Uncle Wu, come, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Tang Z from Hongyang Enamel Factory.My hometown is our Jiulipu Commune in Xiangyang County.Tang Gong, this is my fifth uncle, Liu Jinwen, secretary of the Liujiashan brigade. "

I introduced Uncle Wu and Tang Yuanying.

Uncle Wu didn't know why I suddenly found such a retired old engineer to come to Liujiashan.Hongyang City Enamel Factory?It seems that it has nothing to do with Liujiashan.

When I shook hands with Tang Yuanying, I was a little confused.

I introduced Sun Youdao and the driver again. [

Hearing that Sun Youdao was the director of the County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Uncle Wu was more polite when he shook hands.

The director of the county supply and marketing cooperative can be regarded as a role in a county.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down, and Zhang Yunxia was free to serve tea.

"Uncle Wu, Director Sun specially invited Mr. Tang to Liujiashan to discuss with you about building an enamel factory in Liujiashan."

Sun Youdao gave me a strange look, how did Xindao become my idea?If you think about it carefully, isn't it just your own head?When Xiaojun said this, he probably didn't want to reveal his bottom line in front of Tang Yuanying.

Regarding my shareholding in Tengfei Machinery Factory, Sun Youdao actually didn't know the inside story very well, but only vaguely guessed something.I am very careful about these things, and I don't want to hide anything from Sun Youdao just because he is my best friend.

Since it is a secret.The fewer people who know about it, the better.

If it weren't for the need for me to build a bridge today.I might not even come here.Although the time has entered 1980.policy.The degree of looseness is still very limited.

But I vaguely remember it.The four major special economic zones are approved for construction this year.The first batch of Sino-foreign joint ventures in China.It was also formally approved and established this year.The market economy started gradually.It's just a matter of time.

"Build an enamel factory?"

Uncle Wu has also seen the world now.In charge of such a large stall as Tengfei Machinery Factory.For building another enamel factory.Not too surprised.Immediately calculate the feasibility of this move in my heart.

"How much money do you need?"

Hehe, Uncle Wu is now talking about "funds" instead of "money".

Everyone looked at Tang Yuanying.

"That depends on how big your building is."

I laughed and said, "Be careful at the beginning. One guy will definitely not be able to operate on a scale as large as the Hongyang City Enamel Factory."

Tang Yuanying was even more surprised when she saw that I was talking in the same way. She glanced at me and said, "It's easier to only produce washbasins. If cups and enamel bowls are also produced, at least four hydraulic punching machines are needed." , a crimping machine, a pickling workshop, an enamel workshop, a flower spray workshop, a enamel workshop, a finished product warehouse, and gantry cranes are also essential.... Well, at least 25 investment is required To 30..."

Uncle Wu frowned slightly.On the books of Tengfei Factory, there is only 18 cash in cash.

"Funding is not an issue."[

I said lightly.

All eyes are on me.

I just nodded and said no more.The profit of the brick factory is very stable, about 2000 yuan per month. Now the number in my passbook has exceeded six figures.The profit balance of Qiaoqiao Bakery is also more than 3 yuan.Living in a small place like Xiangyang County, with a huge sum of nearly 20 yuan in hand, the biggest pain is that I have nowhere to spend it.It doesn't matter if you take some of it out and put it in the enamel factory.

With the current profitability of Tengfei Factory, it will take less than two months to return the money.When necessary, you can hit President Zheng's idea again.Besides, building a factory is not a matter of a day or two. It is necessary to design the architectural drawings of the factory building first, and then do the infrastructure construction. Naturally, the specifications of the factory building cannot be set too high, as long as it can shelter from wind and rain.At present, the standard of Liujiashan has not yet reached the point of building a modern factory building with reinforced concrete.After the factory has a spectrum, it is necessary to purchase machinery and equipment. It is impossible to get it right within a month or two.With the buffer of this period of time, maybe I have to use my private money at all.

Tang Yuanying saw that Lian Wubo was convinced of my words, so he put away his underestimation and said: "Originally, equipment such as lathes and grinders are needed to process stamping dies, but Tengfei Machinery Factory has these equipments, which can save money." gone."

I laughed and said, "The saving is only the initial investment. The enamel factory and the machinery factory have to make separate accounts. The enamel factory asks the machinery factory to process molds, and they also have to pay processing fees. They can't be mixed together."

Uncle Wu nodded and said: "That's the reason, my brother will settle the score clearly."

