yulan Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., it violates the relevant state regulations.This led to serious consequences, which were decided upon by the Provincial Party Committee.Give relevant responsible persons the following organizational sanctions:

The first responsible person.Wang Guoli, the mayor of Yulan, dismissed his posts as deputy secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee and mayor of the Municipal People's Government, and arranged other work.

Ding Yuzhou, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Yulan Coin Committee.Demerit and punishment within the party.

Vice Governor Wang Shaodong was punished by the party.

The rest are related responsible cadres such as the director of the Provincial Department of Industry, the director of the Provincial Development Committee, the director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and the deputy mayor of Yulan City in charge of industry, Zhong Yongming.They were all severely punished by party and government discipline.

Regarding this preliminary handling opinion, none of the participating members raised any objections, and it was considered unanimously passed.Make a formal resolution.Report to the central government for approval.

The enlarged meeting of the Provincial Party Committee passed a resolution at the same time, appointing Comrade Liu Jun, the deputy governor of the Provincial People's Government and member of the party group of the Provincial Government, as the deputy secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee.Liu Jun served as the deputy mayor and acting mayor of the Yulan Municipal People's Government, and presided over the overall work of the Yulan Municipal Government.

The next day, the Yulanjia People's Congress Standing Committee passed a resolution agreeing that Comrade Liu Jun could serve as the acting mayor of Yulan Municipal People's Government.Accompanied by Wang Deyu, head of the Provincial Party Committee Organization, Liu Jun came to Yulan City to take up his post.By convention.Yulan City held a joint meeting of members of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to welcome Governor Liu to his post.

Ding Yuzhou was the same as before, ranking first.Sitting on the left and right are two deputy provincial cadres, Wang Deyu and Liu Jun.Members of the Standing Committee of the Yulan Municipal Committee, all the deputy mayors of the municipal government, the director of the municipal party committee office, the secretary general of the municipal government, and the director of the municipal government office attended the welcome meeting.Compared with when Liu Jun took office in Yulan City six years ago, this welcome standard is much higher.

Ding Yuzhou is still majestic, and it can't be seen that his mood has been affected by the punishment.

Wang Deyu was still smiling and amiable.Since Wang Deyu took office.He has always shown others with a low-key, close-to-people image, which is quite similar to Bu Weiqing.But in cadres.Wang Deyu has received more praise than Gao Weiqing, and has a high prestige in the organization department.Generally speaking.Among the functional departments of the party committee, the work of the organization department is relatively difficult.Especially more than three years ago.The situation of the new secretary and new minister of the province.What's more, the central government specially appointed Zhai Haojin with an organization minister, but Kedan was very optimistic about Zhai's ability.Facts have proved that Wang Deyu is indeed very capable, especially in the organization department.Holding it firmly in his hand, he made great efforts for Que Haojin.Now.Many cadres in the province, especially the cadres of the Que family, regard Wang Deyu as Que Haojin's number one confidant.Many things, due to the majesty and strength of the oath Haojin, did not dare to tell them directly. The cadres like to talk to Wang Deyu, and express their opinions by the way, and Wang Deyu forwards them to Zhai Haojin.

Anyway, the Organization Department is the natal family of the cadres.It is only natural for the cadres to report their experiences to the head of the organization

As for Governor Liu, he was the same as Wang Deyu.There was a faint smile on his face.Different from Wang Deyu, Governor Liu always exudes a faint coercion, which is also somewhat similar to Ding Yuzhou who ranks first. Even the cadres feel that he is more powerful than Ding Yuzhou. The pressure is stronger. [

Perhaps it was because Ding Yuzhou was already in decline.And Liu Jun is rising like the sun, with a promising future.

On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Deyu read out the appointment resolution.

Ding Yuzhou applauded first, and there was warm applause in the conference room.

