Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1480 New Governor and New Mayor

end of March.The first meeting of the Tenth Provincial People's Congress was held.Small"

The Magnolia Theater once again waved colorful flags and balloons, creating a festive atmosphere.

The conference was presided over by Gao He, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Ninth Provincial People's Congress and executive chairman of the conference.There were 730 six people who were supposed to be there, because of something.There were 15 representatives who asked for leave due to business, and the actual number of representatives was 720, which met the quorum.

This meeting has a total of ten agendas: 2. Listen to and review the Provincial People's Government Governor Bu Weiqing's report on the work of the Provincial People's Government; 2. Listen to and review the Provincial Development Planning Committee Director's implementation of the provincial national economic and social development plan Report on the situation and the draft plan for the first year, review and approve the report on the implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan for the Year [-] and the National Economic and Social Development Plan for the second year; [-]. Hear and review the director of the Provincial Department of Finance to whom Report on the implementation of the provincial budget for the year and the draft budget for the second year, review the report on the implementation of the four-year budget of the province and the draft budget for the year, review and approve the report on the implementation of the provincial budget for the year and the provincial budget Fourth, listen to and review the work report of Gao He, deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, on the work report of the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee; the fifth and sixth items are to listen to the work reports of the president of the Provincial High People's Court and the Procurator-General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate on the two courts; finally Several agendas are the election of the director, deputy director, secretary-general, and members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Provincial People's Congress; the election of the governor and deputy governor of the Provincial People's Government; Candidates for the chairman, vice-chairman and members of the committee.

At this meeting, Gao He, deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress, was commissioned by Zhai Haojin, director of the Ninth Provincial People's Congress, to read Huo Haojin's congratulatory letter. [

The representatives agreed to the request of Bu Weiqing, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, to resign from the position of Governor of the Provincial People's Government.

The conference elected fifty comrades as members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Provincial People's Congress by voting.Weiqing, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was elected as the director of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Provincial People's Congress.

Liu Feipeng, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was elected governor of the Provincial People's Government, and Chen Qimou, Liu Guangxing and others were elected vice governors.

Surprisingly, Comrade Liu Jun, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, deputy governor and secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, did not resign from the post of deputy governor at this people's meeting.This part-time job is still in Comrade Liu Jun's title.

Many people do not understand the arrangement of the Provincial Party Committee.

When Liu Jun was the mayor of Yulan, the deputy governor was actually a part-time job, and the division of labor in the provincial government was only in charge of a small piece of work in the state-owned enterprises within the jurisdiction of Yuxiaolan City.It's more just a kind of treatment.Now that he is the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, why should he continue to serve as the deputy governor of the city?

At the same time, the provincial CPPCC meeting was held.Si Xiushi resigned as the chairman of the provincial CPPCC and formally retired.Ding Yuzhou was elected as the new chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and took up a high position at the ministerial level.

So far, the general elections of the four teams of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial People's Congress, and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference have all gone smoothly.


The overall situation in the province has basically stabilized, and the team configuration of Yulan City has been put on the agenda.In fact, to put it bluntly, the biggest suspense is basically who will be the mayor!

Prior to this, the cadres of Yulancheng had guessed many times on this question.

Although, with Liu Jun's usual strength and his position as the secretary of the municipal party committee, it seemed that whoever was the mayor had to cooperate with him, but it was still full of mystery.In the past, Gein's personnel appointments like this were usually revealed early on.This time it was very different.There has never been even the slightest bit of wind.

But the general direction can still be guessed by the cabin.

This "number" is in Weiqing's pocket in the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Department!

It is estimated that Di Weiqing is also very troubled.

Needless to say, the importance of the status of the provincial capital city.Within a province, no comparison can be overstated.The key point is that the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee is Liu Jun, and the mayor sent by Bu Weiqing is too bad.If it's too powerful, it still won't work.If he really wanted to be rebellious and had a direct conflict with Liu Jun, it would be enough for Di Weiqing to have a headache.

Hard to choose!

After the first meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress of the province was held.This "mysterious" mayor candidate finally surfaced.

On this day, Liu Jun received a call from Xiao Zheng, Secretary of the Ministry of Weiqing in the office, saying that the Secretary of the Ministry invited Secretary Liu to come to the provincial party committee, and that the Secretary of the Ministry had important matters to discuss with Secretary Liu. [

Liu Jun smiled slightly, guessing that Li Du had arrived.

The candidate for mayor of Yulan is difficult for ordinary cadres to guess, but for Liu Jun, the difficulty is naturally not so high.Bu Weiqing's activities in the capital.Liu Jun also knows a little bit.

Li Zhu is the new mayor of Yulan City that Di Weiqing wants to send.

Soon, Liu Jun came to the office of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.Bu Weiqing used the same office as Huo Haojin's before, but the interior decoration has changed a bit.

When Cheng Haojin was here before, the office decoration was dominated by black and brown, which looked very majestic and heavy, which matched Zhai Haojin's personality very well.After Bu Weiqing took over, the main furnishings and accessories have not been changed, only some plants have been changed in the office, and two more pots of gladiolus have been added.The nave on the wall was also changed.The tone has become less solemn and more lively.As far as Bu Weiqing is concerned, this is also very suitable for his "people-friendly style" that he has always shown.

