Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1378 Qiu Qingchuan's Predicament

Qiu Qingchuan simply replied.

Liu Jun smiled slightly, and said, "Of course. If you want to cut the flesh again, can you not fight hard?"

Qiu Qingchuan also smiled, then frowned slightly.He is a recognized financial elite in China.Only Liu Jun has a better understanding of the history of the evolution of the central bank's responsibilities.

Since the establishment of the central bank, it has a history of 54 years, but for a long time, it has existed as a commercial bank with many branches all over the country to handle normal banking business.It was not until [-]: when the state-owned commercial banks were established and the central bank was separated from commercial banks that it became a real banking management institution.

Because the country had just started reform and opening up at that time.The scope of work of the central bank, especially the scope of supervision is very extensive.For example, all financial businesses that occur in the country are within the scope of the central bank's supervision.With the continuous acceleration of the pace of reform and opening up.All kinds of financial businesses are developing at an astonishing speed. The central bank's regulatory responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier, and it is gradually unable to keep up with the situation.Afterwards, two successive divestitures of supervisory responsibilities took place. [

In [-], the Securities Industry Regulatory Commission was established, which removed the responsibility of securities supervision from the central bank and was directly responsible to the State Council.After a lapse of six years, at the end of the last century, the Insurance Regulatory Commission was established, and the regulatory responsibilities of the insurance industry were recorded out.

Although this is the general trend of economic development, in a sense, it is also a weakening of the responsibility and authority of the central bank.

And now, it is necessary to remove the supervisory responsibility for the banking industry. How can there be no hurry to "compete"?

"I think it's better to separate." Liu Jun smiled and said, "It's not a problem to be both an athlete and a referee."

Qiu Nachuan nodded again.

Liu Jun's so-called being both an athlete and a referee refers to the relationship between the central bank and commercial banks in various countries.Due to historical reasons, the relationship between the central bank and commercial banks is not pure.Some people joked that the central bank has a "mother-in-law relationship" with state-owned commercial banks and a "father-son relationship" with credit unions, which shows the deep involvement.It is difficult for the central bank's supervision to really be put in place.

[-].Approved by the State Council, the central bank established the Monetary Policy Committee to further strengthen its financial control capabilities.But because of the special relationship with state-owned commercial banks.The central bank often implements monetary policy based on the interests of the financial industry itself.It is no longer the general environment of the entire market that determines monetary policies such as interest rates, money supply, etc., which distorts the exercise of monetary policy and regulatory responsibilities.

"Monetary policy regulation and banking regulatory regulation are two different things. It is better to separate them."

Qiu Qingchuan also agreed with Liu Jun's opinion.

Liu Jun asked: "So, basically, this matter has been settled?"

In his memory, the Banking Regulatory Commission was indeed established, but he couldn't remember the exact time of its establishment.Moreover, after rebirth, it seems that the butterfly effect is becoming more and more obvious. Many things are not quite the same as in the previous life. Liu Jun is not sure whether there will be unexpected changes in this matter.Looking into the distance, Qiu Qingchuan said, "Judging from the current situation, the idea of ​​separation has gained the upper hand. But it is not that simple to actually implement it. It is estimated that it will be next year at the earliest."

Liu Jun smiled: "Yes, everything must be stable now."

According to Boss Hong's personality, he might very much want to finalize and implement this matter before his term of office ends.However, the current political situation in the country requires stability, and Boss Hong can't stick to his own opinion too much.early next year.With the election of the new government completed, it is estimated that this matter will be officially put into action. It can be regarded as a big move for the new prime minister.

"How about it, are you interested?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

Qiu Jingchuan remained silent and handed him a cigarette.Then he lit one himself, took a puff, took a deep breath, shook his head, and stopped talking.

Liu Jun also knew that Qiu Caichuan was not easy to make a decision.

He was previously the Deputy Director of the Central Bank's Monetary Policy Department and one of the main members of the central bank's monetary policy formulation.After leaving the central bank, he stayed in the Provincial Construction Bank for several years.Very successful in business.As far as Qiu Qing’s heart is concerned, she still hopes to stay in the banking system. However, after the establishment of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, its authority is also obvious. Moreover, a new establishment of such a powerful institution also requires real talents to join it. With Qiu Qingchuan’s ability , qualifications and background, if he enters the newly established China Banking Regulatory Commission, even if he cannot win the position of chairman, he will definitely become one of the most important deputies. Although he is still a deputy department at the level, the position is more important. The leg stepped into the threshold of the ministerial level.

"What does it mean?" [

Liu Jun asked again.

Qiu Qingchuan invited him to a party today, it was definitely not just a simple gathering of friends, to connect with each other, and to exchange opinions on this matter with him was the key point.

What started as a personal friendship has progressed to the stage of a political ally.