It seems that the details of the construction of the factory were mentioned at the beginning. It is still a question whether Mr. Tang is willing to come to this mountain.After all, Hongyang City is a prefecture-level city in Province N second only to Daning City, and it is definitely considered a big city in Province N, so discussing these matters makes perfect sense.But the old man seemed to be very interested.

Uncle Wu was also aware of this problem, and it was inconvenient to ask Tang Yuanying directly, so he said in a roundabout way: "After the enamel factory is built, who will take care of it?" He said so, but his eyes went straight to Tang Yuanying.

Sun Youdao interjected in time: "Needless to say, with Tang Gong here now, is there any need for others?"

Tang Yuanying smiled and waved his hands: "Don't praise me, everyone. It's true that I have worked in the enamel factory all my life, but all I do is technical work, and I am not good at factory management. It's okay to give you technical guidance, but you still have to do management. Please be clever!"

Hehe, what I want is your old man's words.

As long as the technical problems are solved, we can find a way for internal management.

Sun Youdao and I looked at each other with a tacit smile.This Tang Gong is really an honest person, and he got caught by accident.

"Tang Gong, are you really willing to come to the remote corner of Liujia Mountain?"

I was a little worried and asked.

It seems that at his age, he should be full of children and grandchildren.Even if he is willing to come to Liujiashan to play his spare time, it is still unknown whether his wife and children agree.

Tang Gong touched Xie Ding's scalp and sighed: "I'm old, I'm homesick, and the leaves are falling back to their roots... My old woman and I both have the same idea... Back to Xiangyang County, listening to the local accent, kind..."

"Then your children?"

I'm still worried.

Tang Gong sighed softly, feeling a little lonely: "Just a son who works in Qingfeng City, and it's rare to see him once."

I see.Qingfeng City is far away in the southwest corner of Province N. The distance between Qingfeng City and Yangyang City is three to four hundred kilometers. To go to Hongyang City, the train has to pass through Xiangyang County first.If the two elders of Tang Gong return to their roots, his son can save some visits in the future. [

Uncle Wu patted his thigh and said, "This is the best. As long as Mr. Tang is willing to come, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the more than 800 people in Liujiashan..."

Then he stood up and shook hands with Tang Gong again.

Tang Yuanying was a little embarrassed by Uncle Wu's "grandness", and said repeatedly: "The branch secretary of Jinwen is too polite."

I was a little surprised again.After only listening to the introduction once, he remembered Uncle Wu's name. This Tang Gong's brain is quite good, and it seems that there will be another three to five years of heat insulation.


In the factory building, I think a special building will be built, and in the future, all experts and technicians who are willing to work in TT Liujiashan will live in the building..."

What Uncle Wu said next shocked me dumbfounded.

Ah, Uncle Wu has such advanced thinking?Amazing!

Shocked for a long time, I couldn't help applauding.

"Uncle Wu, it's amazing. I completely agree and fully support it...you call it 'planting a phoenix tree and attracting a phoenix'!"

I took the lead in applauding, and everyone followed suit, hehe, it was all a problem caused by endless meetings, which made Uncle Wu feel a little embarrassed, and waved his hands again and again: "Don't praise me, this is Wade's predecessor. It was mentioned to me shortly.

"Wade? My big cousin?"

I am surprised.

Ruan Weide is the son of my uncle. He is a few years older than my uncle. He has been running sales at the Tengfei factory. He is a very shrewd and capable man.I didn't expect him to consider this level.Thinking about it carefully, the big cousin in his previous life didn't seem to be so clever.It must be because I have seen a lot of the world, my vision is different, and the level of seeing problems is also different.

Uncle Wu's mention of my eldest cousin solved a problem in my heart.

Tang Yuanying didn't care about the mundane affairs of the factory, so the choice of the factory director took a lot of thinking.I originally planned to ask Uncle Qi to put down the sales burden of the Tengfei factory and take over the enamel factory for a while, which is also a compromise plan.Now Uncle Wu reminds me with a word, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

"Uncle Wu, I think my eldest cousin should take the lead in the preparation of the enamel factory."

I suggested.

Uncle Wu didn't think too much, and nodded in agreement.

Right now, Tengfei Factory has a surplus of 18 yuan on the books, of which [-] is mine. The bonus of the brigade was set up with [-] yuan a year ago to set up the "incentive fund", and another [-] yuan was used to repair and improve the brigade. Only [-] yuan left.It is not enough to invest all in the enamel factory, and I need to implement the shortfall funds.If the shares are determined according to the proportion of capital contribution, I will be the major shareholder.Who should manage the enamel factory is my decision.

