Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1431 Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Yulan Municipal

In mid-October of the second year of Zhan, Cangsheng focused on the opening of the Seventh Party Congress in Yuli.The Magnolia Theater in the city center was waving colorful flags, and huge colorful slogans were hung under huge balloons.Representatives from all fronts in the province strode into the venue full of pride.Flowers and emerald green shoots.On the wall behind the rostrum of the Great Hall, a huge brightly colored party flag hangs.The Seventh Provincial Party Congress was grandly held.

The main task of this conference is to review and summarize the work since the sixth provincial party congress, and further clarify the goals and priorities of the province's economic and social development and party building in the next five years.Elected a new Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.Mobilize the majority of party members and people of all ethnic groups in the province, hold high the great banner, conscientiously implement the "Three Represents. Requirements", closely focus on the theme of accelerating development, enriching the people and strengthening the province, fully implement the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", and strive to create a new era of provincial modernization. situation.

The huge monogram of "The Seventh Party Congress of Anhui Province" hangs directly above the rostrum of the venue. Ten bright red flags surround the golden party emblem composed of sickles and hammers. Blooming flowers are placed in front of the rostrum. The second floor A huge banner with the words "Conscientiously implement the "Three Represents. Requirements, and strive to create a new situation in the province's modernization" is hung on the balcony.

The executive chairmen of the conference presidium seated in the front row of the rostrum include Zhai Haojin, Gao Weiqing, Duan Dingyuan, Hua Junting, Chen Qimou, Cui Fucheng, Liu Jun, etc.

Jin Xiushi, Ding Yuzhou, Wang Shaodong and other members of the presidium of the conference took their seats on the rostrum. [

Those who were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the conference were: the main responsible persons of the provincial democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, representatives of party figures and veteran comrades of provincial party members.Members, alternate members, and members of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Sixth Provincial Party Committee who are not representatives of the current Party Congress, ministries and commissions of the Provincial Party Committee, party committees of provincial-level units, main responsible comrades of the University Party Committee in Yulan, and provincial cities and municipalities who are not representatives of the Party long-term attendance at the meeting.

The Central Organization Department sent representatives to attend the meeting.

The democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce in the province are very concerned about the opening of the party congress, and sent congratulatory letters to the conference.

The delegates noticed that Liu Jun, not Ding Yuzhou, was elected as the executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, and there were no new faces among the members of the presidium.This shows that it is a foregone conclusion that Ding Yuzhou will withdraw from the second line, and Liu Jun will become the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee and join the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

However, the representatives were not yet sure whether Liu Jun joined the Standing Committee as the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee or as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.According to the usual practice, the secretary of the municipal party committee of Yulan City has always been concurrently held by the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and Liu Jun's succession as the secretary of the municipal party committee seems to be no exception.The reason for this uncertainty is mainly because of Liu Jun's age.

At the age of 33, he served as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.In domestic official circles, after the great turmoil, there seems to be no precedent.

This is probably the biggest "suspense" of this provincial party congress.

The fate of other provincial party committee members.I'm afraid we will have to wait until the National Party Congress in November before we can make a decision.

The meeting was presided over by Comrade Gao Weiqing, the executive chairman of the meeting.At [-] o'clock in the morning, when the meeting started, all the people stood up, and the "National Anthem" was played loudly.

Gao Weiqing announced that 750 delegates were supposed to attend the conference, 21 of whom were on leave due to illness, and 720 nine delegates actually attended.Meetings can be held if the required number of people is met.

In the warm applause, Comrade Cheng Haojin made a report entitled "Conscientiously Implement the Requirements of the "Three Represents" and Strive to Create a New Situation in Provincial Modernization" on behalf of the Sixth Provincial Committee.The report is divided into three parts: [-]. Review of work since the Sixth Party Congress; [-]. Main tasks for economic and social development in the next five years; [-]. Strengthening and improving party building in accordance with the requirements of the "Three Represents".

In his report, Cheng Haojin comprehensively reviewed the work of the past five years since the Sixth Provincial Party Congress.He said that in the past five years, the party organizations at all levels in the province have emancipated their minds, forged ahead, combined the central principles and policies with the actual conditions of the province, and worked hard to explore the development path in line with the province's conditions. Summarizing the work of the past five years, we My main experience is: we must adhere to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, proceed from reality, and carry out work creatively; we must persist in focusing on economic construction.Accelerating development is unwavering; we must insist on doing everything for the masses and relying on the masses in everything.In order to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the people, we must earnestly strengthen and improve party building, and strive to improve the party's leadership and governance capabilities.

Zha Haojin pointed out that the next five to ten years will be an important period for our province to accelerate development, enrich the people and strengthen the province, build a well-off society in an all-round way, and accelerate modernization.The new changes in the international and domestic situations have not only brought serious challenges to our province, but also provided us with new opportunities.To seize opportunities and meet challenges, the province must firmly grasp the theme of accelerating development and enriching the people and strengthening the province.This is the biggest politics, the hardest truth, and the most fundamental task.We need to further enhance our sense of urgency and our sense of urgency and responsibility to accelerate development.

At the same time, we must also see favorable conditions and huge potential, and further enhance our confidence in accelerating development.

