Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1445 Elected Alternate Central Committee Member

, In the study room of the courtyard house at home, the lights are bright, and four people in uniform are sitting around on the antique coffee table.

"Second brother, Zhenghao said that they are ready to do something."Wu Huanghe's deep voice echoed in the study.The expressions of the rest of the generals were all concentrated.No doubt, they all knew what Wu Huanghe was referring to.

Wu Zhenghao and the others tracked down Chen Weixing and his gang.The problem is serious, involving many important figures in the military and important officials of local powerful departments.He immediately reported to Wu Huanghe.

Wu Huanghe is the commander of the Internal Guard.It is in charge.After hearing about this, he immediately communicated with He Changzheng.He Changzheng was a little strange at the time, so he asked about the detailed process. Hearing that Liu Jun had ordered him to do this, he pondered for a while, and then decided not to move.

Look again. [

Moreover, since Liu Jun ordered this to be done, there must be deep meaning in it, so Liu Jun should continue to preside over this matter.

Regarding this matter, He Changzheng also simply broke the news to the old man at the right time.After hearing this, old man He laughed, and said: "Liu Jun, this little guy, is preparing for my old man's death!"

At that time, He Changzheng shook his head with a smile.Although he also agrees with the old man's statement in his heart, but as a son of man, such words are not easy to interface with.

It's just that He Changzheng never expected that this day would come so quickly.Liu Jun's arrangement.Comes in handy so quickly.

"Second brother, will it involve too much?"

After a while, Wu Qiuhan said, frowning.As the deputy chief in charge of military affairs, Wu Qiuhan has always been paying attention to this matter, and has given Wu Zhenghao and others a lot of assistance.

He Changzheng thought for a while and said, "What Liu Jun meant was probably to preempt others and prevent them from having a chance to do something.

He Dongjin smiled indifferently: "This kid has never been willing to control others, and doing this is his usual style. Hehe, so courageous!"

Wu Qiuhan said: "Courage is good. To be honest, we have been soldiers all our lives, so we may not have his murderous spirit! But once we make a move, it will be difficult to take it back. Not only the old Chen family must be finished, I am afraid there will be several more To be implicated, Chen Weixing dragged them all into the water!"

Wu Huanghe said awe-inspiringly: "It's a very time. I don't care about it anymore. In all wars, there is no one who does not kill innocent people! Besides, they are not innocent. If they are implicated, they will be implicated. So what?"

He Changzheng reached out for a cigarette and lit it, smoking slowly.I didn't speak for a long time.

Everyone in the study fell silent, waiting for him to make the final decision.

"Do it!"

A cigarette was barely finished, He Changzheng stifled the butt, and finally made a decision.

"This matter, we must try our best to control the scope. Dongjin, you will preside over the maritime affairs, and the Yellow River and Qiuhan, you will assist, and you should be more targeted. Others, if you can not get involved, try not to get involved."

The three generals nodded slowly, looking solemn.

In early November, Comrade Liu Jun, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to the capital together with more than 50 representatives of the provincial delegation, walked into the solemn and sacred Great Hall of the People, and participated in the No.16 National Congress held by our party .

Since participating in the National Commendation Conference for the [-] Outstanding City and County Party Secretaries many years ago, Liu Jun then walked into this solemn hall in many different identities and participated in various meetings of the Party and the National People's Congress.

Today, Liu Jun's mood is different.This time at the party congress, he will be a candidate for an alternate member of the Central Committee. [


In addition, members of the 280th Central Committee, alternate members, and members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection who are not representatives of the 150th National Congress; members of the former Central Advisory Committee who are not representatives of the [-]th National Congress or specially invited representatives; A total of [-] people, including some old comrades in the party and other relevant comrades, attended the conference.The conference also invited non-Party figures who serve as vice-chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and vice-chairmen of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Non-Party figures who have served as the vice president of the country, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, leaders and party figures of the central committees of various democratic parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.A total of [-] people from the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference were present in Beijing at the opening and closing ceremonies.

The agenda of the meeting is: [-]. Listen to and review the report of the [-]th Central Committee; [-]. Review the work report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; [-]. Review and approve the "Party Constitution (Amendment)"; [-]. Election of the [-]th Central Committee; [-]. Election of a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

On behalf of the No.15 bureau, the general secretary made a speech entitled "Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in an All-round Way" to the conference.Create a New Situation for the Cause of Specialism in my country" report.The report is divided into ten parts: 13. The work of the past five years and the basic experience of [-] years; [-]. The comprehensive implementation of the important thought of "Three Represents"; [-]. The goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way; [-]. Economic construction and economic system Reform; [-]. Political construction and political system reform; [-]. Cultural construction and cultural system reform; [-]. National defense and military construction; [-]. "One country, two systems" and the realization of the complete reunification of the motherland; Strengthen and improve party building.

