Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1360 Victory in Sight

Governor Bi has a habit of governing the local area. Whenever he goes to a place, Huo will take time to stroll around the streets.Of course, the so-called one person refers to the absence of a secretary or other entourage, excluding the two bodyguards who replaced Xu Wen and Wei Chunshan.After a period of running-in.Li Shan and Liu Jun had reached a certain level of tacit understanding, so Xu Wenhe and Wei Chunshan honorably "retired" and went to Jiangkou City, where the Qiushui Group headquarters is located.Heizi arranged new jobs for them there.

Before parting, Liu Jun specially invited Xu and Wei to have a good drink to fulfill the friendship between host and guest for over ten years.Fortunately, they are still working in Qiushui Group.It's not "life and death"

Magnolia is where Liu Jun used to work.Liu Jun is actually quite familiar with this city.However, after leaving for more than three years, Yulan City has undergone considerable changes.The purpose of Liu Jun's strolling in the streets is not to familiarize himself with the city, but to improve his thinking on governing the city through various phenomena he saw while shopping.

After this, Governor Liu became very enthusiastic again.After dinner, Anbu took the car and went to the street.

Governor Liu's good mood also has its origins. [

After half a month of negotiations, the cooperation agreement between Dongfang Iron and Steel Group Corporation and Yulan City was formally signed.Basically, according to Liu Jun's original thinking, Dongfang Iron and Steel Group took over Weifeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in its entirety.Yulan City invested five billion yuan.Eight shares accounted for 20.00%.Compared with Liu Jun's original request, it was three percentage points more.This is Zhong Yongming's credit.

Zhong Yongming is very good at business, seeing Ji Xiaoping's arrogant and respectful attitude towards Liu Jun, he guessed that Ji Xiaoping might have something big in Liu Jun's hands.Being held by others hurts my feet.That being the case, why not "take advantage of the fire"?Immediately, together with Wang Liangxu and Wu Shijiang, they proposed a request for an additional [-]% of the shares.

I thought the other party would hesitate for a while.Those who ask for instructions from the left and report to the right can only get a result after a lot of hustle and bustle, and maybe they have to bargain again.After all, this is not a partnership to open a food stall, but a giant enterprise with a total investment of more than 200 billion, not to mention [-]% of the shares, even [-]%, or even [-]% of the shares.All a lot of money.Zhong Yongming also opened his mouth like a lion, asking for a lot of money.The other party must pay back the money on the spot.No matter what, it is good to be able to win a little more shares.

Unexpectedly, the representative of Dongfang Group agreed without any hesitation, which was beyond the expectation of Zhong Yongming and others, and at the same time, he was full of joy.More affirmed the conjecture of "holding the painful foot".

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to make such a big concession for no reason.

By the time the negotiation was over, the two sides had gotten to know each other very well. At the celebration reception, the vice president of the Eastern Group, who served as the chief negotiator, patted Zhong Yongming on the shoulder while drinking, saying that he was too timid to dare to talk too much. want.

Zhong Yongming was puzzled and asked for advice immediately.

The vice president said with a smile that President Ji had instructed him to try his best to meet the requirements of Yulan City, and he could give Yulan City a maximum of 30.00% of the shares.Zhong Yongming only asked for three more points, which was a surprise to the vice president of the Eastern Group, as he overfulfilled the task.

After hearing these words, Zhong Yongming beat his chest and stamped his feet, feeling very annoyed.

Since Mao is still too petty, he doesn't understand the mentality of the "big boss" at all.As far as Zhong Yongming is concerned, winning three percentage points more is a benefit of [-] million yuan, which can be called a great achievement; as far as Ji Xiaoping is concerned, what is a mere few points of shares?Their annual operating income is close to the [-] billion mark.The giants of state-owned enterprises are really rich and powerful.When Zhong Yongming reported to Liu Jun when he arrived here.His face was full of "regret".

Liu Jun comforted him with a smile, don't need to be depressed.As long as the cooperation agreement can be signed smoothly, the Yu and Lan cities will have already solved the big problem.

In fact, this is also the case. There are no more than two difficulties facing Weifeng Iron and Steel Company in its aftermath.One is the country's macro-control.This point, after Dongfang Iron and Steel Group Corporation took over.Easy to solve.Central leadership made it clear.Support this cooperation.It not only expands the scale of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group, but also solves the problem of Yulan City.The best of both worlds.The second is capital, especially fundraising.Weifeng Iron and Steel Company involves construction with capital, unit fundraising and individual fundraising.As many as more than 100 billion, if there is no giant company to take over, this 100 billion is just one, super explosive, and it may explode at any time, making the leaders of the province and Yulan City anxious and restless.Now the Eastern Group takes over.This problem is also easily solved.

The two sides agreed that the first priority will be to return the funds raised by the masses.

After the masses saw the announcement of Hualin Development Zone.Weeping with joy, rushing to tell each other, all of a sudden.The vicinity of Weifeng Iron and Steel Company was boiling.The streets and alleys soon remembered the sound of crackling firecrackers, and the fund-raising crowd celebrated with this.talk to each other.Naturally, everyone praised the new mayor's great achievements!

