Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1521 Let You Know the Methods of Liu Yanei 1

The price limit order in Yuyi City!Afterwards, suddenly there was a foreign investment company, and many other foreign-funded companies, including well-known domestic private enterprises, poured into Yulan City to invest.The annual investment promotion task set by the city was completed in less than two months.

Li was stunned by the "abnormal" situation when cooking noodles.

Only the "old" cadres in Yulan City are not surprised.Back then, when Secretary Liu was in charge of Changhe District, it was such a lively scene.All kinds of foreign capital scrambled to come here, and in less than two years, they created a long river miracle.Moreover, this miracle is still in progress. It is estimated that Changhe District will pay more than 30 billion yuan in profits and taxes to the municipal finance this year, continuing to support half of the country.

Hualin District is also developing rapidly and is expected to become the second Changhe District.

This time, there is Liu Jun behind the wave of attracting investment. [

In order to promote the high development of Yulan City, Mr. Liu Jun, the world's richest man, once again issued a "mobilization order."

Liu Jun did this out of necessity.

Since taking charge of Qianzhou, Liu Jun has deliberately restricted the funds and enterprises related to him to play a leading role in Qianzhou.The purpose is to keep a low profile, so as not to be criticized.It stands to reason that he should keep a low profile when he has reached the high position of vice-provincial level.But in the current situation, Liu Jun couldn't help being so scruples.Restricting housing prices, looking at the whole country, is against the sky.It has sparked heated discussions across the country.Of course, there is a lot of applause among the people and the Internet, and the netizens in Yulan City are especially proud, saying that Yulan City has a good secretary and a good mayor.But the official response was different.

Strictly speaking, there has been little official response.

The mainstream media rarely reported on the price limit order in Yulan City.Even if there were reports, it was in the form of a quick news, with a sentence or two hurriedly conveyed, and everyone was waiting and watching, keeping secrets.

However, most of the private comments are against it.I am very dissatisfied with Liu Jun's unconventional behavior.

All kinds of news and rumors in the capital were continuously fed back to Liu Jun through Yan Ming, Ming Yu, Cui Fucheng, Ling Junqing and other ministries and commission officials.Since Liu Jun took the lead in starting the "war" in Yulan City, the allies naturally wanted to collect timely intelligence for him.

Cui Fucheng, deputy director of the National Reform Commission, told Liu Jun clearly that within the Reform Commission, there were two completely different voices regarding the price limit order in Yulan City.One voice was support, and some even praised him, saying that Liu Jun dared to be the first in the world, and he deserved to be an example of governing for the people.But people who hold this view.It is a minority, and most of them are young people who have not been working for a long time, and they regard Liu Jun as an idol of worship.No matter what Liu Jun said or did, they were regarded as classics by these people.Most of the cadres of the reform committee, especially the senior and prudent cadres above the bureau level, are opposed to it.I think Liu Jun is purely unconventional and grandstanding.It is disregarding reality and national conditions.

The reality is that many cities across the country, especially the county-level finances, will be able to survive if they do not rely on a large number of land transfers and high-priced land transfers.Possibly bankrupt.Once the grassroots regime is unstable, the cornerstone of the entire regime will go wrong.

Judging from the actual situation in Yulan City, everyone asserted.This limit order will not last long.

The reason is that Liu Jun is too good at spending money.

When Wang was the mayor of Yulan City, he made a big effort to build a garden city. It is estimated that he will invest more than [-] million yuan, which is equivalent to the total financial revenue of Yulan City for the whole year.With the rapid development of the city, various livelihood issues such as transportation and water and electricity supply will become extremely prominent. At that time, more money will be needed to upgrade the city's infrastructure.

If you spend so much money, you dare to limit housing prices and give up a large amount of income from land transfer fees. By then, Yulan City will no longer be a garden city, but a city with traffic jams, a city with power outages, and a city short of water. , and eventually turned into a garbage city.

How do you do these things without money?

"Secretary Liu, be careful."

Cui Fucheng said worriedly on the phone.

Liu Jun can feel that Cui Fucheng's worries are very sincere, and he is really worried about him.After Cui Fucheng went to the reform committee, he showed a strong ability to work. In a short period of time, he took control of the department he was in charge of, and his work efficiency was greatly improved.For this reason, Cui Fucheng was highly valued by Liu Jincai.He Yan'an and other bigwigs in this faction also gave him very positive comments.

Cui Fucheng's once silent mind immediately came alive again.Not only has he been recognized by the big faction, but he has also been valued by Prime Minister Liu. Director Cui has a bright future.

Leaving aside his friendship with Liu Jun, Cui Fucheng also didn't want Liu Jincai and his son to make any mistakes.That would directly affect Director Cui's future. [

In comparison, strict words are much more straightforward than Cui Fucheng.

Yan Ming said on the phone: "Liu Jun, everyone is waiting to see your joke!"

Facts have proved that regardless of national conditions, mavericks will suffer, and they will not be tolerated in the political arena or their colleagues.It will become the target of mass attack.

