Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1491 Legislation to stabilize housing prices

"Suppressing housing prices, heaven is right for Qianyu! The city government or Yu citizens are both four." Fei Yin's matter is done, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a great achievement for thousands of years.Therefore, it must be done well and must not be abandoned halfway.In order to ensure the continuity of this policy and ensure that it will not be suddenly suspended by the transfer of the main leaders, I think that the policy of stabilizing housing prices must be written into local regulations through legislation by the Municipal People's Congress.In the form of law, stabilize it and become the most basic policy of benefiting the people, and stick to it for a long time! "

Liu looked very serious.


Several Standing Committee members exclaimed.

Of course, the sound is controlled and not very loud.But the meaning of shock is revealed.Among them, several die-hard supporters of Liu Jun were included. [

According to the Local Organization Act and the Legislative Act, the "larger municipality" has legislative power.This "larger city" is not a larger city in the ordinary sense, but has strict legal regulations.The cities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located, the cities where the special economic zones are located, and the larger cities approved by the State Council are collectively referred to as "larger cities". The unified name of the city.

In cities with legislative power, various economic and social constructions are guaranteed by local laws and regulations.

As the provincial capital, Yulan City has long enjoyed local legislative power.But enacting the policy of stabilizing housing prices into law is not so simple.

"Yes, it is legislation. To protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from infringement in the form of law." Liu Jun said firmly.

"I admire Secretary Liu's heart and soul for the people," said Xie Nuan, deputy party secretary with a smile on his face. , Secretary Liu, I think this policy should be enough if it is confirmed through the documents of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Can it be put into local regulations for a while?"

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Since it's a meeting to discuss, let's talk about it, comrades."

"I agree with Secretary Xie Yu's opinion. Stabilizing housing prices is, after all, in the trial phase, oh. It's still under discussion, and it's not a trial." , are not quite consistent, we should do some exploration, after a period of trial, if there are no major problems, then consider the matter of legislation. "

Li Zhu also made a clear objection.

Although he has already experienced Liu Jun's "stubbornness", it is still somewhat unexpected that he is so stubborn.undeniable.Many of our documents and policies lack continuity and effective supervision.Often when a leader is changed, there is a new approach, and various tasks are always advancing amidst twists and turns.The red-headed documents have very little binding force on the main leading cadres, especially the documents of the party committee and government at the same level, which basically have no binding force on the local party and government leaders.These documents were originally adopted under the auspices of the main leaders.If the leader feels that these documents are restricting his hands and feet, he can export them to make a decision at any time.Cancel the original file.

Li boiled against his will and agreed to try housing price restrictions in Yulan City, but he "succumbed" to Liu Jun's absolute authority and absolute advantage in the municipal party committee.In Li Zhu's heart, he still hopes to change this policy in the future.

But now once it is fixed in the form of law, if you want to change it, the procedures will be much more cumbersome.

Of course, because of institutional problems, power lacks supervision, even if it has formed a law.It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't change it, or that you don't have to abide by it.If Li Zhu became the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee in the future, no one would come forward to sue him if he did not abide by these local regulations of a public nature, and he would not be afraid of suing him.

However, the general code is still not as easy to operate as non-legislation.

In particular, this law was insisted on by Liu Jun.

Even if Liu Jun leaves Yulan City in the future.Even if Li Zhu can take over smoothly, he will not dare to abolish or violate this law easily.He is not afraid of others suing him, but he is definitely afraid of Liu Jun "suing" him.When facing the scene, Liu Jun can make a fuss about his failure to abide by the law.

Hearing Li Zhu's words, Liu Jun smiled without saying a word, and glanced lightly at the members of the municipal party committee attending the meeting.

"I agree with Secretary Liu's opinion. If this matter really wants to continue and benefit the citizens for a long time, it must be fixed in the form of law."

Immediately after Li Shou, Niu Qianjin, secretary of the Yangchuan District Party Committee, was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Speaking of it, Niu Qianjin did this, which was a little bit too much.After all, his ranking in the Standing Committee is basically the bottom type. He can only be regarded as the leader of the municipal party committee in name, and his job is in Yangchuan District.However, the discussion was about specific policies to benefit the people. As a prince, he took the lead in speaking, which made sense.

Since Liu Jun officially became the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Niu Qianjin has consciously moved closer to Liu Jun, both in the Standing Committee and in actual work. Niu Jinjin's performance greatly inspired the old department of the original Ding family. Some cadres still had some concerns at first, worrying that Liu Jun would be the emperor and courtiers. They reused their own direct line and gradually rejected the cadres that Ding Yuzhou valued. Now that even Niu Jinjin is recognized Ding Yuzhou's most trusted cadre. They are all loyal to Liu Jun, so there is nothing to worry about. [

Although Secretary Ding went to the provincial CPPCC, the alliance with Secretary Liu still exists.The cadres of the Ding family and the Liu family in Yulan City can truly be integrated into one, and there is no distinction between them.