This young mayor is really not bragging.Promise two, return the fundraising funds within a month, and now in less than a month, there will be results.

The famous name of Liu Jun spread quickly among the people, and the towel who was familiar with Liu Jun's situation told other citizens triumphantly that this Mayor Liu was called "Liu Qingtian" by the people of Qianzhou when he was in Qianzhou. ".

When Zhong Yongming reported to Liu Jun, he was also beaming.According to the statistics of the Management Committee of Hualin Development Zone, more than half of the people who raised funds demanded to get back the raised funds.I was really scared.There are also a small half of the people who see that Mayor Liu keeps his word.He is a solid leader and has some understanding of the background of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group.He felt that the factory had a bright future, so he didn't want to get back the funds raised. He hoped that the government would follow the previous agreement and arrange for his children to work in the factory after the factory was completed and put into operation.

As long as the factory works, it's a good job.

A person cannot give up eating because of choking. [

The amount of fundraising that needs to be returned is about [-] million to less than [-] million.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "This is not forced or obstructed, it is up to the masses to decide."

Continuing the previous agreement and arranging for the children of the fund-raising crowd to work in the factory is also one of the contents of this negotiation.The Eastern Group naturally wouldn't have much opinion on such conditions.Anyway, after the factory starts, it really needs a large number of apprentices.

As for the funds raised by many enterprises and units in Yulan City, it is even a huge amount, reaching more than fifty.[-] million.For this money, the opinions of the two parties are relatively consistent, and they are not in a hurry to return it for the time being.According to the bank loan interest calculation, it will be repaid gradually within five years.In principle, it is regarded as a loan, not as a share capital.

Of course, there are also three, six, and nine grades here. The unit is not very well-off, and it is urgently waiting for money.Pay first, and postpone the rest.

The other big head is the construction unit's capital and the payment owed to the building materials company.reached tens of billions.Dongfang Iron and Steel Group and Yulan City have also reached a consensus on this aspect.Return the payment owed to the building materials company first.After all, building materials companies need more working capital turnover.The amount in arrears is too large and the time is too long, which will have a great impact on the business of the building materials company.Most of these building materials companies are enterprises in Yulan City, which affects their development and even their survival, and will also cause serious social problems.As for the capital-bearing funds of the construction unit, it is the same as the fund-raising funds, calculated according to the bank loan interest, and repaid in installments within five years.

Dongfang Iron and Steel Group promised that once the relevant approval procedures of the national ministries and commissions are finalized, it can actually take over. If all goes well, it is estimated that the first phase of the project will be completed and put into operation in the middle of next year.At that time, this steel project will truly bring huge economic and social benefits to Yulan City.

"Governor, please give me instructions on how to name the new steel company."

Zhong Yongming said to Liu Jun with a smile.

This is also one of Ji Xiaoping's ways of showing favor to Liu Jun.It is said that the Eastern Group is the major shareholder.The Iron and Steel Company in Yulan City will become a holding subsidiary of Dongfang Group, and the naming rights of this new company should be in Ji Xiaoping's hands.

Liu Jun was not polite either, and said with a smile: "I think this new company should be named after Shuguang. After so much trouble, it is finally Shuguang."

Zhong Yongming nodded again and again, full of emotion: "Yes, it is indeed quite a tossing. Now victory is in sight!"

In fact, Zhong Yongming's happiness is even higher than that of Liu Jun.For this pile of steel.For more than half a year, Zhong Yongming can be said to be unwilling to eat and sleep, and even woke up several times in the middle of the night, sweating all over, and for this he was punished by the organization.Now I finally keep the clouds open to see the moonlight.Once the heavy burden in my heart falls to the ground, the ease and joy are simply indescribable.

However, Liu Jun also warned Zhong Yongming not to slack off.Although a formal contract has been signed, it doesn't necessarily mean everything will be fine.There are many things.It needs to be implemented one by one.

Zhong Yongming nodded again and again, and asked, "Governor, what about investing five billion yuan in our city?"

Liu Jun knew that Zhong Yongming was worried about funding.In recent years, the economy of Yulan City has achieved considerable development, especially the rapid rise of Changhe High-tech Zone, which has made Yulan City's fiscal revenue continue to hit new highs.However, the city's total fiscal revenue last year was less than [-] billion.

Cooperate with Dongfang Group to invest [-] billion in steel projects.This amount of funds must not be used by the city's finances.

"Hehe, don't worry about this. With the support of the big brand of Dongfang Iron and Steel Group, there will be many banks willing to lend to us."

Zhong Yongming smiled reassuringly.

Now, he wholeheartedly admires Liu Jun.Since Liu Jun proposed to participate in shares of five billion.I must have made sufficient preparations long ago, so I have to worry about it myself.

After successfully solving the remaining problems of Weifeng Iron and Steel Company, Governor Liu was in a good mood, so he wandered around the streets of Yulan City and got up to relax.

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