Said!If you do all these things well, if you fail every day, you will be attacked by the ferocious Wan Gang people.Maybe you have to be mentally prepared to stand still."

Liu Jun knew that Yan Ming was telling the truth.Don't say that the cadres of other camps are waiting to see his jokes, even in the headquarters of the Yanliu faction, there are many cadres who do not agree with Liu Jun's approach.

Baozhou City proposed to learn from Yulan City and Qianzhou City to limit the rapidly soaring real estate prices in Baozhou, but it was criticized by its superiors.Governor Tian Wenming even summoned Shen Jun, the new Secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee, and asked him to base himself on reality and not to be too hot-headed.

Restricting housing prices is indeed a big taboo.As Li Zhu said, most cities across the country are made in this way.No matter who is in power in the city, what is the ruling philosophy, what is the camp, on this point, everyone is surprisingly unanimous.

It doesn't take much brains, and it doesn't take much effort.Who wouldn't want to get a lot of money from a price increase policy?And who is willing to attract investment and open up new sources of revenue and taxation?

The promotion of cadres ultimately depends on your achievements in office.

"It's too early to say who's watching the joke."

On the phone, Liu Jun replied to Yan Ming lightly.

Yan Ming didn't say much. Yan Ming always admired the ability of this brother-in-law and brother-in-law.Since Liu Jun chose this thorny road, he must have made some preparations.

In view of this situation, Liu Jun had no choice but to let go of his taboos and once again issued a "mobilization order."

Aren't you just worried about running out of money?

Alright, let's try our best to develop the economy and open up new tax sources, and let you see the methods of Liu Yanei!

Of course, Liu Jun also knows that the development of Yulan City in this way is not representative.After all, not every city's municipal party secretary is an invisible world rich man who can mobilize countless funds to participate in urban construction.But Liu Jun has to go on, he wants to set an example, and in the upcoming national game, he will carry a great banner for his father, so that his father will not fight alone!

At this critical moment, Liu Jun's ability to control has been fully demonstrated.Not only him, but all the officials of the Liu family in the municipal party committee and municipal government, including the officials of the Liu family in the subordinate districts, counties and municipal agencies, have all mobilized to attract investment and open up new tax sources.

Yangchuan District, Huacheng District, Hualin Kai District and other districts and counties, the municipal party committee office, the municipal government office, the agency affairs management bureau, the finance bureau, the land bureau, the China Merchants Bureau and other municipal units have asked their affiliated units to reduce administrative expenses. , Compress reception costs.Practicing thrift.

All of a sudden, there was a situation of unity in Yulan City.

Secretary Liu rushed to the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau for inspection.

Cao Huaiyuan, director of the Local Taxation Bureau, was notified by Ke Qifan's phone call, so he didn't dare to be negligent. He gathered the members of the party group of the Local Taxation Bureau and the main cadres in charge of the department, and hurriedly lined up at the gate of the Municipal Bureau to warmly welcome Secretary Liu to inspect the Local Taxation Bureau.This is Liu Jun's second official visit to the Local Taxation Bureau, the first time when he was the mayor.Of course Cao Huaiyuan is a frequent visitor to his office.The head of the local tax bureau was single-handedly picked up by Cui Fucheng.However, when Wang Guoli was in office, Cao Huaiyuan was only the deputy director of the Local Taxation Bureau.Because of his seniority, Cui Fucheng couldn't promote him to the position of bureau chief immediately.

After Liu Jun became the mayor, Ding Yuzhou fully supported his work, and Liu Jun promoted Cao Huaiyuan as the director of the bureau. [

Therefore, Cao Huaiyuan can be regarded as Liu Jun's direct confidant.Even from Cui Fucheng, Cao Huaiyuan has a close relationship with Liu Jun.In fact, most of the cadres at the county level in Yulan City are Ding, Cui, and Liu cadres, because of Liu Jun's "alliance" with Ding Yuzhou and Cui Fucheng. After Liu Jun took charge of Yulan City, these cadres naturally Follow Secretary Liu closely.

Da Ao forced to drive slowly into the compound of the Land Taxation Bureau, Cao Huaiyuan stepped forward quickly, and opened the car door for Secretary Liu.

As soon as Liu Jun got out of the car, applause rang out.Seeing this posture, Liu Jun frowned, and said displeasedly: "Huaiyuan, why are you still doing this kind of thing? The municipal party committee has issued repeated orders to prohibit pick-up and drop-off, don't you understand?"

Cao Huaiyuan was taken aback, and nodded quickly: "Yes, Secretary Liu, it was all my fault." Why, comrades were very excited when they heard that you were coming to inspect in person, and they came out to greet you.

This word naturally has a lot of "moisture".However, Liu Jun came here today to cheer up the cadres of the Local Taxation Bureau, encourage them to increase collection, eliminate dead ends of taxation, and strive to create more revenue for the city's finances, so it is inconvenient to take too much responsibility.

No matter what, Cao Huaiyuan did this to express his respect to Secretary Liu.

Liu Jun nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, and walked over to shake hands with the welcoming officials of the Local Taxation Bureau.

The cadres looked excited one by one. (to be continued)

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