Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1438

Second, no matter what the outside world thinks about Song Duwei's documents, "Liu Jun is still methodically obsessed...Liu Jun once had the experience of being the secretary and mayor on his shoulders. When he was in Ningbei County, he was the secretary and county magistrate for a few months. One person at the same time. Liu Jun also made full use of that time to adjust the layout. He turned the strategic strategy in his chest into practical actions, vigorously promoted the rapid economic development of Ningbei County, and established a good momentum. Currently, the development of Ningbei County The speed has not decreased at all, and its ranking among the top [-] counties in the country has risen steadily.

Of course, Ningbei County is not completely comparable to Yulanshu. Although Yulan City is not a sub-provincial city, it is the capital city of the province.Among the prefecture-level cities in the province.Doubt is the most dazzling.Now that Liu Jun is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, he can't use thunderous tactics without any scruples to quickly adjust middle-level cadres like he did in Ningbei County.

The complexity of the Yulan Coin officialdom is far from comparable to that in Ningbei County.Officials, big and small, have no connections, no matter how powerful Liu Jun is, he must act cautiously.

On this day, Liu Jun was in a good mood, and there were laughter and laughter from time to time in the secretary's office.

But it turned out that Secretary Liu had a visitor. [

There were four guests in total, two couples.

One of them is Liu Jun's college classmates.Yi Han and Zhang Xiaoman; the other pair is Pan Zhiren and Jiang Yunxia.Yi Han is now the director of the Teacher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Zhang Xiaoman is the director of the Zhanjige Small Division of the National Exhibition Committee; Pan Zhiren is now the secretary of the Nantan Development Zone Working Committee of Qianzhou City.Jiang Yunxia has been transferred from the National Audit Office to work in Qianzhou City as the deputy director of Qianzhou Audit Bureau.

This visit to Liu Jun was due to the fact that Yi Han led a team to the province to conduct a related investigation and research on teacher education.Before Zhang Xiaoman was transferred to the National Development Committee.He is the executive deputy magistrate of Ningbei County.It was naturally arranged by Liu Jun that he and Yi Han were both transferred to the national ministries and commissions.Go through the qualifications in the national ministries and commissions.It is a good helper to increase some vision experience and release it outside the scene.For example, when Pan Zhiren was handed over to him for the opening of the South Beach area, Liu Jun saved a lot of worry.

Hearing that Yi Han's ministry had arranged for him to lead a team to the province for inspection, Zhang Xiaoman began to think about it.After she was transferred to the capital, she met her old superior Bai Yang quite often, but she hadn't seen Liu Jun, an old classmate, for a long time. .The couple came together.

In Ningbei County, Yi Han and Zhang Xiaoman were married.He also got along well with Pan Zhiren and Jiang Yunxia.When we arrived in Yulan City, a phone call passed.Pan Zhiren and Jiang Yunxia immediately ran to the provincial capital.The four of them met and chatted happily for a while, then Pan Zhiren came forward and beat one.Call Liu Jun to see if he has time.

Liu Jun heard that Yi Han and Zhang Xiaoman had arrived in Yulan.I'm also very happy. I originally planned to summon a certain person in charge of the municipal agency.At this time, the time was naturally changed and they were asked to come over immediately.

It was a great joy to meet each other.

Yi Han and Zhang Xiaoman were filled with emotion. If they were not careful, what they were going to face was a faint secretary of the Provincial Party Committee!

"Xiaoman, in the capital, do you often go to President Bai's place?"

After chatting about hometown gossip for a while, Liu Jun asked with a smile.

"That's right, when I get to the capital, I'll go and quarrel with her if I have nothing to do." Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile: "Oh, Xiaoxiao is so cute."

Having said that, Zhang Xiaoman glanced at Liu Jun.She always felt that little between the eyebrows.There is Liu Jun's shadow.But this is something that cannot be said.Whether true or not.Nothing she could say.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

The little steak is really cute.

"Xiaoman, did Baimu tell you about the job transfer?"

Liu Jun asked casually.

People at Liu Jun's level are usually very calm and will not talk about job transfers during this kind of small talk.However, the four people in the room were all Liu Jun's former subordinates and fellow villagers, so Liu Jun naturally wouldn't make decisions hastily.Talk about what comes to mind.

"Yes. Boss Bai wants to transfer me to Jiuzhou Company and let me be in charge of a secondary company below."

In front of Liu Jun, Zhang Xiaoman naturally concealed everything, and said with a smile. [

Liu Jun smiled and said: "So, you are going to be promoted again, congratulations!"

Kyushu Company has 95 subsidiaries.There are many deputy bureau-level structures.There are also many hall-level ones.

The total number of bureau-level cadres is far more than that of Yulan City.Liu Jun once joked with Bai Yang that her deputy ministerial rank was much more affordable and majestic than his own.Zhang Xiaoman is now a director-level cadre of the National Development Committee.Generally speaking, if the qualifications are enough, the post will be promoted to a higher level, and if the qualifications are not enough, they may be promoted.If you go to a state-owned enterprise.Usually the levels are adjusted a bit.

