Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1404 General Motors Has A Moth

Bi Junlian received two important telegrams in the office

The first call was from Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan's voice was very anxious, and he hurriedly said: "Governor, what happened to the Americans, the limited supply of our engines and spare parts has begun."

Liu Jun listened quietly, not in a hurry to speak.

"I called Lehman and Lehman said. They have a lot of factories that need to supply. They can't produce now, so they will cut our supply and say. If things continue. We must continue to reduce. When the normal supply will be restored, we are not sure for the time being. I hope we can understand," Zhao Yan said, panting, somewhat intermittently, obviously very disturbed and angry. [

Anything that cannot be produced must be an excuse.The Americans are clearly on the neck of Changfeng Company.

Then, Zhao Yan heard laughter on the phone.

That's right, it's laughter!

Governor Liu seemed to be smiling happily.

For a moment, Zhao Yan was a little dizzy and couldn't get back to his senses.

There is really nothing ridiculous about this matter, let alone any pleasant factor.If it was in Huarong Road, I'm afraid Zhao Yan would be startled and ask "why is Chengxiang laughing?"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Very well, I've been waiting for him to do this for a long time."

Zhao Yan fainted again, and then asked: "Governor, what should we do now?"

"Continue production. You tell Lehman to restore normal supply within seven days, or you will bear the consequences."

Liu Jun ordered calmly.


Although Zhao Yan still didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Liu Jun's gourd, he carried out the order without hesitation.

"Old Zhao. Don't worry. The sky won't fall. Butcher Zhang is dead. We don't eat plucked pigs either."

Liu Jun knew that Zhao Yan was impatient, so he was afraid that he would feel uneasy, so he said something more.

Sure enough, Zhao Yan heard what Liu Jun said.Settle down immediately.According to Zhao Yan's understanding of Liu Jun, if Governor Liu said this, he must have a well-thought-out plan, and the follow-up measures will be revealed soon!As long as the cronies and subordinates who have followed Liu Jun for a long time will have this almost superstitious worship mentality towards Liu Jun.The so-called prestige is built on such a solid foundation.

Hang up Zhao Yan's phone.Liu Jun leaned back, lit a cigarette, frowned slightly, thinking about something silently.A cigarette was almost finished, Liu Jun extinguished the cigarette butt, and was about to reach for the phone, but the phone rang first.

"Hi, I'm Liu Jun."

"Hehe, Governor Liu, hello, I'm Shen Guangyun!"

A thick male voice came from the phone, it was Shen Guangyun, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.Minister Shin is tall, has a loud voice, and has a great personality in appearance.His voice matched his figure very well.Masculine charm. [

"Minister Shin, hello!"

Liu Jun greeted politely.

He was not surprised at all that Shen Guangyun called him.If Shen Guangyun didn't call, Liu Jun would feel a little surprised.After all, Gao Weiqing had clearly informed Shen Guangyun that he was in charge of Changfeng Company and was negotiating with General Motors.In fact, Liu Jun is also hosting.Even for the sake of his old man Liu Jincai, Shen Guangyun would call.

Otherwise, it would be too out of line with officialdom rules.

"Governor Liu, according to Comrade Weiqing's introduction, your provincial government has a division of labor. Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation is in charge of you?"

"Yes, Minister Shen. I am temporarily in charge of the state-owned enterprises in Yulan City."

Liu Jun replied, especially to explain that this concurrent management is temporary in nature.This is also a setback for Wang Shaodong.This "part-time job" will eventually be returned to the deputy governor in charge of the industrial port.Long-term concurrent management, forcibly cutting a piece out of the industry, is unreasonable and will cause some unnecessary contradictions.

"Then Governor Liu should be very clear about the negotiations between Changfeng Company and General Motors, right?"

"Yes, I am currently in charge of this negotiation. May I ask what instructions Minister Shin has?"

Shen Guangyun laughed, and said: "Hehe. Governor Liu is too polite, and I dare not take instructions. Let's discuss with each other." Governor Liu, GM has already responded, and is going to reduce our supply and limit the supply. Has Governor Liu received a report on this situation? "

"Well, Comrade Zhao Yan called me just now."

Liu Jun replied calmly.

He had just received Zhao Yan's call here, and Shen Guangyun already knew about it, perhaps even getting the news one step ahead of him.Then this news definitely did not come from Changfeng Company.There must be another way.This shows that Liu Jun's previous analysis is correct, and GM has used many means other than negotiation.It is hoped that through these channels, the province and Changfeng Company will be imposed


"Then, what does Governor Liu think about this issue?"

Shen Guangyun asked, his voice became low.Seems to be very concerned.

