Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1356

As expected, it is the office building of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group Corporation.Rewarded by the public, it shines with a dazzling metallic luster in the sun.It looks modern.

Big Audi came to the door of the office building.Instead, someone greeted her, a young woman in uniform, who seemed to be a front desk clerk in the office building of the headquarters of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group.

The vice-governor of a province visited, and Ji Xiaoping would have been very rude if he didn't come down to greet him in person.Now even his secretary is unwilling to work hard.Just assigning such a young front desk clerk to deal with it, Ji Xiaoping behaved like this, the word "domineering" is not enough to describe it.This is to make things difficult for Liu Yanei.

Ke Qifan also vaguely knew that Yan Liu's family and Gao's family were not quite right.Especially in the face of next year's big change of office, the various factions are fighting fiercely.Ji Xiaoping would definitely not be able to withstand a struggle at this level.After all, an alternate member of the Central Committee does not even have the right to vote or be elected.In the crucial election of the Central Committee, there is no effort.So he put on a show in front of Liu Jun.

Of course, this is just Ke Qifan's guess. Ke Qifan has no idea of ​​Ji Xiaoping's true inner thoughts.perhaps.Ji Xiaoping did this on purpose, hiding some deeper purpose.After all, he has finally reached the level of alternate Central Committee member, so he shouldn't be a person with a small belly. [

Liu Jun's attitude became calmer, and he even smiled and said "thank you" to the little girl who came to lead the way!

The little girl was flattered.

Although she didn't know Liu Jun's identity, but he was surrounded by a large number of entourages, so it could be seen that he was definitely an important person.

The little girl at the front desk led Liu Jun and his party.Came to the conference room on the eighth floor.It seems that Ji Xiaoping didn't plan to have a "cordial and friendly meeting" with Vice Governor Liu in the office at all, and directly put on a negotiating posture.Didn't you, Vice Governor Liu, come to discuss cooperation matters?Then negotiate directly, so as not to waste time.

The meeting room is decorated magnificently. When I entered it, I thought I was walking into the luxurious lobby of a five-star hotel.At the end of the huge conference table, sat a man in his fifties, with a square face, big back, full of style, looking forward, awe-inspiring.It is suspected to be Ji Xiaoping, the helm of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group.

Seeing Liu Jun and his party enter the door, a young man in his thirties got up to greet him, and said with a smile: "Vice Governor, hello, I am Xiao Liu, Secretary of President Ji!" This Secretary Liu, look Looking lean and refined, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and with well-groomed hair, he stretched out his hand to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun stretched out his hand to reach out to him, and nodded calmly.

The cadres of Yulan City, seeing this appearance, already had serious expressions, and no smile could be seen on their faces.The entire conference room.Apart from Ji Xiaoping, there were several young and middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes sitting there, all of them looked proud and no one stood up to greet him.

It doesn't matter whether they are Liu Jun's direct descendants or not.All are unhappy.

Liu Jun's visit this time represented Yulan City, the majestic provincial capital city, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he represented the province.Anyway.Ji Xiaoping's behavior is too much.

Secretary Liu led Liu Jun and the others straight to Ji Xiaoping, who was at the main seat, probably wanting Liu Jun to shake hands with Ji Xiaonian.

Zhong Yongming and the others could not help but pause for a while.

They came to Dongfang Iron and Steel Group for help, that's right.But it is also a mutually beneficial cooperation negotiation. Dongfang Iron and Steel Group is so deceiving. Whether it is necessary to continue this negotiation is worth considering.The large domestic steel enterprises are not limited to Dongfang Iron and Steel Group.Even in the province, there is also a nationally renowned giant steel company that is fully capable of taking over Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

According to the strength Liu Jun has shown in the past, even if he walks away now.Not surprisingly.

Unexpectedly, without the slightest hesitation, Liu Jun followed Secretary Liu and strode up to Ji Xiaoping.Ji Xiaoping waited until Liu Jun stood very close to the chair, then slowly got up, stretched out his hand to Liu Jun, and said with a fake smile: "Welcome Vice Governor Liu to come to our company as a guest."

Liu Jun didn't seem to notice Ji Xiaoping's domineering, and reached out to hold him, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ji."

"Hehe, Vice Governor Liu, I'm really sorry today. I originally agreed to meet with you at 09:30 in the morning, but I have a temporary foreign affairs arrangement. Mr. John, the representative of the president of Australia's BHP Billiton Company, came to visit suddenly, so I had to neglect Vice Governor Liu Now, please don't take offense!"

Ji Xiaoping laughed and said in a condescending tone.Rather than explaining to Liu Jun, it is better to say it is a demonstration.

The so-called foreign affairs arrangements cannot be temporary.As one of the world's three major mining giants, BHP Billiton's assistant to the president's visit really deserves Ji Xiaoping's other affairs.Personal reception.After all, Dongfang Iron and Steel Group produces more than 2000 million tons of steel per year and has a huge demand for ore. No matter how important it is to Mr. John, it cannot be overstated.However, John is absolutely "Ge; Fanji is imitating, come! Before, Bishi and Dongfang Group have a dispute and foul association... Er Xiaoping can definitely make proper arrangements for the meeting time, neither neglecting John, nor Neglect Liu Jun. [

Such a statement is just another manifestation of Ji Xiaoping's domineering.