Afterwards, Ding Yuzhou personally introduced all the team members present to Liu Jun according to the rules.Liu Jun is very familiar with these team members.Some had worked with him before, and some arrived after he was transferred from Yulan City.However, being officials in the same province, each other.Even if they are not friends, at least they will not be strangers face to face.

But etiquette cannot be discarded.

Ranked behind Liu Jun was Gu Jinxian, deputy party secretary of the municipal party committee.After Gu Jinxian airborne Yulan City from the national ministries and commissions three years ago, Liu Jun got to know him.It is said that Gu Jinxian's parents had a good relationship with Zhai Haojin, and they took advantage of Zhai Haojin's help.Let Gu Jinxian go to the place to experience it.At the same time, it is also a big nail for Zhai Haojin to drive into Yulan City.After Gu Jinxian took office, he performed very well and cooperated with Wang Guozhao very tacitly. He successfully withstood Ding Yuzhou, established Wang Guochuang's foothold in Yulan City, and then fought against Ding Yuzhou, making his first contribution.

When nodding with Liu Jun.The smile on Gu Jinxian's face was like that.But everyone knew very well that Deputy Secretary Gu must be unhappy right now.

This time Wang Guozhao had an accident.Many people are in a mess.Hope to succeed Wang Guozhao as the mayor of the provincial capital city.Gu Jinxian is one of them.Although Gu Jinxian and Wang Guoli are allies, it is only a public interest, not a personal relationship.In fact, the personal relationship between Gu Jinxian and Wang Guozhao is very ordinary.Deep down in his heart, Gu Jinxian didn't really like Wang Guoli's cold temper.Seeing that Wang Guozhao's resignation was a foregone conclusion, Gu Jinxian was more happy than worried.

If Ding Yuzhou does not leave, only Wang Guozhao will leave.Gu Jinxian believes that he is very hopeful to succeed Wang Guoli.After all, he is Zhai Haojin's direct descendant.In terms of closeness, Wang Guoli is far from being able to compare with him.Zhai Haojin wants to check and balance Ding Yuzhou.He must continue to use his trusted cadres.So who else is more suitable than him, Gu Jinxian?At the level of the main hall, the third deputy secretary in the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he is familiar with the work of Yulan City.These are Gu Jinxian's advantages.Instead of transferring a cadre from the outside or airborne a cadre from the central ministries and commissions, it would be more convenient to use him Gu Jinxian on the spot.

If Gu Jinxian can take over the post of mayor of Yulan as he wished, then Ding Yuzhou will definitely retire in the next year. By then, Gu Jinxian will have been at the office level for five years, and his age will be almost the same. The position is just right, and it is logical to join the Provincial Standing Committee. In terms of official career, it is a new atmosphere.

As for how to deal with the mess of Weifeng Iron and Steel, Gu Jinxian was not very worried.Although he hadn't grasped economic construction, but such a large unfinished project, the province would definitely not sit idly by.

But unexpectedly, it was Liu Jun who came back.What troubled Gu Jinxian in particular was that it was said that Liu Jun was asked to come by Zhai Haojin himself.Just eye-catching glasses.

What's wrong with Zahaojin?Hand over the control of the provincial capital city?Everyone knows that Ding Yuzhou and Liu Jun are already wearing a pair of pants.Gu Jinxian's future days.It is estimated that it will be very difficult!

Looking at Liu Jun's young face and feeling his reserve, Deputy Secretary Gu couldn't help slandering Zhai Haojin a few words.He realized that the main opponent in the future will no longer be the aloof Ding Yuzhou, but this Liu Yanei.

Although Ding Yuzhou is old, he has worked in Yulan City for a long time, and he has a huge network of relationships.Gu Jinxian felt that he was not difficult to deal with.After all, Ding Yuzhou is old, and Gu Jinxian has the support of Que Haojin.

Thinking of Liu Jun's formidable methods, Gu Jinxian felt chills in his heart.This is a character that even Huo Haojin has to be careful about!

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