After all, within the system, there is still a certain difference between the level of state-owned enterprises and the level of local party and government organs.At least in the minds of most cadres.

Zhang Xiaoman's working experience can be described as very rich. He has worked as a secretary and as the head of the township party committee.He has worked as the director of the county party committee office, as the executive deputy county magistrate, and as the director of the national ministries and commissions where the two servants of the country have studied.Transferring to Kyushu Company, it is natural to be promoted.

Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you get promoted or not. As long as you can follow the old leader, you will be happy. This is also the truth. Among Bai Yang's previous secretaries, Zhang Xiaoman and Bai Yang are the most caring. The two get along very well, and they love each other like sisters." Working under Bai Yang, Zhang Xiaoman hardly felt any psychological pressure, so he was naturally very happy.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Hehe, Mr. Bai is one step ahead of me."

"Ah, does Secretary Liu also intend to transfer me to work in Yulan City? Hehe, I didn't expect me to become a talent, and the leaders are vying for it!"

Zhang Xiaoman said cheerfully.Naturally, this was just for fun. As soon as Liu Jun opened his mouth, he mentioned whether Bai Yang was going to transfer Zhang Xiaoman over. It can be seen that Bai Yang had already communicated with Liu Jun about this matter.Maybe it was Liu Jun's idea at all.

When we were in Ningbei County, everyone knew that Liu Jun was the non-staff secretary of the county party committee and could be Bai Yang's family.

Liu Jun smiled.Said: "Whether you are a talent or not, I am still a little uncertain. But your husband is a talent. Yi Han, I have read all the papers you published, and they are very insightful."

Yi Han has always liked to write articles, especially after he became the deputy director of the Daning City Education Bureau and the director of the Department of Teacher Education of the Ministry of Education, he often published some articles about educational reform in internal journals. The controversial "focus person" In the eyes of some traditional educators, many of Yi Han's reform views are quite deviant.However, there are also some leaders who appreciate his point of view.

For example, Liu Jun is one of them.

Yi Han was a little flattered.Not just because of Liu Jun's position, but as a classmate.Yi Han admires Liu Jun's knowledge very much, and thinks Liu Jun is the most knowledgeable among the alumni.Now that Liu Jun's affirmation was received, he was naturally pleasantly surprised.

"Secretary Liu, don't praise him. He is a troublemaker, and he is treated differently by the leaders wherever he goes, and he is stubborn,"

Before Liu Jun could speak, Zhang Xiaoman started yelling.

One sentence made Liu Jun, Pan Zhiren and others laugh.Yi Han is famous for being stubborn.It's just that he was lucky to meet a classmate like Liu Jun, otherwise, he might lose his job now, so why would he come to Director Yi of the Ministry of Education?

"Hehe, Xiaoman's words are on point, Yi Han, you need to change your temper."

Liu Jun said with a smile.

Yi Han blushed and nodded again and again, but he still defended himself with a few words: "Secretary Liu. In fact, I also want to change. Sometimes when I get angry, I forget everything."

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "The principles that should be adhered to must be adhered to. I think the paper you wrote on education reform is very good. The education in Yulan City also needs reform!"

Yi Han's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said: "Secretary Liu, I am willing to come to Yulan City" [

Zhang Xiaoman just glared at him and tugged at his clothes.It's not that Zhang Xiaoman doesn't want Yi Han to come to Yulan City.

"Sworn to death" to follow Liu Jun and Bai Yang is the wish of these "old" cadres in Ningbei County.It turns out that this is more than the right choice.It's just that Liu Jun just said it casually, and Yi Han hurriedly said that he would come to Yulan City. Such a "blatant" important official is not in compliance with the rules.Another old classmate.There is a difference between superiority and inferiority, and one should not be too reckless.

Yi Han obviously didn't think so much.His dissertations on teaching and reform are still just "on paper." Although some department leaders appreciate it, no one can provide him with a place to use it.Now that Liu Jun is in charge, he clearly stated that Yulan City's education needs to be reformed. Yi Han was overjoyed and put the so-called official rules behind him.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Of course you can come to Yulan City, I have confidence in your ability. That's it. You are a husband and wife, and you will be separated in two places again. I am a bit of a mandarin duck. "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's fine to live in two places"

Yi Han was afraid that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would fly away again, so without thinking about it, Yi Die Huan yelled.

Zhang Xiaoman gave him a hard pinch, and pretended to be angry: "Okay, you want to separate from me in such a hurry? What do you mean?"

In the office, there was another burst of laughter.

Only then did Yi Han come back to his senses, and grinned apologetically at his wife.

After laughing for a while, Liu Jun said: "Let's do this. This matter is not in a hurry. You two should discuss it carefully. If you agree, I'll make arrangements."

Zhang Xiaoman and Yi Han nodded repeatedly.

Liu Jun turned his head and was about to have a few words with Pan Zhiren and Jiang Yunxia when the phone suddenly rang.Liu Jun took it out and saw that it was He Mengying's number, so he smiled slightly and pressed the answer button.

Just after hearing a sentence, Liu Jun's smile froze on his face, and he stood up suddenly, his face became extremely pale.

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