Shan Zheng cautiously led Liu Jun in.

Although Xiao Zheng was already the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary, in front of Liu Jun, he did not dare to show any complacency in the slightest. Xiao Zheng always remembered the ending of his predecessor.A man like Liu Jun.Just caring about it can hurt a cadre of his level.

Seeing Liu Jun, Bu Weiqing stood up from the reception sofa with a smile and shook hands with Liu Jun.

Sitting beside him was a middle-aged cadre in his forties, with a tall and straight figure in a suit and leather shoes. He stood up with Bu Weiqing, with a smile on his face.

"Secretary Liu, here we come. Let me introduce you. This is Comrade Li Zhu, director of the Urban Construction Department of the Ministry of Construction. Comrade Li Shou, this is Comrade Liu Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

Bu Weiqing personally introduced both parties.

Li Zhu hurriedly reached out his hand to hold Liu Jun tightly, and said politely: "Hello Secretary Liu, I have admired your name for a long time."

Any bureau-level cadre of a national ministry.It is not an exaggeration to say that Liu Yanei has admired his name for a long time.

Bu Weiqing's new mayor, who is about to be sent to Yulan City, must be a high-ranking leader, and there is little doubt about it.However, the direct transfer of Li Su, the director of the Urban Construction Department, still surprised the "amateur observers".

Li Zhu is considered a man of the hour in the Ministry of Construction.In the past, he did not show the mountains and did not show the water, but later he published many papers on urban construction, which aroused the great attention of the leaders of the Ministry of Construction, and gradually promoted him to the important position of the director of the Urban Construction Department.

Prior to this, everyone believed that Li Zhu was trained as a reserve echelon of the Ministry of Construction.The Ministry of Construction is the "base camp" of Lao Gao's family. Gao Jingzhang once served as the Minister of Construction.The current minister, Chang Yijin, is a confidant who was single-handedly promoted by Gao Jingzhang.Li Su's performance in the Ministry of Construction is very dazzling, and now he is placed in Yulan City to join Liu Jun's team, which shows how much the Gao family attaches importance to the Ministry of Weiqing and their determination to fully control the province.

Among the cadres at the same level with roughly the same qualifications.Li Suyao is very outstanding.

However, Li Zhu himself was not very happy about this new appointment.As an expert in the theory of urban construction, Li Zhu very much hopes to have such an opportunity to take charge of a big city to find realistic support for his theory and realize the grand blueprint in his mind.It's not just an academic need, not just a man's need for a sense of accomplishment, but also a practical need.If a city is built, it proves that his theory is correct.With the combination of theory and practice.With illustrious political achievements, his upward steps will be more solid.

However, he didn't want this city to be Yulan City.

The original dumped him, Liu Jun was the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee.

The delicate relationship between Yan Liu's family and Gao's family.As a Beijing official, Li Zheng didn't dare to say he knew everything, at least he knew a general idea.And Di Weiqing is

Save some of the unhappiness you had with Liu Jun.Li Zheng knew it even better.I also lamented with the closest people, saying that Bu Weiqing's approach was a bit unwise, and also lamented Liu Yanei's strength and "dominant". [

Who knew that now it was his turn to form a team with Liu Yanei face to face.

It really is Shi Zhuochang.

In fact, from an objective standpoint.It should be a more pleasant thing to work with Liu Jun.Liu Jun is recognized as a strong man in economic construction. All the cities he has governed have a solid financial foundation.With this as a support, Li Zhu's urban construction theories can be put into practice in the shortest possible time.

Without money, even the best theory can only stay in words.

The point is, Li Zhu understands very well that Bu Weiqing's sending him to Yulan City is far more than just doing a good job in urban construction. He shoulders the important task of "containing, Xiao Liujun. The less "trouble" Bu Weiqing causes.

No matter who it is, this task is not easy.

As famous as Liu Jun's title of economic construction strongman is Secretary Liu's official skills.What about Liu Jun?How could such a muddle-headed guy reach the high position of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee in his thirties?

Bu Weiqing knew Li Zhu's thoughts well, so naturally he didn't point it out, he smiled and invited Liu Jun to sit down, and said: "Secretary Liu, it's really hard work for your secretary and mayor to shoulder the burden during this time. The Provincial Party Committee should have given you a good partner earlier."

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Yes, I think so too. If Comrade Li Shou can arrive in Yulan City one day earlier, many things will be easier for me. Li Zhu hurriedly said politely: "Secretary Liu is too modest, Those who can work hard!I have many things to learn from Secretary Liu in the future, and Secretary Ban is welcome to give me advice. "

Liu Jun waved his hand and said: "Comrade Li Zhu is too polite, let's learn from each other. You are a great talent in urban construction."

Li Zhuyi became humble.

Than: Tao Gushiwa.Wang, your trick is on the stage, Mayor Li Zhu of Wu Xiaolan, hehehe"

In addition, continue to ask everyone for monthly tickets.Now the distances on the monthly ticket list are very close. Pie is only a few tens of votes away from the first few masters, and the back master is only a few dozen votes away from Pie. It is really worrying. NO.16, if everyone has a monthly pass.Please support pie.Thank you very much! ! !Day o8, Shan Xun's book, ridicule, mouth and umbrella

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