I just despise you, what!

"Mr. Ji is too polite. Foreign affairs arrangements are of course the top priority. We can delay our family affairs and receive guests first.

Liu Jun still kept smiling.

Seeing the calm appearance of the young man in front of him, Ji Xiaoping felt his heart pounding.

This young man is really too calm.It completely exceeded Ji Xiaoping's expectation.The first time Ji Xiaoping officially talked about Liu Jun with others was at a private party not long ago.Of course, the status and status of the participants in the so-called private gatherings are all very important. Most of them are the backbone of the direct line of the high school. Except for one person, everyone's position is above the real power deputy ministerial level.And the only exception is the core figure of the party: Gao Changhong, the grandson of the Gao family.

In the past, such private gatherings were usually hosted by Gao Jinghan or other core members of the high school, and there was no specific topic.The main thing is to gather some high-ranking officials together, chat and talk, and enhance their relationship with each other.Even in many cases, it is just some interesting anecdotes.There's not much that really talks about the political landscape.

As far as Ji Xiaoping knows, such gatherings are held many times a year in different places in different places. It is a bit similar to some government meetings today. It is obviously a meeting to discuss how to save money, but it is necessary to get They are held in scenic spots in other provinces. Most of the participants are fixed. The heads of state-owned enterprises gather in one circle, and the serious party and government senior cadres gather in another circle.

What Ji Xiaoping attended were gatherings among heads of state-owned enterprises.

Recently, the Gao Department is focusing on cultivating the third generation of successors, and Gao Changhong has gradually replaced Gao Jinghan.Be the host of the party.Of course, for gatherings attended by high officials from Xinjiang, the host must be Politburo member Gao Jingzhang.But that level of circle.Ji Xiaoping still couldn't get in.At the private gathering not long ago, Gao Changhong suddenly asked about the operation mode of the steel company.Naturally, no one is as proficient as Ji Xiaoping in this aspect, so he pulled himself together and showed a good performance to Young Master Gao.But besides showing off, Ji Xiaoping was also a little strange, why did Young Master Gao suddenly become interested in making steel?

Not only Ji Xiaoping was puzzled, but also the CEOs of other state-owned enterprises present at the meeting were also puzzled.

Is Gao Changhong going to work in a state-owned enterprise?

Maybe that's also possible.Gao Changhong is young and has been at the bureau level for many years, and it's time for him to make progress.At such a sensitive moment, it is a bit shocking to be directly sent to a certain province to be a deputy governor or a member of the provincial party committee.If you make progress in the ministry, it will be even more dazzling.At this time, it is just right to make a curve to save the country, to go to a state-owned enterprise to be gilded, and to raise the level by the way.After next year's general election is completed and the overall situation is finalized, it will be more obscure to get away from state-owned enterprises and arrange to work in local party committees and governments.It will not attract the excessive attention of other factions.

Gao Changhong naturally saw everyone's confusion, explained a few words with a smile, and didn't hide much.Only then did everyone understand.Gao Changhong might be sent to Yulan City to take over and clean up the mess.

At that time Ji Xiaoping patted his chest.It is said that if Gao Changhong goes to Yulan City, the problem of Weifeng Iron and Steel will be solved by him, Lao Ji, so that the paint will be bright and bright, and there will be no future troubles.

At that gathering, Ji Xiaoping learned that Gao Changhong's competitor was Liu Jun.For Liu Jun, Ji Xiaoping has been famous for a long time.How could Ji Xiaoping know all about the outstanding successors appointed by several major factions in the officialdom?

In the end, Liu Jun won and became the vice-governor of the province and mayor of Yulan.

This made Ji Xiaoping very upset.

Ji Xiaoping is a deputy ministerial-level senior official who was single-handedly promoted by the Gao family. The family has a deep relationship with the Gao family, and he followed the Gao family wholeheartedly.Now Liu Jun actually compared Gao Changhong.From Ji Xiaoping's point of view, he was ashamed.

Not to mention Liu Jun, even the entire Yanliu Clan is nothing more than an upstart, how can it be compared with the founding fathers of the Gao family, a wealthy family?

Of course, Gao Changhong himself didn't want to go to Yulan City to "jump into the fire pit" and personally kissed Liu Jun to Zhai Haojin, but Ji Xiaoping didn't know about it.His level is not enough for Gao Changhong to reveal such "insider information" to him.

Suppose Liu Jun avoids Dongfang Iron and Steel Group after taking over Yulan City.It's okay to think of another way.No matter how upset Ji Xiaoping was, he could only endure it.I never expected that Liu Jun would take the initiative to deliver [

Naturally, Ji Xiaoping was not polite, and he had to show his "bad breath" to Gao Dashao. (To be continued), if you want to know what will happen next, please visit the chapter for more.support

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