Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1349

The Governor of Canada takes office!Afterwards, the first executive meeting of the municipal government was held, and everyone was full of enthusiasm.Some of them were timid, even before the meeting officially started, their underwear was soaked in cold sweat.

Of course, most of these people were promoted by Wang Guozhao, who believed that Governor Liu had always been at odds with Mayor Wang, and now that he was in charge of Yulan City with thunderous power, he must cleanse dissidents.It seems that now, even the secretary of the provincial party committee has to rely on Liu Yanei's strength to clean up the mess.Not to mention Ding Yuzhou, I heard that the provincial party committee had asked him to move his position, and some bigwigs in the central government had already exchanged opinions in a small area, and it was only because of Liu Jun's forceful resistance that he got through the danger.Therefore, Ding Yuzhou will definitely support Liu Jun [-]% in the appointment and removal of personnel in the municipal government and will not interfere indiscriminately.Vice Governor Liu can do whoever he wants to adjust, and the deputy mayor can contend.

There are also a few people who are secretly excited while nervous.

These people were all cadres that Liu Jun valued when he was the deputy secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee.When Liu Jun was in Yulan City, he cooperated with the mayor Cui Fucheng.The penetration is very deep, and even the position of the top leader of the district and county can be affected.The municipal units are even under the control of Cui Fucheng and Liu Jun.Several of those attending the executive meeting of the municipal government were selected by Cui Fucheng and Liu Jun.Naturally, he prided himself on being Governor Liu's confidant.When Wang Guozhao was in office, these people were careless and trembling.Now it is really a great joy to "keep the cloud open and see the old man of the moon" and the leader has returned to Yulan City again.

With such different moods, everyone waited anxiously for the visit of Governor Liu. [

About 2 minutes before the meeting, Liu Jun came to the meeting room slowly.Executive Deputy Mayor Su Jie stood up first, and everyone stood up in unison.Applause to the young Governor Yoo.

Liu Jun also clapped his hands and walked towards the middle seat with a smile.

Under Liu Jun's gesture, the applause subsided after a while.

"Everyone, please sit down!" Governor Liu sat down on the chairman's seat and said with a smile: "From now on, we will all be colleagues in the same team. There is no need to be so polite. It will not only alienate the feelings between comrades, but also waste time."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

By convention.The new mayor held the executive meeting of the city government for the first time.We must listen to the work reports of the deputy mayors.This time is no exception.

Executive Deputy Mayor Su Jie was the first to report to Liu Jun.

Speaking of it, although Su Jie is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and executive deputy mayor, in fact, the work in charge is not much different from that of ordinary deputy mayors.The reason, of course, is because of Wang Guozhao's strong seizure of power.When Li Hui was here before, Ding Yu supported him.They were all overwhelmed by Wang Guozhao.Although Su Jie is Di Weiqing's direct confidant, the treatment is not much better.

This is Wang Guoli's advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.While controlling the city government strongly, it has lost the opportunity to listen to different opinions.Everyone is well aware of Wang Guochuang's grudge-loving character.No one would foolishly ask him any different opinions.Let him go all the way to the dark.Finally fell a huge somersault.

Su Jie's report was terse and concise, only the main points and main points were reported, and all minor issues were skipped.Liu Jun smiled and nodded.It seems that Su Jie has put a lot of effort into him, Governor Liu, and knows what Governor Liu's work style is like.

Subsequent reports from the other deputy mayors were also relatively concise.

But everyone's hearts were lifted again.

The reason is simple. Governor Liu's brows have been slightly frowned.

It seems that Liu Yanei is about to go crazy!

Yuan also knew that the new official took office three fires, and Liu Jun would definitely act like "one emperor and one courtier", but he didn't expect to come so soon, and he was ready to do it at the first executive meeting.After all, he is young and energetic, and his patience is still a bit weaker than those mature and steady provincial officials.

For a while, the conference room was silent.Not even the sound of coughing or drinking was made, and the members present were nervously waiting for Governor Liu's thunderous fury.

"That does not work!"

Liu Jun spoke.As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's already hanging hearts became even higher.

That does not work! [

It seems that there has never been a new head of currency, at the first executive meeting of the city government.Say it right out of your mouth.

After Liu Jun finished speaking these four words, he paused.His piercing eyes slowly swept across the faces of the participants.Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, with guilty expressions on their faces.As for why guilty.I'm afraid I have no idea.But obviously.Governor Liu wants to establish his prestige with this, so everyone must cooperate well.Even if he dared to look at Governor Liu forcefully.Don't you think your black hat is too secure?No matter how capable you are and how well you do your work, in front of Governor Liu, you can only bow your head and be taught.