The General Assembly voted by secret ballot to elect the 190th Central Committee consisting of 150 eight members and 120 eight alternate members, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection consisting of [-] members.

At this conference, Liu Jun was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee and formally entered the party's inner circle.

Media from all over the world have given extensive coverage to this grand meeting of the new century, which has attracted worldwide attention. It is generally believed by foreign media that this National Congress of the Party will determine the rise and fall of our Party in the 21st century.

Through a [-]-word political report, the general secretary announced to the world that the world's largest political party, with the largest lineup, will create a new situation in modernization under the new situation and through innovations at many levels.

Xinhua News Agency interpreted the political report of more than [-] words to the overseas Chinese community with the old words: the text has new ideas and shows more vitality.One of the arguments is the word "new" that can be seen everywhere in the report.According to incomplete statistics, in this political report.There are many "new" words, and they all flash in each key part, rendering a novelty for this report of "opening the door to the century".

Observers believe that this kind of interpretation is certainly lively, but it is only "new" in the superficial sense. It does not yet cover the "new" of deeper concepts.For example, completely get rid of the shackles of old ideas, and for the first time recognized the protection of legal non-labor income at the party congress.Take a look at the global public opinion of the day.There is only one consensus: the report of the [-]th National Congress is full of new ideas and far-reaching implications, outlining a new image of the Republic and its ruling party in the new century.

A well-known scholar commented on the historical significance of the 81th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and believed that "it can not only be compared with the Seventh and Fifteenth National Congress of our party, but also can be compared with the founding of the party [-] years ago." The military newspaper published an article "New Milestone" , the article uses three "we must not forget." to lead readers to recall the three famous national congresses in the history of our party.The article makes an affirmative judgment in a hypothetical sentence: "If we say that the Seventh National Congress of the Party is a milestone for ushering in the victory of the New Democratic Revolution, and the Fifteenth National Congress of the Party is a milestone for realizing cross-century development, then the Sixteenth National Congress of the Party It is a milestone in building a well-off society in an all-round way in the new century and creating a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Like the new ideas of political reports that have received much attention, this National Party Congress is also a general election meeting.

Young cadres who were elected as alternate members of the Central Committee at the same time as Liu Jun also included Qiu Jingchuan, Gao Changhong and others.They participated in the ensuing Central Plenary Session.Witnessed history firsthand.

The current Central Plenary Session elected a new Politburo. As the outside world guessed, the number of giants has increased slightly, which further reflects the determination of our party to lead collectively.

Vice Chairman Li Zhiguo was elected as the new General Secretary of the Central Committee.

Eight comrades including Liu Jincai, Jing Qiuren, Yan Yucheng, Qian Jianjun, and Gao Jingzhang were elected to the Standing Committee.

According to the division of labor within the party, Jing Qiuren was elected as the secretary of the Secretariat and was responsible for the daily work of the Secretariat; Yan Yucheng succeeded Comrade Xing Zhengyu as the Secretary of the Central Shaoxing Committee; Qian Jianjun was in charge of the construction of spiritual civilization; Gao Jingzhang succeeded Yan Yucheng as the Central Committee Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

He Changzheng, He Yanan, Que Haojin, Long Qinghai, Yu Xianghong and other comrades were elected as members of the Politburo.

At the same time, He Changzheng and Long Qinghai were elected vice-chairmen of the Military Commission, He Changzheng presided over the daily work of the Military Commission, and Long Qinghai will serve as the Minister of Defense.

He Yan'an became the head of the Central United Front Work Department.

Yu Xianghong still serves as the secretary of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee.A member of the Yanliu faction, current Governor Guo Qiliang Xiao, current Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Tian Wenming was elected as a member of the Central Committee.Liu Feipeng, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Mingzhu City, was also elected as a member of the Central Committee.This means that both Tian Wenming and Liu Feipeng will go one step further and reach high positions at the ministerial level.

Cui Fucheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor.Elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. [

Despite many efforts, Cui Fucheng's hope of seeking promotion to the Ministry was still in vain. According to gossip, Cui Fucheng may be appointed as the deputy director of the National Exhibition Committee.

Cui Fucheng was a little disappointed that he couldn't advance to the main department.But if he can serve as the deputy director of the exhibition committee, it will be regarded as a compensation.The actual power in this position is still great.

Several of the top-ranked deputy directors of the exhibition committee are at the ministerial level.There is still much to be done.

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