Both of them have also grown into..." Henkel cadres, with "a strong and stable position in each other's faction.It's also time to add photos and start divination.Of course, such an important job arrangement.It will definitely go through a lot of work, and no one can make the decision alone.

Qiu Qingchuan smiled slightly: "Fight even harder!"

Liu Jun couldn't help laughing.

For such an important position, the fierce battle will naturally only become more intense.

Liu Jun pondered for a while, and said: "If you have to choose between the two, my personal suggestion is that it is better to go to the old unit."

Qiu Qingchuan was slightly surprised, glanced at Liu Jun, and asked, "Why?"

He thought that Liu Jun would support him to go to the Banking Regulatory Commission.After all, the establishment of a new unit can better demonstrate its ability and achieve better results.But Liu Jun suggested that he return to his "old club" must have a reason.

Liu Jun was not in a hurry to speak, and walked slowly with his hands behind his back, while Qiu Qingchuan walked side by side with him.

"From my point of view, some people are arguing fiercely, and they are only afraid that the Banking Regulatory Commission will be established immediately. They can get out of the quagmire."

The two walked slowly along the bluestone path in the back garden to the huge pond.Liu Juncai said slowly, his brows furrowed slightly.

Qiu Qingchuan was taken aback and frowned.

"Bad debt in the bank?"

Liu Jun nodded, and said: "Yes! You should be more aware of this situation than I am. The amount is not small, right?" Qiu Qingchuan smiled wryly, and sighed: "It's not just an astronomical figure, it's only in Mingzhu City, the province. "The bad debts of these provinces add up to nearly five figures. "

Qiu Qingchuan said the names of six provinces and cities in one breath.These are the provincial administrative regions with the fastest economic development.

This time it was Liu Jun's turn to be surprised.He also vaguely guessed that the bank's bad debts were not in decimal numbers, but it was quite unexpected for him to reach five figures.This is only six provinces.Wouldn't it be even more astonishing if the other provinces and regions in the country add up?

This is all in "[-] million yuan" as the unit!

"so smart?"

"The specific data is not very clear, but the difference will not be very far." Big quagmire! "

Qiu Qingchuan sighed again, and suddenly understood what Liu Jun meant.Faced with such an astonishing amount of bad debts in the bank, someone should be held accountable if we seriously pursue it.As Liu Jun said, some people can't wait to get rid of this big burden.That's why. [

"Since this is the case, let's not go. It's better not to do things that have been passed on for others. It's hot!"

Liu Jun said in a deep voice.

As soon as the China Banking Regulatory Commission was established, it had to face such an astonishing amount of bank bad debts, as well as other inexplicable and intricate relationships. Qiu Qingchuan's going would probably be a thankless effort.Because he is here.Save the thunderous means of rectifying the financial order, maybe someone will bring him to the front of the stage and go to the mines.Aren't you Comrade Qiu Qingchuan very capable?Then it will be too much work for you!

This is a real big mud tower, if you are not careful.You will be stuck in it, unable to extricate yourself.

"So, from my own opinion, I still have to look again. It's best not to go anywhere."

Qiu Qingchuan stepped onto the small bridge leading to the gazebo in the center of the pond, and said in a low voice.

The battle is so fierce, whether it is going to the central bank or the China Banking Regulatory Commission, it may not be the best choice.Di Qingchuan wants to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and watch the changes, which is a good way to "respond to all changes with the same"

Walking into the gazebo, Liu Jun supported the wooden railing of the gazebo with both hands, looking at the quiet water.Shaking his head, he said, "The fish in this water seem to be free and at ease, but if you really want to catch them and stew them in braised sauce, they won't be able to resist, right?"

Qiu Qingchuan said calmly: "In your mind, am I just a fish? No resistance at all?"

Liu Jun also said flatly: "The appointment of cadres is not up to you."

Qiu Qingchuan remained silent.

Liu Jun's words are not pleasant, but they are the truth.In the eyes of ordinary people, both he and Liu Jun can already be regarded as high-ranking big shots with great prestige.Invincible.But in the eyes of high-level bosses.They are still just a pawn, how to go, where to go, it doesn't matter what they say.At the end of last year, why was Liu Jun willing to go back to the province?

The problems faced by Qiu Qingchuan's faction.It's not at all easier than Yan Liu's family.when necessary.Someone needs to make a sacrifice.

"The appointment of cadres is indeed not up to us, but it is not up to a certain person."

After a while, Qiu Qing said slowly, a resolute look flashed across her face.

Liu Jun smiled, sighed leisurely, and said: "Actually, I told you long ago that at some point, if you can jump out of the inherent field, it might not be a good thing."

Qiu Qingchuan glanced at Liu Jun with a very serious expression.

Liu Jun nodded and said with a smile: "I think, let's go together. Save it, and introduce a few friends from Jiangkou City to you by the way. Jiangkou is a good place!" ",

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