In the entire province, who doesn't know that Liu Jun is the number one economic powerhouse!

"Why are many normal jobs delayed? Is it because of Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. that all daily work in Yulan City must be suspended?" Huan said.The smile on his face has long since been locked away, and his voice has also become astonished. Very Yin Zhouwan

When listening to the reports of the deputy mayors.Liu Jun discovered that the progress of many daily tasks.Seriously lagging behind, it seems that everyone is not in the mood to be a normal director.Although because of macro-control.It made Yulan City go up and down, and people's hearts were unstable.The officials were all terrified, fearing that they would be included in the list of cadres punished.But such slack in work, no matter what the reason, is absolutely intolerable to Liu Jun.

Since he took over Ningbei County, the team under the leadership of Liu Jun has always been known for its "efficiency".There are very few cadres who dare to say the perfunctory words of "discuss and study" in front of Liu Jun.

"Starting today, all the work of the Yulan City Government must be on the right track. The problem of Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. should be solved by setting up a special team. Don't get involved in other departments."

To everyone's surprise, Governor Liu did not get angry and criticize a certain cadre by name, but directly cut to the technical level of solving the problem.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

This is the difference between Liu Jun and Wang Guozhao.Obviously, Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. was introduced by Wang Guozhao, and the specific matters were basically handled by Wang Guozhao himself, but in name.However, Wang Guozhao never "cleared" all the time and everywhere, and always used the brand of collective research and collective decision by the municipal government.As soon as Liu Jun arrived, he immediately cut Weifeng Iron and Steel apart, and completely separated from other departments.

In the final analysis, it is a different pattern and a different mind.

In the past, everyone put Wang Guochuang and Liu Jun side by side.I think these two mayors are the most capable mayors in the province.It looks very different now.One is always afraid of taking responsibility, the other is very different.

Compare the two and judge!

And the ending is so clear.

Wang Guozhao's dismissal was definitely a devastating blow to a senior official at the departmental level.Before the macro-control, the provincial party committee actually had a conclusion, and it wanted to fight for Wang Guozhao to enjoy the treatment at the vice-ministerial level from the central government.Now, it has become a dismissal, waiting to be rescheduled.The contrast between them is dizzying.If he wants to make a comeback, it will take at least a few years, and the superiors need to continue to value him.Otherwise, Wang Guozhao, who was once the youngest cadre at the department and bureau level in the province, would probably stay put at the department and bureau level forever.

However, Liu Jun has become the youngest full-time deputy governor of the whole mother.

Compared with the vice-ministerial position of secretary of the League Central Committee Secretariat, the weight of the provincial vice-governor.Doubt is heavier.

The reason for this world of difference seems to be not only because of the backing, but also because of their own reasons.

"I know that the Weifeng Iron and Steel incident has brought great trouble to the work in the city. It is understandable that comrades are concerned about the outcome of this incident. But it is wrong to delay normal work because of this. Our Magnolia City, there is far more than Weifeng Iron and Steel Company to pay attention to, and far more than Weifeng Iron and Steel Company to solve. There are many other economic problems and people's livelihood problems in Yulan City. Waiting for us to solve and move. Because of a Weifeng Iron and Steel Company, which affects the normal operation of the whole city. To put it bluntly, the Yulan City Government is too petty!"

Liu Jun took a sip of water and said calmly.

The members of the meeting couldn't help but nodded.

The Weifeng Iron and Steel Project has indeed caused a certain degree of confusion, but it is by no means related to all sectors and industries.Those closed departments and industries, as well as the progress of daily work, are also affected. The reason is that they are still afraid of "shooting the top bird" [

Secretary Ding and Mayor Wang are both devastated by the Weifeng Iron and Steel incident, and you behaved so well.Show off your skills?At this time, the better you do your job, the more you put yourself on the opposite side of Ding Yuzhou and Wang Guozhao.It's just a slap in the face.The consequences are not usually serious.The early acorns rot first!

"The group dealing with the aftermath of Weifeng Iron and Steel Company is led by me. Comrade Zhong Yongming, Comrade Wang Liangxu of Hualin Development Zone" and others.as a group member.From now on, all affairs related to Weifeng Iron and Steel will be in charge of this group.All other comrades and various departments.Everyone should perform their duties, immediately clean up the problems left over from this period of time, and resume normal work as soon as possible.At the next municipal government executive meeting, I want to know the work progress of each department.If the problem is still not effectively resolved, if you still have this perfunctory work attitude, it proves that you are no longer suitable for the current job position, let's replace it! "

Liu Jun's tone was still calm, but the last sentence shocked everyone's heart.

Liu Jun is Liu Jun, never procrastinating, vague.

Change people without changing heads!

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