Zhai Haojin said: In the process of comprehensively implementing the "Fifteenth Plan", we must focus on six aspects of work: First, focus on increasing farmers' income and speed up the development of agriculture and rural areas. Economic development; second, with processing industrialization as the core, vigorously promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and urbanization process; third, further deepen reform, expand opening up, and comprehensively optimize the economic development environment; fourth, accelerate the development of scientific and technological education, and vigorously develop talents resources; fifth, implement the party's policy of enriching the people, and continuously improve people's living standards; sixth, adhere to the policy of "strengthening both hands and being strong with both hands" to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and democracy and the legal system.

This party congress reviewed and approved the work reports of the [-]th Provincial Committee and the [-]th Disciplinary Inspection Committee, and fully affirmed the work of the [-]th Provincial Committee and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

The delegates voted to elect the 47-member Provincial Seventh Council.Zhai Haojin, Gao Weiqing, Liu Jun and others were elected as members of the seventh Provincial Party Committee of the province.

Subsequently, the delegates elected the Seventh Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, which consisted of 39 members. Duan Dingyuan and others were elected members of the Seventh Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In the first plenary meeting of the seventh Provincial Party Committee held subsequently, 13 people including Zhai Haojin, Gao Weiqing, Luo Zili, Duan Dingyuan, Hua Junting, Liu Jun, Chen Qimou and Cui Fucheng were elected as the standing committee members of the Provincial Party Committee. [

The Standing Committee divided the work, and confirmed that Comrade Que Haojin was the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to preside over the overall work of the Provincial Party Committee.Five comrades including Han Weiqing, Luo Zili, Duan Dingyuan, Hua Junting, and Liu Jun were deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee.Assist Comrade Zhai Haojin in his work.

So far, the new standing committee of the province has "seated. Scheduled.

Que Haojin was still the secretary of the provincial party committee, Gao Weiqing was still the governor of the province, Luo Zili was still the deputy secretary in charge of the party-mass organization, Duan Dingyuan Hua Junting was in charge of the same work, and Liu Jun succeeded Ding Yuzhou as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.

Naturally, this, the composition of personnel, after the National Party Congress held in November, there will be new changes, the transfer of Que Haojin and Hua Junting.Basically a foregone conclusion.The battle for the secretary of the provincial party committee.The dust has not settled.

At the first meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh Provincial Party Committee.On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, Huo Jiejin extended a warm welcome to Comrade Liu Jun.There are 13 members in the current Standing Committee, only Liu Jun is a new face.Of course, everyone is very familiar with it.In terms of working hours in the province alone, Liu Jun is longer than many comrades present here. He came to work in the province in November [-], and he can be regarded as an "old comrade".

At the Standing Committee meeting, Zhai Haojin was no longer the majestic secretary of the Provincial Party Committee sitting in the office, with a three-point smile on his face, much like that.However, the introduction ceremony was exempted.Since everyone is so familiar, there is no need to waste time.

Gao Weiqing looked at Liu Jun with a more obvious smile than Que Haojin.But everyone knows that Liu Jun will serve as the deputy secretary of the executive committee this time.In fact, it is not what Weiqing wishes.Gao Weiqing and Liu Jun have temporarily formed an alliance, but it does not mean that they will accommodate in principle in everything.Including many members of the Standing Committee present, everyone thought that Liu Jun's final position.He will be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee.

Gao Weiqing naturally hoped to make such an arrangement the most.

After hard work, Bu Weiqing gradually regained his bad impression in the eyes of the senior bosses.Not long ago, Gao Jinghan told him very cryptically.The faction wants him to take it to the next level.

This made Di Weiqing very excited.With the full support of the big faction, he is one step closer to the throne of provincial party secretary.certainly.Don't slack off, "The revolution has not yet succeeded." The strength that should be fought for must still be fought with all our strength.

Since he was expected to be the secretary of the provincial party committee, Bu Weiqing naturally didn't want to see Liu Jun's young face in the office meeting of the secretary.The alliance between him and Liu Jun is only staged. Once they get what they need, the foundation of the alliance will naturally disappear.In essence, Gao Weiqing and Liu Jun.They all look at each other badly.Liu Jun concurrently served as the secretary of the Yulan City Party Committee as the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, which meant that Gao Weiqing had basically lost control of Yulan City before he became the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

With Comrade Xiaoliu's personality and consistent style of work, at most he can give him a superficial cooperation, which is already very good.

This deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee was forced by Liu Jun himself.He clearly proposed to Yan Yucheng by mistake that he wanted to be the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.Yan Yucheng also acquiesced.

Liu Jun has already understood that he mistakenly became the leader of a faction in the province, and his ranking in the provincial party committee is too low, which is not good for him to integrate the forces.After Vice Chairman Li Zhiguo ascended to the summit, the next formations were mainly at the provincial level.It can be foreseen that at the current National Party Congress, the Mingzhu Department will occupy a relatively large number of high-level positions. In the past ten years, many cadres of the Department have already stood on the level of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. It is only natural that they will go further .This faction will also go through such a bottom-up process.

Liu Jun's gaze has already seen five or even ten years later! , If you want to know what will happen next, please log in to the muscle chapter for more, support the author, and support the genuine reading

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