It's not that I'm determined to start a "family world". It's just that the yamen is too young, and because of the current policy, I can't personally take charge of the company. Naturally, I have to choose someone who I can trust to take the lead.At the beginning of starting a business, be careful in everything, which is also a helpless thing.

Besides, in the process of moving Liujiashan to become prosperous together, it is also reasonable to take care of one's relatives and family members.The big cousin can think of the point of "preferential treatment of talents", which is a talent that can be made.

"There is also the matter of sales, and we need to discuss it."

I said.

Before building a factory, it is necessary to think about the market.You can't cover your head and produce a lot of unsalable products as a result, or even though there is a market for the products, poor sales channels will still cause a backlog.

There are so-called "sanpai cadres" in later generations, that is, they have public funds to pay their tuition fees.If Liujiashan's business is screwed up, all the payment will be "private money".

"Don't worry about sales, I'll take care of everything!"

Sun Youdao slapped the ribs on his chest with a "bang bang" sound, and took care of everything.

I smiled unconsciously and shook my head.

This action dealt too much blow to Director Sun.Do you really not treat bean buns as dry food?

"Why, can't you trust me?"

Sun Youdao looked very depressed.

In front of so many people, I didn't want to lose face to him.However, this kid is as clever as he is, but he is a little prone to pride and complacency. If he doesn't beat and beat frequently, his tail will be raised to the sky.

I picked up the tea, blew on it, and took a sip slowly, with a mocking smile on the corner of my mouth.

In fact, the tea was already cold, and there was no tea leaves floating on the surface, so doing this was just to put on airs for the young master.It's true that your grandson Houzi is now at the official level, but you have to figure out how exactly did you get to the official level?Challenge the authority of this yamen, you are almost qualified!

This expression made Sun Youdao even more uncomfortable, and he didn't dare to fight back openly, scratching his head and scratching his head for a while, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing that he was bored enough, I put down the cup and asked lightly: "How does Director Sun plan to underwrite the products of the enamel factory?"

Sun Youdao was taken aback, why did he call "Director Sun"?It's kind of weird.

"Well, I'm responsible for spreading the goods to every corner of the county..."

He is the director of the County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, which is not bragging.

"Hehe, I believe this. However, have you carefully calculated how much is the annual output of the enamel factory and how much is the annual consumption of Xiangyang County? If the supply exceeds demand, how will Director Sun solve it? Do you buy washbasins, cups and jars at home and put them away?"

Sun Youdao was at a loss for words.

He really didn't think about this issue carefully. In his mind, being in charge of the distribution channels of a county is a very big market, right?

"Also, does Director Sun know where the products of Tengfei Machinery Factory are sold?"

"This one……"

"Let me tell you, the current sales network of Tengfei factory has completely covered seven counties and one city in Baozhou area. Starting this year, it is going to implement first-level agents and more than 50.00% county-level agents, and strive to cover the entire province's market within one to two years."

I narrated it with the intention of showing off and exaggerating, but Sun Youdao and Tang Yuanying were dumbfounded.

"High! It's really high!"

Sun Youdao deserved to be called "Monkey Sun", his mind turned very fast, he immediately put up a thumbs up, and flattered him.

"What does Master Jun mean, that the enamel factory will also use the sales method of Tengfei Factory?"

I smiled and said nothing.

"Well, I can help with this matter..."

As Sun Youdao said, he glanced at me and saw that I was smiling, he was immediately encouraged.

"I can go to the regional supply and marketing cooperative to find Director Zhang and ask him to come forward to coordinate. The supply and marketing cooperatives in seven counties and one city in Baozhou area will give priority to the goods from Liujiashan Enamel Factory."

It is a good move to "collude with government and businessmen", which I have never thought of.I have spent all my brains on market operations, but I have ignored the current general environment. The largest market channel is still in the hands of the supply and marketing cooperatives.It will take another three to five years for this situation to change significantly.

I can't see that this "monkey grandson" is really as evil as a ghost.

With his shrewdness, since he became the director of the Xiangyang County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, he will definitely try his best to get through the relationship with the regional supply and marketing cooperative. Maybe that director Zhang can really fool him.

I smiled and said: "This is a good idea. You might as well give it a try. However, even if Director Zhang nodded, he can only manage the counties and cities in the Baozhou area. No matter how far away, he can do nothing. To cover the whole province or even The national market must be operated according to market rules.”

Seeing me talking about the big market in the whole province and even the whole country, Sun Youdao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, there was nothing to say.

ps: It's still 5 today, and I will keep going until the pie can't stand it!Ladies and gentlemen, cheer up!

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