Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1515 The Stubborn Fan Zhiwei

, point.Guanqian city government has established the right infrastructure construction project headquarters, I am not in astonishment and tears! "

Fan Zhiwei had an expression on his face and a flat voice, but what he said surprised everyone.This one, you're really not being polite, you don't beat around the bush at all, and you're straight at Li Zhu.

Li Zhu's originally smiling expression disappeared immediately, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he changed into a serious look, and said in a deep voice: "Why does Comrade Zhiwei disapprove? The establishment of the infrastructure project headquarters is not Yulan city's creation

The standing committee members frowned secretly.

Li Zhu almost said clearly that he was imitating others, and I can't do it if Qianzhou messes it up? [

Before Fan Zhiwei explained his reasons, Li Qin put on a cockfighting stance, and his demeanor was not so obvious.

Greedy Zhiwei still said calmly: "Qianzhou is Qianzhou, and Magnolia is Magnolia. They are two different things. The situation is different and they should not be confused. The reason why Qianzhou established this infrastructure project headquarters was to sell state-owned assets in exchange for construction funds. This money is earmarked for special purposes, and can only be used for infrastructure construction, not for other purposes. It can be said to be independent. Therefore, an infrastructure construction project headquarters was established for unified management, not only to manage money, but also to manage project construction. This is It is reasonable and necessary. If the money obtained from the sale of state-owned assets is used to repair holes, or even eat and drink, it is a big basket. Yulan City does not have such a sum of money now? Then, normal financial It is more appropriate to go through the Municipal Finance Bureau for income and expenditure. One opening and one pen are more conducive to monitoring. Now that a large chunk of funds is abruptly allocated from the Finance Bureau, I am worried that someone will take advantage of the loopholes. One more Institutions, there is one more requirement for supervision. Moreover, the State Council is undergoing organizational reforms and streamlining, but we have added a department-level unit here, which is also contrary to the requirements of the State Council. Therefore, I do not agree with the establishment of this headquarters.

If it must be set up, I suggest that it is also appropriate to set it up inside the Municipal Finance Bureau, and a few capable personnel can be transferred from the existing departments of the Finance Bureau to manage it.In this way, the overall number of cadres will not increase, and they are still under the supervision of the Finance Bureau, which is barely possible. "

Fan Zhiwei spoke for four to five minutes at a stretch, and Li Zhuo's face was already elongated.

However, as the organization minister, Fan Zhiwei expressed his views on the issue of organizational establishment and cadre establishment.It's a matter of course, no matter whether it's right or wrong, it can't be said that he can't speak.But Li Zhu was not in a hurry to refute Fan Duwei, he just looked at him and waited for his next words.

From the looks of it, Fan Zhiwei still has a lot to say. He may not only have opinions on the establishment of the infrastructure engineering headquarters, but also on the introduction of cement projects.

Greedy Zhiwei took a sip of water from his teacup, put it down gently, straightened his body, looked at Li Zhu, and continued: "The second point is to introduce Haitian Group to settle in Hualin District and build a cement plant with an annual output of 500 million tons. factory, I don’t agree either.”

The Standing Committee members all looked at each other.

This Minister Fan.He really deserves to be a tough character, to even oppose such a project with huge benefits.

Seeing Li Zhu's face, he calmed down, looked at Fan Zhiwei, smiled and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

It's no wonder that Li Zhu put on a relaxed posture.If it is said that the establishment of the infrastructure construction headquarters is more or less selfish, the introduction of investment from Haitian Group is absolutely public and impeccable.After Fan Zhiwei "put his words out", Mayor Li retorted calmly, and took a good look at his face, to see if he would dare to be so domineering in the future?

"I agree with the city government's forecast of real estate growth in the next few years. According to Secretary Liu's blueprint, Yulan City will be built into a beautiful garden city and a livable city. Coupled with the restriction on housing prices, the masses will have an unprecedented desire to buy houses. Strongly, the scale of real estate development in Yulan City will also expand rapidly. However, I oppose the introduction of such a huge cement production enterprise. According to the current situation in the whole country, the phenomenon of economic overheating has appeared to varying degrees in various places, mainly in the basic Construction projects. As far as specific industries are concerned, they are concentrated in the steel industry, electrolytic aluminum industry and cement industry. These industries are all industries that consume huge resources. The demand for materials and building materials has greatly increased, and local governments are reckless in these projects for short-term interests, resulting in a very serious phenomenon of repeated investment.”

Greedy Zhiwei still explained his reasons in an orderly manner.

Some careful members of the Standing Committee found a look of appreciation in the eyes of the high-ranking Secretary Liu.This touch of appreciation was very faint and almost fleeting, but it was still captured.