"I also agree. To be honest, our policy has some problems in terms of continuity. Often a major leader is replaced, and many policies are changed accordingly, causing a lot of unnecessary waste. It is also easy to cause citizens to dislike The government has misgivings and thinks our policy is not credible. Therefore, it is necessary to fix it in the form of law."

Fan Zhiwei, director of the Municipal Party Committee, said.

The relationship between Fan Zhiwei and Liu Jun is very good.When Liu Jun was still the secretary of the Changhe District Working Committee, he got along well with Fan Zhiwei, who was then the executive deputy of the Finance Department.This time Liu Jun insisted on taking Fan Zhiwei to Yulan City and entrusting him with the important task of organizing the minister. Fan Zhiwei was grateful.Regardless of whether he really agrees with the policy of stabilizing housing prices.But since Liu Jun has expressed such a firm attitude, as a general of the Liu family, he will naturally reject all other ideas and fully support Secretary Liu.

And what Fan Zhiwei said made sense, and he didn't stick together in principle.

"Secretary Liu, Mayor Li, let me share my opinion.

The new political and legal committee.

Several gazes shot at him, among which Zhong Yongming's expression was particularly dissatisfied.The reason is that Liu Yu always compares "Mayor Li" and "Secretary Liu" in the Standing Committee.All members of the Standing Committee of the Liu faction, including Wu Xingping, director of propaganda, and Qi Hongming, secretary of the Changhe District Working Committee.The Standing Committee has never been called "Secretary Liu." The suffix "Mayor Li" will never be added to Secretary Liu.

In the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, it is also necessary to highlight the uniqueness of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.Everyone wants to take this opportunity to squeeze Li Zhu's position on the Standing Committee into that of an ordinary Standing Committee member.To put it bluntly, it is also a small trick in the officialdom.

Liu Jun didn't care about this, and nodded towards Liu Yu.motioned for him to continue.

"I am in favor of the legislation, but should we take it easy and wait for a trial period to see how the citizens comment on this policy, then collect some materials with different opinions, discuss it carefully, and make legislation more appropriate Liu Yu laughed He said, with a soft tone: "After all, once legislation is made, it will not be easy to change it.It’s not serious if the text of the law is changed back and forth.”

Liu Yu's words sounded impartial, reasonable, and in line with his status as secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.In fact, it was natural to follow Li Zhu's meaning.Both he and Li Shou were on the Weiqing line of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Department.Moreover, Liu Yu was previously the director of the Changhe District Management Committee and a leading cadre in charge of economic construction, so he understood why Li Du opposed the stabilization of housing prices.

Now, the price limit order is inevitable.Liu Jun is so persistent, it can be resisted.Then the best thing to do is to at least not make it into a legal provision, and there will be a chance to revise this policy in the future.

In addition, as the direct descendants of the secretary of the provincial party committee, Li Zhu and Liu Yu should also properly express their voices on the standing committee of the municipal party committee.You can't always be submissive to Liu Jun.

Han Jinwu smiled and said: "Comrade Liu Yu, there is also a procedure for the Municipal People's Congress to make legislation, and hearings are required. I think this matter can be carried out at the same time. The Standing Committee forms a resolution, and first issues a document in the name of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and begins to implement it. At the same time, the Municipal Human Rights System Work Committee organizes personnel to conduct investigations, hold hearings, and then conduct formal legislation. This way, both can be achieved."

What Han Jinwu said was very reasonable, Liu Yu couldn't refute, so he could only smile and nod. "Jin Wuli, I completely agree." Zhong Yongming, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and executive deputy mayor, said with a smile: "This is a great thing. If we insist on doing it well, it will be a great achievement for the citizens of Yulan. Great boon.

As Secretary Liu once taught us, leading cadres must always keep the needs of the masses in mind.Persevere, after a few years, Yulan City may not be the most economically developed provincial capital, but it will definitely become the most livable provincial capital and the provincial capital with the highest people's happiness index. "

Zhong Yongming's words were intended to flatter Liu Jun, but fortunately it was not obvious.

Next, other members of the Standing Committee expressed their attitudes one by one, basically supporting Liu Jun's wise decision and supporting legislation.

"Since everyone has basically unified their opinions, let's proceed according to the model that Secretary Jinwu just said!"

Liu Jun made the final decision.

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