Liu Jun smiled lightly and said: "The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us. He wants to jam our necks, and we don't need to hang ourselves from a tree. I plan to contact other car manufacturers. GM defaulted first. Our contact with other automakers is not a breach of contract. General Motors owns 30.00% of Changfeng’s shares, and they really want to go their own way. It’s not like we don’t have ways to sanction them!”

Shen Chanyun pondered: "Contact other vapor poison manufacturers? Governor Liu, do you have any candidates?"

Without much hesitation, Liu Jun replied: "Yes. There are currently two of them, one is Toyota from Japan and the other is Peugeot from France."

These two.They are also extremely powerful international well-known automakers, ranking among the top ten in the world.Especially Toyota Corporation of Japan.It has been closely following General Motors, coveting the throne of the number one automaker from time to time.The two companies fought openly and secretly.Competition is fiercer than.Shen Guangyun immediately understood Liu Jun's operation intention.

Facing the fastest-growing automobile consumer market in the world, all well-known automobile manufacturers are trying their best to squeeze in and get a share of the pie.As long as Liu Jun and Changfeng company wave to these manufacturers.On Toyota or Peugeot.They will rush over to make contact with this side.Especially Toyota, it is estimated that it will not give up any chance to attack GM.

Use barbarians to control barbarians! [

Although this technique is ancient, it is often very effective.

"Governor Liu, this negotiation is very important. Success or failure is related to the future trend of my country's auto industry. Let's do this. The Ministry intends to appoint several experts and scholars who are familiar with the auto industry to assist Governor Liu and Changfeng Company to do a good job this time. Negotiation. I don't know what Governor Liu wants?"

Shen Guangyun made it clear what he came for.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Welcome, comrades from the Ministry are welcome to come over and point out brother. Thank you, Minister Shen, for your strong support for our work."

The Ministry of Foreign Economic and Trade Cooperation is the official department.Experienced the difficult negotiation of "accession to WTO".The negotiating experts in the Ministry can be said to be a collection of masters, and it is of course more beneficial for the negotiation to be able to get the support of the expert team.

Shen Guangyun moved very quickly, the day after he finished talking with Liu Jun on the phone.The expert team arrived at Yu.Lan City.

The so-called expert group consisted of only three people, and the leader was Wei Lan, a director of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.He is in his forties, gentle and polite, and looks very scholarly. If he says he is a professor at a university, it will be more convincing.

In this expert group, the real expert is Wei Lan alone, and the other two are Wei Lan's secretary.One is Wei Lan's assistant and English translator.Liu Jun has also heard about Wei Lan.It is known that he is a member of the WTO accession negotiating team.It has made great contributions to my country's successful accession to the WTO.

Liu Jun gave Wei Lan and his party a very high courtesy, and appointed Secretary Ke Qifan and the director of the municipal government office to greet them at the airport in person, and directly led the three experts into the mayor's office.

"Liu Luchang, I admire you very much!"

As soon as he met Liu Jun, Wei Lan held Liu Jun's hand tightly and said repeatedly.

Liu Jun smiled and thanked, "Weiss is overrated."

"It's by no means an exaggeration. Wei Lan really admires Governor Liu's courage and foresight. He is farsighted. He is truly farsighted, with a pillar of vision!"

Wei Lan's expression and words were very sincere.There was also a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Hehe, Wei Siyuan has been working hard, please sit down. Everyone please sit down and chat slowly."

Wei Lan and others: Everyone sat down as promised, including Wei Lan, the waists of the three of them were all straight.Like being in front of the superior leader, I dare not slack off in the slightest.

even though.Liu Jun's position is slightly higher than Wei Lan's, but they are not related to each other.Moreover, cadres of national ministries and commissions often have a certain sense of superiority in front of local cadres.However, Liu Jun is naturally an exception. Almost no department-level cadres of the national ministries and commissions dare to show off their superiority in front of Liu Jun.

That's called being uncomfortable.

"Governor Liu, Changfeng's move this time is of extraordinary significance. Once the negotiation is successful, it will definitely change the pattern of the domestic automobile manufacturing industry in a short period of time. It will lay a solid foundation for the real development of my country's automobile industry in the future. A very solid foundation. For the future of my country's auto industry, Governor Liu and the cadres of Changfeng Company are willing to take great risks, and they are far-sighted! I was ecstatic when I heard the news in the Ministry. To be honest Governor Liu, I am here to assist you in your work. I took the initiative to apply to Minister Guangyun. We will do our best!"

Wei Lan is worthy of being a negotiator expert, her speech is clear, her words are clear and powerful, her heart is full of breath, and her voice is very contagious.

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "Weiss, I won't say more polite words. Since we are here, we are a family. Weiss is right. This negotiation is of extraordinary significance to us. We will do our best to Let's go, and strive for an all-round victory!"

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