In fact, whenever a dispute arises on the Standing Committee, most of the Standing Committee's first attention is not the content of the dispute, but Liu Jun's attitude.This is the "precondition" they decide to support or oppose

But now, Liu Jun showed a look of appreciation. Could it be that he wanted Fan Zhiwei to do this?Speaking of which, it's very possible.Purely economic issues, we share the same heart; it is generally not easy for many people to make false comments. "The only person who has the most say is Ka Ming, the executive deputy. Of course, it also includes Liu Jun himself, who is in charge of the overall monitor. However, Fan Zhiwei has some exceptions. The most important thing Yes, Fan Zhiwei was not an authentic party cadre. Before coming to Yulan City, most of his work was in government departments.

The deputy director of the Provincial Department of Finance and the deputy director of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission cannot be laymen in economic construction!

"Minister Fan, what you said is very reasonable. Repeated investment is really inappropriate. However, Haitian Group's investment in Yulan City can't be called repeated construction, right? Yulan City doesn't have many cement companies with real scale. "

Before Fan Zhiwei finished speaking, Liu Yu, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau, took up the topic with a smile. [

"The existing cement plants in Yulan City are either large-scale or long-established, with backward technology and low production capacity. It is difficult to meet our construction needs. Especially high-grade cement is in short supply. In recent years, the cement we need , a large part of them were transferred from other places, which caused a certain waste of time and money. This situation was especially obvious when I was working in Changhe District."

Liu Yu, like Fan Zhiwei, was mainly engaged in economic construction before, and as the director of the Changhe District Management Committee, economic construction was his main management.He came forward to refute Fan Zhiwei.Very suitable.

After all, Li Zhu is the mayor and the number two member of the municipal party committee, so he can't rush to the front line to "fight" with other standing committee members, so Liu Yu stepped forward.Everyone is a cadre on Di Weiqing's line.Liu Yu should "draw his sword to help", it should be said that Liu Yu's rebuttal is very powerful.

Gu Zhiwei said indifferently: "I also agree with Liu Yuli. Our cement enterprises in Yulan City are not large enough and the technology is not good enough, so they should be reformed. If Haitian Group comes to invest, directly take over these enterprises and revitalize them, then it will be very good. I support it. But it is unnecessary to build another cement plant with an annual capacity of 500 million tons. After this cement plant is built, all other small cement plants will go bankrupt. How will the workers be arranged? How will the plant and equipment be disposed of? ?”

Liu Yu smiled and said: "If you can do what Minister Yu said, it is of course a good strategy. But it depends on whether the Haitian Group is willing or not. After all, businessmen aim to make profits to transform old factories, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. We are still building a new factory. We also have to face the problem of relocating a large number of existing and retired employees. Few businessmen are willing to do such a thankless task.”

Several members of the Standing Committee nodded secretly.

Haitian Group is not a fool, is it okay to go to Yulan City to "help the poor"?

"I agree with Comrade Zhiwei's opinion. When we do work, we can't just focus on our own one-acre three-point land. Even if there is a shortage of cement enterprises in Yulan City, it is not considered redundant construction. But looking at the whole province or the whole country, the cement plant has already The production capacity is too high. So we should take the overall situation into consideration. If there is no or shortage of something in Yulan City, and we have to build a factory to produce it, then it’s okay? One of the characteristics of the market economy is that the circulation of materials is greatly improved. Speed ​​up. Besides, the cement plant pollutes the environment a lot, which runs counter to our policy of building a garden city in Yulan City.

The person who said this was Niu Qianjin, secretary of the Yangchuan District Party Committee.Niu Jinjin is now considered a vassal of Yulan City, and economic construction work is also his line of business. It is not too vulgar to intervene to support Fan Zhiwei.

Li Zhu's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

Li Zhu was not angry that Niu Qianjin stood up for Fan Zhiwei.They were all Liu Jun's confidantes, and it was understandable that they were at the same level in the Standing Committee.What makes Li Zhu angry is that the plan made by Liu Jun is a major policy, and Li Zhu's work is optional.Everything has to make way for Secretary Liu's major policies.

Niu Qianjin's rebuttal was very powerful. Liu Yu couldn't think of a good answer for a while, so he smiled at Niu Qianjin and stopped talking.

"Pure economic construction issues, in my opinion, should be based on the opinions of the municipal government. Mayor Li is an expert in urban construction.

Seeing that Liu Yu was "defeated", Xie Nuan had no choice but to step forward.Right now, the department officials in Yulan City are just Li Zhu, Liu Yu, and herself. If they don't form a group, it will be difficult for them to gain a firm foothold in Yulan City.Even survival has become a problem, how can Liu Jun be restrained?

"As for the establishment of the infrastructure construction headquarters, I think it should be. Although the actual situation in Yulan City and Qianzhou City are different, the reason is the same. They are all for better infrastructure construction work. .Minister Fan just talked about the staffing issue, but it’s actually not a big problem. We can mobilize capable people from other departments to fill it up. It doesn’t increase the number of cadres in the staffing system, which is not contrary to the original intention of the State Council to streamline the organization!”

Xie Yuan stroked his head and said elegantly. (to be continued)

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